democracy shirt slide

Post on 19-May-2015






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Jack McCall Democracy Rocks



• Democracy, a story about a superhero who embodies United States history featured on a t-shirt. This same superhero has the government type “Democracy” explained to him in quick layman’s terms.

By Jack McCall

I am so powerful it is ridiculous! No one can stop me!

Yes, you may be powerful. However, you do not have unlimited power. The people that you protect also control you through their votes.

I Votes?

Yes, votes. In a Democracy all citizens have an equal vote or voice in the decision making of a nation.,

Some nations like the United States use representational Democracy. This means that the citizens cast their votes to decide what people will take care of the majority of the decision making process.

In order to have a fair and true Democracy, there must be a choice for the people. This means that Democracy relies on a system where there is a minimum of two different competing parties to choose from.

“Thank you for explaining it to me!”

The t-shirt superhero having learned his lesson of Democracy went to sleep after a long day of hard work.

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