desicion process editing trailer

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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I decided to put a transition fade between the two clips. I chose to put a fade here so that the trailer will run smoothly without a sharp change.

6.20 seconds into the trailer, I decided to use gun shot sound effects over the clip that was being played. At the end of the gun shot sound effects I placed a cross fade, so that the sound effects of the gun could blend in with the music that was going to be played.

Image of the production company name that I created on Photoshop (8.09-9.4 seconds)

A high level, mid shot of Huseyin, Urim and Louie. As soon as this clip begins the sound changes from the gun shot effects to the music being played.

Used red text, in the Impact font over the playing clip; for the word ‘starring’ at 12 seconds.

Close up of Urim, with his full name at the bottom of the screen; text was here and was placed over the clip.

I used text at 19 seconds, to tell the audience what the film is about.

Mid shot of Urim pulling a gun on Habib (20 seconds into the trailer).

Close up of Huseyin, with full name at the bottom of the clip. The text was placed above the clip, 20 seconds into the trailer.

Close up of Louie, with full name at the bottom of the clip. The text was placed above the clip, 28 seconds into the trailer.

I made a separate clip with the word, ‘LOYALTY’ in the middle. The text appears 30 seconds into the trailer. At this part of the trailer there is a sound effect of a disc scratching and then the music changing to a more relaxed type of music; this is to show the change of mood the trailer has. I used a cross fade for the change in music.

Close up of money getting emptied onto a table; 32 seconds into the trailer.

The word friendship, in the middle of the screen; at 35 seconds.

A clip of Huseyin and Urim, that comes after the word “FRIENDSHIP” has appeard (37 seconds). This clip is used to emphasize what the word friendship meant and to lighten to mood of the trailer slightly.

Red, Impact style font, text in the middle of the screen that reads ‘ A FILM DIRECTED BY HUSEYIN TOZANOGLU’; at 44 seconds of the teaser trailer.

Here, I used a close up, mid shot of Habib and placed text above the clip. The text reads ‘ALSO STARRING HABIB AHMED’ I put the text into the lower left hand corner of the screen.

In between the short transition from these two clips, I placed a cross fade for the music. As again, here there is a gun shot, disc scratching and gun cocking back sound effect, which is followed by the music going back to the first music that was played.

I then went onto Motion, and created the a video for the title of the film; Dog Republic. I decided to not use the same text that I had been using throughout the trailer, which was, Impact; I decided to use Rockwell Extra Bold, for the title of the film. The title is played at around 46 seconds of the trailer.

A mid shot of Urim receiving money off an unknown character. This scene is shown 50 seconds into the trailer.

The title is shown once again, but this time as a still image, rather than a motion clip. It is shown 52 seconds in the trailer.

This is the final segment of the trailer; the date of it release. I used the same text that I had been using all throughout the trailer; red, impact style font.

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