demographic and socio-economic profile: statistical baseline · fingal local community development...

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  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee

    Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile: Statistical Baseline


    April 2015

  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee: Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile: Statistical Baseline

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    Contents 1   Headline Profile.......................................................................................................................................................5  1.1   Preamble ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5  1.2   Population........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5  1.3   Age Profile .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5  1.4   Lone Parents ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.5   Marital Status ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.6   Households......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.7   Affluence and Deprivation................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.8   Broadband Connectivity...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.9   Migration and Ethnicity ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6  1.10   Languages ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7  1.11   Disabilities and Carers ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7  1.12   Religion............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7  1.13   Education.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7  1.14   Social Class Composition ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7  1.15   Labour Force .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7  1.16   Unemployment.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7  1.17   Economic Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8  1.18   Travel To Work ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8  1.19   General Health.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8  2   Fingal by Electoral Area and Division ..................................................................................................................9  3   Deprivation Index .................................................................................................................................................10  3.1   Relative Index Scores.............................................................................................................................................................. 10  3.2   Incidence of Disadvantage ...................................................................................................................................................... 10  3.2.1   Extremely Disadvantaged SAPs 2011........................................................................................................................................................... 10  3.2.2   Very Disadvantaged SAPs 2011 ................................................................................................................................................................... 10  3.2.3   Disadvantaged SAPs 2011............................................................................................................................................................................ 10  3.2.4   Comparative NUTS Level Index Scores ........................................................................................................................................................ 11  3.2.5   Distribution of Disadvantage.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12  4   Demographic Profile.............................................................................................................................................13  4.1   Total Population Baseline........................................................................................................................................................ 13  4.1.1   Gender Profile................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14  4.2   Population Change .................................................................................................................................................................. 14  4.3   Age Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16  4.3.1   Age Dependency ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 16  4.4   Lone Parent Ratio.................................................................................................................................................................... 17  4.5   Primary Education Attainment ................................................................................................................................................. 17  4.6   Third Level Education .............................................................................................................................................................. 18  4.7   Socio-Economic Class............................................................................................................................................................. 19  4.8   Employment Rate .................................................................................................................................................................... 19  4.9   Unemployment Rate................................................................................................................................................................ 20  4.10   Housing Profile ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20  5   Economic Profile ..................................................................................................................................................23  5.1   Socio-Economic Groups .......................................................................................................................................................... 23  5.1.1   Social Class ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24  5.2   Employment and Economic Activity ........................................................................................................................................ 25  5.2.1   Employment................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25  5.2.2   Occupation Profile (Basic) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25  5.2.3   Labour Force ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25  5.3   Unemployment ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26  5.3.1   Live Register .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26  5.3.2   Live Register Skills Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................. 28  5.4   Agency Supported Employment .............................................................................................................................................. 29  5.4.1   Agency Supported Sectoral Employment ...................................................................................................................................................... 29  5.4.2   Community-Based Enterprise Infrastructure.................................................................................................................................................. 30  5.4.3   Third-Level Enterprise Support ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31  5.5   Enterprises .............................................................................................................................................................................. 31  5.5.1   Enterprise Base ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31  5.5.2   IDA Companies and Employment.................................................................................................................................................................. 31  5.5.3   GVA per Person............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31  

    5.5.4   GVA per Sector ..............................................................................................................................................................................................32  5.6   Business Sentiment................................................................................................................................................................. 32  5.6.1   Sales ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................32  5.6.2   Profitability ......................................................................................................................................................................................................33  5.6.3   Recruitment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................33  5.7   Sectoral Economic Analysis .................................................................................................................................................... 33  5.7.1   Summary Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................33  5.7.2   Agriculture ......................................................................................................................................................................................................34  5.7.3   Fishing Industry ..............................................................................................................................................................................................37  5.7.4   Manufacturing Industry ...................................................................................................................................................................................39  5.7.5   Construction Industry .....................................................................................................................................................................................40  5.7.6   Retail Industry ................................................................................................................................................................................................41  5.7.7   Transportation Industry ..................................................................................................................................................................................42  5.7.8   Tourism Industry.............................................................................................................................................................................................43  Appendices................................................................................................................................................................. 45  A1   EAs by Deprivation Score ........................................................................................................................................................ 46  A2   EDs by Gender and Age .......................................................................................................................................................... 78  A3   Household Structure ................................................................................................................................................................ 82  A4   Lone Parent Ratio .................................................................................................................................................................... 83  A5   Educational Attainment Levels................................................................................................................................................. 84  A6   Socio-Economic Profile............................................................................................................................................................ 85  A7   Unemployment Rate ................................................................................................................................................................ 86  A8   Housing.................................................................................................................................................................................... 87  A9   Socio-Economic Groups .......................................................................................................................................................... 89  A10   Social Class ........................................................................................................................................................................... 90  A11   Economic Status .................................................................................................................................................................... 91  A12   Occupational Profile............................................................................................................................................................... 92  A13   Live Register by Last Occupation Held.................................................................................................................................. 93  A14   Agriculture.............................................................................................................................................................................. 96  A15   Tourism................................................................................................................................................................................ 101  A16   Skills Needs ......................................................................................................................................................................... 103  

  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee: Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile: Statistical Baseline

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    Figures Figure 1 – Fingal Age Profile 2011................................................................................................................................................................................ 5  Figure 2 – Number of Rateable Businesses 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................ 8  Figure 3 – Comparative Population Trend: Co. Dublin 1981-2011 ............................................................................................................................ 13  Figure 4 – Percentage Population Change Trend 1986-2011 .................................................................................................................................... 15  Figure 5 – Fingal Population Pyramid by Gender: 2011 ............................................................................................................................................. 16  Figure 6 – Male and Female Unemployment Rates 1991-2011 ................................................................................................................................. 20  Figure 7 – Change in Number of Permanent Private Households 1991-2011 ........................................................................................................... 22  Figure 8 - Socio-Economic Grouping 2011................................................................................................................................................................ 24  Figure 9 - Social Class Profile 2011 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24  Figure 10 – Fingal Occupation Profile 2011 ............................................................................................................................................................... 25  Figure 11 – Co. Dublin Long-Term Live Register Trend (All Ages, Male and Female)................................................................................................ 26  Figure 12 – Fingal Live Register Under 25s by Gender 2014 ..................................................................................................................................... 27  Figure 13 - Live Register Trend (All Ages, All Fingal DSP Offices) ............................................................................................................................. 27  Figure 14 – Live Register Comparison (All Ages) 2011-2014 ..................................................................................................................................... 28  Figure 15 – Enterprise Profile (No. of Businesses) 2014 ............................................................................................................................................ 31  Figure 16 – Sectoral Employment: Dublin Region...................................................................................................................................................... 32  Figure 17 – Co. Dublin: Relative Farm Size (Ha) 2010................................................................................................................................................ 34  Figure 18- Co. Dublin: Profile of Selected Crops 2010 .............................................................................................................................................. 35  Figure 19 – Co. Dublin: Relative Livestock Herd Sizes 2010 ..................................................................................................................................... 35  Figure 20 – Co. Dublin: Change in Farm Labour Input by Number of Persons.......................................................................................................... 35  Figure 21 – Co. Dublin: Age Profile of Farm Holders.................................................................................................................................................. 36  Figure 22 – Persons Aged =>15 years in Employment: NACE B to E Trend 2009-14 ............................................................................................... 39  Figure 23 - Persons Engaged in Exporting and Non-Exporting Companies: 2009 and 2012.................................................................................... 40  

    Maps Map 1 – Fingal Administrative Area .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5  Map 2 – Fingal by EA and ED....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9  Map 3 – County Spatial Distribution of Disadvantage 2011....................................................................................................................................... 12  Map 4 - Population Change by ED 2006-2011 .......................................................................................................................................................... 15  Map 5 – DSP Intreo Office Locations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26  Map 6 – Enterprise and Business Centres Map ......................................................................................................................................................... 29  Map 7 – Grocery Stores Access Travel Times 2013 .................................................................................................................................................. 42  

    Tables Table 1 – Fingal by EA and ED ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9  Table 2 - Pobal HP Deprivation Index Standard Labels............................................................................................................................................. 10  Table 3 – Balbriggan EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011 .......................................................................................................................................... 10  Table 4 – Castleknock EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011 ....................................................................................................................................... 10  Table 5 - Mulhuddart EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011 ......................................................................................................................................... 10  Table 6 – Balbriggan EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011 .................................................................................................................................................. 10  Table 7 - Castleknock EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011 ................................................................................................................................................ 11  Table 8 – Howth-Malahide EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011 ......................................................................................................................................... 11  Table 9 – Mulhuddart EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011 ................................................................................................................................................. 11  Table 10 - Swords EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011...................................................................................................................................................... 11  Table 11 – Comparative Deprivation Index Scores .................................................................................................................................................... 11  Table 12 – Population by ED 1981-2011.................................................................................................................................................................... 13  Table 13 – Comparative Population 1986-2011......................................................................................................................................................... 13  Table 14 – Gender Profile by ED 2011 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14  Table 15 – Population Change by ED 1986-2011 ...................................................................................................................................................... 14  Table 16 – EDs With Population Change 14.2%: 2011 ............................................................................................................................................ 15  Table 18 – Age Dependency Ratio by ED 2006 and 2011 ......................................................................................................................................... 16  Table 19 – Comparative Age Dependency Ratio 2006 and 2011 .............................................................................................................................. 16  Table 20 – >21.7 Lone Parent Ratio by ED 2011 ....................................................................................................................................................... 17  Table 21 – EDs Proportion of Population >9.5 Primary Education Only 2011 ........................................................................................................... 17  Table 22 – EDs Proportion of Population 37.9 Third Level Education 2011 ............................................................................................................ 18  Table 24 - EDs Proportion of Population >13.6 Semi and Unskilled Manual Workers 2011 ..................................................................................... 19  Table 25 - EDs Proportion of Population >40.4 Higher and Lower Professionals 2011 ............................................................................................ 19  Table 26 - Dublin Region Employment Rate .............................................................................................................................................................. 19  Table 27 – Male Unemployment Rate >17.6 2011 ..................................................................................................................................................... 20  Table 28 – Female Unemployment Rate >14.0 2011 ................................................................................................................................................. 20  Table 29 – Proportion of Households >5.4 Living in Local Authority Rented Housing 2011 ..................................................................................... 20  Table 30 - Proportion of Households >22.6 Living in Private Rented Housing 2011................................................................................................. 21  

    Table 31 – EDs Households with Proportion Owner Occupation 71.2 2011 ...........................................................................................................21  Table 33 – Number of Private Permanent Households by ED ....................................................................................................................................22  Table 34 - Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Principal Economic Status and Gender 2011 ............................................................................25  Table 35 – Fingal Occupation Profile 2011 .................................................................................................................................................................25  Table 36 – Live Register Co. Dublin Under 25’s .........................................................................................................................................................26  Table 37 – Live Register Co. Dublin Over 25’s............................................................................................................................................................27  Table 38 – Live Register Fingal DSP Offices (All Ages) ...............................................................................................................................................27  Table 39 – Live Register Comparison 2011-2014 .......................................................................................................................................................28  Table 40 – Ranked Live Register Occupations (September 2014)..............................................................................................................................28  Table 41 - Key to Enterprise and Business Centres Map ...........................................................................................................................................30  Table 42 – Business Profile 2014 ................................................................................................................................................................................31  Table 43 - GVA by Region, 2005 and 2010.................................................................................................................................................................32  Table 44 – Fingal: Rateable Businesses 2010 - 2013 .................................................................................................................................................33  Table 45 - Top 20 Commercial Ratepayers (by value) 2013 .......................................................................................................................................34  Table 46 – Co. Dublin: Number of Farms by Farm Size (AAU)....................................................................................................................................34  Table 47 – Co. Dublin: Area Farmed and Area Under Selected Crops .......................................................................................................................34  Table 48 – Co. Dublin: Number of Selected Livestock ...............................................................................................................................................35  Table 49 – Co. Dublin: Farm Labour Input by Number of Persons and Annual Work Units (AWU) ............................................................................35  Table 50 – Co. Dublin: Number of Family Farms by Age of Holder ............................................................................................................................36  Table 51 – Relative Farm Sizes 2011 ..........................................................................................................................................................................37  Table 52 – Number of Fishing Industry Related Companies North East FLAG Area 2013 .........................................................................................38  Table 53 – Top 20 Ports by Value 2011 and 2013 ......................................................................................................................................................39  Table 54- European Industrial Activity Classification (NACE Rev. 2) ..........................................................................................................................39  Table 55 – Persons Aged =>15 years in Employment: NACE B to E..........................................................................................................................39  Table 56 – Persons Aged =>15 years in Employment: NACE F..................................................................................................................................40  Table 57 – GDA Retail Hierarchy.................................................................................................................................................................................41  Table 58 – Fingal Retail Hierarchy...............................................................................................................................................................................42  Table 59 – Balbriggan EA SAP Ranked by Deprivation Score 2011 ...........................................................................................................................46  Table 60 – Castleknock EA SAP Ranked by Deprivation Score 2011 ........................................................................................................................52  Table 61 – Howth-Malahide EA SAP Ranked by Deprivation Score 2011..................................................................................................................59  Table 62 – Mulhuddart EA SAP Ranked by Deprivation Score 2011..........................................................................................................................65  Table 63 – Swords EA SAP Ranked by Deprivation Score 2011 ................................................................................................................................72  Table 64 - Males by ED and Gender 20 Years of Age ..............................................................................................................................................79  Table 66 - Females by ED and Gender 20 Years of Age ..........................................................................................................................................81  Table 68 – Number of Households by Structure by ED 2011 .....................................................................................................................................82  Table 69 – Lone Parent Ratio by ED ...........................................................................................................................................................................83  Table 70 - Educational Attainment by ED ...................................................................................................................................................................84  Table 71 – Socio-Economic Profile by ED ..................................................................................................................................................................85  Table 72 – Unemployment Rate by ED and Gender ...................................................................................................................................................86  Table 73 – Housing Ownership Type ..........................................................................................................................................................................87  Table 74 – Permanent Private Households by ED ......................................................................................................................................................88  Table 75 – Socio-Economic Groups by ED 2011........................................................................................................................................................89  Table 76 – Social Class by Gender by ED 2011..........................................................................................................................................................90  Table 77 - Population Aged 15 Years and Over by Principal Economic Status and Gender by ED 2011..................................................................91  Table 78 – Occupation by ED 2011.............................................................................................................................................................................92  Table 79 - Live Register by Last Occupation Held (September 2014) ........................................................................................................................93  Table 80 – Number of Farms by Farm Size (AAU) 2010..............................................................................................................................................96  Table 81 – Number of Farms by Type of Farming 2010..............................................................................................................................................96  Table 82 – Number of Farms by Economic Size (SO) 2010 ........................................................................................................................................96  Table 83 - Area and Utilisation of Agricultural Land 2010...........................................................................................................................................97  Table 84 – Grassland Production 2010 .......................................................................................................................................................................97  Table 85 – Cereals Production 2010 ...........................................................................................................................................................................97  Table 86 – Other Crops, Fruit and Horticulture Production (1) 2010...........................................................................................................................97  Table 87 - Other Crops, Fruit and Horticulture Production (2) 2010 ...........................................................................................................................98  Table 88 – Cattle Production 2010..............................................................................................................................................................................98  Table 89 – Sheep and Goat Production 2010 .............................................................................................................................................................98  Table 90 – Pig and Deer Production 2010 ..................................................................................................................................................................98  Table 91 – Horses and Ponies Production 2010.........................................................................................................................................................99  Table 92 – Poultry Production 2010 ............................................................................................................................................................................99  Table 93 – Woodland on Farms 2010 .........................................................................................................................................................................99  Table 94 – Farms with Non-Agricultural Activity 2010 ................................................................................................................................................99  Table 95 – Family Farms by Farm Holder 2010 ........................................................................................................................................................100  Table 96 – Dublin Region Visitor Attraction Performance 2007-2012 (13)................................................................................................................101  

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    Maps reproduced under Ordnance Survey Ireland Licence No. EN0063315.

    © Ordnance Survey Ireland - Government of Ireland.

    Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations AIRO All Island Research Observatory

    AWU Annual Work Unit

    BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara

    CSO Central Statistics Office

    DAA Dublin Airport Authority

    DECLG Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

    DSP Department of Social Protection

    EAs Electoral Areas

    EDs Electoral Divisions

    EU European Union

    FCC Fingal County Council

    FDI Foreign Direct Investment

    FET Further Education and Training

    FLAG Fisheries Local Action Group

    GDA Greater Dublin Area

    GNP Gross National Product

    GVA Gross Value Added

    HSE Health Service Executive

    ICT Information and Communication Technology

    ID Identifier

    ISIF Ireland Strategic Investment Fund

    JA Jobseekers Allowance

    JB Jobseekers Benefit

    LCDC Local Community Development Committee

    LECP Local Economic and Community Plan

    NACE Nomenclature generale des Activites economiques dans les Communautes europeennes

    NAMA National Asset Management Agency

    NFQ National Framework of Qualifications

    NUTS Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (EU)

    OSI Ordnance Survey Ireland

    PRSI Pay Related Social Insurance

    QNHS Quarterly National Household Survey

    RW Retail Warehousing

    SAPS Small Area Population Statistics

    SI Statutory Instrument

    SUR Seasonal Unemployment Rate

  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee: Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile: Statistical Baseline

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    1 Headline Profile Fingal County Council Mission Statement: ‘To be the place of choice to live, work, visit and to do business in Ireland. This is reflected through a wide range of strategic assets supporting vibrant communities, prosperous businesses and tourism.’

    1.1 Preamble The administrative area of Fingal covers 450 square kilometres (173 square miles) and stretches from the River Liffey and the Dublin City boundary in the south to the Meath boundary north of Balbriggan, and from the coast in the east to the Meath and Kildare boundaries in the west. Map 1 – Fingal Administrative Area

    The area is defined by the diversity of its landscape, with rural, urban and suburban dimensions. There is 88km of coastline stretching from Sutton to Balbriggan, three large protected estuaries and salt marsh habitats with 13 major beaches. Fingal has major economic assets, including the Dublin Port Tunnel, road and rail infrastructure, proximity to Dublin City and a prime location on the Dublin-Belfast Economic corridor. Dublin Airport provides a significant economic hub for the county. The Institute of Technology in Blanchardstown and has good links with Dublin City University.

    1.2 Population Ireland has experienced a population growth of 30.1 percent over the past 20 years and the Dublin Region has grown at the slightly lower rate of 24.2 percent. Fingal County, by contrast, has rapidly expanded throughout the 20-year-period, and has grown by an exceptional 79.4 percent, which is by far the highest growth rate experienced by any county throughout Ireland. In April 2011 Fingal had a population of 273,991, consisting of 134,488 males and 139,503 females. Even since the economic decline, Ireland’s population has continued to grow by 8.2 percent between 2006 and 2011. Fingal’s population has again grown by 14.2 percent, well above the nationally experienced population growth, over the past five years. The fastest growing EDs within Fingal are Airport (171.9 percent) and Balgriffin (115.8 percent), both of which more than doubled their population and are hence amongst the fastest growing areas in Ireland. In 2011 the population of pre-school age (0-4) was 26,708, of primary school going age (5-12) was 33,076 and of secondary school going age (13-18) was 19,054. There were 19,861 persons aged 65 years and over. The number of persons aged 18 years or over was 198,196. In 2011 29 percent of the population was under 18 and 45 percent under 30 years of age. It is estimated that Fingal’s population will be over 300,000 by the 2016 census, representing an increase of approximately 9.5 percent. By 2021 the population is expected to have risen to over 330,0001.

    1.3 Age Profile In 2011 Fingal returned a significantly higher percentage of the population of below 44 years of age than was the case nationally (72.75 percent compared to 65.60 percent). Consequently, the County has a relatively lower percentage of people of over 45 years of age. Figure 1 – Fingal Age Profile 2011

    Source: CSO Census of Population 2011

    1 Fingal County Council Draft Corporate Plan 2015-2019

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    While there has been a continuous decline in the age dependency rate (the proportion of population under 15 years of age or over 64 as part of the total population) throughout Ireland in the period between 1991 and 2006, from 38.1 percent (1991) to 31.4 percent (2006), the ratio has again increased to 33.0 percent in 2011. An even greater decline applied to Fingal in the period between 1991 and 2006 (36.9 percent to 28.1 percent). In 2011 the age dependency rate was 31.5 percent, i.e. marginally lower than the national average. At ED level there are some significant differences in the demographic profiles, with an age dependency rate exceeding 40 percent in Lucan North (41.8 percent), followed by Howth (38.8 percent) and Ballyboghil (38.7 percent). This contrasts with age dependency rates of about half that rate in Airport (18.3 percent) and Castleknock-Park (24.3 percent).

    1.4 Lone Parents The proportion of Lone Parents (as a proportion of all households with dependent children) in Ireland has exactly doubled over the past 20 years, growing from 10.7 percent in 1991 to 21.6 percent nationally in 2011. There are marked differences between urban and rural areas, and lone parent rates in the major cities are again up to twice the national average (e.g. Limerick City 37.5 percent). Fingal had a rate of 21.7 percent in 2011; practically identical to the nationally prevailing rate. There are vast differences with regard to individual areas within the county and single parent families tend to be concentrated in those EDs that also have significant levels of local authority housing within them. The Lone Parent rate exceeds 50 percent in Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown (51.7 percent); i.e. roughly every second family with dependent children that lives in this area is headed by a single parent. At the opposite extreme, Lucan North (5.7 percent) is the only ED where the Lone Parent rate is under 10 percent.

    1.5 Marital Status Of the 207,584 persons aged 15 years and over, 84,321 were single, 103,902 were married, 6,757 were separated, 5,578 were divorced and 7,026 were widowed.

    1.6 Households According to the CSO Census of Population there were 93,146 private households in Fingal in April 2011, of which 16,000 were single person households. Of the 73,206 families in the area, 20,435 were couples with no children. The average number of children per family was 1.4, which was equal to that found across the State. From Fingal County Council’s annual housecount survey, conducted in July 2014, it is estimated that there are 102,647 residential units in Fingal. This can be broken down into 96,049 residential units in urban areas and 6,598 in rural areas including villages. In mid-2014 there were over 1,000 units at various stages of construction. In addition, there were over 12,000 units with planning permission throughout the county that had not started construction. There is estimated to be sufficient zoned land to accommodate, approximately, a further 31,000 units. The Regional Planning Guidelines indicate that Fingal should have 142,144 residential units by 2022. There has been a 1.9 percentage point decrease in the proportion of local authority housing in Ireland over the past 20 years, from 9.8 percent in 1991 to 7.9 percent in 2011. The proportion in the Dublin Region has declined by 4.8 percentage points, from 14.1 percent to 9.3 percent. Similarly, Fingal has seen a significant decline in the proportion of local authority housing from 8.8 percent to 5.4 percent.

    At ED level, the highest concentrations of local authority housing are found in Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown (54.0 percent), followed by Blanchardstown-Corduff (29.2 percent), Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart (22.4 percent) and Blanchardstown-Coolmine (20.6 percent). The CSO Census of Population 2011 indicates that 82.9 percent of households lived in houses or bungalows while a further 16.9 percent lived in apartments, flats or bedsits. 65,261 dwellings (70.2 percent) were owner occupied while 26,368 dwellings (28.4 percent) were rented. 35.9 percent of the dwellings in Co. Fingal were built in the ten years before the census. The average number of persons per household was 2.9 compared with 2.7 nationally. In 2011 44.4 percent of households had two or more cars.

    1.7 Affluence and Deprivation The Dublin Region is the most affluent region of Ireland, and Fingal is the second most affluent local authority area within the region2. Fingal has been impacted by the economic downturn after 2007, reflected in the drop in the absolute deprivation score from 4.8 in 2006 to -1.8 in 2011. This represents a drop of 6.6, compared to a nationwide drop of 6.5. This also implies that the relative position of Fingal has remained stable between 2006 and 2011, occupying the place as the second most affluent local authority area in Ireland. There are considerable differences in the relative affluence and deprivation between various parts of the county. Of the total of 42 EDs in Fingal, 33 are inclined towards affluence. The most affluent areas are Lucan, Castleknock and Malahide towards the South and East of the county. The most disadvantaged areas are parts of the original Blanchardstown Partnership area3. At a local level, the most deprived EDs are Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown (-13.6) and Blanchardstown-Corduff (-10.9), followed by Balbriggan Urban (-4.1), Blanchardstown-Coolmine (-3.9) and Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart (-3.6). While the former two EDs are the only ones in Fingal falling into the ‘disadvantaged’ category, seven other EDs classify as being ‘marginally below average’. The most affluent EDs in Fingal are Castleknock-Park (17.3), Airport (15.0), Lucan North (15.0), Malahide East (13.2), Balgriffin (12.7), Castleknock-Knockmaroon (12.3), Malahide West (10.9) and Portmarnock North (10.1), all of which classify as ‘affluent’ areas.

    1.8 Broadband Connectivity In 2011 79.5 percent of households had broadband connectivity compared with 63.8 percent nationally.

    1.9 Migration and Ethnicity 91.9 percent of the usually resident population aged over 1 lived at the same address one year before the census of 2011. A further 5.8 percent lived elsewhere in the county, 0.9 percent lived elsewhere in the State, whilst 1.4 percent lived outside the State twelve months before the census date. Fingal is ethnically diverse with non-Irish nationals accounting for 18.3 percent of the population, compared with a national average figure of 12.0 percent. Polish nationals (10,591 persons) were the largest group, followed by UK nationals (4,837 persons).

    2 2011 Pobal HP Deprivation Index - Area Profile for Fingal County: Feline Engling and Trutz Haase: February 2013 3 Blanchardstown includes some of the largest EDs by population. The ED level data confounds considerable differences with regard to affluence and deprivation within each of these EDs.

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    1.10 Languages According to the CSO Census of Population 2011, 96,537 persons could speak the Irish language and of these, 35,211 spoke the language daily. 54,123 persons spoke a language other than Irish or English at home and of these 8,850 could not speak English well or at all. Polish was the most common foreign language spoken at home with 10,345 speakers.

    1.11 Disabilities and Carers 27,928 persons had a disability in April 2011, of whom 6,921, representing 24.8 percent of the total, were aged 65 years and over. 9,214 persons (3,479 males and 5,735 females) provided regular unpaid personal help for a friend or family member with a long-term illness, health problem or disability. 18.8 percent of these provided care for more than 6 hours per day.

    1.12 Religion There were 212,860 Roman Catholics in Fingal at census time 2011. A further 36,634 were adherents of other stated religions (e.g. Church of Ireland, Islam, Presbyterian, Orthodox), while 19,111 persons indicated that they had no religion.

    1.13 Education There has been a continuous improvement in the level of education amongst the adult population over the past 20 years throughout Ireland. In 1991, 36.7 percent of the adult population had primary education only. This dropped to half that level (18.9 percent) in 2006 and even further to 16.0 percent in 2011. Between 2006 and 2011 the adult population with primary education only decreased by 2.9 percentage points. The rate for Fingal has fallen from 27.0 percent in 1991, to 10.8 percent in 2006 and 9.5 percent in 2011. This is a reduction of 17.5 percentage points (compared to -20.7 percentage points nationally), resulting in Fingal having the second lowest rate (after Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown with 8.3 percent) for any county. Despite the considerable improvement at county level, there are some differences with regard to the prevalence of low education between different EDs. There are higher parts of the adult population having primary education only in Blanchardstown-Corduff (24.4 percent) and Clonmethan (20.3 percent), compared to 16.0 percent nationally. This contrasts with Airport (3.3 percent), Lucan North (3.7 percent), Castleknock-Park (3.9 percent) and Castleknock-Knockmaroon (4.7 percent), where less than five percent fall into this category. The reverse applies with regard to third-level education, which has more than doubled over the past 20 years. In 1991, 13.0 percent of the national adult population had completed third-level education. This grew to 30.5 percent in 2006, but increased by only another 0.1 percentage point to 30.6 percent in 2011. The proportion of Fingal’s population with third-level education has grown from 16.9 percent in 1991, to 39.8 percent in 2006, but decreased by 1.9 percentage points to reach 37.9 percent in 2011. This 20-year growth is slightly higher than that which has occurred nationally (21.0 percentage points compared to 17.6 percentage points nationally). At ED level, and again mirroring the situation with regard to the higher incidences of low levels of education, there are particularly low shares of population with third-level education in Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown (12.6 percent) and Blanchardstown-Corduff (13.8 percent), both having proportions of adults with third-level education less than half the national average (30.6 percent).

    Across the county in 2011, of those aged 15 years and over whose full-time education had ceased, 9.5 percent were educated to at most primary level only; a further 52.7 percent attained second level, whilst 37.9 percent were educated to third level.

    1.14 Social Class Composition The changes in social class composition experienced throughout Ireland over the past 20 years largely parallel those in educational achievement, with a gradual increase in the number of professionals and an even greater decline in the proportion of semi- and unskilled manual workers. At the national level, the proportion of professionals in all classes rose from 25.2 percent in 1991 to 34.6 percent in 2011, whilst the proportion of the semi- and unskilled classes declined from 28.2 percent to 17.5 percent over the same period. In Fingal, the proportion in the professional classes (40.4 percent) and the proportion in the lower skilled professions (13.6 percent) mark a composition at the upper end of the social class composition. Fingal is the county with the second highest share (after Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown with 54.8 percent professionals) of professionals amongst all counties. Differences in the social class composition within the county reflect those of educational attainment, with Castleknock-Park having the highest composition (63.2 percent professionals, 5.3 percent semi- and unskilled manual classes) and Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown having the lowest (11.3 percent professionals, 29.3 percent manual classes).

    1.15 Labour Force In 2011 there were 141,916 persons aged 15 years and over in the labour force and of these, 84.0 percent (119,276 persons) were at work. The unemployment rate for this area was 16.0 percent compared with a national average rate of 19.0 percent. Of the 65,668 persons aged 15 years and over who were outside the labour force, 33.1 percent were students, 28.2 percent were looking after the home/family and 28.0 percent were retired. Of the 119,276 workers enumerated in Fingal, 55,808 worked outside the area. The daytime working population (resident and non-resident) of Fingal was 82,738 with ‘commerce and trade’ being the largest industry.

    1.16 Unemployment Unemployment rates have broadly halved over the 15-year period from 1991 to 2006 and subsequently risen by 2011 to levels surpassing the 1991 levels. Nationally, the male unemployment rate fell from 18.4 percent in 1991 to 8.8 percent in 2006 and then rose to 22.3 percent in 2011. The female unemployment rate fell from 14.1 percent in 1991 to 8.1 percent in 2006. In 2011 it had again nearly doubled, accounting for 15.0 percent. Female unemployment rates have tended to be slightly below male unemployment rates, but did not fall at the same pace during the time of the economic boom due to the increasing female labour force participation (i.e. reflecting the trend of increased female participation in the labour force with more women registering their unemployed status). The increase in the unemployment rates since the 2006 Census has been much more pronounced with regard to male unemployment, which rose by a factor of 2.5 compared to a nearly two-fold increase for female unemployment. During the growth period, unemployment rates for Fingal have fallen at a slower pace compared to the nationally prevailing ones between 1991 and 2006, albeit from a significantly lower base. Male unemployment fell from 14.1 percent in 1991 to 7.4 percent in 2006, a drop of 6.7 percentage points (compared to 9.6 percentage points nationally). Female unemployment declined from 12.1 percent to 7.9 percent, a drop of 4.2 percentage points (compared to 6.0 percentage points nationally).

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    Over the past five years, male unemployment in Fingal experienced an almost two-and-a-half fold increase, reaching 17.6 percent in 2011. This development closely resembles the nationally experienced increase of male unemployment levels. Correspondingly, the female unemployment rate nearly doubled, reaching 14.0 percent in 2011. Nevertheless, Fingal still has the third lowest unemployment rates of any county. Unemployment rates in individual EDs reach levels well above those prevailing countywide and are highest in Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown (45.9 percent male, 41.7 percent female), followed by Blanchardstown-Corduff (33.4 percent male, 24.9 percent female), Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart (30.4 percent male, 24.7 percent female) and Blanchardstown-Coolmine (30.0 percent male, 22.1 percent female).

    1.17 Economic Profile National and international economic trends influence enterprise development in Fingal through the ability to attract foreign direct investment. In 2014, the State was ahead of planned fiscal targets for economic recovery, with an anticipated GDP growth of 3.6 percent set to be achieved in 2015. Unemployment was at its lowest level since 2009 at 11 percent, and is expected to fall to 10 percent in 2015. It is anticipated that by 2016 there will be over 2 million people in employment nationally. The 2006 and 2011 census shows that unemployment rates in Fingal reflect the national position and remain a challenge. The number of active businesses in Fingal is determined from the Council’s rate base. The number of rateable businesses has increased by 4.5 percent from 2010 to 2014. Figure 2 – Number of Rateable Businesses 2014

    Source: Fingal County Council Draft Corporate Plan 2015-2019

    Fingal is a major employer across all sectors, supported by a strong supply of zoned land both industrial and residential. Fingal has an established industrial base, with recognised clustering of various business sectors. The Fingal County Council Draft Corporate Plan 2015-2019 identifies the key business sectors in the county to include: - Information and Communication Technology sector, comprising some of the world’s leading

    companies such as Synopsys, IBM, PayPal and Symantec; Aviation sector is a major employer and includes Aer Lingus, Dublin Airport Authority, Cityjet,

    Servisair and Ryanair;

    The Food and Beverage/Agribusiness Sector, a growing industry in Fingal, includes Keelings, Coco-Cola, Sam Dennigan and Donnellys; and

    The Healthcare/Pharmaceutical sector includes leading companies such as Bristol Myers-Squibb and Mylan.

    1.18 Travel To Work The most popular means of travelling to work was by car (driver), with this mode accounting for 58.9 percent of all journeys. 22,079 persons commuted using public transport (bus or rail). The average journey time was 32 minutes and 38.3 percent of workers faced a commuting time in excess of 30 minutes.

    1.19 General Health In Co. Fingal 247,915 persons stated they were in very good or good health, representing 90.5 percent of total persons. This compares to 88.3 percent of total persons nationally. 3,070 persons stated they were in bad or very bad health, representing 1.1 percent of total persons in Co. Fingal. This compares with 1.5 percent of total persons nationally.

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    2 Fingal by Electoral Area and Division Map 2 – Fingal by EA and ED

    Source: Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee Report 2013

    Fingal is part of the Dublin Region, and is located in the province of Leinster. In 2011, the population of the county was 273,991, making it the second most populous county in the state. The county covers an area of 44,810 ha (173 sq. miles), and has a population density of 6.1 persons per ha (1,584 persons per sq. mile). This compares with a population of 1,273,069 for the Dublin Region, with a population density of 13 persons per ha (772 persons per sq. mile). Five Electoral Areas, and a total of 42 Electoral Divisions define Co. Fingal. There are seven principal centres of population: - Balbriggan Castleknock Garristown Howth

    Mulhuddart Skerries Swords Table 1 – Fingal by EA and ED

    Electoral Area Electoral Division Balbriggan Balbriggan Rural

    Balbriggan Urban Ballyboghil Balscadden Clonmethan Garristown Hollywood Holmpatrick Lusk Rush Skerries

    Castleknock Blanchardstown-Abbotstown Blanchardstown-Coolmine Blanchardstown-Delwood Blanchardstown-Roselawn Castleknock-Knockmaroon Castleknock-Park Lucan North

    Howth-Malahide Baldoyle Balgriffin Howth Kinsaley Malahide East Malahide West Portmarnock North Portmarnock South Sutton Part of Swords-Seatown electoral division east of the M1 motorway

    Mulhuddart Blanchardstown-Blakestown Blanchardstown-Corduff Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown The Ward

    Swords Airport Donabate Dubber Kilsallaghan Swords-Forrest Swords-Glasmore Swords-Lissenhall Part of Swords-Seatown electoral division west of the M1 motorway Swords Village Turnapin

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    3 Deprivation Index The Pobal HP4 Deprivation Index measures the relative affluence or disadvantage of an area using data compiled from various censuses. A scoring is given to the area based on a national average of zero and ranging from approximately -35 (being the most disadvantaged) to +35 (being the most affluent). In addition to this, percentage data for the area is given under the following categories: - 1. Population Change; 2. Age Dependency Ratio; 3. Lone Parent Ratio; 4. Primary Education Only; 5. Third Level Education; 6. Unemployment Rate (male and female); and 7. Proportion living in Local Authority Rented Housing. It is considered that the relative index is of particular significance given the economic changes that have occurred nationally during the recent intercensal period.

    3.1 Relative Index Scores The standard labels used in the Pobal HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2012) for the SAPs are described below. Table 2 - Pobal HP Deprivation Index Standard Labels

    Relative Index Score Standard Deviation Label Colour Scheme in Maps Over 30 > 3 Extremely Affluent Dark Blue

    20 to 30 2 to 3 Very Affluent Medium Blue

    10 to 20 1 to 2 Affluent Medium Green

    0 to 10 0 to 1 Marginally Above Average Light Green

    0 to ‐10 0 to ‐1 Marginally Below Average Light Yellow

    ‐10 to ‐20 ‐1 to ‐2 Disadvantaged Medium Yellow

    ‐20 to ‐30 ‐2 to ‐3 Very Disadvantaged Orange

    Below ‐30 < ‐3 Extremely Disadvantaged Red

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    3.2 Incidence of Disadvantage 3.2.1 Extremely Disadvantaged SAPs 2011

    There were no SAPs in Co. Fingal that were ‘Extremely Disadvantaged’ in 2011, according to the Pobal HP classification.

    4 Pobal HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2012)

    3.2.2 Very Disadvantaged SAPs 2011 Table 3 – Balbriggan EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267002045 Balbriggan Rural 295 -17.30 -20.40

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    Table 4 – Castleknock EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267029018 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 341 -24.30 -20.30

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    Table 5 - Mulhuddart EA: Very Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267030006 Blanchardstown-Corduff 463 -24.20 -20.30

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    In 2011 a total of 1,099 individuals lived in Small Areas of Population classified as being ‘very disadvantaged’, representing 0.4 percent of the total county population. None of those living in very disadvantaged areas were to be found in the EAs of Howth-Malahide or Swords.

    3.2.3 Disadvantaged SAPs 2011 Table 6 – Balbriggan EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267003018 Balbriggan Urban 264 -14.10 -19.00

    267002046 Balbriggan Rural 266 -14.20 -16.90

    267003019 Balbriggan Urban 246 -14.00 -16.40

    267002048 Balbriggan Rural 341 -10.90 -15.80

    267123005 Skerries 427 -20.60 -15.20

    267123009 Skerries 362 -18.70 -15.20

    267003022 Balbriggan Urban 274 -15.40 -15.10

    267118026 Rush 430 -10.40 -14.20

    267003021 Balbriggan Urban 297 -11.90 -13.70

    267104021 Lusk 222 18.20 -13.50

    267104022 Lusk 285 -9.30 -12.60

    267003026 Balbriggan Urban 223 -13.20 -12.00

    267003023 Balbriggan Urban 338 -15.60 -11.90

    267118020 Rush 304 -9.30 -11.90

    267118028 Rush 343 -7.60 -10.50

    Balbriggan Total 4,622

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

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    Table 7 - Castleknock EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267029025 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 284 -20.70 -19.40

    267029023 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 395 -18.50 -19.30

    267029020 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 275 -18.90 -18.90

    267029024 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 237 -20.80 -18.80

    267029017 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 325 -17.60 -17.40

    267029005 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 273 -17.00 -16.90

    267027002 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown 489 -25.60 -16.40

    267029034 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 312 -16.30 -16.10

    267029026 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 304 -17.20 -15.80

    267029021 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 472 -18.20 -15.60

    267029016 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 441 -16.00 -15.40

    267029007 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 467 -15.50 -13.90

    267027017 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown 413 -0.70 -12.10

    Total Castleknock 4,687

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    Table 8 – Howth-Malahide EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267095012 Howth 266 -11.80 -12.10

    267111001 Portmarnock South 229 -5.40 -10.50

    Total Howth-Malahide 495

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    Table 9 – Mulhuddart EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267030006 Blanchardstown-Corduff 463 -24.20 -20.30

    267030007 Blanchardstown-Corduff 349 -22.60 -18.20

    267034002 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 295 -19.90 -18.10

    267032009 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 358 -17.30 -17.80

    267034005 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 291 -18.50 -17.60

    267034006 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 294 -21.00 -16.30

    267034003 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 317 -18.30 -16.10

    267030010 Blanchardstown-Corduff 327 -19.30 -16.00

    267034004 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 361 -21.60 -15.80

    267032011 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 523 -13.20 -15.70

    267030008 Blanchardstown-Corduff 339 -14.50 -14.20

    267030009 Blanchardstown-Corduff 335 -15.30 -13.00

    267030012 Blanchardstown-Corduff 281 -13.20 -12.60

    267028059 Blanchardstown-Blakestown 248 -8.40 -11.50

    267028107 Blanchardstown-Blakestown 294 -2.40 -10.60

    267032010 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 251 -9.70 -10.20

    Total Mulhuddart 5,326

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    Table 10 - Swords EA: Disadvantaged SAP 2011

    Small Area ID With ED Total Population 2011 Deprivation Score 2006 Deprivation Score 2011 267131008 Swords-Glasmore 272 -19.20 -19.80

    267098004 Kilsallaghan 289 -9.70 -18.10

    267131013 Swords-Glasmore 340 -16.30 -16.60

    267160001 Turnapin 227 -16.40 -15.30

    267131009 Swords-Glasmore 388 -14.50 -14.80

    267131014 Swords-Glasmore 317 -12.70 -14.10

    267133002 Swords-Lissenhall 277 -11.20 -14.10

    267066016 Dubber 387 -7.60 -12.90

    267065005 Donabate 139 6.80 -11.90

    267065026 Donabate 248 6.40 -10.20

    Total Swords 2,884

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    In 2011 a total of 12,688 individuals lived in Small Areas of Population classified as being ‘disadvantaged’, representing 4.6 percent of the total county population.

    3.2.4 Comparative NUTS5 Level Index Scores Table 11 – Comparative Deprivation Index Scores

    NUTS Level Name 2006 Absolute HP Index Score

    2011 Absolute HP Index Score

    Change in Absolute HP Index Score

    2006 Relative HP Index


    2011 Relative HP Index


    Change in Relative HP Index Score

    4 Dublin City -1.1 -4.9 -3.8 -1.1 2.2 3.3

    4 South County Dublin -0.4 -7.1 -6.7 -0.4 -0.1 0.3

    4 Dublin Fingal 4.8 -1.8 -6.6 4.8 5.2 0.3

    4 Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown 8.0 3.8 -4.3 8.0 10.6 2.6

    3 Dublin Region 1.7 -3.3 -5.0 1.7 3.7 2.0

    2 Southern and Eastern Region 0.6 -5.8 -6.4 0.6 1.3 0.7

    1 Ireland -0.2 -6.8 -6.5 -0.2 0.2 0.5

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index 2012

    5 NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics

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    3.2.5 Distribution of Disadvantage Map 3 – County Spatial Distribution of Disadvantage 2011

    Source: Pobal HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2012)

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    4 Demographic Profile 4.1 Total Population Baseline

    The population of Fingal County was 273,991 persons in 2011. Table 12 – Population by ED 1981-2011

    CSO Code

    Name 1981 1986 1991 1996 2002 2006 2011

    4001 Airport 347 190 224 308 441 1,611 4,032

    4002 Balbriggan Rural 1,927 2,471 2,964 3,454 4,501 9,615 15,140

    4003 Balbriggan Urban 5,582 5,680 5,414 5,473 6,631 6,731 7,555

    4004 Baldoyle 6,003 6,345 6,272 6,739 6,374 5,942 7,050

    4005 Balgriffin 657 565 568 603 590 911 1,966

    4006 Ballyboghil 570 638 665 702 859 950 1,011

    4007 Balscadden 402 408 423 505 577 653 667

    4008 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown 1,545 1,410 1,603 1,531 2,537 4,122 4,870

    4009 Blanchardstown-Blakestown 4,696 9,919 11,905 15,131 24,404 32,288 36,057

    4010 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 4,761 7,813 8,032 7,969 9,202 10,774 10,819

    4011 Blanchardstown-Corduff 4,988 5,128 5,112 4,725 4,346 4,806 3,788

    4012 Blanchardstown-Delwood 4,258 4,431 4,510 4,235 4,589 4,955 5,044

    4013 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 68 1,085 1,323 1,245 1,833 2,785 3,866

    4014 Blanchardstown-Roselawn 2,502 2,531 2,434 2,303 2,043 1,831 1,682

    4015 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 61 268 1,160 1,473 1,653 1,559 2,112

    4016 Castleknock-Knockmaroon 3,889 6,399 8,556 11,095 14,859 17,115 18,071

    4017 Castleknock-Park 3,328 4,071 4,649 4,840 4,561 4,395 5,124

    4018 Clonmethan 389 415 427 492 605 625 790

    4019 Donabate 3,395 3,402 3,830 4,320 6,141 7,600 8,733

    4020 Dubber 600 657 590 577 838 3,747 6,359

    4021 Garristown 906 986 981 1,060 1,162 1,182 1,438

    4022 Hollywood 725 842 874 900 952 998 1,259

    4023 Holmpatrick 2,740 3,128 3,168 3,248 3,328 3,154 3,224

    4024 Howth 9,188 9,327 9,173 9,008 8,706 8,196 8,256

    4025 Kilsallaghan 1,777 1,915 1,904 1,877 2,032 2,081 2,205

    4026 Kinsaley 799 2,013 3,063 3,282 3,528 5,526 8,475

    4027 Lucan North 345 298 317 340 338 1,163 1,358

    4028 Lusk 2,723 3,209 3,503 3,740 4,131 7,048 8,814

    4029 Malahide East 4,525 4,703 4,866 6,444 5,281 6,213 6,879

    4030 Malahide West 4,720 5,033 5,964 5,246 6,315 6,271 6,273

    4031 Portmarnock North 4,728 5,430 5,497 5,582 5,071 4,588 4,118

    4032 Portmarnock South 3,578 3,709 3,767 3,706 3,338 3,522 3,465

    4033 Rush 3,859 4,493 4,831 5,433 6,759 8,280 9,196

    4034 Skerries 4,488 5,213 5,362 5,704 7,612 8,175 8,333

    4035 Sutton 6,227 6,537 6,697 6,510 6,203 5,914 5,609

    4036 Swords-Forrest 4,264 4,849 4,846 7,088 7,679 12,443 13,894

    4037 Swords-Glasmore 2,121 4,878 6,638 7,911 9,797 7,799 7,748

    4038 Swords-Lissenhall 2,315 2,491 2,774 3,222 6,081 9,072 9,667

    4039 Swords-Seatown 983 1,927 3,265 4,425 4,919 5,934 6,539

    4040 Swords Village 2,397 2,169 2,234 2,300 2,572 2,514 2,581

    4041 The Ward 605 576 575 806 1,308 5,181 8,241

    4042 Turnapin 970 927 1,806 1,861 1,717 1,723 1,683

    Fingal Total 114,951 138,479 152,766 167,413 196,413 239,992 273,991 Co. Dublin Total 1,003,164 1,021,449 1,025,304 1,058,264 1,122,821 1,186,656 1,273,069 Southern and Eastern

    Region Total 2,498,345 2,573,422 2,576,774 2,660,897 2,879,009 3,105,002 3,345,595

    Fingal: Percentage Change 20.47 10.32 9.59 17.32 22.19 14.17

    Source: CSO Census of Population

    Table 13 – Comparative Population 1986-2011

    NUTS Level Name

    1981 Total Population

    1986 Total Population

    1991 Total Population

    1996 Total Population

    2002 Total Population

    2006 Total Population

    2011 Total Population

    4 Dublin City 544,833 502,749 478,389 481,854 495,781 506,233 527,612


    South County Dublin

    165,264 199,546 208,739 218,728 238,835 246,925 265,205

    4 Dublin Fingal 114,951 138,479 152,766 167,683 196,413 239,855 273,991


    Dun Laoghaire Rathdown

    178,116 180,675 185,410 189,999 191,792 193,643 206,261

    3 Co. Dublin 1,003,164 1,021,449 1,025,304 1,058,264 1,122,821 1,186,656 1,273,069


    Southern and Eastern Region

    2,498,345 2,573,422 2,576,774 2,660,897 2,879,009 3,105,002 3,345,595

    1 Ireland 3,443,574 3,540,643 3,525,719 3,626,087 3,917,203 4,239,318 4,588,252

    Source: CSO Census of Population

    Figure 3 – Comparative Population Trend: Co. Dublin 1981-2011

    Source: CSO Census of Population

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    4.1.1 Gender Profile Table 14 – Gender Profile by ED 2011

    ED ID ED  Name   Total  Males   Total  Females   Total  Population  

     %  Males   %  Females  

    4001 Airport 2,057 1,975 4,032 51.02 48.98

    4002 Balbriggan Rural 7,333 7,807 15,140 48.43 51.57

    4003 Balbriggan Urban 3,733 3,822 7,555 49.41 50.59

    4004 Baldoyle 3,409 3,641 7,050 48.35 51.65

    4005 Balgriffin 949 1,017 1,966 48.27 51.73

    4006 Ballyboghil 514 497 1,011 50.84 49.16

    4007 Balscadden 346 321 667 51.87 48.13

    4008 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown 2,359 2,511 4,870 48.44 51.56

    4009 Blanchardstown-Blakestown 17,730 18,327 36,057 49.17 50.83

    4010 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 5,405 5,414 10,819 49.96 50.04

    4011 Blanchardstown-Corduff 1,803 1,985 3,788 47.60 52.40

    4012 Blanchardstown-Delwood 2,505 2,539 5,044 49.66 50.34

    4013 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 1,856 2,010 3,866 48.01 51.99

    4014 Blanchardstown-Roselawn 809 873 1,682 48.10 51.90

    4015 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 984 1,128 2,112 46.59 53.41

    4016 Castleknock-Knockmaroon 8,788 9,283 18,071 48.63 51.37

    4017 Castleknock-Park 2,559 2,565 5,124 49.94 50.06

    4018 Clonmethan 406 384 790 51.39 48.61

    4019 Donabate 4,288 4,445 8,733 49.10 50.90

    4020 Dubber 3,110 3,249 6,359 48.91 51.09

    4021 Garristown 727 711 1,438 50.56 49.44

    4022 Hollywood 638 621 1,259 50.68 49.32

    4023 Holmpatrick 1,616 1,608 3,224 50.12 49.88

    4024 Howth 3,954 4,302 8,256 47.89 52.11

    4025 Kilsallaghan 1,075 1,130 2,205 48.75 51.25

    4026 Kinsaley 4,090 4,385 8,475 48.26 51.74

    4027 Lucan North 648 710 1,358 47.72 52.28

    4028 Lusk 4,303 4,511 8,814 48.82 51.18

    4029 Malahide East 3,323 3,556 6,879 48.31 51.69

    4030 Malahide West 3,111 3,162 6,273 49.59 50.41

    4031 Portmarnock North 2,088 2,030 4,118 50.70 49.30

    4032 Portmarnock South 1,717 1,748 3,465 49.55 50.45

    4033 Rush 4,524 4,672 9,196 49.20 50.80

    4034 Skerries 4,034 4,299 8,333 48.41 51.59

    4035 Sutton 2,672 2,937 5,609 47.64 52.36

    4036 Swords-Forrest 6,748 7,146 13,894 48.57 51.43

    4037 Swords-Glasmore 3,932 3,816 7,748 50.75 49.25

    4038 Swords-Lissenhall 4,842 4,825 9,667 50.09 49.91

    4039 Swords-Seatown 3,254 3,285 6,539 49.76 50.24

    4040 Swords Village 1,259 1,322 2,581 48.78 51.22

    4041 The Ward 4,154 4,087 8,241 50.41 49.59

    4042 Turnapin 836 847 1,683 49.67 50.33

    Fingal Totals 134,488 139,503 273,991 49.08 50.92 National Totals 2,272,699 2,315,553 4,588,252 49.53 50.47

    Source: CSO Census of Population

    4.2 Population Change Table 15 – Population Change by ED 1986-2011

    ED ID ED Name 1986 5-Year Population


    1991 5-Year Population


    1996 5-Year Population


    2002 5-Year Population


    2006 5-Year Population


    2011 5-Year Population

    Change 4001 Airport -45.2 17.9 37.5 43.2 236.3 171.9

    4002 Balbriggan Rural 28.2 20.0 16.5 30.3 110.8 59.6

    4003 Balbriggan Urban 1.8 -4.7 6.1 15.5 3.3 10.2

    4004 Baldoyle 5.7 -1.2 7.4 -5.4 -6.8 18.6

    4005 Balgriffin -14.0 .5 6.2 -2.2 54.4 115.8

    4006 Ballyboghil 11.9 4.2 5.6 22.4 12.0 5.1

    4007 Balscadden 1.5 3.7 19.4 14.3 13.2 2.1

    4008 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown -8.7 13.7 -4.5 65.7 61.6 18.8

    4009 Blanchardstown-Blakestown 111.2 20.0 27.1 61.3 32.5 11.5

    4010 Blanchardstown-Coolmine 64.1 2.8 -.8 15.5 16.6 .9

    4011 Blanchardstown-Corduff 2.8 -.3 -7.6 -8.0 -6.2 -7.1

    4012 Blanchardstown-Delwood 4.1 1.8 -6.1 8.4 8.1 1.7

    4013 Blanchardstown-Mulhuddart 1495.6 21.9 -5.9 47.2 92.9 9.4

    4014 Blanchardstown-Roselawn 1.2 -3.8 -5.4 -11.3 -10.6 -7.9

    4015 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 339.3 332.8 27.0 12.2 -7.0 37.3

    4016 Castleknock-Knockmaroon 64.5 33.7 29.7 33.9 15.2 5.6

    4017 Castleknock-Park 22.3 14.2 4.1 -5.8 -3.7 16.7

    4018 Clonmethan 6.7 2.9 15.2 23.0 1.3 28.9

    4019 Donabate .2 12.6 12.8 42.2 23.8 14.9

    4020 Dubber 9.5 -10.2 -2.2 45.2 347.0 69.8

    4021 Garristown 8.8 -.5 8.1 9.6 2.0 21.4

    4022 Hollywood 16.1 3.8 3.0 5.8 5.0 25.9

    4023 Holmpatrick 14.2 1.3 2.5 2.5 -5.2 2.2

    4024 Howth 1.5 -1.7 -1.8 -3.4 -5.8 .7

    4025 Kilsallaghan 7.8 -.6 -1.4 8.3 2.3 6.1

    4026 Kinsaley 151.9 52.2 7.1 7.5 76.7 35.9

    4027 Lucan North -13.6 6.4 7.3 -.6 244.1 16.8

    4028 Lusk 17.8 9.2 6.8 10.5 70.4 25.2

    4029 Malahide East 3.9 3.5 7.8 .7 17.8 10.6

    4030 Malahide West 6.6 18.5 8.0 -2.0 -2.5 1.9

    4031 Portmarnock North 14.8 1.2 1.5 -9.2 -9.7 -10.1

    4032 Portmarnock South 3.7 1.6 -1.6 -9.9 6.0 -2.0

    4033 Rush 16.4 7.5 12.5 24.4 22.6 11.0

    4034 Skerries 16.2 2.9 6.4 33.5 7.3 2.0

    4035 Sutton 5.0 2.4 -2.8 -4.7 -4.7 -5.1

    4036 Swords-Forrest 130.0 36.1 19.2 23.8 21.1 17.1

    4037 Swords-Glasmore 13.7 -.1 46.3 8.3 1.5 -.6

    4038 Swords-Lissenhall 7.6 11.4 16.1 88.7 49.3 6.5

    4039 Swords-Seatown 96.0 69.4 35.5 11.2 20.1 10.6

    4040 Swords Village -9.5 3.0 3.0 11.8 -2.2 2.6

    4041 The Ward -4.8 -.2 40.2 62.3 298.1 58.3

    4042 Turnapin -4.4 94.8 3.0 -7.7 .3 -2.3

    Fingal Total 20.5 10.3 9.6 17.3 22.2 14.2 Co. Dublin Total 1.8 0.4 3.2 6.1 5.7 7.3 Southern and Eastern

    Region Total 3.0 0.1 3.3 8.2 7.8 7.7

    Source: CSO Census of Population

  • Fingal Local Community Development Committee: Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile: Statistical Baseline

    585-Fingal Socio-Economic Profile r9.2.doc Page 15 14/04/2015

    Figure 4 – Percentage Population Change Trend 1986-2011

    Source: CSO Census of Population

    Table 16 – EDs With Population Change 14.2%: 2011

    ED ID ED Name 1986 5-Year Population


    1991 5-Year Population


    1996 5-Year Population


    2002 5-Year Population


    2006 5-Year Population


    2011 5-Year Population


    2011 Total Population

    4005 Balgriffin -14.0 0.5 6.2 -2.2 54.4 115.8 1,966

    4020 Dubber 9.5 -10.2 -2.2 45.2 347.0 69.8 6,359

    4001 Airport -82.6 15.2 27.3 30.2 70.3 63.2 4,032

    4002 Balbriggan Rural 28.2 20.0 16.5 30.3 110.8 59.6 15,140

    4041 The Ward -4.8 -0.2 40.2 62.3 298.1 58.3 8,241

    4015 Blanchardstown-Tyrrelstown 339.3 332.8 27.0 12.2 -7.0 37.3 2,112

    4026 Kinsaley 151.9 52.2 7.1 7.5 76.7 35.9 8,475

    4018 Clonmethan 6.7 2.9 15.2 23.0 1.3 28.9 790

    4022 Hollywood 16.1 3.8 3.0 5.8 5.0 25.9 1,259

    4028 Lusk 17.8 9.2 6.8 10.5 70.4 25.2 8,814

    4021 Garristown 8.8 -0.5 8.1 9.6 2.0 21.4 1,438

    4008 Blanchardstown-Abbotstown -8.7 13.7 -4.5 65.7 61.6 18.8 4,870

    4004 Baldoyle 5.7 -1.2 7.4 -5.4 -6.8 18.6 7,050

    4036 Swords-Forrest 130.0 36.1 19.2 23.8 21.1 17.1 13,894

    4027 Lucan North -13.6 6.4 7.3 -0.6 244.1 16.8 1,358

    4017 Castleknock-Park 22.3 14.2 4.1 -5.8 -3.7 16.7 5,124

    4019 Donabate 0.2 12.6 12.8 42.2 23.8 14.9 8,733

    Fingal Total 20.5 10.3 9.6 17.3 22.2 14.2 273,991 Co. Dublin Total 1.8 0.4 3.2 6.1 5.7 7.3 1,273,069

    Southern and Eastern Region Total

    3.0 0.1 3.3 8.2 7.8 7.7 3,345,595

    Source: CSO Census of Population

    Since the census of 1981, th

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