
Post on 24-Jun-2015






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There is help


I feel sad Lonely Are things going to

get better?

She never listens

Nobody Understands I hate my life

I just want to die I need help…

Depression is the constant feeling of being sad all the time, it effects your mood, thoughts feelings even physical symptoms like aches and pains. Everybody goes through ups & downs in their life but someone who is depressed feels these feelings of sadness everyday.

Depression is a common health problem for teens, it effects many of us and we are afraid to talk about it a lot of the time. We might feel judged by our friends or our family, so we don’t say anything. But it is important to tell someone your trust so you can get treatment and help.

What is depression?

• Feelings of Sadness and Loss

• Feelings of guilt and worthlessness

• Changes in weight or appetite

• Lack of motivations

• Anxiety leading to panic attacks

• Lack of interest in sex

• Withdrawal from friends and family

• Constant thoughts of self-harm and suicide

• Using drugs or alcohol to cope with daily life

Symptoms of Depression

Illegal drugs are a huge problem for teens, everyone we know had used drugs in some way, or is using them now.

Drugs cause your brain to function a different way then it is supposed to. When you are putting something synthetic it will affect your brain. There for over time it is possible to start getting depressed.

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Paranoia etc.

Causes of Depression

Most of us enjoy a drink or 2 here are there, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we drink to frequently and make bad decisions, some people have alcohol problems to where they can’t function without it.

Ever notice the more alcohol you drink the more tired you feel?

To the point where you are literally passing out?

Alcohol is depressant, the more you drink the lower your heart rate gets.

See the word “depressant?” drinking alcohol over time causes depression.

Alcohol and Depression

Just as the symptoms and causes of depression are different in different people, so are the ways to feel better. What works for one person might not work for another, and no one treatment is appropriate in all cases. If you recognize the signs of depression in yourself or a loved one, take some time to explore the many treatment options. In most cases, the best approach involves a combination of social support, lifestyle changes, emotional skills building, and professional help.

How to treat depression

Talk to Virg!


a Te


r!Tell a friend!

Tell someone you trust!

So get help today because there is hope…for everyone!

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