densely connected search space for more flexible neural ... · densely connected search space for...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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Densely Connected Search Space for More Flexible Neural Architecture Search

Jiemin Fang1†, Yuzhu Sun1†, Qian Zhang2, Yuan Li2, Wenyu Liu1, Xinggang Wang1‡

1School of EIC, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2Horizon Robotics{jaminfong, yzsun, liuwy, xgwang}



Neural architecture search (NAS) has dramatically ad-vanced the development of neural network design. We re-visit the search space design in most previous NAS methodsand find the number and widths of blocks are set manually.However, block counts and block widths determine the net-work scale (depth and width) and make a great influenceon both the accuracy and the model cost (FLOPs/latency).In this paper, we propose to search block counts and blockwidths by designing a densely connected search space, i.e.,DenseNAS. The new search space is represented as a densesuper network, which is built upon our designed routingblocks. In the super network, routing blocks are denselyconnected and we search for the best path between them toderive the final architecture. We further propose a chainedcost estimation algorithm to approximate the model costduring the search. Both the accuracy and model cost are op-timized in DenseNAS. For experiments on the MobileNetV2-based search space, DenseNAS achieves 75.3% top-1 ac-curacy on ImageNet with only 361MB FLOPs and 17.9mslatency on a single TITAN-XP. The larger model searchedby DenseNAS achieves 76.1% accuracy with only 479MFLOPs. DenseNAS further promotes the ImageNet classi-fication accuracies of ResNet-18, -34 and -50-B by 1.5%,0.5% and 0.3% with 200M, 600M and 680M FLOPs reduc-tion respectively. The related code is available at

1. Introduction

In recent years, neural architecture search (NAS) [52,53, 37, 39] has demonstrated great successes in designingneural architectures automatically and achieved remarkableperformance gains in various tasks such as image classifica-tion [53, 37], semantic segmentation [6, 28] and object de-tection [17, 47]. NAS has been a critically important topic

†The work is performed during the internship at Horizon Robotics.‡Corresponding author.

... ... ...

Stage i Stage i+1 Stage i+2

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ...

Figure 1: Search space comparison between conventionalmethods and DenseNAS. Upper: Conventional searchspaces manually set a fixed number of blocks in each stage.The block widths are set manually as well. Bottom: Thesearch space in DenseNAS allows more blocks with vari-ous widths in each stage. Each block is densely connectedto its subsequent ones. We search for the best path (the redline) to derive the final architecture, in which the number ofblocks in each stage and the widths of blocks are allocatedautomatically.

for architecture designing.In NAS research, the search space plays a crucial role

that constrains the architectures in a prior-based set. Theperformance of architectures produced by NAS methodsis strongly associated with the search space definition. Amore flexible search space has the potential to bring in ar-chitectures with more novel structures and promoted per-formance. We revisit and analyze the search space designin most previous works [53, 43, 4, 45]. For a clear illustra-tion, we review the following definitions. Block denotes aset of layers/operations in the network which output featuremaps with the same spatial resolution and the same width(number of channels). Stage denotes a set of sequentialblocks whose outputs are under the same spatial resolutionsettings. Different blocks in the same stage are allowed tohave various widths. Many recent works [4, 45, 8] stack theinverted residual convolution modules (MBConv) definedin MobileNetV2 [40] to construct the search space. They









] 9




search for different kernel sizes and expansion ratios in eachMBConv. The depth is searched in terms of layer numbersin each block. The searched networks with MBConvs showhigh performance with low latency or few FLOPs.

In this paper, we aim to perform NAS in a more flexi-ble search space. Our motivation and core idea are illus-trated in Fig. 1. As the upper part of Fig. 1 shows, the num-ber of blocks in each stage and the width of each block areset manually and fixed during the search process. It meansthat the depth search is constrained within the block and thewidth search cannot be performed. It is worth noting thatthe scale (depth and width) setting is closely related to theperformance of a network, which has been demonstrated inmany previous theoretical studies [38, 34] and empirical re-sults [18, 44]. Inappropriate width or depth choices usuallycause drastic accuracy degradation, significant computationcost, or unsatisfactory model latency. Moreover, we findthat recent works [40, 4, 45, 8] manually tune width settingsto obtain better performance, which indicates the design ofnetwork width demands much prior-based knowledge andtrial-and-error.

We propose a densely connected search space to tacklethe above obstacles and name our method as DenseNAS.We show our novelly designed search space schematicallyin the bottom part of Fig. 1. Different from the searchspace design principles in the previous works [4, 45], weallow more blocks with various widths in one stage. Specif-ically, we design the routing blocks to construct the denselyconnected super network which is the representation of thesearch space. From the beginning to the end of the searchspace, the width of the routing block increases gradually tocover more width options. Every routing block is connectedto several subsequent ones. This formulation brings in vari-ous paths in the search space and we search for the best pathto derive the final architecture. As a consequence, the blockwidths and counts in each stage are allocated automatically.Our method extends the depth search into a more flexiblespace. Not only the number of layers within one block butalso the number of blocks within one stage can be searched.The block width search is enabled as well. Moreover, thepositions to conduct spatial down-sampling operations aredetermined along with the block counts search.

We integrate our search space into the differentiableNAS framework by relaxing the search space. We assigna probability parameter to each output path of the routingblock. During the search process, the distribution of prob-abilities is optimized. The final block connection paths inthe super network are derived based on the probability dis-tribution. To optimize the cost (FLOPs/latency) of the net-work, we design a chained estimation algorithm targeted atapproximating the cost of the model during the search.

Our contributions can be summarized as follows.

• We propose a densely connected search space that en-

ables network/block widths search and block countssearch. It provides more room for searching better net-works and further reduces expert designing efforts.

• We propose a chained cost estimation algorithm to pre-cisely approximate the computation cost of the modelduring search, which makes the DenseNAS networksachieve high performance with low computation cost.

• In experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness ofour method by achieving SOTA performance on theMobileNetV2 [40]-based search space. Our searchednetwork achieves 75.3% accuracy on ImageNet [10]with only 361MB FLOPs and 17.9ms latency on a sin-gle TITAN-XP.

• DenseNAS can further promote the ImageNet classi-fication accuracies of ResNet-18, -34 and -50-B [19]by 1.5%, 0.5% and 0.3% with 200M, 600M, 680MFLOPs and 1.5ms, 2.4ms, 6.1ms latency reduction re-spectively.

2. Related Work

Search Space Design NASNet [53] is the first work topropose a cell-based search space, where the cell is repre-sented as a directed acyclic graph with several nodes inside.NASNet searches for the operation types and the topolog-ical connections in the cell and repeat the searched cell toform the whole network architecture. The depth of the ar-chitecture (i.e., the number of repetitions of the cell), thewidths and the occurrences of down-sampling operationsare all manually set. Afterwards, many works [29, 37, 39,31] adopt a similar cell-based search space. However, ar-chitectures generated by cell-based search spaces are notfriendly in terms of latency or FLOPs. Then MnasNet [43]stacks MBConvs defined in MobileNetV2 [40] to constructa search space for searching efficient architectures. Someworks [4, 14, 45, 9] simplify the search space by searchingfor the expansion ratios and kernel sizes of MBConv layers.

Some works study more about the search space. Liuet al. [30] proposes a hierarchical search space that allowsflexible network topologies (directed acyclic graphs) at eachlevel of the hierarchies. Auto-DeepLab [28] creatively de-signs a two-level hierarchical search space for semantic seg-mentation networks. CAS [50] customizes the search spacedesign for real-time segmentation networks. RandWire [46]explores randomly wired architectures by designing net-work generators that produce new families of models forsearching. Our proposed method designs a densely con-nected search space beyond conventional search constrainsto generate the architecture with a better trade-off betweenaccuracy and model cost.


Routing Block


Shape-Alignment Layers

Basic Layers




Cn×Hn×Wn ···



112×112 56×56 28×28 14×14 7×7


ing F


16 4824 320

Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Stage4 Stage5





56 72 176






Figure 2: We define our search space on three levels. Upper right: A basic layer that contains a set of candidate operations.Upper left: The proposed routing block which contains shape-alignment layers, an element-wise sum operation and somebasic layers. It takes multiple input tensors and outputs one tensor. Bottom: The proposed dense super network which isconstructed with densely connected routing blocks. Routing blocks in the same stage hold the same color. Architectures aresearched within various path options in the super network.

NAS Method Some early works [52, 53, 51] propose tosearch architectures based on reinforcement learning (RL)methods. Then evolutionary algorithm (EA) based meth-ods [12, 30, 39] achieve great performance. However, RLand EA based methods bear huge computation cost. As aresult, ENAS [37] proposes to use weight sharing for re-ducing the search cost.

Recently, the emergence of differentiable NAS meth-ods [31, 4, 45] and one-shot methods [3, 1] greatly reducesthe search cost and achieves superior results. DARTS [31] isthe first work to utilize the gradient-based method to searchneural architectures. They relax the architecture represen-tation as a super network by assigning continuous weightsto the candidate operations. They first search on a smalldataset, e.g., CIFAR-10 [24], and then apply the architec-ture to a large dataset, e.g., ImageNet [11], with some man-ual adjustments. ProxylessNAS [4] reduces the memoryconsumption by adopting a dropping path strategy and con-ducts search directly on the large scale dataset, i.e., Ima-geNet. FBNet [45] searches on the subset of ImageNet anduses the Gumbel Softmax function [23, 35] to better opti-mize the distribution of architecture probabilities. TAS [13]utilizes a differentiable NAS scheme to search and prunethe width and depth of the network and uses knowledgedistillation (KD) [20] to promote the performance of thepruned network. FNA [15] proposes to adapt the neuralnetwork to new tasks with low cost by a parameter remap-

ping mechanism and differentiable NAS. It is challeng-ing for differentiable/one-shot NAS methods to search formore flexible architectures as they need to integrate all sub-architectures into the super network. The proposed Dense-NAS tends to solve this problem by integrating a denselyconnected search space into the differentiable paradigm andexplores more flexible search schemes in the network.

3. MethodIn this section, we first introduce how to design the

search space targeted at a more flexible search. A routingblock is proposed to construct the densely connected supernetwork. Secondly, we describe the method of relaxing thesearch space into a continuous representation. Then, wepropose a chained cost estimation algorithm to approximatethe model cost during the search. Finally, we describe thewhole search procedure.

3.1. Densely Connected Search Space

As shown in Fig. 2, we define our search space using thefollowing three terms, i.e., (basic layer, routing block anddense super Network). Firstly, a basic layer is defined as aset of all the candidate operations. Then we propose a novelrouting block which can aggregate tensors from differentrouting blocks and transmit tensors to multiple other routingblocks. Finally, the search space is constructed as a densesuper network with many routing blocks where there are

various paths to transmit tensors.

3.1.1 Basic Layer

We define the basic layer to be the elementary structure inour search space. One basic layer represents a set of candi-date operations which include MBConvs and the skip con-nection. MBConvs are with kernel sizes of {3, 5, 7} andexpansion ratios of {3, 6}. The skip connection is for thedepth search. If the skip connection is chosen, the corre-sponding layer is removed from the resulting architecture.

3.1.2 Routing Block

For the purpose of establishing various paths in the supernetwork, we propose the routing block with the ability of ag-gregating tensors from preceding routing blocks and trans-mit tensors to subsequent ones. We divide the routing blockinto two parts, shape-alignment layers and basic layers.

Shape-alignment layers exist in the form of several par-allel branches, while every branch is a set of candidate op-erations. They take input tensors with different shapes (in-cluding widths and spatial resolutions) which come frommultiple preceding routing blocks and transform them intotensors with the same shape. As shape-alignment layers arerequired for all routing blocks, we exclude the skip con-nection in candidate operations of them. Then tensors pro-cessed by shape-alignment layers are aggregated and sent toseveral basic layers. The subsequent basic layers are usedfor feature extraction whose depth can also be searched.

3.1.3 Dense Super Network

Many previous works [43, 4, 45] manually set a fixed num-ber of blocks, and retain all the blocks for the final archi-tecture. Benefiting from the aforementioned structures ofrouting blocks, we introduce more routing blocks with vari-ous widths to construct the dense super network which is therepresentation of the search space. The final searched archi-tecture is allowed to select a subset of the routing blocks anddiscard the others, giving the search algorithm more room.

We define the super network as Nsup and assume it toconsist of N routing blocks, Nsup = {B1, B2, ..., BN}.The network structure is shown in Fig. 2. We partition theentire network into several stages. As Sec. 1 defines, eachstage contains routing blocks with various widths and thesame spatial resolution. From the beginning to the end ofthe super network, the widths of routing blocks grow grad-ually. In the early stage of the network, we set a smallgrowing stride for the width because large width settingsin the early network stage will cause huge computationalcost. The growing stride becomes larger in the later stages.This design principle of the super network allows more pos-sibilities of block counts and block widths.

We assume that each routing block in the super networkconnects to M subsequent ones. We define the connectionbetween the routing block Bi and its subsequent routingblock Bj (j > i) as Cij . The spatial resolutions of Biand Bj are Hi ×Wi and Hj ×Wj respectively (normallyHi = Wi and Hj = Wj). We set some constraints on theconnections to avoid the stride of the spatial down-samplingexceeding 2. Specifically, Cij only exists when j − i ≤ Mand Hi/Hj ≤ 2. Following the above paradigms, thesearch space is constructed as a dense super network basedon the connected routing blocks.

3.2. Relaxation of Search Space

We integrate our search space by relaxing the architec-tures into continuous representations. The relaxation is im-plemented on both the basic layer and the routing block.We can search for architectures via back-propagation in therelaxed search space.

3.2.1 Relaxation in the Basic Layer

Let O be the set of candidate operations described inSec. 3.1.1. We assign an architecture parameter α`o to thecandidate operation o ∈ O in basic layer `. We relax thebasic layer by defining it as a weighted sum of outputs fromall candidate operations. The architecture weight of the op-eration is computed as a softmax of architecture parametersover all operations in the basic layer:

w`o =exp(α`o)∑

o′∈O exp(α`o′). (1)

The output of basic layer ` can be expressed as

x`+1 =∑o∈O

w`o · o(x`), (2)

where x` denotes the input tensor of basic layer `.

3.2.2 Relaxation in the Routing Block

We assume that the routing block Bi outputs the tensor biand connects to m subsequent blocks. To relax the blockconnections as a continuous representation, we assign eachoutput path of the block an architecture parameter. Namelythe path from Bi to Bj has a parameter βij . Similar tohow we compute the architecture weight of each operationabove, we compute the probability of each path using a soft-max function over all paths between the two routing blocks:

pij =exp(βij)∑mk=1 exp(βik)

. (3)

For routing block Bi, we assume it takes input tensorsfrom its m′ preceding routing blocks (Bi−m′ , Bi−m′+1,

Bi−m′+2 ... Bi−1). As shown in Fig. 2, the input tensorsfrom these routing blocks differ in terms of width and spa-tial resolution. Each input tensor is transformed to a samesize by the corresponding branch of shape-alignment layersin Bi. Let Hik denotes the kth transformation branch inBi which is applied to the input tensor from Bi−k, wherek = 1 . . .m′. Then the input tensors processed by shape-alignment layers are aggregated by a weighted-sum usingthe path probabilities,

xi =


pi−k,i ·Hik(xi−k). (4)

It is worth noting that the path probabilities are normalizedon the output dimension but applied on the input dimen-sion (more specifically on the branches of shape-alignmentlayers). One of the shape-alignment layers is essentiallya weighted-sum mixture of the candidate operations. Thelayer-level parameters α control which operation to be se-lected, while the outer block-level parameters β determinehow blocks connect.

3.3. Chained Cost Estimation Algorithm

We propose to optimize both the accuracy and the cost(latency/FLOPs) of the model. To this end, the model costneeds to be estimated during the search. In conventionalcascaded search spaces, the total cost of the whole networkcan be computed as a sum of all the blocks. Instead, theglobal effects of connections on the predicted cost need tobe taken into consideration in our densely connected searchspace. We propose a chained cost estimation algorithm tobetter approximate the model cost.

We create a lookup table which records the cost of eachoperation in the search space. The cost of every operationis measured separately. During the search, the cost of onebasic layer is estimated as follows,

cost` =∑o∈O

w`o · cost`o, (5)

where cost`o refers to the pre-measured cost of operationo ∈ O in layer `. We assume there are N routing blocks intotal (B1, . . . , BN ). To estimate the total cost of the wholenetwork in the densely connected search space, we definethe chained cost estimation algorithm as follows.


= costNb

˜costi= costib +


pij · (costijalign + costjb),


where costib denotes the total cost of all the basic layers ofBi which can be computed as a sum costib =

∑` cost

i,`b ,

m denotes the number of subsequent routing blocks to

which Bi connects, pij denotes the path probability be-tween Bi and Bj , and cost

ijalign denotes the cost of the

shape-alignment layer in blockBj which processes the datafrom block Bi.

The cost of the whole architecture can thus be obtainedby computing ˜cost

1 with a recursion mechanism,

cost = ˜cost1. (7)

We design a loss function with the cost-based regularizationto achieve the multi-objective optimization:

L(w,α, β) = LCE + λ logτ cost, (8)

where λ and τ are the hyper-parameters to control the mag-nitude of the model cost term.

3.4. Search Procedure

Benefiting from the continuously relaxed representa-tion of the search space, we can search for the architec-ture by updating the architecture parameters (introduced inSec. 3.2) using stochastic gradient descent. We find that atthe beginning of the search process, all the weights of theoperations are under-trained. The operations or architec-tures which converge faster are more likely to be strength-ened, which leads to shallow architectures. To tackle this,we split our search procedure into two stages. In the firststage, we only optimize the weights for enough epochs toget operations sufficiently trained until the accuracy of themodel is not too low. In the second stage, we activate thearchitecture optimization. We alternatively optimize the op-eration weights by descending ∇wLtrain(w,α, β) on thetraining set, and optimize the architecture parameters bydescending∇α,βLval(w,α, β) on the validation set. More-over, a dropping-path training strategy [1, 4] is adopted todecrease memory consumption and decouple different ar-chitectures in the super network.

When the search procedure terminates, we derive the fi-nal architecture based on the architecture parameters α, β.At the layer level, we select the candidate operation with themaximum architecture weight, i.e., argmaxo∈O α

`o. At the

network level, we use the Viterbi algorithm [16] to derivethe paths connecting the blocks with the highest total tran-sition probability based on the output path probabilities. Ev-ery block in the final architecture only connects to the nextone.

4. ExperimentsIn this section, we first show the performance with the

MobileNetV2 [40]-based search space on ImageNet [10]classification. Then we apply the architectures searched onImageNet to object detection on COCO [26]. We further ex-tend our DenseNAS to the ResNet [19]-based search space.Finally, we conduct some ablation studies and analysis. Theimplementation details are provided in the appendix.

Table 1: Our results on the ImageNet classification withthe MobileNetV2-based search space compared with othermethods. Our models achieve higher accuracies with lowerlatencies. For GPU latency, we measure all the models withthe same setup (on one TITAN-XP with a batch size of 32).

Model FLOPs GPULatency


Search Time(GPU hours)

1.4-MobileNetV2 [40] 585M 28.0ms 74.7 -NASNet-A [53] 564M - 74.0 48KAmoebaNet-A [39] 555M - 74.5 76KDARTS [31] 574M 36.0ms 73.3 96RandWire-WS [46] 583M - 74.7 -DenseNAS-Large 479M 28.9ms 76.1 64

1.0-MobileNetV1 [22] 575M 16.8ms 70.6 -1.0-MobileNetV2 [40] 300M 19.5ms 72.0 -FBNet-A [45] 249M 15.8ms 73.0 216DenseNAS-A 251M 13.6ms 73.1 64

MnasNet [43] 317M 19.7ms 74.0 91KFBNet-B [45] 295M 18.9ms 74.1 216Proxyless(mobile) [4] 320M 21.3ms 74.6 200DenseNAS-B 314M 15.4ms 74.6 64

MnasNet-92 [43] 388M - 74.8 91KFBNet-C [45] 375M 22.1ms 74.9 216Proxyless(GPU) [4] 465M 22.1ms 75.1 200DenseNAS-C 361M 17.9ms 75.3 64

Random Search 360M 26.9ms 74.3 64

4.1. Performance on MobileNetV2-based SearchSpace

We implement DenseNAS on the MobileNetV2 [40]-based search space, set the GPU latency as our secondaryoptimization objective, and search models with differentsizes under multiple latency optimization magnitudes (de-fined in Eq. 8). The ImageNet results are shown in Tab. 1.We divide Tab. 1 into several parts and compare Dense-NAS models with both manually designed models [22, 40]and NAS models. DenseNAS achieves higher accuracieswith both fewer FLOPs and lower latencies. Note that forFBNet-A, the group convolution in the 1×1 conv and thechannel shuffle operation are used, which do not exist inFBNet-B, -C and Proxyless. In the compared NAS meth-ods [43, 4, 45], the block counts and block widths in thesearch space are set and adjusted manually. DenseNAS al-locates block counts and block widths automatically. Wefurther visualize the results in Fig. 3, which clearly demon-strates that DenseNAS achieves a better trade-off betweenaccuracy and latency. The searched architectures are shownin Fig. 4.

4.2. Generalization Ability on COCO Object Detec-tion

We apply the searched DenseNAS networks on theCOCO [26] object detection task to evaluate the general-ization ability of DenseNAS networks and show the results

Figure 3: The comparison of model performance on Ima-geNet under the MobileNetV2-based search spaces.



24 48 48


72 72













16 24

48 48
















24 48 48








24 24






64 64


96 96




Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Stage4 Stage556×56 28×28 7×714×14
















Figure 4: Visualization of the searched architectures. Weuse rectangles with different colors and widths to denote thelayer operations. KxEy denotes the MBConv with kernersize x×x and expansion ratio y. We label the width in eachlayer. Layers in the same block are contained in the dashedbox. We separate the stages with the green lines.

in Tab. 2. We choose two commonly used object detec-tion frameworks RetinaNet [27] and SSDLite [32, 40] toconduct our experiments. All the architectures shown inTab. 2 are utilized as the backbone networks in the detec-tion frameworks. The experiments are performed based onthe MMDetection [5] framework.

We compare our results with both manually designedand NAS models. Results of MobileNetV2 [40], FB-Net [45] and ProxylessNAS [4] are obtained by our re-implementation and all models are trained under the samesettings and hyper-parameters for fair comparisons. Det-NAS [7] is a recent work that aims at searching the back-bone architectures directly on object detection. ThoughDenseNAS searches on the ImageNet classification task andapplies the searched architectures on detection tasks, ourDenseNAS models still obtain superior detection perfor-mance in terms of both accuracy and FLOPs. The supe-riority over the compared methods demonstrates the greatgeneralization ability of DenseNAS networks.

Table 2: Object detection results on COCO. The FLOPs arecalculated with 1088× 800 input.

Method Params FLOPs mAP(%)MobileNetV2 [40]


11.49M 133.05B 32.8DenseNAS-B 12.69M 133.09B 34.3DetNAS [7] 13.41M 133.26B 33.3FBNet-C [45] 12.65M 134.17B 34.9Proxyless(GPU) [4] 14.62M 135.81B 35DenseNAS-C 13.24M 133.91B 35.1MobileNetV2 [40]


4.3M 0.8B 22.1Mnasnet-92 [43] 5.3M 1.0B 22.9FBNet-C [45] 6.27M 1.06B 22.9Proxyless(GPU) [4] 7.91M 1.24B 22.8DenseNAS-C 6.87M 1.05B 23.1

Table 3: ImageNet classification results of ResNets andDenseNAS networks searched on the ResNet-based searchspaces.

Model Params FLOPs GPULatency


ResNet-18 [19] 11.7M 1.81B 13.5ms 72.0DenseNAS-R1 11.1M 1.61B 12.0ms 73.5

ResNet-34 [19] 21.8M 3.66B 24.6ms 75.3DenseNAS-R2 19.5M 3.06B 22.2ms 75.8

ResNet-50-B [19] 25.6M 4.09B 47.8ms 77.7RandWire-WS, C=109 [46] 31.9M 4.0B - 79.0DenseNAS-R3 24.7M 3.41B 41.7ms 78.0

4.3. Performance on ResNet-based Search Space

We apply our DenseNAS framework on the ResNet [19]-based search space to further evaluate the generalizationability of our method. It is convenient to implement Dense-NAS on ResNet [19] as we set the candidate operations inthe basic layer as the basic block defined in ResNet [19] andthe skip connection. The ResNet-based search space is alsoconstructed as a densely connected super network.

We search for several architectures with different FLOPsand compare them with the original ResNet models onthe ImageNet [10] classification task in Tab. 3. We fur-ther replace all the basic blocks in DenseNAS-R2 withthe bottleneck blocks and obtain DenseNAS-R3 to com-pare with ResNet-50-B and the NAS model RandWire-WS,C=109 [46] (WS, C=109). Though WS, C=109 achievesa higher accuracy, the FLOPs increases 600M, which isa great number, 17.6% of DenseNAS-R3. Besides, WSC=109 uses separable convolutions which greatly decreasethe FLOPs while DenseNAS-R3 only contains plain con-volutions. Moreover, RandWire networks are unfriendly toinference on existing hardware for the complicated connec-tion patterns. Our proposed DenseNAS promotes the accu-racy of ResNet-18, -34 and -50-B by 1.5%, 0.5% and 0.3%with 200M, 600M, 680M fewer FLOPs and 1.5ms, 2.4ms,6.1ms lower latency respectively. We visualize the compar-ison results in Fig. 5 and the performance on the ResNet-

Figure 5: Graphical comparisons between ResNets andDenseNAS networks on the ResNet-based search space.

based search space further demonstrates the great general-ization ability and effectiveness of DenseNAS.

4.4. Ablation Study and Analysis

Comparison with Other Search Spaces To furtherdemonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed densely con-nected search space, we conduct the same search algorithmused in DenseNAS on the search spaces of FBNet and Prox-ylessNAS as well as a new search space which is con-structed following the settings of block counts and blockwidths in MobileNetV2. The three search spaces are de-noted as FBNet-SS, Proxyless-SS and MBV2-SS respec-tively. All the search/training settings and hyper-parametersare the same as that we use for DenseNAS. The results areshown in Tab. 4 and DenseNAS achieves the highest accu-racy with the lowest latency.

Table 4: Comparisons with other search spaces on Ima-geNet. SS: Search Space. MBV2: MobileNetV2.

Search Space FLOPs GPU Latency Top-1 Acc(%)

FBNet-SS [45] 369M 25.6ms 74.9Proxyless-SS [4] 398M 18.9ms 74.8MBV2-SS [40] 383M 32.1ms 74.7

DenseNAS 361M 17.9ms 75.3

Comparison with Random Search As randomsearch [25, 41] is treated as an important baseline tovalidate NAS methods. We conduct random search experi-ments and show the results in Tab. 1. We randomly sample15 models in our search space whose FLOPs are similarto DenseNAS-C. Then we train every model for 5 epochson ImageNet. Finally, we select the one with the highestvalidation accuracy and train it under the same settings asDenseNAS. The total search cost of the random search isthe same as DenseNAS. We observe that DenseNAS-C is1% accuracy higher compared with the randomly searchedmodel, which proves the effectiveness of DenseNAS.

Table 5: Comparison with different connection number set-tings on ImageNet.

Connect Num GPU Latency Top-1 Acc(%) Search Epochs

3 18.9ms 74.8 1504 17.9ms 75.3 1505 19.2ms 74.6 1505 16.7ms 74.9 200

The Number of Block Connections We explore the ef-fect of the maximum number of connections between rout-ing blocks in the search space. We set the maximum con-nection number as 4 in DenseNAS. Then we try more op-tions and show the results in Tab. 5. When we set the con-nection number to 3, the searched model gets worse per-formance. We attribute this to the search space shrinkagewhich causes the loss of many possible architectures withgood performance. As we set the number to 5 and the searchprocess takes the same number of epochs as DenseNAS,i.e. 150 epochs. The performance of the searched model isnot good, even worse than that of the connection number 3.Then we increase the search epochs to 200 and the searchprocess achieves a comparable result with DenseNAS. Thisphenomenon indicates that larger search spaces need moresearch cost to achieve comparable/better results with/thansmaller search spaces with some added constraints.

Cost Estimation Method As the super network isdensely connected and the final architecture is derived basedon the total transition probability, the model cost estimationneeds to take the effects of all the path probabilities on thewhole network into consideration. We try a local cost esti-mation strategy that does not involve the global connectioneffects on the whole super network. Specifically, we com-pute the cost of the whole network by summing the cost ofevery routing block during the search as follows, while thetransition probability pji is only used for computing the costof each individual block rather than the whole network.

cost =




pji · costjialign + costib), (9)

where all definitions in the equation are the same as that inEq. 6. We randomly generate the architecture parameters(α and β) to derive the architectures. Then we draw the ap-proximated cost values computed by local cost estimationand our proposed chained cost estimation respectively, andcompare with the real cost values in Fig. 6. In this experi-ment, we take FLOPs as the model cost because the FLOPsis easier to measure than latency. 1,500 models are sampledin total. The results show that the predicted cost values com-puted by our chained cost estimation algorithm has a muchstronger correlation with the real values and approximatemore to the real ones. As the predicted values are computedbased on the randomly generated architecture parameters

Figure 6: Predicted values of FLOPs computed by chainedcost estimation and local cost estimation algorithm.

which are not binary parameters, there are still differencesbetween the predicted and real values.

Architecture Analysis We visualize the searched archi-tectures in Fig. 4. It shows that DenseNAS-B and -C haveone more block in the last stage than other architectures,which indicates enlarging the depth in the last stage of thenetwork tends to obtain a better accuracy. Moreover, thesmallest architecture DenseNAS-A whose FLOPs is only251M has one fewer block than DenseNAS-B and -C to de-crease the model cost. The structures of the final searchedarchitectures show the great flexibility of DenseNAS.

5. ConclusionWe propose a densely connected search space for more

flexible architecture search, DenseNAS. We tackle the lim-itations in previous search space design in terms of theblock counts and widths. The novelly designed routingblocks are utilized to construct the search space. Theproposed chained cost estimation algorithm aims at opti-mizing both accuracy and model cost. The effectivenessof DenseNAS is demonstrated on both MobileNetV2- andResNet- based search spaces. We leave more applications,e.g. semantic segmentation, face detection, pose estimation,and more network-based search space implementations, e.g.MobileNetV3 [21], ShuffleNet [49] and VarGNet [48], forfuture work.

AcknowledgementThis work was supported by National Key R&D Pro-

gram of China (No. 2018YFB1402600), National NaturalScience Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 61876212, No.61733007 and No. 61572207), and HUST-Horizon Com-puter Vision Research Center. We thank Liangchen Song,Kangjian Peng and Yingqing Rao for the discussion and as-sistance.

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A. AppendixA.1. Implementation Details

Before the search process, we build a lookup table forevery operation latency of the super network as describedin Sec. 3.3. We set the input shape as (3, 224, 224) withthe batch size of 32 and measure each operation latency onone TITAN-XP GPU. All models and experiments are im-plemented using PyTorch [36].

For the search process, we randomly choose 100 classesfrom the original 1K-class ImageNet training set. We sam-ple 20% data of each class from the above subset as thevalidation set. The original validation set of ImageNet isonly used for evaluating our final searched architecture. Thesearch process takes 150 epochs in total. We first train theoperation weights for 50 epochs on the divided training set.For the last 100 epochs, the updating of architecture pa-rameters (α, β) and operation weights (w) alternates in eachepoch. We use the standard GoogleNet [42] data augmen-tation for the training data preprocessing. We set the batchsize to 352 on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs. The SGD optimizer isused with 0.9 momentum and 4×10−5 weight decay to up-date the operation weights. The learning rate decays from0.2 to 1 × 10−4 with the cosine annealing schedule [33].We use the Adam optimizer [2] with 10−3 weight decay,β = (0.5, 0.999) and a fixed learning rate of 3 × 10−4 toupdate the architecture parameters.

For retraining the final derived architecture, we use thesame data augmentation strategy as the search process onthe whole ImageNet dataset. We train the model for 240epochs with a batch size of 1024 on 8 TITAN-XP GPUs.The optimizer is SGD with 0.9 momentum and 4 × 10−5

weight decay. The learning rate decays from 0.5 to 1×10−4with the cosine annealing schedule.

A.2. Viterbi Algorithm for Block Deriving

The Viterbi Algorithm [16] is widely used in dynamicprogramming which targets at finding the most likely pathbetween hidden states. In DenseNAS, only a part of rout-ing blocks in the super network are retained to construct thefinal architecture. As described in Sec. 3.4, we implementthe Viterbi algorithm to derive the final sequence of blocks.We treat the routing block in the super network as each hid-den state in the Viterbi algorithm. The path probability pijserves as the transition probability from routing block Bi to

Table 6: Architectures searched by DenseNAS in the ResNet-based search space.

Stage Output Size DenseNAS-R1 DenseNAS-R2 DenseNAS-R31 112 × 112 3×3, 32, stride 2

2 56 × 56[

3 × 3, 643 × 3, 64

]× 1

[3 × 3, 483 × 3, 48

]× 1

1 × 1, 483 × 3, 48

1 × 1, 192

× 1

3 28 × 28[

3 × 3, 723 × 3, 72

]× 2

[3 × 3, 723 × 3, 72

]× 4

1 × 1, 723 × 3, 72

1 × 1, 288

× 4

4 14 × 14

[3 × 3, 1763 × 3, 176

]× 6[

3 × 3, 1923 × 3, 192

]× 3

[3 × 3, 1763 × 3, 176

]× 16[

3 × 3, 2083 × 3, 208

]× 4

1 × 1, 1763 × 3, 1761 × 1, 704

× 16 1 × 1, 2083 × 3, 2081 × 1, 832

× 4

5 7 × 7

[3 × 3, 2883 × 3, 288

]× 1[

3 × 3, 5123 × 3, 512

]× 1

[3 × 3, 2883 × 3, 288

]× 2[

3 × 3, 5123 × 3, 512

]× 1

1 × 1, 2883 × 3, 288

1 × 1, 1152

× 2 1 × 1, 5123 × 3, 512

1 × 1, 2048

× 1

6 1 × 1 average pooling, 1000-d fc, softmax

Bj . The total algorithm is described in Algo. 1. The derivedblock sequence holds the maximum transition probability.

Algorithm 1: The Viterbi algorithm used for derivingthe block sequence of the final architecture.

Input: input block B0, routing blocks {B1, . . . , BN},ending block BN+1, connection numbers{M1, . . . ,MN+1}, path probabilities{pji|i = 1, . . . , N + 1, j = i− 1, . . . , i−Mi}

Output: the derived block sequence X1 P [0]← 1 ; // record the probabilities2 S[0]← 0 ; // record the block indices3 for i← 1, . . . , N + 1 do4 P [i]← max


(P [i− 1] · pji);

5 S[i]← argmaxi−1≤j≤i−Mi

(P [i− 1] · pji);

6 X[0]← BN+1;7 idx← N + 1;8 count← 1;9 do

10 X[count]← BS[idx];11 idx← S[idx];12 count← count+ 1;13 while idx 6= 0;14 reversX;

A.3. Dropping-path Search Strategy

The super network includes all the possible architecturesdefined in the search space. To decrease the memory con-sumption and accelerate the search process, we adopt thedropping-path search strategy [1, 4] (which is mentioned inSec. 3.4). When training the weights of operations, we sam-ple one path of the candidate operations according to thearchitecture weight distribution {w`o|o ∈ O} in every ba-sic layer. The dropping-path strategy not only acceleratesthe search but also weakens the coupling effect betweenoperation weights shared by different sub-architectures inthe search space. To update the architecture parameters, wesample two operations in each basic layer according to thearchitecture weight distribution. To keep the architectureweights of the unsampled operations unchanged, we com-pute a re-balancing bias to adjust the sampled and newlyupdated parameters.

biass = ln



exp(α′`o), (10)

whereOs refers to the set of sampled operations, α`o denotesthe original value of the sampled architecture parameter inlayer ` and α′`o denotes the updated value of the architec-ture parameter. The computed bias is finally added to theupdated architecture parameters.

A.4. Implementation Details of ResNet Search

We design the ResNet-based search space as follows. Asenlarging the kernel size of the ResNet block causes a hugecomputation cost increase, the candidate operations in thebasic layer only include the basic block [19] and the skipconnection. That means we aim at width and depth searchfor ResNet networks. During the search, the batch size isset as 512 on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs. The search processtakes 70 epochs in total and we start to update the architec-ture parameters from epoch 10. We set all the other searchsettings and hyper-parameters the same as that in the Mo-bileNetV2 [40] search. For the architecture retraining, thesame training settings and hyper-parameters are used as thatfor architectures searched in the MobileNetV2-based searchspace. The architectures searched by DenseNAS are shownin Tab. 6.

Table 7: Comparisons of different cost estimation methods.

Estimation Method FLOPs GPU Latency Top-1 Acc(%)

local cost estimation 396M 27.5ms 74.8chained cost estimation 361M 17.9ms 75.3

A.5. Experimental Comparison of Cost EstimationMethod

We study the design of the model cost estimation al-gorithm in Sec. 4.5. 1, 500 models are derived based onthe randomly generated architecture parameters. Cost val-ues predicted by our proposed chained cost estimation algo-rithm demonstrate a stronger correlation with the real valuesand more accurate prediction results than the compared lo-cal cost estimation strategy. We further perform the samesearch process as DenseNAS on the MobileNetV2 [40]-based search space with the local estimation strategy andshow the searched results in Tab. 7. DenseNAS with thechained cost estimation algorithm shows a higher accuracywith lower latency and fewer FLOPs. It proves the effec-tiveness of the chained cost estimation algorithm on achiev-ing a good trade-off between accuracy and model cost.

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