denver best places to work roadshow | grand rounds

Post on 22-Feb-2017



Recruiting & HR



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A Grand Rounds Approach to Culture and ValuesLiz Gerstung, VP Corporate Relations


cleaning hotel rooms

waiting tables

admin asst

apt rental sales

sales support

market dvlpmt

integrated product mktg

corp mktg & comms

washing dishes

hauling garbage

waiting + legal asst

acct / ops mgmt

direct mktg

product mgmt

prod / corp brand strat

service fashion healthcare Not to chronological scale


An all-access pass to the best in American medicine

Employer pays a few bucks

per employee per month.

Employees engage with Grand Rounds as the

first ally and last word in their healthcare.

They pay $0 for (virtual) expert help and the “usual” for local top doc care.

Each case generates

thousands in savings…

…and moves us closer to eliminating the

$1 trillion+ in wasteful U.S. healthcare spending.

Follow the savings

Put patients first.Hang up on the CEO if you need to.

Act with integrity.Do right, especially when it’s most difficult.

Be courageous.Imagine what health care can be, then fight for it.

Debate and collaborate.Debate ideas, not people. Have confidence, not attitude.

Deliver results.Maximize your do:say ratio.

Three philosophical tenets

Put employees at the center. (They know who keeps the lights on.)

Good employee relations = good brand = good business.

Abandon “focus on fit.” Instead, attend to amplification.

EXTRA CREDIT: Claiming perfection is a sure way to convince folks otherwise.

Three things to try (tomorrow even!)

Get serious about silly.

Give the everyday employee airtime.

Glassdoor: go for it.

EXTRA CREDIT: Make your values stick.

Customers will never love a company until the employees

love it first.

Simon Sinek

Learn more / connect

Why Grand Rounds aims for Best Places to Work

How a table changed my perspective on hiring great talent

Why I joined the Grand Rounds mission

Questions? Feedback?

| liz.gerstung at grandrounds dot com@raegerstung

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