design feedback for everyone

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Design Feedback for Everyone


The Scenario

“What do you think of this?”

“How does this look?”

“Can I get some feedback?”

Deer in headlights

Why does this happen?

Most of you don’t spend your days

Most of you don’t spend your days

color palettes


You probably spend your days

…although really

So what is feedback ? What’s a design critique ?

Khoi Vinh

“a thoughtful consideration of design”

“Evaluating design and aesthetic choices to try and improve the outcome.”


How is feedback useful?

Helps to gut check my assumptions and approach


Uncover unforeseen biases or sacred cows I’ve missed


Eliminates surprises late in the process ($$$) and makes team feel involved


What is bad feedback?

“I don’t care, I’m just a developer.”


“It looks a bit off but I can’t put my finger on it.”


“Let’s make the header purple, 10px wider, and change the color of rollovers to #ededed”


“Let’s take a vote!”


How to Give Good Feedback

I’m not teaching you to be a designers, so we’re not going to talk about: • contrast • hierarchy • color • typography • moleskine journals

1. Establish common goals

2. Ask why?

3. Look for pain points

4. Think bigger picture


1. Establish common goals

2. Ask why?

3. Look for pain points

4. Think bigger picture

1. Establish common goals


personas and


1. Establish common goals

consider the goals of the feedback itself

1. Establish common goals

Who is the target for this?

Use phrases like:

What are your next steps?

Any good designer should be able to tell you why they made a certain choice.

2. Ask why?

hate mail:

If not, they’re probably a bad designer.

Parlay criticisms into useful talking points

2. Ask why?

If you’re asking ‘why?’, sometimes you don’t even

have to follow up.

2. Ask why?

What made you choose X?

Use phrases like:

I’m struggling with Y, can you walk me through your process?

3. Look for pain points

break down into specific pieces

Patterns and themes

I’m diving deep into the menu, something with the

nav feels off.

Use phrases like:

Let’s talk about text sizes overall, and take some notes.

Use phrases like:

4. Think big picture

4. Think big picture

Images via Dan Mall

X feels very Y and so does this, do we see our product

similar to x?

Use phrases like:

Let’s think about this as part of our broader plan.

Use phrases like:

Be honest

Find opportunity rather than just finding fault

But if you take your time, are honest and use some simple exercises you can help create a better product.

Giving design feedback is a challenge.

pop quiz time (!)

Say hi!

Credits & Attribution

Women of Color in Tech

Daniel Mall

Visual Hunt

New York Times web redesign

Wikipedia redesign concept

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