depression and women

Post on 21-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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-Saadia Z. Yunus, MA, MFT

Depressive Statistics (NMH)

Approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year, have a depressive disorder

Depression affects all people regardless of age, geographic location, demographic or social position.

Depressive disorders are appearing earlier in life with the average age of onset 50 years ago being 29 whereas recent statistics indicate it at just 14.5yrs in today's society.

Depressive disorders often co-occur with anxiety disorders and substance abuse.

What is Depression?

DSM-IV, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. published by the American Psychiatric Association

At least five symptoms from the list of symptoms must be present during the same two-week period loss of energy, feelings of hopelessness, changes in

appetite, insomnia, and suicidal ideation   Symptoms interfere with their daily functioning, cause

distress for the person and those who care about him or her

Even using the words depressed or depression may lead to a negative state of mind or intensify pessimistic feelings

Depression and Women

70% more likely to experience depression during their lifetime

Women ages 25-44 are most often affected

Nearly twice as many women (6.5 percent) as men (3.3 percent) suffer from major depressive disorder each year. These figures translate to 6.7 million women and 3.2 million men (2013)

Postpartum Depression

Studies report prevalence rates from 5% to 25%, so it is unclear

Postpartum depression ranges in severity from mild to suicidal

Postpartum depression (also postnatal depression) is a form of major depression which can affect women, and less frequently men, after childbirth

80% of postpartum women suffer from the 'Baby blues' (or maternity blues), a mild form of 'moodiness' symptoms typically last from a few hours to several days,

and include tearfulness, irritability, hypochondriasis, sleeplessness, impairment of concentration, isolation and headache.

The maternity blues are not considered a postpartum depressive disorder.

Islamic Solutions

The most effective treatment of depression is to return to the Book of Allah  

The key is to hold onto His Book before depression sets in because, oftentimes, when you are in a deep state of hopelessness, it is difficult to even pick up the Quran. Feelings of despair may prevent you from seeking that closeness to Allah (SWT).

“Therefore, remember Me and I will remember you, and be grateful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me.” (Quran 2:152)

Islamic Perspective

“The moral, ethical, spiritual, psychological decline of the Muslim Ummah is because of their lack of connection to the Quran,” said Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

The Prophet (S) would at times feel a deep sadness, which is a normal part of life, particularly when difficulty arises

Allah (SWT) says in the Quran, “For indeed, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (13: 28).  

When we turn away from Allah’s remembrance, we will feel agitation in all forms, whether it is sadness, worry, fear, etc

Lack of tawakkul (full trust) in Allah Lack of knowledge of the nature of tests Lack of sabr (patience) and shukr (gratitude)

Islamic Tips and Tricks

Increase in Dhikr (Remembrance): Ex Say SubhanAllah

while doing laundry Ilm (Knowledge): Ex Take an online Islamic class Sabr (Patience): Ex Take deep breaths when

you feel like yelling Taqwa (Consciousness of God): Ex Surround

yourself with those who remind you of Allah Tawakkul (Trust in God): Ex Try not to worry;

write down our fears and cross them out Shukr (Gratitude): Ex Say Alhumdulillah

constantly; list your blessings

Therapeutic Perspective

Systemic perspective

“It is not the (individual) who is depressed, but the entire relationship” --Salvador Minuchin, founder of Structural

Family Therapy, Families and Family Therapy, 1974  

Although one person is manifesting symptoms of depression, there are issues within the relationship, either couple or familial, that are leading to or exacerbating symptoms of depression  

Aaron Beck’s CBT: negative thinking patterns are the cause Nature vs. nurture: Is it a chemical imbalance within the

individual that is the sole cause of the disorder or do environmental and relationship factors come in to play?  

Why Women?

 "Women seem to have the capacity to be precipitated into depressive episodes at lower levels of stress” -Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D., director of the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics at Virginia Commonwealth University

Role strain Women's bodies respond to stress differently than

men's. They pour out higher levels of stress hormones, and they fail to shut off production of the stress hormones readily

Women ruminate more over upsetting situations, going over and over negative thoughts and feelings, especially if they have to do with relationships

Inability to express or handle anger

Therapeutic Solutions

Although there may be a need for medication, it should not be the only solution at the first sign of the disorder 

An effective treatment of depression is psychotherapy

Many different options: psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or a marriage and family therapist

Including family members in treatment is beneficial as they become a support group  

What can the individual do? Positive self-talk, Dr. Kristin Neff’s book on Self-Compassion 

Finishing Touches

Allah’s remembrance brings peace to the heart Without Allah’s light, there will be darkness Oftentimes, the darkness can consume an individual so

entirely that it is difficult to see even a glimmer of light Times like these are tests from Allah (SWT) that may

require a professional to help us through them  “Verily, with hardship comes ease.  Verily, with

hardship comes ease” (Quran, 94:6)

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