designing for garbage collection

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Designing for Garbage Collection

Gregg DonovanSenior Software Engineer

Wednesday, July 31, 13

3.5 Years Search Engineering at

5 years Search & Web Engineeringat

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

25+ million members

Wednesday, July 31, 13

20+ million items

Wednesday, July 31, 13

900k+ active sellers

Wednesday, July 31, 13

60+ million monthly unique visitors

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

CodeAsCraft.etsy.comWednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Understanding GC

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Understanding GCMonitoring GC

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Understanding GCMonitoring GC

Debugging Memory Leaks

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Understanding GCMonitoring GC

Debugging Memory LeaksDesign for Partial Availability

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

public class BuzzwordDetector { static String[] prefixes = { "synergy", "win-win" }; static String[] myArgs = { "clown synergy", "gorilla win-wins", "whamee" };

public static void main(String[] args) { args = myArgs;

int buzzwords = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String lc = args[i].toLowerCase(); for (int j = 0; j < prefixes.length; j++) { if (lc.contains(prefixes[j])) { buzzwords++; } } } System.out.println("Found " + buzzwords + " buzzwords"); }}

Wednesday, July 31, 13

New(): ref <- allocate() if ref = null /* Heap is full */ collect() ref <- allocate() if ref = null /* Heap is still full */ error "Out of memory" return ref atomic collect(): markFromRoots() sweep(HeapStart, HeapEnd)

From Garbage Collection HandbookWednesday, July 31, 13

markFromRoots(): initialise(worklist) for each fld in Roots ref <- *fld if ref != null && not isMarked(ref) setMarked(ref) add(worklist, ref) mark() initialise(worklist): worklist <- empty mark(): while not isEmpty(worklist) ref <- remove(worklist) /* ref is marked */ for each fld in Pointers(ref) child <- *fld if (child != null && not isMarked(child) setMarked(child) add(worklist, child)

From Garbage Collection HandbookWednesday, July 31, 13

Trivia: Who invented the first GC and Mark-and-Sweep?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Weak Generational Hypothesis

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Where do objects in your application live?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

GC Terminology:Concurrent vs Parallel

Wednesday, July 31, 13

JVM Collectors

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

Garbage First (G1)

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector (C4)

Wednesday, July 31, 13

IBM, Dalvik, etc.?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Why Throughput?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Questions so far?

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

GC time per request

Wednesday, July 31, 13


public static long getCollectionTime() { long collectionTime = 0; for (GarbageCollectorMXBean mbean : ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans()) { collectionTime += mbean.getCollectionTime(); } return collectionTime; }

Available via JMX

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Visual GC

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

export GC_DEBUG="-verbose:gc \-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps \-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC \-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime \-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime \-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy \-XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval=1 \-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution \-XX:+PrintGCDetails \-XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags \-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics \-Xloggc:/var/log/search/gc.log"

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

2013-04-08T20:14:00.162+0000: 4197.791: [Full GCAdaptiveSizeStart: 4206.559 collection: 213 PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space limits: desired_promo_size: 9927789154 promo_limit: 8321564672 free_in_old_gen: 4096 max_old_gen_size: 22190686208 avg_old_live: 22190682112AdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space limits: desired_eden_size: 9712028790 old_eden_size: 8321564672 eden_limit: 8321564672 cur_eden: 8321564672 max_eden_size: 8321564672 avg_young_live: 7340911616AdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: gc time limit gc_cost: 1.000000 GCTimeLimit: 98PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::compute_generation_free_space: costs minor_time: 0.167092 major_cost: 0.965075 mutator_cost: 0.000000 throughput_goal: 0.990000 live_space: 29859940352 free_space: 16643129344 old_promo_size: 8321564672 old_eden_size: 8321564672 desired_promo_size: 8321564672 desired_eden_size: 8321564672AdaptiveSizeStop: collection: 213 [PSYoungGen: 8126528K->7599356K(9480896K)] [ParOldGen: 21670588K->21670588K(21670592K)] 29797116K->29269944K(31151488K) [PSPermGen: 58516K->58512K(65536K)], 8.7690670 secs] [Times: user=137.36 sys=0.03, real=8.77 secs] Heap after GC invocations=213 (full 210): PSYoungGen total 9480896K, used 7599356K [0x00007fee47ab0000, 0x00007ff0dd000000, 0x00007ff0dd000000) eden space 8126528K, 93% used [0x00007fee47ab0000,0x00007ff0177ef080,0x00007ff037ac0000) from space 1354368K, 0% used [0x00007ff037ac0000,0x00007ff037ac0000,0x00007ff08a560000) to space 1354368K, 0% used [0x00007ff08a560000,0x00007ff08a560000,0x00007ff0dd000000) ParOldGen total 21670592K, used 21670588K [0x00007fe91d000000, 0x00007fee47ab0000, 0x00007fee47ab0000) object space 21670592K, 99% used [0x00007fe91d000000,0x00007fee47aaf0e0,0x00007fee47ab0000) PSPermGen total 65536K, used 58512K [0x00007fe915000000, 0x00007fe919000000, 0x00007fe91d000000) object space 65536K, 89% used [0x00007fe915000000,0x00007fe918924130,0x00007fe919000000)}

Wednesday, July 31, 13

GC Log Analyzers?



garbagecat, July 31, 13

Graphing with Logster

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Designing for Partial Availability

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

How can a client ignore GC-ing hosts?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Server lies to clients about availability

TCP socket receive buffer

TCP write buffer

Wednesday, July 31, 13

“Banner” protocol1. Connect via TCP

2. Wait ~1-10ms

3. Either receive magic four byte header or try another host

4. Only send query after receiving header from server

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

public function open() { $this->handle_ = @fsockopen($this->host_, $this->port_, $errno, $errstr, $this->connectTimeout_ / 1000.0); try { stream_set_timeout($this->handle_, 0, $banner_timeout * 1000); $read_start = microtime(true); $data = $this->readAll(4); $read_time = (microtime(true) - $read_start) * 1000; // micros to millis $arr = unpack('N', $data); $value = $arr[1]; if ($value !== 0xC0DEA5CF) { StatsD::increment("search.baddata.{$short_hostname}.{$this->getPort()}"); throw new TTransportException("[$value] does match banner [0xC0DEA5CF]"); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->close(); // this won't necessarily be closed by clients throw new TTransportException($message, self::BANNER_TIMEOUT_CODE); }}

Wednesday, July 31, 13

private static class BannerSendingTProcessorFactory extends TProcessorFactory { private final TProcessor base; public BannerSendingTProcessorFactory(TProcessor base) { super(base); this.base = base; }

@Override public TProcessor getProcessor(TTransport trans) { return new BannerTProcessor(base, (TSocket) trans); }}

private static final class BannerTProcessor implements TProcessor { private final TProcessor base; private final TSocket tsocket;

private BannerTProcessor(TProcessor base, TSocket tsocket) { this.base = checkNotNull(base); this.tsocket = checkNotNull(tsocket); }

@Override public boolean process(TProtocol in, TProtocol out) throws TException { this.tsocket.write(TBannerUtil.BANNER, 0, 4); this.tsocket.flush(); return this.base.process(in, out); }}

Wednesday, July 31, 13

What if GC happens mid-request?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Backup requests

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Jeff Dean: Achieving Rapid Response Time in Large

Online Services

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Naive approach: only as fast as the slowest shard.

Wednesday, July 31, 13

“Make a reliable whole out of unreliable parts.”

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Memory Leaks

Wednesday, July 31, 13

SolrIndexSearcher generation marking with YourKit triggers

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Questions so far?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Miscellaneous Topics

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script is designed to be run every minute by cron.

host=$(hostname -s)

psout=$(ps h -p `cat /var/run/` -o min_flt,maj_flt 2>/dev/null)min_flt=$(echo $psout | awk '{print $1}') # minor page faultsmaj_flt=$(echo $psout | awk '{print $2}') # major page faults

epoch_s=$(date +%s)

echo -e "search_memstats.$host.etsy-search.min_flt\t${min_flt:-0}\t$epoch_s" | nc 2003echo -e "search_memstats.$host.etsy-search.maj_flt\t${maj_flt:-0}\t$epoch_s" | nc 2003

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Solution 1: Buy more RAM

Ideally enough RAM to:Keep data in OS file buffersAND ensure no paging of VM memory AND whatever else happens on the box


Wednesday, July 31, 13

echo “0” > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

echo “-17” > /proc/$PID/oom_adj

Mercy from the OOM Killer

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Huge Pages

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

Future Directions

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Many small VMs instead of one large VM


Wednesday, July 31, 13

Off-heap memory with sun.misc.Unsafe?

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Try G1 again

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Try C4 again

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Mark Miller’s GC Bootcamp

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Gil Tene: Understanding Java Garbage Collection

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Ulrich Drepper: What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory

Wednesday, July 31, 13, July 31, 13

Read the JVM Source(Not as scary as it sounds.)

Wednesday, July 31, 13

Mechanical Sympathy Google Group

Wednesday, July 31, 13


Thanks for coming!


Wednesday, July 31, 13

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