depression lowdown quiz from parrish medical center

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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Depression Lowdown Quiz

How much do you know about this common mental health disorder?Depression affects more than 19 million Americans each year. Do you know the signs? Have you fallen for myths? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Question 1

True or False:

Depression usually occurs when something bad happens in your life.



Depression is more than having sad thoughts after a negative event. Depression can be triggered by brain chemical imbalance, negative thinking patterns, certain illnesses or medications, family history or—sometimes—no apparent reason at all.

Question 2

Name three of the 10 symptoms of clinical depression outline by Mental Health America.

AnswerAccording to Mental Health America, symptoms of depression are:

1. persistent sad or empty mood

2. sleeping too much or too little

3. appetite and weight loss or gain

4. loss of pleasure in activities once enjoyed

5. Restlessness, fatigue or irritability

6. persistent physical symptoms

7. difficulty concentrating or making decisions

8. feelings of guilt

9. hopelessness or worthlessness

10. thinking about suicide or death.

Question 3

True or False:

Most people can “snap out of” depression.



Depression is a health problem that needs medical treatment. In most cases, it is recognizable and treatable. More than 80 percent of those who seek treatment show improvement.

Question 4

True or False:

More women suffer from depression than men.



Depression affects about 12 million American women compared with about 6 million men. But don’t ignore depression in men. Men as a group are more covert and find it harder to ask for help.

Question 5

True or False:

Depression and seasonal affective disorder are the same thing.



Exposure to less sunlight in winter months triggers the depressive symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in some people. Lots of people who do not have depression have SAD. The good news is, SAD is treatable with bright, full-room illumination or special desk lamps that give off extra light.


See how your score rates:

• 5: You’re well-positioned to help someone in need.

• 3–4: Time to brush up on the basics.

• 0–2: Don’t get down!

• Dial 211 for the community health navigator to get help for depression.

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