deltek insight 2012: vision contract managment

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Vision Contract Management

Mike Klaus, Vision Product Director, DeltekPS-128

2 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Contract Management Issues

Entering and Updating Contracts

Vision Accounting Features

Vision Planning Features

Options, Processing Steps, Dependencies

Contract Reporting Capabilities

Questions and Discussion


3 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Clarity in the Contract Negotiating Process Bring transparency to the status of contracts Assign responsibilities Central repository for notations and comments

Efficiency in Coordinating Many Stakeholders Sales, Finance, Project Managers and Clients all need consistency

and well defined process Automated alerting of process steps and exceptions

Accuracy of Contract Administration Integration throughout, one version of the truth Documented contract values, with time metric

Manage Sales Credits by Employee Reporting to support incentives and accountability

Contract Management Issues

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Contract Management Tab of Project Info Center

Entering and Updating Contracts

Contract Info entered for the Project

Contracts Grid - one row per contract

Contract Details Grid if WBS2 or WBS3 exists, Fee spread here

Notes Field text field for the contract

Credit Grid Sales credit by employee

5 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Contract Management Tab of Project Info Center

Associate a Contract to one or more Projects

Provide a Contract Status, Type and Amounts

Entering and Updating Contracts

6 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Build the Contract Detail on the Work Breakdown Structure

Entry can all be done at the Project level

Or go to a specific Phase or Task and enter details

Entering and Updating Contracts

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Contract Notes for internal users

Credit grid to indicate which employees get credit for the contract

Entering and Updating Contracts

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Entering and Updating Contracts

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Option to Synchronize Fees From Contract to Budget and Revenue

Cannot be used if Synchronize Fees from Plan to Projects is used

Vision Accounting Features

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Synchronize Fees From Contract to Budget and Revenue Only occurs when the “Include In Fees” checkbox is checked

Vision Accounting Features


Contract Compensation Available for User Defined Revenue Only uses Contracts with period equal or less than “Current Period” If using “Sync Fees from Contract to Projects”, only checked “Include

in Fees” Contract Values are used

Vision Accounting Features

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New Plan Setting: “Limit Plan Fees to Contract Totals” When Plan is Saved, no fields are updated – but the Save will be

prevented if Plan Fees > Contract Totals

Vision Planning Features


If “Plan Compensation by Row & Period” is off, Analysis Tab’s Compensation values are compared to Project Contract values

Vision Planning Features

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If “Plan Compensation by Row & Period” is on, Labor Tab’s Planned Compensation is compared to Contract Values at all WBS levels

Vision Planning Features

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New Action within Planning: “Compare Compensation to Contract”

Vision Planning Features

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Contract Number Can Be Entered on Multiple Projects

Options, Processing Steps, Dependencies

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“Include In Fees” is used for Synchronize Fees From Contracts to Projects

If Fee Entering Method is “At lowest Level Only”, then Full Contract

Amount must be distributed to existing WBS in the Contract Details Grid

Options, Processing Steps, Dependencies

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Period Field for each Contract Useful for reporting Contracts for a period or range of periods Useful for reporting Sales Credits for a period or range of periods Useful for Revenue Generation calculations

Options, Processing Steps, Dependencies

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Notes and Credit Grids are Optional

They apply to the Contract, so only entered at the Project level

Sales Credits may add up to more than 100%

Options, Processing Steps, Dependencies

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New Contract Management Report in Project Reporting

Contract Reporting Capabilities

21 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

New Contract Management Report in Project Reporting

Contract Reporting Capabilities

22 ©2012 Deltek, Inc. All Rights Reserved

New Sales Credit Report in Employee Reporting

Contract Reporting Capabilities

Questions and Discussion

Thank You!

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