depression 03

Post on 10-May-2015






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The third in a three part series on depression from a biblical perspective.


  • 1.Depression:A Biblical Perspective { Psalm 34:18Part Three

2. Questions & AccusationsIs God punishing mefor somethingGod IS punishing me.Gods Plan for Peace 3. Questions & AccusationsGod did not create us forconfusion, disorder andunrest. These are not theresult of Gods plan butrather the avoidances ofGods plan.Gods Plan for Peace 4. For I know the thoughtsthat I think toward you,saith the LORD, thoughtsof peace, and not of evil,to give you an expectedend.Jeremiah 29:11Gods Plan for Peace 5. When God gives us the blueprintfor peace and we fail to follow it,we have no one to blame butourselves. We cannot hold Godaccountable for our ownactions, attitudes andadverse behavior. His plan is thatwe have peace, confidence andsoundness of mind.Gods Plan for Peace 6. For God hath not givenus the spirit of fear; butof power, and of love,and of a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7Gods Plan for Peace 7. Regardless of the sourceof your depression, Godstill wants you to havepeace! Biblical principlesare effective regardlessof the cause ofdepression.Gods Plan for Peace 8. A merry heart doethgood like a medicine: buta broken spirit drieth thebones.Proverbs 17:22Gods Plan for Peace 9. Panic Attack My heart is sore pained within me: and theterrors of death are fallen upon me. Fearfulnessand trembling are come upon me, and horror hathoverwhelmed me. And I said, Oh that I hadwings like a dove! for then would I flyaway, and be at rest. Lo, then wouldI wander far off, and remain in thewilderness. Selah. I would hasten myescape from the windy storm and tempest.Psalm 55:4-8Gods Plan for Peace 10. The Power of PrayerAs for me, I will call uponGod; and the LORD shall saveme. Evening, and morning,and at noon, will I pray, andcry aloud: and he shall hearmy voice.Psalm 55:16-17Gods Plan for Peace 11. The Power of PrayerBefore he went to bed, as soonas he arose and at mid-dayDavid called upon the Lord inconfidence. His prayers werenot delivered in doubt anddistrust but with theknowledge that God wouldhear his cry.Gods Plan for Peace 12. The Power of PrayerHear my cry, O God; attend unto myprayer. From the end of the earth will Icry unto thee, when my heart isoverwhelmed: lead me to therock that is higher than I. Forthou hast been a shelter for me,and a strong tower from the enemy. I willabide in thy tabernacle for ever: I willtrust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.Psalm 61:1-4Gods Plan for Peace 13. The Power of PrayerDavid knew that he couldturn to God. Fellowship withHis Saviour became a sourceof strength.Gods Plan for Peace 14. Cast Your Care Upon the LordCast thy burden upon the LORD, andhe shall sustain thee: he shall neversuffer the righteous to be moved.Isaiah 55:22Casting all your care upon him;for he careth for you.1 Peter 5:7Gods Plan for Peace 15. Cast Your Care Upon the LordThe reason we can profitably cast ourcares upon the Lord is because Hecares for us and is able to sustain us.Prayer does more than exerciseour tongue, it exercises our faith.Prayer is not simply complaining toour Creator but rather casting ourcares upon him.Gods Plan for Peace 16. Cast Your Care Upon the LordGods Plan for Peace 17. Cast Your Care Upon the LordGods Plan for Peace 18. Cast Your Care Upon the LordWait on the LORD: be of good courage, and heshall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on theLORD. Psalm 27:14But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shallrun, and not be weary; and they shall walk, andnot faint. Isaiah 40: 31Gods Plan for Peace 19. Consider Gods LoveOur self-worth is frequentlydetermined by how we feel thatothers perceive us. Theperception of others is not areliable source for our evaluationof ourselves. A better resourcewould be to look towardsheaven. Certainly no onesopinion could rival our Creators.Gods Plan for Peace 20. Consider Gods LoveAre not two sparrows sold for afarthing? and one of them shallnot fall on the ground withoutyour Father. But the very hairs ofyour head are all numbered. Fearye not therefore, ye are of morevalue than many sparrows.Matthew 10:29-31Gods Plan for Peace 21. Consider Gods LoveGods Plan for Peace 22. Consider Gods LoveBut the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30Gods Plan for Peace 23. Consider Gods LoveBy expressing Gods concern overwhat others might deem greatlyinsignificant, Christ taught usthat the Father cares even aboutthe most minute details of themost neglected persons life.Gods Plan for Peace 24. Consider Gods LoveThe key to unlocking a peacefulheart begins with theunderstanding that our identity isnot hopelessly attached to ourenvironment, our peers or theevents in our lives. Peace comesfrom our Saviour not ourcircumstances.Gods Plan for Peace 25. Consider Gods LoveNot that we are sufficient ofourselves to think any thing as ofourselves; but our sufficiency isof God.2 Corinthians 3:5Gods Plan for Peace 26. Meditate Upon Gods WordFor as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.Proverbs 23:7Gods Plan for Peace 27. Meditate Upon Gods WordThe things you see, hear,discuss and do will be thethings that infiltrate your mind.There is absolutely no greatersource for godly meditationthan Gods Word! From whereelse could we so effectivelylearn those thoughts that bringpeace to our souls?Gods Plan for Peace 28. Meditate Upon Gods WordFinally, brethren, whatsoever thingsare true, whatsoever things arehonest, whatsoever things are just,whatsoever things are pure,whatsoever things are lovely,whatsoever things are of goodreport; if there be any virtue, and ifthere be any praise, think on thesethings. Philippians 4:8Gods Plan for Peace 29. Meditate Upon Gods WordThis book of the law shall notdepart out of thy mouth; but thoushalt meditate therein day andnight, that thou mayest observe todo according to all that is writtentherein: for then thou shalt make thyway prosperous, and then thou shalthave good success. Joshua 1:8Gods Plan for Peace 30. Meditate Upon Gods WordMine eyes prevent the nightwatches, that I might meditate in thyword. Ps 119:148I remember the days of old; Imeditate on all thy works; I muse onthe work of thy hands. Psalm 143:5Gods Plan for Peace 31. Meditate Upon Gods WordThou wilt keep him in perfectpeace, whose mind is stayed onthee: because he trusteth in thee.Isaiah 26:3Gods Plan for Peace 32. Music Makes a DifferenceEvery film maker understands the value ofthe musical score that carries the mood andmessage of his script. There is music thatcommunicates panic and unrest. There ismusic that relates doom and despair.Confusion and chaos can be communicatedas well urgency and fear. On the otherhand, there is music that expresses actionand adventure. We can find melodies thatwill calm the heart and grant a sense ofpeace.Gods Plan for Peace 33. Music Makes a DifferenceThese principles are not only true in moviesoundtracks but also in pop music. Theerotic beats can produce unhealthy sexualtension, while harsh head banging musicwill feed attitudes of rebellion and distress.An entire genre of music is called theblues for a reason. One ought not listen tomusic that simply echoes their own carnalpassions or confirms their feelings ofsadness.Gods Plan for Peace 34. Music Makes a DifferenceA Christian should proactively seekmelodies that will uplift the soul andproduce a worshipful spirit.Speaking to yourselves inpsalms and hymns andspiritual songs, singing andmaking melody in your heart tothe Lord Ephesians 5:19Gods Plan for Peace 35. Music Makes a DifferenceMusic has a tremendous powerto sway your heart for good orfor evil. Consider Davidsministry to King Saul in 1Samuel 16:14-23.Gods Plan for Peace 36. Music Makes a DifferenceDavid, the sweet Psalmist ofIsrael knew the power of music.When godly words arecombined with godly music,you will discover a tremendousforce for emotional well-being.Gods Plan for Peace 37. Music Makes a DifferencePraise ye the LORD: for it is goodto sing praises unto our God; for itis pleasant; and praise is comely.The LORD doth build upJerusalem: he gathereth togetherthe outcasts of Israel. He healeththe broken in heart, and bindethup their wounds.Psalm 147: 1-3Gods Plan for Peace

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