demonstration projects wp5 gwp ea case study_andrew takawira for kidanemariam jembere_28 aug

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Towards Water Security and Climate Resilience in Burundi and Rwanda

Bugesera Trans boundary Project in Kagera River Basin for

Rwanda and Burundi”

GWP Water and Climate Programme

Work Package 5 – Demonstration Projects

Kagera Basin-




demonstration –

focus on Lake


Implementation of WACDEP in Bugesera

Proposed area for the project – Lake Cyohoha Sub-Catchment

Entry points for local interventions in Bugesera

The interventions are expected to:

• have positive social and economic impacts

on the communities in both countries,

• enhance their adaptive capacity and

contribute to building resilience to climate

change impacts

• enable communities to jointly collaborate

while managing the shared transboundary

water and other natural resources

Entry points for local interventions in Bugesera

• The Lake Cyohoha Catchment has been

identified by both countries as a hotspots in

various development plans and processes

(including NAPAs and National Climate

Communication Reports)

• Identified as hotspot in the Kagera Basin

Investment Strategy

• Need to respond to unsustainable projects on-

going in the sub-catchment supporting Busoni,

Bugabira (in Burundi) and Bugesera District


”Innovation” in the Bugesera Demonstration Project

• Putting a climate and gender lens in identification

of interventions in Lake Cyohoha sub-catchment

• Working with communities from Burundi and

Rwanda on a shared basin to build adaptive

capacity and reduce vulnerabilities

• Contribute to harmonisation and sharing of

experiences in natural resource management

across borders

Transboundary Water Management at a local


Progress in implementation of WACDEP in Bugesera

Consultations with local level stakeholders in

Bugesera (project launching July 2012)

Understanding Bugesera

Catchment problems through

community participatory


Progress in implementation of WACDEP in Bugesera

Situational analysis (considering climatic and non-climatic

drivers) in Lake Cyohoha Catchment carried out by a joint

team of experts from Burundi & Rwanda (Nov-Dec 2012)

Encroaching wetlands for agriculture and


Water supply issues

Progress in implementation of WACDEP in Bugesera

Stakeholders from Bu & Rw reviewed and

endorsed the findings of the situational

analysis (Dec 2012.)

Progress in implementation of WACDEP in Bugesera

• Areas for quick actions assessed during Planning Meeting

for Activities around the Lake Cyohoha in Kirundo (July


• Participatory prioritization of interventions – that

contribute to building adaptive capacity and reducing


Prioritised interventions selected in Bugesera

• Rainwater harvesting and

water storage facilities;

• Protection of buffer zones

along the shorelines of

Lake Cyohoha;.

• Building of terraces – to

manage soil erosion (thus

siltation of water


Prioritised interventions selected in Bugesera

• Promoting adoption of

biogas, solar energy and

improved cook stoves;

• Building capacities of the

beneficiaries on water

security and climate


• Women groups

involvement and Youth

training and involvement

Results so far from the implemented activites

• Ownership of the program by local leaders

and stakeholders expressed

• Major problems/ challenges/issues, possible

adaptation actions and sites for action

identified for Lake Cyohoha sub-catchment

• Detailed 2013-2014 action plan that include a

list of activities, specific locations within the

catchment area, timeframe, responsible lead

institutions and collaborators and

mechanisms for implementation.

Indicators for Work Package 5 in Bugasera

• Number of beneficiaries supported in

demonstration projects on water security

and climate resilience undertaken

• Number of documents produced outlining

the lessons from GWP demonstration

projects and a plan for replicating solutions

Thank You for your Attention !!

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