design optimization and testing of electric tire … depan.pdf ·...

Post on 01-Mar-2020






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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment for Getting A Bachelor Degree of

Engineering in Automotive Engineering Department

Arranged by:












“Indeed, in the creation of the skies and the earth, and the changing

between the nights and the days there are the signs of Allah’s majesty

for those who have intelligence.”

(QS. Ali-Imran: 190)

“Faith and Morality make us strong, without them We will be nothing.”

(Tapak Suci)

“A Champion is not only someone who always in the lead, but also

someone who can catch up.”

(A. Darmawan A.)



This Final Project is dedicated to:

My Parents who won’t feel tired to give education for me

My beloved brother Kurniawan Azzaky

And all of My Family

Eva Aulia, Yudha Adi Permana, Yusuf, Rifki and Rizal

My best partners who always support my steps

All 2014/2015 Staffs and

The Big Family of Tapak Suci Unit 003

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

My Classmates

in UMS Automotive Engineering 2011


for All Readers





Di negara ini, bengkel tambal ban telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan

pokok dalam dunia otomotif. Berdasarkan situasi inilah, banyak orang tertarik

untuk meneliti tentang alat penambal ban yang pada dasarnya

mengkombinasikan komponen pemanas dan penekan. Ketertarikan untuk

meneliti alat ini muncul karena selain hal tersebut menjadi kasus yang

menarik, juga dapat menghasilkan peluang untuk menjalankan sebuah lahan

bisnis. Seperti halnya dalam penelitin ini, ketertarikan terletak pada

perbaikan desain menggunakan metode optimasi pada alat yang telah dibuat

sebelumnya. Penelitian ini mempunyai dua tujuan utama yaitu merancang

ulang alat guna meningkatkan keunggulannya serta menguji performa dari

produk yang telah dibuat kemudian mempertimbangkan bagaimanakah bila

produk tersebut diproduksi secara masal. Dua rancangan alat penambal ban

dalam penelitian ini akan dievaluasi menggunakan program Solidworks 2013.

Evaluasi tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk analisis statika struktur. Pada

proses simulasi, kedua desain akan diberikan pembebanan sebesar 200 N,

400 N, 600 N, 800 N, 1000 N dan 1200 N. Variasi beban tersebut digunakan

untuk menunjukkan distribusi tegangan, pergeseran elemen dan factor

keamanan dari produk. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan adanya peningkatan

performa alat dari rancangan sebelumnya. Di lain sisi, biaya produksi alat

juga dilaporkan secara lengkap guna dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk tindak

lanjut yang akan datang.

Kata kunci: alat penambal ban, optimasi, Solidworks, simulasi.





The tire patching station is become a major need in this country.

Based on this situation, many people are interested to observe about Tire

Patching Tool that basically combines a heating and a pressing component.

The interests to observe this tool are turned up besides it can be a motivating

study, it also provide an opportunity to carry out a business field. Likewise

here, it motivated to optimize the design that has created before using

optimization method. This research has two major aims that are redesign the

better tire patching tool to maximize its benefits and test the performance of

the product and examine the cost if the tool wishes to be mass produced.

Two designs of the tire patching tool in this project will be evaluated using

Solidworks 2013 program. The evaluation is stated in the simulation of on

statics study. On the simulation, both of them will be loaded by 200 N, 400 N,

600 N, 800 N, 1000 N and 1200 N. These load variation are used to indicate

the stress distributions, displacements and safety factors of the product.

Then, the known terms will generate a possibility of fatigue on both designs.

The result of research concludes that there are some improvements of tool

performances. In the other hand the cost of production is also reported so it

can become a reference to do the further works.

Keywords: tire patching tool, optimization, Solidworks, simulation.



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, a thousand thanks for Allah SWT who has

given His mercies and blessings so the arrangement of this paper is done

clearly. Secondly may peace and salutation always be given to Rasulullah

SAW who has guided mankind to the era of knowledge improvement.

This final project is become a fulfillment of graduation as a college

student. It will complete the three pillars of college that are, Education,

Research and Dedication for Society. It won’t be finished without any help

and guidance from people that have supported me. Therefore, on this

opportunity the writer would like to say many thanks to:

1. Ir. Sri Sunarjono, MT. Ph.D as Dean of Engineering Faculty in

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

2. Wijianto, ST, M.Eng.Sc as Head of Automotive Engineering


3. Agus Dwi Anggono, MT. Ph.D as the first supervisor of this final

project who has given many guidances and inspirations to him in this


4. All lecturers in Automotive Engineering Department who has

motivated the writer along his study.

5. Mr. Darul Khoiri, the owner of Media Ban Company Blitar, who has

helped to build the heater.

6. All His classmate in Automotive Engineering 2011 with their

memorable moments.

7. All people who writer can’t mentioned one by one, who has support

the writer to succeed this research .

This paper is contains some data during research session during final

project activities of the writer. It aims to serve the information that gained


from the design, optimization and testing of an electric tire patching tool. The

result of research will affect to realize the further works to gain a better

benefits than this research.

. The maximum effort has been served to realize this papers.

Hopefully, this is useful for everyone that read it and it has a great place in

knowledge improvement.

Surakarta, September 13th


The Writer



TITLE .............................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION OF RESEARCH AUTHENTICITY ........................................ ii

APPROVAL................................................................................................... iii

VALIDATION................................................................................................. iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. viii

FOREWORD ................................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ xi

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background ..................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement ......................................................................... 5

C. Problem Limitations ......................................................................... 5

D. Objectives of Research ................................................................... 5

E. Benefits of Research ....................................................................... 6

F. Writing Systematics ......................................................................... 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................... 8

A. Literature Review ............................................................................ 8

B. Basic Theories .............................................................................. 11

1. Mechanical Design and Optimization ................................. 11

2. Optimization Using Solidworks Program............................. 13

3. Electric Tire Patching Tool .................................................. 14

4. Distributed Forces .............................................................. 18

5. Conduction Heat Transfer ................................................... 22

6. Electric Cost ....................................................................... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................. 26

A. Flowchart of Research .................................................................. 26

B. Time and Place of Research ......................................................... 27

1. Research Place .................................................................. 27


2. Project Schedule ................................................................ 27

C. Tools and Materials ....................................................................... 27

1. Materials ............................................................................. 27

2. Tools ................................................................................... 31

D. Research Procedures ................................................................... 34

1. Analysis and Optimization UMS-001 Tire Patching Tool .... 34

2. Tool Making ........................................................................ 41

E. Product Testing ............................................................................. 49

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 51

A. The Grip Performance of UMS-001 Patching Tool ........................ 51

1. Decreasing of Distributional Loads for Clamping Abilities .. 51

2. Stress and Displacements on the Grip Pliers Structure ...... 53

3. Safety Factor ...................................................................... 56

4. Fatigue Check .................................................................... 58

B. The Optimization ........................................................................... 58

C. Performances of UMS-002 Tire Patching Tool .............................. 59

1. General Information ............................................................ 59

2. Stress and Displacements on the Grip’s Structure ............. 59

3. Safety Factor ...................................................................... 64

4. Fatigue Check .................................................................... 66

D. Conduction Heat Transfer on the Tool .......................................... 67

1. Temperature of Heater Core when Heater Idle Stopped .... 67

2. Heat Loss over Pressure Pad ............................................. 68

3. Heat Insulation Ability ......................................................... 70

E. Patching Test on Specimens......................................................... 71

F. Production Cost Reports ............................................................... 73

G. Difficulties of Research ................................................................. 74

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS ................................ 76

A. Conclusions................................................................................... 76

B. Future Works ................................................................................................. 77

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 79

APPENDIX ................................................................................................... 81



Figure 2.1 Constraint surfaces in a hypothetical design space.(Rao 2009) .. 12

Figure 2.2 UMS-001 Tire Patching Tool ........................................................ 15

Figure 2.3 Skeleton and free body diagram of Vise-Grip ............................. 16

Figure 2.4 Rico Heater 220V, 100W ............................................................ 18

Figure 2.5 Profiles of distributed forces by line (a), area (b) and volume (c). (Meriam & Kraige 2013). .............................................................. 19

Figure 2.6 Trapezoidal load on UMS-001 ..................................................... 20

Figure 2.7 Profiles of rectangular and triangular loads ................................. 20

Figure 2.8 Resultant on trapezoidal load ...................................................... 21

Figure 2.9 Profile of conduction heat transfer. (Çengel 2002) ....................... 22

Figure 2.10 Conduction profile on heater ...................................................... 23

Figure 2.11 Multilayer heat transfer .............................................................. 23

Figure 3.1 Flowchart of research .................................................................. 26

Figure 3.2 UMS-001 design .......................................................................... 28

Figure 3.3 Tekiro 10” Grip Pliers ................................................................... 28

Figure 3.4 Carbon steel sheet ....................................................................... 29

Figure 3.5 Electric heater 125 Watts ............................................................. 30

Figure 3.6 M6 Hexagon Bolt 20 mm length ................................................... 30

Figure 3.7 Material for heat insulator ............................................................ 30

Figure 3.8 FDR 90x90 14” inner tire for matic motorcycle ............................. 31

Figure 3.9 Compound rubber ........................................................................ 31

Figure 3.10 A notebook installed with Solidworks 2013 ................................ 32

Figure 3.11 Ruler and Protractor ................................................................... 32

Figure 3.12 Tricle Brand Vernier Caliper ....................................................... 33

Figure 3.13 Krisbow KW-277 digital thermometer ......................................... 33

Figure 3.14 Stopwatch apps on Samsung Galaxy J-1 .................................. 34

Figure 3.15 Model view of UMS-001 ............................................................. 35

Figure 3.16 Simulation toolbar ...................................................................... 35

Figure 3.17 Statics study simulation ............................................................. 36

Figure 3.18 Fixture advisor ........................................................................... 37

Figure 3.19 Loads advisor ............................................................................ 38

Figure 3.20 Location of mesh toolbar ............................................................ 38

Figure 3.21 Advanced mesh parameter ........................................................ 39


Figure 3.22 Mesh appearance of UMS-001 .................................................. 40

Figure 3.23 Iterative solver when analysis running ....................................... 40

Figure 3.24 Result of study ........................................................................... 41

Figure 3.25 Sketch of Upper C-Beam ........................................................... 42

Figure 3.26 Extruding the sketch .................................................................. 42

Figure 3.27 Profile of extrude cut .................................................................. 43

Figure 3.28 Sketch of Lower C-Beam ........................................................... 43

Figure 3.29 Weld bead feature...................................................................... 44

Figure 3.30 Sketch of hinge .......................................................................... 44

Figure 3.31 Hole making on hinge ................................................................ 45

Figure 3.32 Fillet the outer hinge side ........................................................... 45

Figure 3.33 Making the rest of geometry for the hinge .................................. 45

Figure 3.34 Hinge design .............................................................................. 46

Figure 3.35 Giving the weld feature on hinge ............................................... 46

Figure 3.36 C-Beam sketch on carbon steel sheet ....................................... 47

Figure 3.37 C-Beam ...................................................................................... 48

Figure 3.38 Grip pliers joint with C-Beam ..................................................... 48

Figure 3.39 Hinge ......................................................................................... 48

Figure 3.40 The patching specimens ............................................................ 49

Figure 4.1 Mesh for UMS-001 Grip Pliers ..................................................... 53

Figure 4.2 Von Mises Stress Simulation with 1200 N Loads ......................... 54

Figure 4.3 Location of Maximum Von Mises Stress ...................................... 55

Figure 4.4 Displacement Simulation on UMS-001 ........................................ 55

Figure 4.5 Safety Factor on UMS-001 .......................................................... 57

Figure 4.6 Fatigue Check on UMS-001 ......................................................... 58

Figure 4.7 UMS-002 Design.......................................................................... 59

Figure 4.8 Von Mises Stress Simulation on UMS-002 Design ...................... 60

Figure 4.9 Principle of Stress Distribution with Maximum Stress Location .... 61

Figure 4.10 Stress Comparison between UMS-001 and UMS-002 ............... 62

Figure 4.11 Displacement Simulations on UMS-002 ..................................... 63

Figure 4.12 Displacements Comparison between UMS-001 and UMS-002 . 64

Figure 4.13 Safety Factor on UMS-002 ........................................................ 65

Figure 4.14 Safety Factor Comparison between UMS-001 and UMS-002 .... 66

Figure 4.15 Fatigue Check on UMS-002 ....................................................... 67

Figure 4.16 Dimension of Heating Surface ................................................... 67


Figure 4.17 Thermal Resistance of Pressure Pad ........................................ 68

Figure 4.18 Insulation of Heater .................................................................... 70

Figure 4.19 Appearance of specimen after patching ..................................... 71

Figure 4.20 Diameter of specimens before and after patching ..................... 72

Figure 4.21 Finished UMS-002 Tire Patching Tool ....................................... 75



Table 2.1 Kind of electricity fare and its regular cost for April 2016 .............. 25

Table 3.1 1023 Carbon Steel Sheet Specifications ....................................... 29

Table 3.2 Financial Estimation of the Tool Making ........................................ 47

Table 4.1 Mesh Information of UMS-001 ...................................................... 53

Table 4.2 List of Von Mises Stresses for Each Load .................................... 56

Table 4.3 List of Maximum Displacement for Each Load .............................. 56

Table 4.4 Decreasing on Safety Factor ......................................................... 57

Table 4.5 Mesh Information of UMS-002 ...................................................... 59

Table 4.6 List of Von Mises Stresses for Each Loads ................................... 61

Table 4.7 List of Maximum Displacement for Each Load .............................. 63

Table 4.8 Decreasing on Safety Factor ......................................................... 65

Table 4.9 Diameter enlargement of specimen .............................................. 71

Table 4.10 The Cost of Production and Tool Testing .................................... 74

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