delayed gratification

Post on 17-May-2015






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INQ 101 Digital Storytelling project


  • 1. Delayed Gratification
    By Michelle Olsen

2. What is delayed gratification?
It is the ability to wait in order to obtain a reward or something that you want.
It involves self control, will power, and discipline.
3. In my own words
Delayed gratification is being able to have patience and will power to work hard towards a large goal.This can be directed towards anything in your life, such as:
Getting an A on a final exam
Building a relationship with someone new
Losing weight
4. I asked a series of questions to various students and professors to find out what others think about delayed gratification.
5. Brandon Carr, Freshman
Olivia Roberts, Freshman
Megan Shea, Freshman
Colin Tuttle, Freshman
6. Robert Olsen, UNH Graduate
Ross Gingrich, Math Professor
Camille Serchuk, Art History Professor
7. From A Students Perspective
8. Do you think dealing with delayed gratification is an important thing to learn?
Yes I do. Good things come to those who wait. I feel that if you wait for things instead of rushing into them you will be happier with the outcome. Colin
Yes I think that dealing with delayed gratification is an important quality to master because I don't think that anyone would be truly happy without it. If someone wasn't able to wait for something they wanted then they would go crazy trying to get it right then and there. - Olivia
9. How hard is it as a college student to deal with delayed gratification?
Personally I think it is really difficult. Being a young person I dont always have a lot of patience. I know that I need to wait for things, so I try to have as much discipline as I can in order to get where I want to be. Colin
It is hard as a college student to deal with delayed gratification because we live in a time where we can get things quickly through technology, and weve become adjusted to that. Brandon
10. What do you think is worth working towards?
Happiness with everything in your life. - Megan
Good grades, getting a job, saving money, making friends, being in a relationship. I think most important things in life are worth time and effort. - Colin
11. Do you think its easy to have patience when we live in a world of INSTANT technology?
It is not easy to have patience in a world full of fast paced technology. Technology enables instantaneous transmission of communication and information, and when technology is heavily relied upon, we start to expect all aspects of life to be just as instantaneous. - Robert
Yeah, but with effort. I think we are so used to everything being instant and right at our fingertips that we forget how to really wait for things. Technology makes life very fast paced. - Megan
13. What have you noticed about students who have more patience and will power to work towards a goal that may not be instantly awarded to them?
Students who have more patience and willpower perform better in class and more easily earn the respect of their teacher. They seem more like adults and less like children. And that counts in their favor. Professor Serchuk
I think that the most successful students are the ones who routinely devise plans and carry out those plans. Unsuccessful students are not successful, because they do not pay attention to their long terms goals until those long term goals become short-term goals. Professor Gingrich
14. How important do you think it is for students to fully learn delayed gratification?
I would say that it is extremely important for students to learn delayed gratification. I think it is an essential skill of adulthood. It shows that the student recognizes the implications of his or her behavior. It earns the respect of others. It makes success more attainable. Professor Serchuk
I think that it is very important for students to have and understand the long-term goals underlying their education and to not allow sometime frivolous short-terms goals, with immediate gratification, to interfere with the completion of their long-term goals Professor Gingrich
15. In conclusion
Delayed gratification can sometimes be difficult to learn and fully accept.
Lack of patience and instantaneous technology in our lives make it so we dont want to wait for things.
Despite that, it seems to be agreed upon that delayed gratification is an important thing to master. It is a key component to becoming a responsible, disciplined adult.

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