deimos security suite eng

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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deimos security suite

Presentation of the company

Description and references

Elecnor Group

Elecnor is one of Spain's leading companies in engineering, development and construction of projects relating to infrastructures, renewable energies and new technologies

Elecnor is listed in the Continuous Market of the Spanish Stock Exchange

1.864 M€ revenue in 2013

12.637 employees worldwide

56 years of experience

20 countries

As a global EPC player, the company carries out viability studies, basic and specialised engineering, construction, supply, installation and assembly, start-up, operational services and maintenance.

“turnkey” developer, investor and contractor, undertaking projects in the fields of wind power, photovoltaic and thermoelectric solar power and hydroelectric power plants.

Concessions activities related to the fields of electrical energy transmission systems, environment projects and gas transportation.

Technology branch, devoted to design, engineering and development of solutions and system integration within the fields of Space, Energy, Environment, Transport, Security, Information Technology and Communications.

Elecnor Group

1.864 M€ revenue in 2013

12.637 employees worldwide

56 years of experience

20 countries

Elecnor around the World

Offices and Subsidiaries: -Germany - Brazil - Ecuador - Honduras - Panama - Uruguay - Angola - Canada - Spain - Italy - Peru - Venezuela - Algeria - Chile - Emirates A. - India - Portugal - Argentina - China - Ghana - Mexico - Dominican

Other Countries Belgium

Bolivia Bosnia

Burkina Faso Cameroon Colombia

Congo Ivory Coast Costa Rica

Cuba Egypt

El Salvador Philippines

France Greece Israel Kenya

Macedonia Mali

Morocco Mauritania

Mozambique Nicaragua Paraguay

United Kingdom Romania

Russia Senegal

South Africa Tunisia Turkey

Ukraine Vietnam

deimos security suite

deimos security suite

Better service to the citizens

Real-time control for the operator

Monitoring on real-time all over cities environment

Monitoring on real-time all over cities environment

deimos security suite

Better service to the citizens

Real-time control for the operator

Monitoring on real-time all over cities environment

deimos security suite

Better service to the citizen

Real-time control for the operator

deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision or ITS solutions Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies

Real-time Data Acquisition

Remote control system

Mobile devices

Traffic control systems

Wireless networks and Data centres

Real-time Data Processing and Storage

Which resources are in motion, or change state.

Incidents / events / interventions intended - accurate to 1 second

Route planning and arrival times management

Control of sensing elements and incidents management.

Statistical Analysis Module

Key Performance Indicators and Scorecards: punctuality, breakdowns…

Integrated Control Centre for attending incidences and security issues

Local integrated videowall

Web, tablet and mobile interfaces


deimos security suite

Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies


Live view and archiving of video streams with a template-based system

Automatic actions linked to traffic, security systems information and SCADA to support operations

Video analysis solution: Intelligent image processing and analysis

System Integration

Systems integrates the security systems deployed: using perimetral security system & access control systems, anti-intrusion and fire protection systems

The integration of surveillance system, real- time Information and building management system elements provides a flexible tool to manage resources in the building

Web-based interfaces, tablet and mobile modules improves efficiency of field workers


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition for devices in the station: escalators, elevators, air conditioning, lighting, fire detection, access control…

Security Systems

Facilities management systems (FMS) or Real state Control (CRE)

Urban Facilities Management

Efficiency & Energy Control system

Domotic and Automation system

Video survillance – IP solution

Traffic control and license plates monitoring

Control Centre

A single videowall integrates a complete dashboard of security system operations from the operators point-of-view


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies

These three modules compose “Eureka IDS”®, an Industrial Domotic System, developed, deployed and commercialized worldwide by Elecnor Deimos

Eureka IDS ® is deployed all over the Llamaquique RENFE station. The system is monitored and controlled remotely from Oviedo’s Station.

Eureka IDS ® integrates multiple subsystems including the tunnels wireless connection of two

stations, Llamaquique and Oviedo.


deimos security suite Traffic Supervision Passenger Information Remote Station Management Inventory and Maintenance Real time Meteorological Data Resource Location Supporting Technologies

Real-time Data Module

Receives real-time GPS location and telemetry data

Over 50 different location devices supported

Solutions for persons, vehicles and cargo

Comms via mobile, satellite and wireless networks

Advanced Zones Management

Manages automatic notifications when entering and existing zones

Zones can be circular and polygonal, classified as forbidden, mandatory and generic, and be limited by dates and time periods

Complete Report Set and Visualization Tools

Over 60 different reports

Advanced visualization and management tools

Full Integration with Railway Suite

Integrated in Traffic Supervision and Maintenance Modules


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies

ITS solutions

Traffic light control systems and maintenance.

Access Control Systems by reading license plates and vehicle bollards

Vehicle counts systems or gauging systems

Audiovisual System

Full support of display technologies (CRT, LCD, Analogic displays, Totems…)

displays, real time information for platforms and halls, supporting templates for ads and other general information

Public Addressing System (PAS)

Multilanguage, multizone, highly configurable messaging platform, including TTS capabilities

Mobile Information System

All the information, formatted and in real-time in your mobile phone (SmartPhones and SMS)


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Resource Location Traffic Supervision Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies

Database Inventory

Stores all item details, including 3D position and physical relations between elements

Imports data from various sources and formats

Local GIS-based tool with complete management of items for advanced users

Web-based tool for accessing the information and generating reports

Different profiles and access levels

Allows massive simultaneous connections

Maintenance Module

Manages all the maintenance workflow

Real-time detection of failures

Case assignment and follow-up

Cost and response time control

Optimisation Module

By controlling all elements and its cost, the maintenance process, response times and availability


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Traffic Supervision Resource Location Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies


Railway systems and operations (supported by Adif)

Technology applied to Railway systems: software architecture, communication systems, virtualization..

Advanced visualization tools: augmented and virtual reality, multitouch devices, 3D projectors..

Mobile Apps and Internet Services

Design and deployment of data centres

Design and deployment of wired and wireless communication networks

Technology Transfer Programmes

Advanced training for local personnel: configuration, coding and system evolution

Support of our Local Network of Partners and International Providers


deimos security suite Real time Information Surveillance Remote Control Management Traffic Supervision Resource Location Inventory and Maintenance Supporting Technologies

deimos security suite


deimos security suite

Better service to the citizens

Real-time control for the operator

Monitoring on real-time all over cities environment

Control all the essential incidence information with a real-time tool

Manage your flow of people and take informed decisions in case of emergency or re-planning

Improve the efficiency in building management by remotely controlling systems devices (lights, doors, escalators…)

Obtain automatic reports on punctuality and other key service indicators

Manage your assets with a GIS-based tool – Control the full maintenance operations and locate, vehicles, persons and cargo with a variety of GPS-based devices in real-time

Receive consultancy and experiences from Adif, the Spanish Railways Infrastructure Manager

Key Advantages

Real-time control for the operator

Improve your quality of service:

Better response to service incidents: severe weather conditions, damages in line, breakdowns, significant delays, alternative means of transport…

Better citizen information at stations with a variety of devices (totems, LCD displays, analog displays, public addressing, printed timetables...)

Better information on the move, with SMS and mobile apps for dynamic information

Enhanced offices and building security, by remotely controlling heating-ventilation-air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting, doors, CCTV…

Key Advantages

Better service to the citizens

deimos security suite

deimos security suite

For more information, contact Deimos Elecnor

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