democracy and development antebellum america through 1850

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Democracy and Development Antebellum America through 1850. Mr. Giesler American History. Major Themes We Will Examine The Market Revolution Jeffersonian America The War of 1812 The Age of Jackson. The Market Revolution National in Scope Regional Varriations. The Market Revolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Democracy and Development

Antebellum America through 1850

M r. G i e s l e rA m e r i c a n H i s t o r y

Major Themes We Will Examine

The Market Revolution

Jeffersonian America

The War of 1812

The Age of Jackson

The Market Revolution

National in ScopeRegional Varriations

TTYN: Read the following statement and describe what it means

“The Market revolution was national in scope, but had significant regional variations”

What Was the Market Revolution?

The emergence and growth of manufacturing and industrial revolution in New

England and Northeast cities

The Emergence of commercialization of farming driven by transportation revolution

in Northwest

The continued growth of the cotton industry in the South

The Market Revolution

Implications of the Market Revolution?

Result: regional and specific economies emerged

Provided the framework for political, social, and economic sectionalism

From local to all over the world

A different society was developing

Transportation Revolution

Steamboats (1817 20 boats to 775 in 1855)

Railroads (1830 13 miles to 31,000 in 1860)


Roads (began to develop in the 1800’s (turnpikes = toll roads)

The Market Revolution

Why the Erie Canal?

Surge in western population

Limited access to eastern markets

Canal boom: the Erie Canal, 1825

364 miles long, 40 ft wide, 4 ft deep; Linked Great Lakes to Albany and

NYC; Transformed the northern economy

The Market Revolution

I've got a mule, and her name is Sal, Fif-teen miles on the Er-ie canal, She's a good ol' worker and a good ol' pal, Fifteen miles on the Er-ie can-al, We've hauled some barges in our day, Filled with lum-ber coal and hay, And ev'ry inch of the way we know From Al-ba-ny to Buff-a-lo OH

We'd better look round for a job old gal,Fif-teen miles - on the Er-ie can-al,You bet your life I wouldn't part with Sal,Fif-teen miles on the Er-ie can-al,Giddap 'there gal we've passed that lock,We'll make Rome fore six o'clock,So, it's one more trip and then we'll go,Right back home to Buff-a-lo OH…….

The Market Revolution

The Erie Canal SongLow bridge ev'-ry bod-y down, Low bridge for we're com-in to a town, And you al-ways know your neighbor, You'll always know your pal, If you've ev-er navigated on the Er-ie can-al

The Market Revolution

Erie Canal reduces transportation costs by 90-95%

Prices of Consumer goods go down

Price of farm product stabilize and remain stable

Exciting and very opportunistic time

Produces a consumer society

Communication revolution

The Market Revolution

Transportation of newspaper

Invention of the steam press

Cheap books

Cheap newspaper – now the whole country can remain informed,

which makes for a better citizen, more informed citizen


Annihilation of time and space

The Market Revolution

Economies and Regions Specialize

Individual and Regional


Farmer develops a cash crop, has a surplus

NY State specifically = dairy farmers (concentrates on one


The Market Revolution

The Market Revolution – The “brainchild “ of Alexander Hamilton

Workers become de-skilled (artisans); become specialist at one

specific skill

Ultimately it lowers wages; lower wages, but they are employed

TTYN: Who benefits from this specialization?

Consumers benefits due to the lower costs for production (mass

consumption vs. mass distribution)

The Market Revolution

Regional Implications

Southern States

Agricultural, cotton

“The” Invention that changed everything – The Cotton Gin 1793

What happens to the South

A society that is totally devoted to cotton

TTYN: What segment(s) of society will be affected by this change?

Plantation Owners and Slaves

Greater need for slavery (slavery grows)

Cotton becomes extremely profitable

Slave values

1802 - $600

1860 - $1800

No. of slaves

1802 -1.5M

1860 - 4M

The Market RevolutionNortheast

Prior to the Market Revolution

Pre-industrial manufacturing

The workshop system

The putting-out system

Impact of the Revolution

Industry (factories)

Need for people and more people

Need capital

Power source (rivers)

Rivers with falls; i.e. Merrimack River in Mass.

The Market Revolution

Northwest ( the Midwest)

Agricultural - wheat, corn and soybeans

Moving, moving, moving

Acquire the land (there is a lot of it)

Early Inventions during the late 18th and early 19th centuries

The Cotton Gin

The Textile Mill

The Spinning Wheel

Bleaching: The Progress of cotton

The Steam Engine

The Erie Canal

TTYN: What was the impact of each?

How did the economies of the North and South change?

What were the results of these changes?

The Market Revolution

The Market RevolutionSmall Group Activity The Lowell Mill Girls Reading

The Henry Clay

The Market Revolution

Jeffersonian America

Topics We Will Examine

Jeffersonian Democracy

Limited Central Government and Pro States Rights

Judicial powers strengthen

Territorial expansion

The Demise of the Federalist Party

Revival of the Two-Party System


Jeffersonian Democracy

Abandoned Aristocratic Democracy

TTYN: What is an Aristocrat?

Jefferson: The Founder of American Democracy?

Wrote the Declaration of Independence

Led and largely created the Republican Party, by which the Federalists, who

were anti-democratic, were unseated

First President who believed in democracy and sought to establish it

Jefferson – A democrat for the people, not of the people!

Jeffersonian Democracy

Thomas Jefferson biographer once wrote that “there were probably

twice of thrice many four-horse carriages in Virginia before the

revolution as there are at present time; but the number of two-horse

carriages may be ten, or even twenty times as great as at the former


TTYN: What does this statement illustrate?

The Progress of Democracy

Jeffersonian Democracy

TTYN: Read the passage below. What is Jefferson telling the reader?

The ‘real’ meaning.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That

whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”

Jeffersonian Democracy

Clash With Hamilton

Hoped plutocracy would evolve into aristocracy

Corruption as the best method for causing plutocracy to prevail over


Argued that the President and Senators should be chosen for life.

leader of the Federalists

Hamilton advocated the growth of manufactures

Child Labor was good

Dislike democracy

Admired England and aimed at making America resemble

Jefferson stood for democracy and agriculture, Hamilton for aristocracy and

urban wealth

Jeffersonian Democracy

Jefferson’s goal as president:

Restore the principles of the American Revolution


Federalists levied oppressive taxes

Stretched the provisions of the Constitution

Established a national bank, which created bastion of wealth and special

privileges for a few

Federalist also had subverted civil liberties and expanded the powers of the

central government at the expense of the states.

Jefferson wanted a return to basic republican principles.

Jeffersonian Democracy

The Meaning of Jefferson’s Democracy

When he says “self-evident,” he means it.

The essence of virtue is in doing good to others

Believed in the innate goodness of man that gives the basis for his liberalism

Believed that most men, on the whole, will follow their consciences.

For a few exceptions, laws may be necessary; but in the main, liberty is all

that is needful for the promotion of human happiness.

Favored democracy by the masses

Faith in the common man

Strict interpretation of the constitution

Favored a nation of farmers

Limited Central Government and Pro State Rights

Repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts

TTYN: What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 the United States was at the brink of war with France (XYZ Affair) Federalists believed that Democratic-Republican criticism of Federalist policies was disloyal and feared that aliens living in the United States would sympathize with the French during a war. Federalist-controlled Congress passed four laws, known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. Raised the residency requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years Authorized the President to deport aliens Permitted the arrest, imprisonment, and deportation of aliens during wartime. The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish . .any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the Government. The laws were directed against Democratic-Republicans, the party typically favored by new citizens

Limited Central Government and Pro State Rights

Whiskey Rebellion Excise tax imposed on whiskey in 1791 by the federal government, farmers in the western counties of Pennsylvania engaged in a series of attacks on excise agents.

Jefferson believed that the purpose of government is to protect the “unalienable

rights” of its citizens, and that these rights include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of


People have the right to rebel

Believed a little rebellion now and then was a good thing

“…a medicine necessary for “the sound health of government.”

“the first error was to pass it (the whiskey tax); the second was to enforce it; and the

third, to make it the means of splitting this Union.”

Limited Central Government and Pro State Rights

Jefferson believed that local government was most important

Believed that the emphasis for government should concentrate within the county

and state

While President, Jefferson slashed government expenditures

“I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.”  

“Most bad government has grown out of too much government”

Reduced the national debt

Convinced Congress to cut the price of public lands and to extend credit to

purchasers in order to encourage land ownership and rapid western settlement

Reduced the size of the military

Although Jefferson condemned Hamilton’s Financial Plan, he did authorize to

incorporate the United State Bank

Jefferson’s War against the Judiciary

Jefferson took office, not a single Republican served as a federal judge.

Jefferson feared that the Federalists intended to use the courts to frustrate

Republican plans.

Jefferson’s Goal - weaken Federalist control of the federal judiciary.

The Judiciary Act of 1801, which was passed by the lame-duck Federalist-

dominated Congress five days before Adams's term expired.

The law created 16 new federal judgeships, positions which President Adams

promptly filled with Federalists.

The act reduced the number of Supreme Court justices effective with the next

vacancy, delaying Jefferson's opportunity to name a new Supreme Court justice.

Jefferson's supporters in Congress repealed the Judiciary Act.

Jefferson’s War against the Judiciary

Judiciary act of 1801 (Jefferson repealed)

Compelled court to deliver commissions

Marbury v. Madison

Congress had no constitutional right to give federal courts the powers of Jud. Act

Supreme Court Chief John Marshall

Small Group Activity The Marshall Court

Territorial Expansion

France forced Spain to relinquish claims to North America interior

Louisiana Purchase 1803; cost 15M

France sold to help fund Napoleons war

Mississippi to the Rockies

13 states will result

Lewis and Clark 1803-1806

Missouri to Columbia

TTYN: Does the Louisiana Purchase depict Jefferson as an hypocrite? In other words, isn’t this “huge” purchase a symbol of ‘big’ government?

The Embargo Act

Jefferson’s desperate attempt to avert war with Britain

Jefferson and United States imposed an embargo on foreign trade.

Jefferson believed the embargo as an idealistic experiment--a moral alternative to


Believed that economic coercion would convince Britain and France to respect

America’s neutral rights.

The embargo was an unpopular and costly failure.

Hurt the American economy far more than the British or French, and resulted in

widespread smuggling.

Farm prices fell sharply. Shippers suffered, Harbors filled with idle ships and nearly

30,000 sailors found themselves jobless.

Jefferson believed that Americans would cooperate with the embargo out of a sense

of patriotism.

The Embargo Act

Instead, smuggling flourished, particularly through Canada.

To enforce the embargo, Jefferson took steps that infringed on his most cherished

principles: individual liberties and opposition to a strong central government.

He mobilized the army and navy to enforce the blockade, and declared the Lake

Champlain region of New York, along the Canadian border, in a state of insurrection.

TTYN: How does this contradict with Jefferson’s doctrine regarding a limited


Pressure to abandon the embargo mounted, and early in 1809, just 3 days before

Jefferson left office, Congress repealed the embargo.

The War of 1812

Defending American Rights on the High Seas


In 1809, Congress replaced the failed embargo with the Non-

Intercourse Act

Non-Intercourse Act -- Reopened trade with all nations except Britain

and France.

1810, Non-Intercourse Act with a new measure, Macon's Bill

Reopened trade with France and Britain.

Stipulation -- that if either Britain or France agreed to respect

America's neutral rights, the United States would immediately stop trade

with the other nation.

The War of 1812

Defending American Rights on the High Seas

Causes Britain --Seizure and forced sale of merchant ships and their cargoes for

allegedly violating the British blockade of Europe

France -- declared a counterblockade of the British Isles and had seized

American ships

England was the chief offender because its Navy had greater command of

the seas.

 Impressment -- capture of men from American vessels for forced service in

the Royal Navy; pretext for impressment was the search for deserters, who,

the British claimed, had taken employment on American vessels.

The War of 1812

The War of 1812

Why Go to War?

War Hawks -- Southern congressmen favored war, even though it hurt the


To allow reopening of trade

National Pride

To stop the impressment of sailors


The War of 1812

Not everyone in the US wanted to go to war

The U.S. military was small; Standing Army was small

Militia comprised most of our forces, and they did not like to fight outside

of their state borders

Navy was quite small only 22 ships

Britain was still a great Superpower and easily defeat us

We could lose territory that was gained in the Treaty of Paris or from the

Louisiana Purchase

The War of 1812

What were some drawbacks to going to war?

The War of 1812

U.S. Burns York (now Toronto, CA)

Why attack Canada?

U.S. calculated that the Canadians would join the Americans help

defeat Britain …this did not happen

Perry Defeated the British on Lake Erie

Provided the U.S. control of Lake Erie

Britain Blockades the Eastern Seaboard

Remember – Britain Navy vs. U.S. Navy…no comparison

British Blockade -- prevented shipping from leaving, and made the

war more unpopular in the Northeast…Industry!!!

The War of 1812

The War of 1812

In August 1814, British Forces Sailed into Chesapeake Bay and

capture Washington D.C.

The British burn the White House and the Capitol

Madison and Congress barely escape

The Battle of New Orleans

Fought after the treaty was signed (but not ratified)

Why was New Orleans important?

Pirates and Frontiersman fought alongside US troops

Made Andrew Jackson a National hero and household name

Ensured treaty ratification

The War of 1812

The Battle of Fort McHenry

Unlike D.C., Baltimore was Ready for the British

The City militia inflicted heavy casualties on the British

After bombarding Fort McHenry on September 13, 1814 The British

abandon the attack

Francis Scott Key witnessed the bombardment and penned a poem

"Defense of Fort McHenry," which becomes the National Anthem.

The War of 1812

The War of 1812

The War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty was Negotiated in Europe and was signed on Dec. 24, 1814

ending the war of 1812

The War ended in a stalemate, where no party gained or lost any


The War of 1812

The War of 1812

The Demise of the Federalist Party

The Constitution was drafted in Philadelphia in 1787, those who favored

ratification called themselves "Federalists"

TTYN: Who wrote the Federalist Papers?

Most of the leading men in the country, including Washington, Madison, Adams,

Hamilton and Jefferson, were united in support of the new government.  

Federalists controlled all branches of the US government for the first three

presidential administrations and the programs and ideas of Alexander Hamilton

funding the debt, establishing a national bank, promoting commerce and

industry, avoiding premature war with England - prevailed.

The Demise of the Federalist Party

Divisions began to appear in the early 1790's

Madison and Jefferson began to oppose the policies of Hamilton and Washington.

Opposition party founded - "Republican Party" (later the "Democratic-Republican


1801, the Republicans won the election and placed Jefferson in the White House.

Hamilton killed in 1804…the end is near!

The Demise of the Federalist Party  The Hartford Convention of 1814 marks the end of the Federalist Party

New England Federalists vented their anger over Jefferson's embargo

The Federalist did not propose secession from the union, but did advance the idea

that the states could nullify "unconstitutional" acts of Congress

After the Battle of New Orleans and the end of the War with England, these

positions were exceedingly unpopular.

Inconsistent with the longstanding support of Federalists for a strong and

energetic national government.

Federalists were disgraced which led the end of the party

The “Era of Good Feelings”

The War of 1812 closed with the Federalist Party all but destroyed

The 1816 presidential election was the last one when the Federalists' ran a candidate.

The 1818 Congressional election brought another landslide victory for Democratic-

Republicans who controlled 85 percent of the seats in the U.S. Congress.

James Monroe elected president (1817 to 1825)

ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS  - due to its one-party dominance

On the horizon - Democratic-Republicans were deeply divided internally and a new

political system was about to be created from the old Republican-Federalist

competition that had been known as the FIRST PARTY SYSTEM

The “Era of Good Feelings”

Democratic-Republicans incorporated major economic policies that had been

favored by Federalists since the time of Alexander Hamilton: build an American

System of national economic development.

Three basic aspects:

A national bank

Protective tariffs to support American manufactures

Federally-funded internal improvements.

The “Era of Good Feelings”

The chartering of the Second Bank of the United States in 1816 indicates how much

of the old Federalist economic agenda the Democratic-Republicans now supported

TTYN: Recalling what we learned about Jeffersonian Democracy, what was

Jefferson’s feelings about the National Bank?

Democratic-Republicans had come to a new understanding of the need for a strong

federal role in creating the basic infrastructure of the nation.

The cooperation among national politicians that marked the one-party Era of Good

Feelings lasted less than a decade.

The Revival of the two-party system?

Old Kinderhook

 Martin Van Buren played a key role in the development of the Second Party System

Embraced public opinion

TTYN: What does Van Buren mean with

the following quote?

"Those who have wrought great changes in

the world never succeeded by gaining over

chiefs; but always by exciting the multitude.”

Rather than follow a model of elite political leadership like that of the Founding Fathers, Van Buren saw "genius" in reaching out to the "multitude" of the general public.

The Revival of the two-party system?

Van Buren made careful use of newspapers to spread the word about

party positions and to ensure close discipline among party members.

The growth of newspapers in the new nation was closely linked to the

rise of a competitive party system

Newspapers existed as Propaganda vehicles for the political parties

that they supported.

Newspapers were especially important to the new party system

because they spread information about the Party Platform, a carefully

crafted list of policy commitments that aimed to appeal to a broad public

The Age of Jackson



War Hero


Little formal education



Plantation Owner

Slave Owner

The Rise of Mass Democracy

Election of 1824: The Corrupt Bargain

The Players Involved:

John Quincy Adams-Massachusetts

Henry Clay-Kentucky

William Crawford-Georgia

Andrew Jackson- Tennessee

“Corrupt Bargain” of 1824

William Crawford out

Clay hates Jackson

Clay supports Adams

House Elects Clay

Adams appoints Clay as Sec. of State

Jacksonian Democracy

Political Power shifts to the West

TTYN: Think about the first six presidents – how does Andrew Jackson differ from them in respect to democratic values? Hint! Think about our most recent reading

First six: all from the East, men of education, traditional culture, all might have

governed the country under an aristocratic constitution

Jackson introduced Western ideals…ideals where slavery existed

Credited with the introduction or intensification of the “Spoils System”**

Destruction of the United States Bank

His theory of government is a theory that what is required is not skill, but honesty,

and that honesty is proved by membership in the popular party.

The Math and the Breakdown of the Electoral College

Jackson 43% Adams 30%

No Majority

House of Repselects President

Henry Clay holds decisive vote

Votes for Adams

Game On!!

John Quincy Adams

Overview of Adams Presidency Lacks popular support from voters

Did not remove workers from the Govt. and

replace them with supporters

Strong central Govt. view, people turning to

states rights

Adams wants Govt. to Build roads and canals

Supports a national University

Indian rights-Cherokee

The Jacksonian Era How did the electorate expand to include the “common man” during the 19th century? To what extent did Andrew Jackson represent the “common man?” In what way(s) did the presidency of Jackson exacerbate tensions in American politics? Be able to give specific examples. How/why was the era following Jackson “disappointing?”

Payback: The Election of 1828

No more Congressional caucuses

Conventions and the state legislatures select candidates

 John Quincy Adams was re-nominated by forces then calling themselves the

National Republicans

The Democratic Republican

(Democrats) call on Jackson

The Election Mudslinging

and accusations

Jackson Wins…and takes


The Eaton Affair and the Kitchen Cabinet

Social Scandal that turned political

John Eaton, Jackson’s Secretary of War, married Margaret “Peggy” Timberlake.

Washington socialites disapproved of Mrs. Eaton because of her upbringing and

rumors about her past.

Other cabinet members’ wives refused to associate with Mrs. Eaton forcing

Jackson to defend the Eatons.

Since John Eaton had defended Rachel Jackson 1828 campaign

Would replace approx. 10% of gov’t employees

Replaced with many corrupt and incompetent

The Spoils System

The Eaton Affair and the Kitchen Cabinet

Jackson felt that he must demand that Mrs. Eaton be accepted into Washington’s

social circles.

Several of Jackson’s cabinet members believed Jackson would serve only one

term and were positioning themselves to succeed him as President.

The result was that those who socialized with the Eatons and proved their loyalty

to Jackson in other areas as well won his favor.

However, to rid himself of the immediate controversy Jackson dismissed his entire

cabinet in 1831 except for the Postmaster General.

In time, this controversy caused Jackson to turn to a group of unofficial advisors

that his opponents labeled his “Kitchen Cabinet” because of their “back door”

access to the President.


Credited with the introduction or intensification of the “Spoils System”**

“To the victor go the spoils”--reward political supporters

“Every man is as good as his neighbor-maybe better”

“Throw out the old rascals and put in our rascals”

Why bother having a bureaucratic office holding class—anyone can do the job.

TTYN: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Spoils system?

** George Washington invented the Spoils System; however, Jackson turned it into an art form.

Not qualified

New blood

Workers are loyal

People join and stick with party

Criminals given jobs

People can “buy” jobs

Tariff of Abominations

TTYN: What is a tariff and what economical benefit might it offer? Conversely, what economical detriment may be associated with a tariff?

Tariffs are designed to increased the cost of imported goods, and thus protect

some of the new industries of the North. What is missing? More importantly,

what does the South manufacture?

1824 and 1828 Tariff

Who benefits - “Yankee and middle states. Why? Wool and Textile Industries

Old south-little manufacturing —no (why)

South position - Yankee tariff—”discriminated”

TARIFF OF 1832: The Nullification Crisis

TTYN: Describe nullification

Jackson must confront a threat to the Union.

South Carolina, led by Jackson’s

former vice- president, John Calhoun, felt

the Tariff of 1832 unduly harmed their state

The government levied tariffs to protect

northern manufacturers from foreign

competitors who offered cheaper goods.

TARIFF OF 1832: The Nullification Crisis

Calhoun suggests that the states had the constitutional right to nullify (or

invalidate) any federal law and that states could secede from the Union.

In late 1832, South Carolina nullified the Tariff of 1832 and threatened secession.

Jackson rejected these ideas and promised the use of force if South Carolina

disobeyed the law.

After much brinksmanship, Congress passed a compromise tariff that placated

South Carolina and a bill that authorized the use of force against nullification.

Jackson’s actions prevented disunion and set the precedents that Abraham

Lincoln would later use to oppose secession.

Force Act, Congress approved a bill that authorized the use of military force

against any state that resisted the tariff acts.

Henry ClayThe Great Compromiser

Trail of Tears

The Cherokee of Georgia assimilated

Owned land, Became farmers with slaves

Constitution based on the American


Devised Cherokee alphabet

Legal code

Federal govt. recognizes the tribes

as separate nations

Americans ignore treaties

Trail of Tears

“Five Civilized Tribes-Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws,

Cherokee, and Seminoles

Georgia takes control of Cherokee land-1830

Supreme Court says no

Jackson says try and enforce decision

Move all tribes west of the Mississippi

1830 Indian Removal Act—thousands died in the

forced marches

New guarantee that the Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

would be theirs forever—lasts about 15 years.

Indian Removal Act

Jackson’s Attack on the United States Bank

Earlier bank: Bank of the United States, created in 1791

Brainchild of Hamilton, opposed by Jefferson, and sanctioned by Washington

after some hesitation as to its constitutionality

Bank Charter which expired in 1811; not renewed , partly because of three-

fourths of its shares were held by foreigners, mainly English

Second Bank of U.S. (BUS) created in 1816

Charter due to expire in 1836

Very unpopular

Jackson pledged during the campaign appealed for a mandate in his fight

against it

Supported by the South and West – Western Ideals!

Banking in America

Hopeless confusion

State banks and private banks (wildcat banks), which usually failed

Each issued notes; held no other assets

The West - little specie

West consisted of either wild-cat notes of notes from State banks

Notes lost value as they traveled away from their place of origin

BUS was intended to establish a uniform currency throughout the country

Most Americans worried about the about the corrupting power of monopolies and

feared that the creation of a new class of moneyed capitalist would undermine the

moral and political fiber of the republic

Land speculation mushroomed

Easy credit terms for those who wished to buy lands

Financial panic struck in 1819 – The party ends!!!

Banking in America

Louisiana Purchase Notes comes due

BUS demands specie in exchange for its holding in state bank notes

Urban banks collapse

Discharged their employees

Thousands of borrowers could not pay their loans; lost farms, homes, and


The panic revealed the ugly side of the Market Revolution

Lawsuits initiated by BUS against state banks and consumers

BUS behaved like a private, profit-making lender instead of a public regulator

Group Activity

Interpreting Primary Source Documents

Document # 1 “Bank Veto” – Andrew Jackson

Document # 2 “On the American System” – Henry Clay

Class separated into two groups, each analyzing a different document

Debate the issues

Directions to follow

Group Activity

Guiding Questions

“Bank Veto”

What kinds of changes were occurring in American society that might incline some

citizens to agree with Jackson’s charges?

What kind of citizens would be likely to rejects his analysis?

Regarding the bank – was it appropriate for a democracy to give so much power to

private corporations?

Are Jackson’s moral, constitutional, and economic arguments sound or far-fetched?

“On the American System”

What are the main parts of the American System

How do they fit together

What kind of values does Clay appeal to when argues for the adoption

How are they different from Jackson’s

How do the two arguments suggest different visions for the country’s future

Resolved - For the United States, Andrew Jackson’s time as President marked a

turning point in its history. He strengthened the power of the presidency, defended

the Union, gained new respect for the United States in foreign affairs, and pushed

the country toward democracy.

Tonight’s Homework

Develop a thesis either agreeing or disagreeing with this statement

Develop an outline for a regents-style essay supporting your conclusion

You do not have to write a complete essay

Thesis and Outline Only!!!

Andrew Jackson’s Big Block of Cheese

Next Unit

A Divided America

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