definition essay

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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ENG 101 – Fall 2010


Definition Essays

+Definition Essays

A definition essay defines a word, term, or concept in depth by providing a personal commentary on what the specific subject means

Personal approach that agrees with or challenges a previous conception

+Structure Introduction


Background information (if necessary)

Point 1 Examples and analysis

Point 2 Examples and analysis

Point 3 Examples and analysis

Conclusion Restatement of thesis

+Tips for the Definition Essay

Thesis must be crystal clear

Solid examples

Good transitions

Strong conclusion

Don’t be afraid of your own opinion

+Assignment #1 – Part One Think about the three essays you have read so far.

Brainstorm a list of at least FIVE terms that you could define in an essay. You may also think more broadly about the topics of prejudice, immigration, racism, etc. Remember that you want to look for terms/concepts that can have multiple meanings. For your first essay, you will attempt to define a term/concept in the way that YOU understand it.

For example: IMMIGRATION is NOT a good choice because it can really only mean one thing – the migration into a new place. IDENTITY on the other hand, is a GOOD choice because it can mean many different things. IDENTITY CANNOT be on your list – you must come up with five words of your own.

Your FIVE words should be posted to the Brainstorm – Assignment #1 Discussion board.

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