department of petroleum engineering undergraduate … department... · 2018-02-26 · stoichiometry...

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Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64





Undergraduate Studies


Baku 2018

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64



ENG 101 English 1 (0 + 20 + 0)*, ECTS 20

While students learn General English and Academic English, which are very important for their English-speaking environment

and further studies, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are improved through a number of activities at the same

time. Program curriculum also covers teaching students advanced Academic Writing and professional presentations.

*(Theory + Seminar + Laboratory)

COMP 101 Application of Information-Communication Technologies in Engineering 1 (4 + 0 + 4), ECTS 8

Introduction: The Role of Computer Science. The History of Computing. Information Fundamentals. Evolution and

Generations of Computers.

Data Manipulation: Computer Architecture. Machine Language. Program Execution. Arithmetic/Logic Instructions.

Communicating with Other Devices. Other Architectures.

Computer Hardware: System Block. Power Supply. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Motherboard. Processor (CPU).

CPU Cooler. RAM, ROM, BIOS, Cache Memory. Controllers and Buses (PCI, AGP, PCI Express). Ports. Wireless

Technology (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPRS). Input Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, Other Manipulators). Modems. Optical Discs (DVD,

Blue Ray). Hard Drive. RAID Technology. Flash Memory. Magnetic Tape.

Data Storage: Bits and Their Storage. Main Memory.Mass Storage. Representing Information as Bit Patterns. The Binary

System. Storing Integers. Storing Fractions. Data compression. Communication Errors.

Operating systems: The History of Operating Systems. Operating System Architecture. Coordinating the Machine’s

Activities. Handling Competition among Processes.

Networking and the Internet: Network fundamentals. The Internet. The World Wide Web. Internet Protocols. Security

Database Systems: Database Fundamentals. The Relational Model. Types of Data. Maintaining Database Integrity.

Structured Query Language (SQL) Fundamentals.


ENG 102 English 2 (0 + 20 + 0), ECTS 20

Students start IELTS preparation in the 2nd term which enables them to advance their level of English and eventually complete

the Foundation Program.

COMP 102 Application of Information-Communication Technologies in Engineering 2 (3 + 0 + 5), ECTS 8

Introduction to programming on C: Simple program in C. Output Text to the screen (printf). Input operator (scanf).

Variables: Data types and variables. Arithmetic expressions. Input and Output Formats.

Decision statements: Conditional control if – else. Multiple choice switch-case.

Loops: Loop with a known number of steps (for). While loop. Loop with postcondition (do - while). Break and Continue


Functions: Design functions. Logic functions. Functions that return two values.

Arrays: Declaring, input, initializing, output and processing of arrays. Filling arrays with random numbers. Sorting an array.

Arrays in procedures and functions. Two dimensional arrays (matrices).

Strings: Declaring, input, initializing, output and processing of string. Functions for working with strings.

MATLAB fundamentals: Creating M-files. Input and Output statements (fprintf). Variables, Naming Rules. Arrays (numbers,

scalars, vectors, matrices). Arithmetical Operations. Defining and manipulating arrays.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


MATLAB functions: Basics of Built-in Functions. Help Feature. Elementary Functions (e.g., Polynomials, Trigonometric

Functions). Data Analysis, Random Numbers. Complex Numbers. Debugging Code & Data Import/Export. Logical

Operations. Logical functions & Relational operators.

Plotting in 2-D, Plotting Multiple Curves, Plotting with Figures, Plot Settings, Scaling, Legends, Subplots, Curve fitting.

MATLAB Loops for repetitive computations: The for loop construct. The while loop construct.

MATLAB Decision structures: if construct, else statement & elseif statement.

MATLAB User-defined functions: Function: concept, syntax, and examples. Practice & exploration. Subfunctions:

Functions within functions.

MATLAB Symbolic Mathematics: Algebra, ezplot, calculus.


MATH 211 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists 1 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Logarithmic and Exponential Functions: Introduction to the log function; Log function to different bases; log versus ln.

Functions, Fractions and Logarithms: Exponential functions and their relationships with logarithms. Hyperbolic functions sinh

x and cosh x; Derivation of tanh x. Application of Linear and Log Functions: Revision of the equation of a straight line.

Methods for linearisation of non-linear functions. Log plots. Interpolation and extrapolation. Differentiation: Gradients.

Tangents. Derivatives from first principles. Derivatives of common functions. Higher Order derivatives. Chain Rule. Product

and Quotient Rule. Implicit differentiation. Parametric differentiation. Curve Sketching. Introduction to Integration: Basic

ideas and definitions. Indefinite integrals. Tables of Standard Integrals. Definite integrals. Infinite integrals; “improper”

integrals. Statistics and Probability: Mean, median - measures of location. Variance, standard deviation - measures of spread.

Frequency tables. Probability theory. Combined probabilities. Independent events. Tree diagrams. Probability distributions.

Normal distribution. Standard Normal distribution. Binomial distribution. Vectors: Basic operation of vectors. Components of

vectors. Components of vectors in 3D. Addition of vectors. Unit vectors. Scalar product. Vector product. Scalar triple product.

Equation of line in 3D. Equation of plane.

PETE 211 Foundation Engineering A (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Vector and Scalar Quantities. Derivation of Kinematic Relationships in One and Two Dimensions.

Force and Acceleration. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Friction. Momentum and Momentum Conservation. Angular Motion

and Kinematic Relations. Centripetal Force. Moments, Levers, Couples and Torque. Moment of Inertia. Angular Momentum.

Simple Harmonic Motion. Work, Kinetic and Potential Energy. Significant Figures and Rounding. Significant Arithmetic.

Experimental Errors. Propagation of Experimental Error.

CHE 201 Principles of Chemistry (3 + 3 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Stoichiometry and Chemical Equations: Introducing Chemistry and covering atomic structure and the periodic table of the

elements (periods, valence electrons, Ions, chemical bondings and Lewis structures) and Introducing Stoichiometry (Law of

mass conservation). Avogadro number. Balancing equation. Limiting reagent. Chemistry in aqueous solution. Ions in Solution.

Oxidation states. Balancing redox reactions. Atomic Structures and Orbitals. Molecular shapes and Chemical bondings. Main

Group Chemistry: Redox chemistry. Chemistry of H. Halogen elements – group 17. Chalcogenides group 16. Oxides of period

2 and 3 stoichiometry. Oxides of group 14. Oxides of group 15. Oxides of sulfur. Environmental impact. Greenhouse gases.

Introductory Organic Chemistry.

CHE 211 Process Industries A (3 + 2 + 2), ECTS 7.5

Units: units; engineering chemistry; physical properties; single-stage material balances; multi-stage material balances.

Difference between fundamental and derived units and correct use of “prefixes” or “multipliers”. Converting temperature

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


scales. Difference between gauge and absolute pressure. Engineering Chemistry. Physical Properties and Gas Laws. Material

Balance on Single-Stage. Material Balance on Multi-Stage Systems.


MATH 212 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists 2 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Advanced Differentiation: Revision of differentiation; Maclaurin and Taylor series.

Applications of Differentiation: Optimisation, Differential equations.

Advanced Integration: Revision of integration; Integration by substitution; Integration by parts; Integration using partial


Applications of Integration: Area under and between curves; Average value; Curve length; Separation of variables for 1st

order ODEs; Approximate integration (Trapezoidal rule).

Complex Numbers: Definition; Real and imaginary parts; Arithmetic of complex numbers; Solving quadratic equations;

The Argand diagram; Modulus and argument; the polar form of a complex number; The exponential form; De Moivre’s


Matrices: Definition and notation for matrices; Null (zero) matrix; Identity matrix; Transpose matrix; Addition and

subtraction; Multiplication by a scalar; Matrix multiplication; The 2x2 and 3x3 determinant; The inverse of a 2x2 matrix;

Solving systems of linear equations; formulating problems in matrix form.

PETE202 Mechanical Science and Engineering 2 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Rectilinear Motion, Projectiles and Relative Motion: Assessment criteria for module. Description of particle motion. Derive

constant acceleration formulae. Variable acceleration. Hard Variable Acceleration. Chain rule. Introduction to Projectiles.

Introduction to relative motion.

Angular Motion: Constant acceleration. Tangential and angular quantities. Centripetal acceleration.

Newton’s law of motion: Concept of friction. Newton’s laws and curvilinear motion. Balancing forces in rotating systems.

Work and Energy: Types of energy. Definition of work. Variable/constant force. Hookes Law.

Impulse and Momentum: Definition of Impulse and momentum. Relation of Impulse and momentum. Elastic/Inelastic bodies.

Conservation of momentum. Coefficient of restitution.

Introduction to Strengths: Introduction to Mechanics of Materials. Forces in a plane and free body diagrams. Introduction of

different connectors and supports and their respective FBDs.

Stress and Strain: Introduction to Stress and strain. Stress analysis and stress tensor. Tension and compression. Shear stress,

stress concentration and points of failure. Introduction to the concept of strain. Introduce Hooke’s law, Young’s module and

the Poisson ratio. Difference shear stress/strain.

Constitutive Equations: Introduction to constitutive equations. Relationship stress/strain. Introduction of uniaxial stress. Static

based Problems. Concept of Safety Factor, allowable stress and shear.

Mechanical Properties: Measuring mechanical properties. Mechanical properties (stiffness, strength, toughness) and how to

measure them (tensile test, charpy impact test). Concept of relation between properties and atomic structure. Alloying and

properties of steel.

PETE 222 Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of introduction to petroleum engineering in order that

advanced courses in subsequent years can be understood within a broader petroleum engineering context.

Global energy trends. The concept of efficiency. Energy losses. Global Reserves and Geographic Distribution: Oil and Gas

Resources. Global Distribution of Oil and Gas Reserves. Future Energy Options

Exploration and appraisal. Unconformities. Petroleum play. The importance of hydrostatic pressure gradients and finding

fluid contact depths. Normal and abnormal formation pressure. The importance of permeability. The importance of capillary

pressure – water saturation. The differentiation between OWC and FWL.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


Mapping and Reserves Estimation. The different mapping techniques – planimeter and counting squares methods. Oil and

gas formation volume factors. The basics of SEC and SPE approach. The variation in reserves estimates. The basics of SEC

and SPE approach. The idea of reservoir drive mechanism. The concept of pore fluid expansion supporting hydrocarbon

production. The concept of compressibility. The idea of pore fluid expansion supporting production to water drive. The

importance of aquifer pressure support, size and communication.

CHE 212 Process Industries B (2 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction to thermodynamics. Review the basic thermodynamic definitions. The First Law of thermodynamics.

Work/heat and internal energy/enthalpy. The difference between energy storage and transfer terms. Specific heat capacities.

The non-flow energy equation. Constant volume/constant pressure processes. Energy storage/transfer analogy. Calculating the

change in thermodynamic properties. Heat capacity options: constant heat capacity, linear heat capacity, non-linear heat


Heat Balances without Reaction. The importance of enthalpy as a state function. The steady-flow energy equation.

Introduction to Health & Safety.

Heat Balances with Reaction. Enthalpy of reaction and enthalpy of formation. The importance of using enthalpy of formation

to find the enthalpy of reaction. Hess’s Law. The use of enthalpies of combustion to calculate enthalpies of reaction. The

reactor heat balance.

Charts and Tables. The use of charts. The saturation values in steam tables with saturation values from p-h diagrams. The

main function of the psychrometric chart. Partial pressure and vapour pressure, Antoine equation. Humidity and various ways

of calculating humidity. Steam tables and Dalton’s Law. Relative humidity and dew point. Wet and dry bulb temperatures.

The various lines on a psychrometric chart.

AZL 221 Azerbaijani Language and Art of Speech, (1 + 2 + 0), ECTS 4

Nitq mədəniyyəti fənninə giriş. Azərbaycan dilinin tarixi inkişaf mərhələləri.

Nitq mədəniyyətinin inkişaf mərhələləri. Qədim və antik dövrdə natiqlik məharəti. Azərbaycanda natiqlik sənəti. Azərbaycan

dilinin inkişafına dövlət qayğısı. Heydər Əliyev və Azərbaycan dili.

Mədəni nitqin başlıca tələbləri. Dil və nitq. Nitqin dioloji, monoloji formaları. Yazılı və şifahi nitq.

Natiqlik sənətinin sahələri: akademik natiqlik, məhkəmə natiqliyi, diplomatik natiqlik, məişət natiqliyi və s.

Azərbaycan ədəbi dilinin fonetikası. Fonetikanın əhəmiyyəti, formaları, tədqiqat üsulları.

Müasir Azərbaycan ədəbi dilində heca və vurğu.

Azərbaycan dilinin orfoepiyası.

Ədəbi dil, onun normaları: fonetik, leksik, qrammatik normalar.

Orfoqrafiya. Azərbaycan orfoqrafiyasının prinsipləri.

Azərbaycan dilində alınma sözlər. Müasir Azərbaycan dilində işlənən söz qrupları (neologizmlər, arxaizmlər, dialektizmlər,

ümumişlək sözlər və s.).

Funksional üslublar: bədii, elmi, publisistik, rəsmi-işgüzar üslub. Nitq etiketləri.

PETE 290 Training (1 month), ECTS 6

Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

• Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

• Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

• Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

• Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


• Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.


MATH 311 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists 3 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. 1st Order Differential Equations: Separation of Variables, Transformation

Method. Integrating Factor Method.

Homogeneous Linear Constant-Coefficient 2nd-Order ODEs.

Newton’s Second Law, Springs and Hooke’s Law, Simple Harmonic Motion, Damped Oscillations.

Classification of Ordinary Differential Equations. Overdamping, Critical Damping, Underdamping. Inhomogeneous Linear

ODEs, Method of Undetermined Coefficients. Partial Derivatives of Functions of Two Variables, Higher-Order Partial

Derivatives, Directional Derivatives, Using the Chain Rule to Find Derivatives. Partial Differential Equations. Maxima and

Minima of Functions of Two Variables. Taylor Series and Linear Approximation, Estimation of Errors. Multiple Integrals,

Interchanging the Order of Integration. Double Integrals: Applications and Polar Coordinates. Change of Variables to Polar

Coordinates Volume, Average Values, Mass and Center of Mass.

PETE 301 Mechanical Science and Engineering 3 (3 + 1 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Strengths. Bending Moment Diagrams. Bending stress in beams, Bending equation, Position of neutral axis, Second moment

of area.

Deflection in beams, Second moment of area. Application of the bending equation. Deflection in beams. Double Integration.

Non-uniformly distributed loads. Macauly step function. Statically indeterminate beams. Relationship between w, Q and M.

Calculating M for non-UDLs.

Buckling in beams. Critical load.

Dynamics. Mass Moment of Inertia. Sliding boxes. Introduction to rotating systems. Rigid body motion in the plane. Rolling

Bodies. Sliding and rolling bodies. Driven wheels. Fixed Axis Rotation. Rotation and Linear Acceleration.

The Energy Method. Revision of the energy method. Rotating bodies and energy.

Impulse and Momentum. Introduction. Impacting Bodies. Car Momentum. Beam with springs.

PETE 311 Process Engineering A (3 + 2 + 1), ECTS 7.5

Fluid Statics. Solids, liquids and gases. Temperature, melting point and boiling point. The difference between solid and liquid

behavior. Shear force, shear stress and shear rate. Fluid Mechanics symbols and units. Pressure units. Absolute and gauge

pressure. The difference between pressure and shear stress. Viscosity and density units. Fluid compressibility and units.

Pascal’s Law. Hydrostatic pressure gradient and the equality of hydrostatic pressure at equal depths below free surface. The

difference between standard U-tube and inclined tube manometers. Surface tension. Cohesive and adhesive forces. Contact

angle and wettability. Adhesive and cohesive forces. Capillary and capillary pressure rise.

Fluid Dynamics. The steady flow energy equation (the law of conservation of energy applied to fluid systems). Bernoulli’s

equation. The relation between Bernoulli’s equation and the steady-flow energy equation. The laminar and turbulent flow. The

rate of change of momentum caused by molecular diffusion. Shear stress, shear rate and fluid viscosity.

Frictional Pressure Loss and Flow Measurement. The importance of frictional pressure loss. The turbulent flow. The

empirical approach to laminar flow. The friction factor charts. The pressure loss in straight pipe and pressure loss in bends and

fittings. The “equivalent length” method for bends and fittings pressure loss. The basic principles of flow measurement. Pitot

tube equation. Ideal volumetric flow rate through an orifice plate. The venturi meter. Non-linear meters. Rotameter as a linear

meter. Density correction. Positive displacement meters.

Pumping Systems and Pump Sizing. Introduction to pumps. The basic operation and differences between PD pumps and

rotodynamic pumps. Centrifugal pumps. PD and rotodynamic pumps. The calculation of suction head, discharge head and

pump head.

Non-Newtonian Fluids. The key difference between Newtonian fluids and non-Newtonian fluid. Time-independent and time-

dependent non-Newtonian behaviour. Fluid models and structures within the fluid that lead to the various non-Newtonian

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


behavior. Power Law fluid and Bingham Plastic behaviour. How viscometer data may be used to identify what type of non-

Newtonian fluid is present and how the model constants may be obtained – including testing of accuracy of model parameters.

Power Law non-Newtonian equations.

PETE 321 Petroleum Geoscience A (3 + 1 + 0), ECTS 7.5

What is geoscience? Age of Earth. Water and Earth. Formation of Earth and zoned Earth. Definition of minerals and rocks.

Types of rocks: Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Metamorphic rocks, Rock cycle.

Concept of plate tectonics. Mantle convection. Proofs of existence and importance of plate tectonics. Plate boundaries. Types

of plate boundaries. Divergent margins and magnetic stripes. Types of tectonic margins. Importance of plate tectonics.

Definition of basin. Subsidence and accommodation space. Relation between tectonics and basin formation. Types of basins.

Basic concepts in sedimentology. Definition of grain. Consolidated or unconsolidated sediment. Types of sedimentary rocks.

Gravels and conglomerates. Sands and sandstones. Silts/silstsones and clays/claystones. Types of organic sedimentary rocks.

Carbonates (marine and continental). Evaporites (marine and continental). Texture of sediments. Rock composition. Grain size

and morphology. Sorting. Grain fabric.

Definition of bedforms. Types of bedforms. Processes forming them. Sedimentary structures.

Description of a sedimentary rock. Composition (different types of grains). Grading. Colour (composition or physico-chemical


Induration. Definitions on porosity. Porosity types. Controls on primary porosity. Differences in porosity depending the type

of sedimentary rock. Secondary porosity.

Definitions on permeability. Controls on permeability. Differences in permeability depending the type of sedimentary rock.

Anisotropy. Physico-chemical alterations of rocks by different processes. Diagenetic processes and how they affect porosity

and permeability. Soils and other early alteration processes and how they affect porosity and permeability.

Concept of bedding. Geometry of beds. Appearance of beds. Measurement of bedding. Causes for bedding and bedding


Stratigraphic logs. Principles of stratigraphy. Lithostratigraphic units. Time gaps, conformity and unconformity. Stratigraphic

successions. Chronostratigraphy and geochronology. The Global Geological time scale. Relative and absolute dating


Definition of structural geology. Structural features: orientation of planes and lines. Deformation of solid bodies: how they

react (fragile, ductile...) depending on nature of rocks, strength, etc).

Folds: definition, types, how to measure and analyse them. Role of folds in petroleum geosciences.

Faults: definition and elements (terminology). How to measure and analyse a fault. Types of faults.

Role of faults in petroleum geosciences. Fault-fold interaction and diapirs. Fractures and joints.

What is correlation. Importance of correlation. Stratigraphy and correlation. Correlation of well data. Correlation guidelines.

Definition of geological and contour maps. Topographical base for geological maps (where to find them)

Outcrop/suboutcrop maps vs. structure contour maps. Features in topographical maps and coordinates

Google Earth and aerial photographs. Scales and coordinates. Understanding geological maps.

Delimitation of lithostratigraphical units. Strike and dip representation. Conformity-unconformity. Representation of folds and

faults (and other structural features). Computer generated maps. Cross sections from maps.

HIST 321 History of Azerbaijan (4 + 3 + 0), ECTS 8

This course (taught in Azerbaijani) will cover Azerbaijan’s history from ancient to modern times using a non-conventional

approach to learn history through case-study analysis.

Theoretical, methodological issues and sources of Azerbaijan history.Ancient states in the territory of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan in the early middle ages, as part of the Sassanian Empire. Azerbaijan as part of Arabic Caliphate.

The Seljug Empire. The State of Atabegs. Azerbaijan in the period of developed feudalism.

Shirvanshahs State in XIV-XV centuries. Feudal states of Azerbaijan in the XV century.

The state of Safavids. The conversion of Azerbaijan into the international conflict arena. The reign of Nadir Shah Afshar.

Azerbaijan in the period of Khanates.

Division of Azerbaijan territories between Russia and Iran. Treaty of Gulistan (1813). The second Russian-Iran war.

Northern Azerbaijan at the beginning of XX century.

Azerbaijan during World War I. Political situation after the February revolution.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Azerbaijan during World War II. Azerbaijan in the middle of 80s - beginning of 90s of XX century.

The deepening of political crisis in Azerbaijan. The beginning and expansion of National Movement.

The domestic and foreign policy of Independent Azerbaijan Republic.

Division of Azerbaijan territories between Russia and Iran. Treaty of Gulistan (1813). The second Russian-Iran war.


MATH 312 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists 4 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

The Laplace Transform, Definition and Properties, First Shift Theorem. The Inverse Laplace Transform, Using partial

fractions. Finding inverses using the first shift theorem, Method of completing the square. Solution of Differential Equations

Using Laplace Transforms. Laplace Transforms of Derivatives. Constant-Coefficient Linear Differential Equations.

Differential Equations and the Dirac Delta Function. Systems of Differential Equations. Geometry, Revision of Vector

Operations. Lines in Three Dimensions, Equations of a Plane. Vector Differentiation, Gradient of a Scalar Function.

Introduction to div and curl (divergence operator) Systems of Linear Equations, Gaussian Elimination: General Case. Matrices,

Vectors and Matrices, Inverse Matrices, Determinants. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalisation. Systems of Linear

Differential Equations.

PETE 312 Process Engineering B (3 + 3 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Closed Systems & Processes: First Law of Thermodynamics. Quasi-static processes. Reversible processes. Isothermal and

isobaric processes. Adiabatic processes. T-V diagram.

Open Systems: Reciprocating and rotodynamic compressors. The sequence of processes, including valve operation, for a

reciprocating compressor w/o clearance.

Throttling and Multi-Stage Compression: Second Law of Thermodynamics. The non-ideal gas J-T effect. The derivation of

optimum pressure ratio per stage. The Kelvin-Planck and Clausius machines. The Carnot cycle. The heat engine or reverse

heat engine cycle. The heat engine and reverse heat engine diagrams. The efficiency of a Carnot cycle in terms of reservoir

temperatures. Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference. Heat transfer through an infinitesimal temperature


Entropy and its relationship to energy quality. The concept of increasing entropy (decreasing quality) for both adiabatic and

non-adiabatic processes. Entropy changes. Gibbs free energy. Maxwell equation for calculating the entropy change of any


Chemical reactions: Chemical reaction equilibrium. Functions of a single reaction variable – the extent of reaction. Mass

balance. The general criterion of chemical equilibrium in terms of the total Gibbs free energy of the reaction mixture. The

pressure-dependence of the Gibbs free energy for a pure component. The total Gibbs free energy of a mixture (reaction

mixture). The equilibrium condition and the equilibrium constant. Le Chatelier’s Principle and the determination of the

equilibrium constant at different temperatures.

PETE 314 Process Engineering C (3 + 2 + 1), ECTS 7.5

Introduction to heat transfer, large and small energy changes. Energy transfer, temperature measurement, thermal equilibrium.

Different modes of heat transfer. Conduction in different fluids and solids. Forms of convection. Thermal radiation and heat

loss by radiation. First and second law of thermodynamics. Difference between laminar and turbulent flow.

Thermal Conduction: conduction through a plane wall, Fourier’s law of conduction, conduction through a composite wall,

resistance in series and their effect on thermal conduction, conduction through a cylindrical pipe wall, conduction through a

composite cylinder, conduction through a boundary layer, the changes of conduction through different geometries.

Convection and Radiation: Reynolds number in laminar and turbulent flow. Convection between two fluids separated by a

plane wall or pipe walls. Effect of lagging thickness on heat flow. The optimal and critical lagging. Different resistances and

driving forces. Jacketed vessel. The fouling resistances. The parameters which might influence the film transfer coefficient

inside and outside cylindrical pipes. The relevant dimensionless groups such as Nusselt. Dittus-Boelter equation. Colburn

equation and Sieder-Tate equations for forced convection inside cylindrical pipes. Forced convection over flat plates. Thermal

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


radiation and the “Black body”. Plank’s distribution law. Stephen-Boltzmann law. Typical grey body emissivity values.

Emissivity and absorptivity through Kirchoff law.

Heat Transfer Equipment: different types of heat exchanger; heating and cooling vessels; Jacket, Internal coil, external heat

exchangers. Double pipe, Shell and Tube, Gasketed plate, Welded plate, Spiral. Mean driving force and temperature profiles

in counter-current, co-current, and cross flow. Characteristics of a practical heat exchanger.

Heat Exchanger Design: the basic procedure for heat exchanger design.

PETE 332 Process Design A (4 + 0 + 0), ECTS 7.5

An engineer has to be able to work with unfamiliar data, work in a team environment and solve problems that rely on making

decisions without a full set of information and, of course, work to meet agreed deadlines.

Unlike other courses, where candidates use equation, solve problems and follow design procedures, this course requires them

to synthesise theory and data from other areas and apply their own judgement to solve new problems.

Course lecturers will need to provide guidance in order to ensure that each member of the design group is given the opportunity

to fully engage in the process; in this case the process is just as important as the result.

The main outcome of this group-based project is a single group report. However, within this overall group report individual

blocks are researched and submitted by group member working on their own.

This block of material deals with specific technical aspects of the overall process, such as the design of a length of pipework,

a pump and a heat exchanger – the marks for this section are allocated to individual candidates.


Development of the Flow Diagram. Material & Energy Balance. Pump and Pipeline sizing. Heat Transfer. Safety, P&ID and


PETE 390 Training (1 month), ECTS 6

Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

• Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

• Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

• Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

• Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

• Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.


PETE 411 Formation Evaluation (2 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction to formation evaluation: Definition of formation evaluation and logging techniques; Logging operation: tools

and techniques; Principles of Logging Measurements; Principles of Depth Correlation; Interpretation process

Fundamentals of log interpretation: Correlation and Depth Matching; Interpretation of Lithology; Identification of

Permeable and Non-Permeable Zones; Formation Zonation; Porosity Determination; Saturation Determination

Basic logging tools: Gamma Ray (GR) Tool; Spontaneous Potential (SP)Tool; Density Logging Tool; Resistivity Logging

Tools; Induction and microresistivity logging tools.

Porosity tools and how to compute porosity: Acoustic Log (Wyllie time-average equation); Effects of hydrocarbon, shales,

carbonates and uncompacted sands on the acoustic log; Density Log; Density of some common minerals, water, oil and gas;

Minerals whose density cannot be read directly from the density log; Effect of temperature, pressure and salinity on the density

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


of water; Effects of hydrocarbon, shales and pressure on the density log; Neutron Log; conditions of use and errors;

Correlations used to derive porosity; Effects of hydrocarbons and shale on log

Lithology and porosity in complex formations: Porosity of a mixed lithology rock; Mixed lithology models; Deriving

porosity from a neutron-density crossplot, sonic-density crossplot, sonic-neutron crossplot, density-Pe crossplot; Technique

and assumptions used for deriving minerals from an NGS crossplot; Effect of shaliness, secondary porosity and hydrocarbons

on crossplots; Use of M-N plot to derive mineral content; Use of a MID plot to derive mineral content.

Saturation determination: Use of Archie equation; formation resistivity factor; potential errors in Archie equation; saturation

from a crossplot of resistivity logs and porosity logs; Saturation determination from Rwa, logarithmic overlays, from Ro

overlay and F overlay, from Resistivity Ratio Methods; Describe the Impact of Shale on the determination of saturation.

Shaley sand interpretation: Effect of shale on saturation determination; Laminated sand-shale models, the Dispersed Shale

Model and the total shale model.

PETE 401 Reservoir Engineering 1 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction to reservoir engineering – understanding the location, formation, fluid content of a hydrocarbon reservoir;

understand the definitions of reserves; be aware of the role of reservoir engineering in exploration and development.

Reservoir pressure and temperature - Formation fluid density and pressure gradient in the reservoir; location of water/oil/gas

contacts; use of contacts and pressure gradients to delineate reservoir units; measurement of fluid gradients.

Reservoir fluids composition - Understanding composition of hydrocarbon fluids; classification systems based on density;

simple models of fluid behavior.

Phase behaviour of hydrocarbon systems - Define: system, components, phases, equilibrium, intensive and extensive

properties; understand relationship between pressure and temperature and phase for single and multi-component systems;

define the expected phase changes in a reservoir fluid as it is produced to surface.

Behaviour of gasses - Define equation of state wrt a reservoir gas; modify pv=nrt to account for compressibility factor z

(pv=znrt); use of pseudo critical values to account for gas mixtures; calculation of gas volumes and gas formation factor; use

of equations of state in volume calculations.

Properties of reservoir liquids - Definition of black oil and compositional models of reservoir fluid;use of flash and

differential liberation to obtain black oil parameters; definition of Bo, Rs, Bg; define gas formation volume factor for a gas

condensate; calculation of reservoir fluid viscosity.

Fundamental properties of reservoir rocks - Definition of porosity and permeability; use of Darcy’s Law to calculate

permeability of single phase; definition of interfacial tension; use of capillary pressure to determine saturation changes in

reservoir; definition of effective and relative permeability; use of drainage/imbibition curves to characterise reservoir relative

permeability; understanding pore doublet model in relation to recovery factors in reservoir fluid systems

PETE 421 Petroleum Geoscience B (3 + 1 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Petroleum systems elements: Source rocks. Petroleum play. Reservoir and seal components. Petroleum traps. Migration

pathways (primary, secondary, tertiary).

Depositional environments and petroleum play. Walther's law. Coastline changes and how they affect depositional

environment. Main depositional environment by location. Introduction to marine depositional environment and importance of

sea water.

Reservoir description: characteristics, changes, architecture. Structural features. Fractures and other localised deformations.

Fault compartmentation.

Introduction to source rocks: Sources of organic matter. Depositional settings, maturity. Geochemistry, rock analysis, seals.

Petroleum traps and timing of geological events.

Introduction to geophysics: Main geophysical methods. Seismic stratigraphy. Wave propagation, Reflection seismology. Data

acquisition and processing. Seismic interpretation. Seismic stratigraphy. Uses and limits of seismic in reservoir description.

Correlation: Lithostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic correlations. Correlation using seismic data. Impact of correlation in

reservoir architecture determination and reservoir performance. Structure contour maps. Methods for drawing structure contour


Cross sections from structure contour maps. Manual determination of GRV from structure contour maps. Definition of

gross/net sand and gross/net pay. Hydrocarbons in place. Recovery factors.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


PETE 431 Drilling (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Overview of Drilling Operations: review of the processes required to drill wells; the different types of well - exploration,

appraisal, development – and their role in the exploration and production of a reservoir.

Rig Components: review of the functions of a drilling rig – types, locations, capacities, drilling systems.

Drillstring: Review of the function and design of a drillstring for specific operations; the use of stabilisers and mud motors in

achieving deviated drilling; calculation and design of the appropriate components to achieve a deviated well; the use of logging

(MWD and LWD) in achieving designed trajectories; review of data capture and analysis for MWD and LWD;

Drillbits: review of the characterisation and selection of drill bits for specific formation properties; the longevity of drill bits

with reference to industry standards; efficiency of drill bits by reference to cost and specific energy relationships.

Formation Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient: the generation of pore pressure within sediments; classification of pore

pressure relative to hydrostatic pressure; calculation of pore pressure gradient; review of earth stresses and rock mechanical

properties of sediments; calculation of fracture gradient; use of pore and fracture gradients to determine suitable casing setting


Well Control: Design and use of casing in production and injection wells; design of cementing – primary and secondary;

design of mud system and appropriate mud weight for specific designs; review of BOP’s in drilling and their function in well


Drilling Fluids: Review of types of fluids; design requirements of drilling mud – hole cleaning, bit cooling, formation

stabilisation; chemical interaction of drilling fluids and sediments; remedial operations to counteract blowouts and kicks;

design of bit hydraulics and calculation of fluid power requirements.


PETE 442 Production Technology 1 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction: Role of production engineer; review of wellbore/reservoir connection and implications for fluid flow.

Well performance: PI for oil and gas wells in steady state flow; concepts of flow in pipes and impact of pressure loss

components; hydrostatic head and functional pressure loss gradients for oil, gas, vertical and inclined wells; multi-phase flow

patterns in vertical and horizontal pipes; physical property variation in flow up the wellbore for single phase gas and oil flow

and for multi-phase flow; slip and hold up and appreciate impact on flow efficiency and tubing sizing; gradient curves concepts;

flowing bottom hole pressure based on assumed tubing head pressures and the intake curve of flowing bottomhole pressure

versus rate.

Well completions: Evaluate bottom hole completion options; geometrical configurations for drilled wellbores for both

production and injection applications; generic operating principles for major completion equipment components; Tubing for

production/injection; Wellheads; Xmas trees; Packers; Seal assemblies; Subsurface safety valves; Nipple profiles; Flow control

and circulation devices; packer selection.

Introduction to artificial lift: The need for artificial lift. Review of artificial lift techniques. The role of artificial lift in field

development. Selection of artificial lift criteria. Rod pumps. Electric submersible pumps. Gas lift.

CHE 442 Multiphase Thermodynamics (3 + 1 + 1), ECTS 7.5

Equations of state for non-ideal systems – volume expansivity, isothermal compressibility – virial equations. Radlich-Kwong

acentric factor. Pitzer correlation.

Gibbs energy as a generating function.

Description of phase equilibria for pure materials, binary and multi-component systems.

Physical equilibrium: criteria for equilibrium; Gibbs energy, chemical potential and fugacity; evaluation of fugacity.

Comparison of pure and partial quantities; Lewis Randall Rule, Raoult’s Law and rigorous phase equilibrium equation. Phase

equilibrium ratio (K); evaluation; De Priester charts; bubble, dew and flash calculations.

Activity coefficients: ideal systems; property changes on mixing; activity; activity coefficient; evaluation and use of activity


Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


Partial miscibility: completely miscible systems. Partially miscible systems: description and quantitative treatment. Fully

immiscible systems: description and quantitative treatment.

Chemical equilibrium: stoichiometric numbers and reaction co-ordinate; criteria for equilibrium; chemical equilibrium ratio

(K) and standard Gibbs free energy of reaction. Effect of temperature and pressure on chemical equilibrium; evaluation of K;

calculation of equilibrium conversion.

Compressible flow: flow through nozzles; converging-diverging nozzles, maximum flow conditions; flow in a pipe.

PETE 452 Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Modelling (2 + 1 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Review of single phase fluid mechanics: Velocity profiles, onset of turbulent flow, pressure drops and friction factors.

Compressible flow: Flow through nozzles, converging/diverging nozzles, Critical pressure ratio, maximum gas velocity, sizing


Two phase flow: Definitions, slip velocity, void fractions, flow types.

Partial Differential Equation Solving Methods: Finite difference approximations, truncation errors, regular grid notation, sparse

matrix solution methods.

Computational Fluid Dynamics: Mass and momentum conservation equations, finite volume method.

PETE 402 Reservoir Engineering 2 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Fluid flow in porous media - the diffusivity equation in relation to slightly compressible systems; The main flow regimes that

can occur in a reservoir; Calculation of the steady state, unsteady state and pseudo steady state pressures in a reservoir; The

application of unsteady state relations to calculate pressure within a reservoir; The application of unsteady state techniques to

well testing.

Drive mechanisms - the relative compressibility in a reservoir system; The dominate drive mechanisms for water, gas cap and

solution gas drive systems; The effects of the drive mechanisms on production through time.

Vapour-liquid equilibria – the equilibrium ratio. Derivation of the equations for vapour-liquid equilibrium calculations for real

systems and the application of the equations; The use of equations to determine the dew point pressure and bubble point

pressure of a fluid mixture; The impact of separator conditions the gas-oil ratio and oil formation volume factor.

PVT analysis - the scope of PVT analysis; The main apparatus used in the experiments; Determination of the bubble point

pressure from a set of P vs. V relative volume test data; Calculation of oil formation volume factors above the bubble point;

Determination of the total formation volume factors above and below the bubble point; Determination of the oil formation

volume factors and gas-oil ratios for pressures below the bubble point pressure.

Material balance - a material balance (MB) equation for a dry gas reservoir with and without water drive; The linear form of

the MB equation for a gas reservoir with water drive and comment on its application; The derivation of the material balance

equation including gas cap expansion, water influx and core and water compressibility.

Natural water influx – Calculation of the total water influx resulting from a known aquifer volume in terms of total aquifer

compressibility and pressure drop over the aquifer; The Schiltuis steady state model and the Van Everdingen and Hurst

Unsteady State Model for Water; The progressive pressure profile for a constant boundary pressure; A constant boundary

pressure profile solution and its use for declining pressure aquifer/ reservoir pressure.

Immiscible flow - the various benefits of water injection; A simple equation for the fractional flow of water in terms of water

and oil flow rate; The impact of angle of dip, capillary pressure and velocity on the fractional flow; A set of relative

permeabilties and end-point relative permeabilities; Mobility ratio; A fractional flow curve (given relative permeability and

viscosity data for injected and displaced fluids); The Buckley-Leverett Frontal Advance Equation; The shape of the fractional

flow curve and its associated derivative curve and the progressive saturation displacement profile.

EGP 401 Energy Geopolitics (1 + 0 + 0), ECTS 1

Introduction to the Course: Energy Geopolitics. The global energy landscape: main actors of international energy politics.

International petroleum agreements. Diversification of energy supply to the EU. USA energy politics. Russia energy politics.

Energy politics of Central Asian countries. Iran energy politics. Energy politics of Azerbaijan. Presentation of students’ papers.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


PETE 490 Training (1 month), ECTS 6

Students are required to participate and work as industrial trainees in the industry of their chosen discipline. Industrial training

is a credited course programme and thus is compulsory in order to satisfy the degree coursework requirements for graduation.

An internship experience provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and

skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The experience also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need

to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks.


The internship will provide students with the opportunity to:

• Gain practical experience within the industrial environment.

• Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

• Apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting.

• Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal career goals.

• Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.


PETE 541 Production Technology 2 (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction. Horizontal wells. Characteristics and performance of shaped charge. Assessment of charge performance.

Conveyence of perforating guns into the well. Operational considerations. Skin effect. Sources of formation damage.

Formation damage during specific operations. Well inflow and well stimulation. Well stimulation economics. Candidate

selection. Selection of (chemical) treatment type and potential formation damage caused by matrix stimulation fluids. Matrix

stimulation fluid selection. Acid injection and placement. Execution and evaluation of matrix stimulation treatments.

Stimulation of carbonate formations. Sand production. Prediction of sand failure. Cost of sand control. Sand exclusion. New


CHE 521 Sustainability, Health and Safety (5 + 0 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Health and Safety Introduction. Fires and Explosions. Inherently Safer Design, the Inherent Safety Concept, ISD Research. Introduction to

Reliability, The Bathtub Curve, Types of Probability, Set Theory, Failure Rate and Hazard Rate, Hazard Rate Calculations,

Reliability Data, Mean Time to Failure, Mean Time to Repair, Maintainability and Availability, Preventative Maintenance,

Hidden Failures and Testing, Series and Parallel Systems. Maintenance Strategies. Safety, Introduction, Hazard and Risk, Risk,

Control Measures, the ‘Four C’s. A Safety Management System, Other Safety Management Standards, Plan-Do-Check-Act,

Safety Culture. Safety Legislation, Laws and Regulations, Standards. Hazard and Operability Studies, HAZOP Procedure,

HAZOP Procedure for Batch Processes, High Level and Low Level HAZOP, HAZOP Example, Problems and Pitfalls.

Quantitative Risk Assessment. Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA). Safety Integrity Level (SIL). Fault Trees. Event Trees.


Sustainable Development, Social Pillar, Ecological Pillar, Economic Pillar. Achieving Sustainability, Ecological

Sustainability. Industrial Ecology, Industrial Symbiosis. Sustainable Processing, Cradle to Grave, Cradle to Cradle.

Legislation, Codes of Practice, Enforcement of legislation. Measuring Sustainability, the Natural Step Framework, Ecological

Footprint, Carbon Footprint. LCA. Environmental Management Systems, EMS Certification. Practical Sustainable

Development, Environmental Management Toolkit, Total Sustainability Integrated Management System.

PETE 511 Research Project – Petroleum Engineering (4 + 0 + 0), ECTS 7.5

The Research Project is a major component of final year work and is a paper-based study. This may involve investigating the

current state-of-play with a particular area of technology or an analysis and appraisal of existing data. It is not merely a review

of literature. A list of possible titles is provided by the members of staff.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


The lecturer who runs this course acts as a supervisor for the students, offers advice, provides pointers and monitors the

students’ progress. However, students at level 10 are expected to carry out the project themselves and think independently.

The projects will be carried out in the form of a paper-based study, where the students will be asked to find out information

from the scientific and engineering literature, and beyond, about a particular topical aspect in petroleum engineering, or a

related area.

Final Report

The final report should be a detailed, concise account of the project stating clearly the objectives, the extent of current

knowledge through relevant literature, technical details, results with discussion (interpretation) followed by conclusions and

recommendations for future work. Report lengths can vary but should be targeted to between 4000 to 5000 words (15 - 20

typed pages).

The final oral presentation is necessary.

PETE 501 Field Development Project A (4 + 0 + 0), ECTS 7.5

This is a technical project with the following requirements

1. To produce a technical and economic analysis of a prospective Oil and Gas field, leading to the production of a development

plan, which is suitable for presentation to Management

2. Each member to lead a specific section of the project and produce a report on that section.

3. To produce a group report which will be composed of individual sections above.

4. Complete a poster submission.

The report will contain:

An introduction and synopsis,

A mindmap of the main elements of the project;

A description of the reservoir architecture

The Petrophysical properties of the production zones

The STOIIP and Reserves of the field

The Well Design

A Dynamic Model Reservoir for the field

The Completion Design for the wells

A reservoir monitoring plan

An assessment of the economic viability of the field

A report of safety and environmental issues related to the development

A Poster: the group will generate a poster that will summarise the design and the recommendations the group will make after

finishing the reports.

MACD 501 Fundamentals of Civil Defense and Medical Aid (0.5 + 0.5 + 0), ECTS 1

The role, objectives and organization of civil defense.

Medical and tactical characteristics of damage sites caused by urgent and exigent cases.

Organizing medical support for relocation of people in case of natural disasters or military threat.

Personal and medical protective equipment.

Provision of medical-evacuation measures of those affected by emergencies. Providing first aid: Types of medical aid. First medical aid in bleedings. First medical aid in soft tissue and muscle injury

(closed injuries, spreaders and dislocations, fractures). First medical aid in burns. Injury (trauma) shock and measures against

shock. First medical aid in cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. First medical aid in frostbiting, electrical shok, drowning,

sunstroke, venomous snake and insect bite. Class presentation: Essential aid steps presentation (water, air, ground,

underground). Simulation/practical skills training.

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64



PETE 522 Reservoir Flow Simulation (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction: Description of a simulation model; Simplifications required to create a reservoir simulation model; Workflow

for reservoir simulation; Reservoir simulation at different stages of reservoir development; Simulation case studies.

Basic concepts in reservoir engineering: Material balance equation for an under-saturated oil reservoir; Conditions under

which the material balance equations are valid; Single and two-phase Darcy Law in one dimension; Buckley-Leverett and

Welge fractional flow theory.

Gridding and well modelling: Concept of gridding and of spatial and temporal discretisation; Types of grid in 1D, 2D and

3D used in reservoir simulation; Numerical dispersion and grid orientation; Calculation of average permeability between grid

cells; Well models and productivity index (PI); Average grid block pressure and Peaceman formula.

Flow equations: Physics of single phase compressible Flow through porous media; equation for single phase compressible

flow (PDE); Linearization of PDE for slightly compressible flow involving the hydraulic diffusivity; Extension of the single

phase pressure equation to 2D; Conservation equation for two-phase flow; Simplified two-phase pressure equation for an

incompressible system.

Numerical methods in reservoir simulation: Simple finite difference expressions for derivatives, (∂P/∂x), (∂P/∂t) and

(∂2P/∂x2); Application of finite difference approximations to a simple partial differential equation (PDE); Explicit and an

implicit numerical schemes; Implicit finite difference scheme applied to a simple linear PDE leading to a set of linear equations

which are tridiagonal in 1D and pentadiagonal in 2D; Methods for solution of linear equations; Simple description of Newton-

Raphson method of solution of non-linear equations.

Modelling and Upscaling: Overivew of geological modelling approaches; Reason for upscaling; Calculation of effective

permeability in simple models by averaging; Numerical upscaling of single-phase flow; effects of heterogeneity on two-phase

flow; Limitations of applying single-phase upscaling to a two-phase problem; Description of upscaling methods for two-phase

flow; Effect of small-scale structures on hydrocarbon recovery; Streamline simulation.

Petrophysical and fluid data: Introduction to pore-scale effects; Capillary pressure; difference between drainage and

imbibition; Leverett-J function for scaling capillary Pressure; methods for generating relative permeability curves; Hysteresis

phenomena; Introduction to wettability; Fluid data for incompressible and compressible fluids.

History matching – Introduction to history matching; Data required for history matching; Parameters adjusted during history

matching; History-matching workflow; Overview of automated history-matching methods.

Simulation of reservoir recovery processes: Introduction to EOR (enhanced oil recovery); Comparison of black oil and

compositional simulation; Introduction to simulation of gas injection, including CO2 storage; Brief review of thermal and

chemical EOR; Simulation of fractured reservoirs.

PETE 502 Field Development B (Design Project B) (2 + 0 + 0), ECTS 7.5

• Individual project focusing on application of fundamental petroleum engineering principles to process design; drilling,

facilities, economics, simulation, control, safety, environment.

• Group based project dealing with the technical design of a field development facility.

• Individual reporting on a technical aspect of the project.

• Group report on development proposal

• Utilisation of a range of solution methodologies (process simulation and mathematical modelling tools).

PETE 532 Energy and Petroleum Business Economics (3 + 2 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Introduction: General financial aspects of the petroleum industry; nature and evolution of demand for oil; evolution of oil

supply; role of the National Oil Company versus International oil company; financial parameters or statistics reflecting

performance of a petroleum company; principal sectors of petroleum activity

Evaluation methods: Definition of an asset; Evaluation concepts and objectives; Book value and depreciation; Market value

and models; Cash flow concept - “capex” and “opex”; Cash flow models

Time value of money: Time Value; Compound Interest; Discounting; present value of a single cash flow; Annuities; Price

Inflation - Money of the day

Khojaly ave. 30, AZ1025, Baku, Azerbaijan,

Tel.: +99412 521 33 60 Fax: +99412 521 33 64


Real terms, constant money; Purchasing power; Conversion of money of the day to real terms and vice versa

Project parameters: Cash Flow Modelling - project screening and ranking, Maximum capital outlay, Payback period,

Terminal cash surplus, Profit to investment ratio (undiscounted); Discounted Measures of Value; Net Present Value (NPV)

from project cash flows; Annual Capital Charge (ACC); Internal Rate of Return (IRR); NPV and IRR for acceleration projects;

NPV, NPVI and IRR as screening criteria; NPV, NPVI and IRR as ranking criteria

Government: Importance of petroleum to government; Resource Ownership; United Nations Convention on the Law of the

Sea; Petroleum licensing; forms of licensing agreement; Petroleum Development and government concerns; definition of

“good oilfield practice”; purpose of a field development programme; flaring of methane; reservoir unitisation and describe its

conceptual evolution; field abandonment; Taxation - petroleum revenues; tax-reference price; corporate taxation of project -

stand-alone and consolidated economic models; progressive and regressive taxes

Sources of uncertainty and risk: Geology - concept of exploration success; Facilities – problems encountered in subsurface

and surface; environmental issues pertaining to oilfield development; human failure; Government – imposition of changes to

project;Describe an example of such a process; taxation policy and investment decisions; concept and implications of demand

elasticity; function of spot markets and marker crudes; oil price uncertainty; market for gas; gas sales contract; gas pricing;

exchange rate variation and influence on project economics; risk associated with borrowing money; Partners – risks associated

with partnerships

Risk Management: Sources of information to reduce uncertainty; transferring risk – financial instruments and commodity

trading; Diversification; joint ventures; scenario planning; relevant information in the context of decision-making; Simple

Decision Methods; sensitivity analysis; spider diagram; Monte Carlo and Latin Hypercube sampling; Mathematical

Expectation; Binomial probability Function to calculate expected value; Preference Theory; Decision Trees and value of


CHE 562 Oil and Gas Processing (4 + 1 + 0), ECTS 7.5

Section A

Gas Hydrates. Introduction. Where do hydrates form? Gas hydrate structure. Gas hydrates in pipelines. Gas hydrate blockage

removal. Gas hydrate inhibition. The hydrate stability zone: Analytical approach.

Oilfield Scale. Introduction. Carbonate scale formation. Sulphate scale formation. Methods of scale prevention and mitigation.

Scale prevention using inhibitors. The impact of mineral scale formation.

Assessment of scale problems and treatments.

Wax Deposition. Introduction. Paraffin wax deposition. Problems associated with wax formation. Main topics in wax studies.

Wax disappearance temperature (WDT). Wax deposition. Wax control.

Asphaltenes. Introduction. Asphaltenes. Asphaltene modelling.

Section B

Downhole Processes. Introduction. Offshore system configuration. Necessary condition for an oil and gas reservoir. Oil and

gas production. Pressure maintenance and secondary recovery. Tertiary recovery.

Surface Processing; Treatment Overview. Introduction. Offshore oil and gas treatment. Product specification. Selecting

separator operating conditions.

Surface Processing; Gravity Separators. Introduction. Typical processing scheme. Operating conditions for oil and gas

processing. Physical separation methods. Gravity separators. Operational problems. Theoretical aspects used in design

procedure. Retention time theory. Other expressions and terminology. Design methods. Referenced design methods. Velocity

profiles. Vessel internals. Floating production systems (FPS).

Emulsion Treatment. Introduction. Physical chemistry of emulsions. Theory of emulsion treatment. Methods of de-

emulsification. Emulsion treatment equipment. Emulsion treatment equipment sizing.

Gas Treatment. Introduction. Hydrocarbon dew point control. Gas dehydration (Water dew point control). Adsorption gas

sweetening. Adsorption gas sweetening. Gas sweeting process selection and location. Liquid sweetening. Chemical injection.

Water Treatment. Introduction. Water specifications. Water quality analysis. Potential problems with produced water.

Treatment options. Treatment equipment.

Water Injection. Introduction. Filtration. Deoxygenation or deareation. Chemical treatment.

Oil and Gas Pipelines. Introduction. Pipeline design – single phase flow. Pressure surges. Two phase gas-liquid flow. Features

of onshore pipelines.

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