definition and usage of 16 fields in the pricing procedure

Post on 12-Apr-2018






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  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Bamtomts@mtraiubt`am .................................................................................................................................................. 5

    Rtop Ma ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

    Baumtor ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

    BYyp - Bami`t`am Yypo ............................................................................................................................... 2

    Iosbr`pt`am ................................................................................................................................................ 9

    Hran .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

    Ya .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

    Ndmudf ...................................................................................................................................................... ?

    Uoqu`roi .................................................................................................................................................... 0

    Rtdt`st`bs .................................................................................................................................................... 0

    Zr`mt ........................................................................................................................................................... 0

    RuYat - Rue Yatdf ..................................................................................................................................... 45

    Uoqt - Uoqu`ronomt ................................................................................................................................. 42

    BdfYypo - Bami`t`am harnufd har dftormdt`vo bdfbufdt`am typo ................................................................. 49

    EdsYypo - Dftormdt`vo harnufd har bami`t`am edso vdfuo ........................................................................ 4?

    DbbCoy - Dbbaumt Coy .............................................................................................................................. 4?

    Dbbrudfs ................................................................................................................................................... 4

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    @mtraiubt`am@m amo ah ny prov`aus pasts, wo i`sbussoigaw bami`t`am tobgm`quo warcs `m RDZ.Ygoro wo `iomt`h`oi dff

    bami`t`am typos dro lraupoi `m d edscot bdffoi "Zraboiuro". Rdno humbt`amdf`ty `s usoi `m autput

    iotorn`mdt`am, tdx iotorn`mdt`am, pr`b`ml, rovomuo dbbaumt iotorn`mdt`am, f`st`ml dmi oxbfus`am, otb.

    Yaidy fot's soo wgdt h`ofis dro dvd`fdefo `m d pr`b`ml praboiuro dmi tgo uso ah odbg h`ofi. Pau sgaufi eo

    defo ta `iomt`hy eofaw 48 h`ofis `m d stdmidri pr`b`ml praboiuro. Ygoy dro3

    4) Rtop Ma

    5) Baumtor

    2) BYyp - Bami`t`am typo

    9) Iosbr`pt`am

    ?) Hran

    8) Ya

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure



    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / [DOGC

    Yg`s `s d 5 i`l`t dbboss muneor wg`bg `s usoi ta ioh`mo d soquombo ah bami`t`ams w`tg`m amo stop ma. @t `s

    sdno f`co yau ioh`mo pdrdlrdpgs bdffoi, 4.4, 4.5, 5.4, 5.5, otb `m N`brasaht wari. Iur`ml pr`b`ml

    iotorn`mdt`am, syston tdcos tgo stop ma ds woff ds baumtor `m ta bams`iordt`am. @h yau ia mat gdvo dmyspob`h`b roqu`ronomt ta gdvo nuft`pfo baumtors w`tg`m d stop, tgom fodvo tgo h`ofi efdmc. Ygom syston w`ff

    tdco ":" ds tgo baumtor.


    Efdmc vdfuo `m tgo h`ofi "Baumtor" -

    Ioh`mo d vdfuo `m tgo h`ofi "Baumtor" -

    BYyp - Bami`t`am Yypo

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CRBGF

    Yg`s `s tgo bami`t`am typo wg`bg yau bamh`luroi har d spob`h`b purpaso. @t bdm eo d pr`b`ml bami`t`am, tdx

    bami`t`am, surbgdrlo bami`t`am ar d i`sbaumt bami`t`am. Pau ioh`mo tgoso bami`t`ams `m tgo eofaw @NL



    Bami`t`am typo idtd dro staroi `m eofaw tdefos3

    Y87? -Bami`t`ams; Yypos

    Y87?Y -Bami`t`ams; Yypos; Yoxts

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Y87?D -Bami`t`ams; Yypos; Dii`t`amdf Zr`bo Ofonomt Idtd


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872Y / XYOWY

    Yg`s `s tgo iosbr`pt`am ah tgo pr`b`ml bami`t`am typo wg`bg yau gdvo nd`mtd`moi `m tgo bafunm "Bami`t`am

    Yypo". Har sano bdsos yau bdm spob`hy amfy d toxt w`tgaut d bami`t`am typo. Ol; Lrass Xdfuo, Mot Xdfuo,

    Uoedto Eds`s, Yatdf, otb. @m tgdt bdso yau bdm i`robtfy lot tgo iosbr`pt`am hran tgo h`ofi Y872R / XYOWY.


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / RY_ME

    Yg`s `s tgo stop ma wg`bg moois ta eo rohoromboi ta lot d vdfuo har hurtgor bdfbufdt`am.


    @m tgo deavo oxdnpfo, yau soo stop "44:" `s dss`lmoi w`tg hran stop "4::". Ygoroharo wgom bdfbufdt`ml d

    vdfuo har bami`t`am "UD:4" (`m tgo stop 44:)3 tgo vdfuo wg`bg `s dfrodiy bdfbufdtoi umior stop 4:: w`ff eo

    usoi ds tgo eds`s.


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / RY_M5

    Yg`s `s tgo "Ya" stop muneor wg`bg w`ff eo usoi ta bdfbufdto tatdf vdfuos.


    \gom yau gdvo nuft`pfo i`sbaumt bami`t`ams `m tgo pr`b`ml praboiuro, yau mooi ta uso "Hran" dmi "Ya"

    h`ofis ta bdfbufdto tgo tatdf i`sbaumt dnaumt.

    Ds sgawm deavo pr`b`ml praboiuro, tgoro dro 9 i`sbaumt bami`t`ams umior stop 44:, 45? dmi 45

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    ma" 500. Yg`s nodms dff i`sbaumt bami`t`ams tgdt dro spob`h`oi eotwoom 4:4 ta 500 (`mbfui`ml eatg 4:4

    dmi 500) w`ff eo tatdfoi ta lot tgo h`mdf i`sbaumt dnaumt. Yaidy `t w`ff sun stop 44:, 45? dmi 45

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    a Zr`b`ml dmdfys`s sgaws tgo bami`tam "K2DZ"

    Rbomdr`a 5;Bami`t`am K2DZ `s bgobcoi `m tgo pr`b`ml praboiuro dmi tgoro `s d vdf`i XC44 robari ox`sts

    a Bami`t`am robari wds mat iotorn`moi iur`ml sdfos arior praboss`ml (K2DZ wds


  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    a Zr`b`ml dmdfys`s iaos mat ovom sgaw tgo bami`tam "K2DZ"

    a \gom yau omtor bami`t`am typo ndmudffy `m tgo sdfos arior, vdfuo dutandt`bdffy

    iotorn`moi hran tgo XC44

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    a Maw dmdfys`s sgaws tgo bami`tam typo "K2DZ"

    Ygoroharo ndrc`ml tg`s t`bc eax w`ff fot usor ta omtor tgo bami`tam typo amfy ds d ndmudf bami`t`am ar



    @t `s vory `npartdmt ta coop `m n`mi tgdt tgo sott`ml wg`bg yau gdvo ndio `m tgo bami`tam typo ioh`m`t`am

    w`ff gdvo pr`ar`ty avor tg`s sott`ml `m tgo pr`b`ml praboiuro.

    Fot's sdy `m tgo bami`t`am typo bamh`lurdt`am, yau gdvo sotup Ndmudf omtr`os ds "I - Mat pass`efo ta

    praboss ndmudffy" dmi `m tgo pr`b`ml praboiuro, yau ndrc tgo t`bc eax har "Ndmudf".

    @m subg d sbomdr`a, syston w`ff mat dffaw yau ta omtor tg`s bami`t`am ndmudffy `m tgo sdfos arior ds

    bami`t`am `s bamh`luroi ta efabc ndmudf omtr`os.

    @h yau try ta omtor `t ndmudffy, tgom yau lot eofaw orrar nossdlo3

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Ygoroharo pfodso ndco suro ta uso/bgdmlo bami`t`am typos dbbari`ml ta yaur roqu`ronomt


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CAEF@

    Yg`s t`bc eax `s usoi ta sot bortd`m bami`t`ams ndmidtary. Har oxdnpfo, wo gdvo ta sot tdx bami`t`ams

    w`tg tg`s t`bc eax. Yg`s w`ff dva`i sdfos arior praboss`ml w`tgaut tgaso ndmidtary bami`t`ams. @m subg d

    sbomdr`a yau w`ff lot d orrar nossdlo ds eofaw3

    Nossdlo ma. 7K 200

    Ds yau bdm soo deavo, tg`s nossdlo `s mat dm "OUUAU" nossdlo `m UOI bafaur. Ygoroharo usor bdm sdvo

    tgo sdfos arior w`tg `mbanpfot`am stdtus. Ygoroharo yau mooi ta ndco suro yaur `mbanpfot`am praboiuro

    `s bamh`luroi ta gdmifo subg bdsos.


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CRYDY

    Yg`s t`bc eax `s usoi ta ndrc bami`t`ams wg`bg dro bamh`luroi har stdt`st`bdf purpasos. \gom yau ndrc

    dmy bami`t`am ds "Rtdt`st`bdf", `t w`ff mat eo bams`ioroi har dbbaumt iotorn`mdt`am. Ygoroharo yau ia mat

    gdvo ta dss`lm dm "Dbbaumt coy" ta subg bami`t`am typos.

    Yg`s `s vory bannamfy usoi har tgo stdmidri bast bami`t`am typo - XZUR.


    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / IU_C[

    Ygo vdfuo yau spob`hy `m tg`s h`ofi `s usoi ta spob`hy wgotgor f`mo `ton bdm eo pr`mtoi ar mat `m tgo sdfos

    iabunomt autputs (Ol; Arior bamh`rndt`am) dmi dt wgdt fovof `t moois ta eo pr`mtoi.

    Zfodso mato tg`s `s amfy dppf`bdefo har stdmidri autput typos subg ds ED:: - Arior Bamh`rndt`am. @m dff

    bustan iovofap pr`mt pralrdns ([) yau bdm gdvo awm fal`bs ta i`spfdy bami`t`ams.

    Eofaw vdfuos dro pass`efo har uso.

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Zfodso la tgraulg tgo "H4" gofp `m tg`s h`ofi har naro iabunomtdt`am.


    Fot's soo wgom yau ia mat gdvo dmy vdfuo spob`h`oi har "Yatdf", gaw tgo stdmidri arior

    bamh`rndt`am autput (ED::) faacs f`co3


    Maw fot's uso vdfuo "W" har "Yatdf" dmi soo tgo stdmidri arior bamh`rndt`am autput - ED::

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure



    Maw yau bdm soo dm oxtrd f`mo dppodr `m tgo iotd`f drod har "Yatdf". Yg`s `s eobduso "W" `s usoi ta pr`mt `t

    `m "@ton Fovof"

    Maw fot's uso vdfuo "R" har "Yatdf" dmi soo tgo stdmidri arior bamh`rndt`am autput - ED::


    Maw yau bdm soo dm oxtrd f`mo dppodr `m tgo tatdf drod har "Yatdf". Yg`s `s eobduso "R" `s usoi ta pr`mt `t `m

    "Yatdf Fovof"

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    RuYat - Rue Yatdf

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / C[\@\

    Ygo vdfuo yau spob`hy goro (rdtgor wo bdm bdff `t ds d h`ofi) `s usoi ta bdpturo i`hhoromt sue tatdf vdfuos

    yau roqu`ro har hurtgor praboss`ml. Har oxdnpfo yau n`lgt mooi ta staro tgo tatdf i`sbaumt vdfuo, roedto

    eds`s (Edso vdfuo har roedto bdfbufdt`am), tatdf, otb ah tgo sdfos arior. RDZ stdmidri gds iof`voroi tgasoh`ofis har tg`s purpaso. @m tgo CANZ strubturo yau bdm soo tgaso ds woff.

    Iur`ml ioeull`ml yau bdm soo gaw tgoso h`ofis dro h`ffoi ds woff. Har oxdnpfo, `m ny pr`b`ml praboiuro

    tgo roedto eds`s `s dss`lmoi w`tg tgo Rue tatdf "

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Uoqt - Uoqu`ronomt

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CAEOI

    Yg`s h`ofi `s usoi ta dss`lm DEDZ raut`mos wg`bg bdm eo usoi ta tr`llor/suppross bami`t`am typos edsoi

    am bortd`m eus`moss roqu`ronomts.

    Har oxdnpfo, `h yau wdmt ta suppross d bortd`m bami`t`am typo edsoi am tgo arior typo, yau bdm brodto d

    roqu`ronomt raut`mo `m tgo trdmsdbt`am "XAHN" wg`bg bgobcs tgo arior typo `m tgo sdfos iabunomt dmi

    sot dbt`vo/`mdbt`vo hfdl dbbari`mlfy. Pau mooi ta dss`lm tg`s raut`mo ta rospobt`vo bami`t`am typo `m tgo

    pr`b`ml praboiuro.

    Iur`ml sdfos arior praboss`ml, syston bgobcs wgotgor tgo dss`lmoi roqu`ronomt `s sdt`sh`oi ar mat (RP-

    R_EUB > :). @h `t `s mat sdt`sh`oi, syston w`ff `lmaro tgdt bami`t`am typo har praboss`ml. @m tgo pr`b`ml

    dmdfys`s apt`am yau bdm soo `t.

    Bgobc tg`s f`mc ta soogaw ta brodto d mow roqu`ronomt raut`mo

    Bgobc tg`s f`mc ta sooGaw ta trdmspart tgaso roqu`ronomt raut`mos hran amo bf`omt ta tgo atgor

    Mow roqu`ronomts bdm eo baioi `m tgo trdmsdbt`am XAHN umior eofaw nomu pdtg3
  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    BdfYypo - Bami`t`am harnufd har dftormdt`vo bdfbufdt`am typo

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CAHUN

    _mior tg`s h`ofi yau bdm dss`lm dmatgor DEDZ baio (Uaut`mo) wg`bg bdm eo usoi har tgo bami`t`am typo

    bdfbufdt`am. Yg`s `s dm dftormdt`vo harnufd atgor tgdm tgo stdmidri harnufd. Pau mooi tgo gofp ah dm

    DEDZ iovofapor ta baio d mow bami`t`am harnufd har yaur spob`h`b eus`moss roqu`ronomt. Yg`s `s dfsa

    iamo umior tgo trdmsdbt`am XAHN umior eofaw nomu pdtg3

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    EdsYypo - Dftormdt`vo harnufd har bami`t`am edso vdfuo

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CAHUD

    _mior tg`s h`foi yau bdm dss`lm dm DEDZ harnufd tgdt bdm eo usoi ta iotorn`mo tgo bami`t`am eds`s ds dm

    dftormdt`vo ta tgo stdmidri. Yg`s `s dfsa DEDZ raut`mo wg`bg moois ta eo iovofapoi ey dm DEDZ

    iovofapor. Yg`s bdm eo usoi ta ioh`mo d i`hhoromt edso vdfuo `mstodi ah us`ml `t hran tgo "Hran" bafunm.Ygoso dfsa gdvo ta eo baioi `m tgo trdmsdbt`am XAHN umior eofaw nomu pdtg3

    DbbCoy - Dbbaumt Coy

    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CXRF4

    _mior tg`s h`ofi yau mooi ta dss`lm dm dbbaumt coy wg`bg w`ff eo usoi fdtor ta iotorn`mo i`hhoromt L/F

    dbbaumts iur`ml past`mls. Yg`s `s dmatgor coy `mtolrdt`am pa`mt eotwoom RI dmi H@ ds woff.

    D mow dbbaumt coy bdm eo ioh`moi umior eofaw @NL pdtg3

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    _mior eofaw @NL pdtg, rofovdmt L/F dbbaumts dro dss`lmoi edsoi am i`hhoromt bane`mdt`ams.

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure




    Yobgm`bdf Mdno;Y872R / CXRF5

    Yg`s `s d coy wg`bg `iomt`h`os vdr`aus typos ahL/F dbbaumts har dbbrudfs ar prav`s`ams `m RDZ. _s`ml tgo

    dbbaumt coy dss`lmoi goro, syston bdm past dnaumts ta bortd`m typos ah dbbrudfs dbbaumts. Har oxdnpfo,

    roedto dbbrudfs wg`bg dro bdfbufdtoi hran pr`b`ml bami`t`ams dro marndffy pastoi ta tgo barrospami`ml

    dbbaumt har roedto dbbrudfs us`ml tgo dbbaumt "OU_"

  • 7/21/2019 Definition and Usage of 16 Fields in the Pricing Procedure


    Ygoso coys dro dfsa ioh`moi umior eofaw @NL Zdtg3

    Dutgar;Dmupd \`kos`mlgo



    X`ow ny prah`fo `m F`mcoi@m

    Haffaw no am Yw`ttor


    Yg`s drt`bfo `s iamo edsoi am ny rosodrbg dmi rodi`mls, umfoss atgorw`so stdtoi. Ygo v`ows oxprossoi

    dro ny awm dmi mat ah dmyamo ofso.

    Dutgar dbbopts ma f`de`f`ty har tgo bamtomt ah tgo drt`bfos `m tg`s woes`to ar har tgo bamsoquombos ah dmy

    dbt`ams tdcom am tgo eds`s ah tgo `mharndt`am prav`ioi. _s`ml tg`s `mharndt`am `s dt tgo usors awm

    i`sbrot`am dmi rospams`e`f`ty.


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