design thinking action lab -- assignment "ideation"

Post on 11-Feb-2015






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Design Thinking Action Lab By Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, Stanford University Topic: "how to make next step from School, University to unknown world" Phase: "Ideation"


Design Thinking CouseDesign Thinking Action Lab

By Leticia Britos Cavagnaro, Stanford University Summer 2013



■ Define target University■ Identify future target■ Define target in term of action plan■ Write an action plan■ Start waking up each morning in time■ Start reading study related books■ Start doing sport again■ Make renovation in the room■ Change the room set-up

Turn into the action

■ Throw the computer away■ Delete / Sell all game accounts■ Sell all game■ Ask parents to cut Internet connection■ Sell Games and give money to parents■ Paint your room new color■ Move furniture around declaring your new live■ Erase all links to your Gaming Friends■ Change Skype account■ Change mail address

Turn into the action

Improve self-confidence

■ Analyze what did not work in the past■ Start believing yourself■ Prove yourself that you can■ Define target University■ Prepare and participate in marathon■ …

Choose from options

■ Collect information about most interesting options■ Analyze what is really interesting● Invest time in the Internet searching missing pieces● Go to presentations where people talk, present information

about one or another job / area / industry● Visit exhibitions● All that still can be done in parallel to school

■ to think "what I am dreaming about" - search own destiny

■ Look on these I admire


■ Healthy competition with peers■ Seek relatives and friends support■ Define bonus for yourself in case of targets are achieved■ Forget about past● New teachers anyway● Seek for nice teachers

■ Talk with Gymnasium looking for the support

Steps to rise self-confidence

■ Seek for someone who might help rebuilding self-confidence

■ Define mini-project for yourself and/or family to have small success

■ Start making steps towards your target■ Start planning time and follow it

Start from small targets

■ remind yourself about positive aspects in the school■ concentrate on positive aspects of this education■ if not now - then newer - has to start■ Focus on disciplines, which are really important■ Convince yourself that it is needed■ Stop playing computer games● … up to 10 hours a day

■ Make a rule: 1 hour gaming - 2 hours on the bicycle■ Make a trip to another place■ Just apply to the Gymnasium

1 easy to get2-3 key ones…

1 IDEARules■ 1 Idea – easy to get■ Easy to implement■Most impact■… hmmm

Just apply to the Gymnasium


2-3 KEY ONES…■ Start planning time and follow it■ Stop playing Computer Games■ Define Target University

INSIGHT■ It is easy to state… hard to implement…■ Next step – define how to get there…

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