defect creation guide - jira

Post on 17-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Defect Creation Guide

    The defects are opened in JIRA as follows:

    **These are screenshots of the JIRA defect creation list, taken in pieces to

    explain each area **

    Issue Type: Defect (ALWAY D!"!#T$ (when %o& 'ein to create a defect, itwill defa&lt on epic so)eti)es, so please )ake s&re to chane it to defect$Assignee: this will auto populate after creating the defect It will eitherassin to a speci+c person or it will sa% -nassined., that is +neSummary: /eeds to incl&de pro0ect, '&ild 1, where the defect is happeninand 'rief description[BRAND ENVIRN!ENT B"I#D $% Area of Defect Description***That is how the defect sho&ld look, exa)ples are 'elow since there are

    2ario&s wa%s to lo a defect, if it is in )&ltiple en2iron)ents, )&ltiple'rands, adapti2e, etc****

    If t&e defect is ADA'TIVE( t&en )og as s&o*n +e)o*,[BRAND ENVIRN!ENT B"I#D $% [Adapti-e Android or iS% Areaof Defect Description

    Defect &))ar% !xa)ples (please note these are J-T exa)ples$

    3DL4 5 TA6! 5 78889 5 Resort Listin 4ae 5 !)pt% space after hotelslist9

    3D/ 5 TA6! 5 7;ore ?elp= >en& Link =4ri2ac% @ wetteli0ke

    ee2ens= Directs to 8 !rror 3DLRBWDW5TA6!5CE94ro+le F 4a%)ent >ethods F Add #redit #ard is

    not 'ein sa2ed

    3WDW 5 T 5 C;9 -na'le To #o)plete #art "low With Tickets Gnl%Hookin

    3DLR 5 TB4RGD9 A4 Disco&nts Doesn=t ort To&rs H% /a)e

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Description, 6i2e a 'rief explanation of what the iss&e is, where it occ&rs,etc so if an%one were to open %o&r defect and read the description, the%wo&ld know what the iss&e is This is a )ore expanded 2ersion of thes&))ar%, the s&))ar% is a s)all to the point area of what the defectiss&eBarea is, once the% open the ticket the% will look to the description to

    +nd o&t )ore a'o&t the iss&e This is the area where %o& will p&t an%thina'o&t the iss&e that )a% 'e &sef&l to the de2In the description section please p&t:

    Hrief explanation of what the iss&e is

    #on2ersation ID (see 'elow on how to et the con2ersation ID$

    er2ices list at the ti)e %o& loed the defect

    An% other perdinent infor)ation s&ch as, if it is for )&ltiple 'rands(WDWBDLR etc$ or if it is en2iron)ent speci+c or in )&ltipleen2iron)ents, as %o& write in the s&))ar% %o& can 'rie% to&ch on ithere 0&st as a 2eri+cation that the de2s know

    Attac&ment,Tr% to ALWAY attach a screenshot of where the defect is to

    help the de2s &nderstand what the iss&e is If this is a 2is&al iss&e then takea screenshot of the pae to show whatBwhere the iss&e is to )ake it easieron the de2s to &nderstand whats wron If %o& see an error or content iss&es,I will attach a screenshot so there is no conf&sion what I a) talkin a'o&t#a+e)s, NT RE."IRED/ D NT '"T AN0T1ING 1EREComponents, Area where the defect was fo&nd, the areas are related tothe 2erticals and helps &s +lter the defects 'ased on these co)ponents The)ost co))on co)ponents &sed are as follows:

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA




    The)e5#art: All cart related iss&es will 'e assined this co)ponent

    The)e5Tickets: All Ticket related iss&es will 'e assined thisco)ponent

    The)e5Lodin: All lodinBspecial oKers related iss&es will 'eassined this co)ponent


  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA



    !ach of these '&llet points is a 2ertical that %o& can choose as a co)ponent,H-T, these are the eneric co)ponents, each of these 2erticals has )&ltipleco)ponents that are )ore speci+c to the area, for exa)ple if %o& +nd adefect on an attractions detail pae, then the defect co)ponent is &nder"inderDetail, since it is a detail pae The )ore speci+c co)ponent choicesare shown a'o2e, if what %o&r defect relates to has does not fall &nder an% ofthe speci+c co)ponent t%pes for that 2ertical, then keep it as the enericco)ponent2i3 Version, as %o& can see a'o2e, it sa%s #&rrent 2ersion. That )eans,

    whate2er release %o& are on, whether it is Releae 7;7, Release 7; etc DG/GT WRIT! #-RR!/T !RIG/ When %o& are testin in tae A/D in oftLa&nch, %o& will p&t the c&rrent release444')ease remem+er, if t&e defect is in production( D NT '"T A2I5 VERSIN444If you found it in a )o*er en-ironment and c&ec6ed and found it a)sois in 'RD( t&en you sti)) D NT put a 73 -ersion( e-en if it is in a)o*er en-ironment( if it is in production( D NT put a 73 -ersion( it*i)) not +e a )aunc& +)oc6er

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    'riority,Yo& can choose either a 7,

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    It.s not reat '&t the 6&est can et aro&ndBthro&h itwitho&t too sini+cant an i)pact to the experience It.s&p to the tea) to proceed or hold '&t sho&ld 'eprioritiNed in the 'acklo and addressed at the soonestareed &pon sprint

    o Priority 4 O There are )inor de2iations fro) the speci+edinteraction, 2is&al desin, or content The 6&est )ihtnot e2en detect the diKerences "or exa)ple: slihtdepart&res fro) 2is&al st%lesP pixels oKP isolated iss&eswith words or p&nct&ationP poorl% siNed or croppedi)aes It.s not terri'le, '&t sho&ld 'e +xed at so)epoint in the f&t&re

    Steps to Recreate,

    Write in s&ch a wa% that an%one with li)ited knowlede of the iss&e

    sho&ld 'e a'le to &nderstand and follow the steps to reprod&ce theiss&e witho&t diQc&lt% Doin so will facilitate the a'ilit% to con+dentl%

    2alidate a +x for an iss&e the% did not personall% lo th&s are less

    fa)iliar a'o&t

    4ro2ide step '% step instr&ctions on how to reprod&ce the iss&e

    Incl&de -RL where defect was fo&nd

    Incl&de test data (if applica'le, s&ch as da%s %o& tried )akin a

    reser2ation if that is related to the defect$

    Incl&de test &ser acco&nts (if applica'le$

    Incl&de Act&al and !xpected Res&lts

    !xa)ple of one written in JIRA:

    Se-erity,o #ritical O The s%ste) is down or ke% application f&nctionalit% is&na2aila'leP testin se2erel% li)ited s&ch that little to no work can 'eco)pleted andBor perfor)ance tests cannot 'e r&n The 6&est=s a'ilit%to co)plete task or &ser ow will 'e se2erel% li)ited s&ch thatexperience wo&ld 'e co)pletel% 'locked fro) 'ein co)pleted (noknown work aro&nd$ or perfor)ance is deraded to the point where

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    &est a'andon)ent is a near certaint%

    o High O >ain f&nctionalit% of the s%ste) is 'rokenP testin isi)pacted, '&t can contin&e with a workaro&nd for testinp&rposes The 6&est=s a'ilit% to co)plete task or &ser ow will 'eli)ited s&ch that the experience is 'locked fro) 'ein co)pleted orperfor)ance is deraded s&ch that &est a'andon)ent is likel%

    o Medium O /onconfor)ities occ&r within a f&nctionP )ini)al testini)pactP iss&e can 'e resol2ed after la&nch The 6&est.s a'ilit% toco)plete the task or &ser ow is not li)ited in s&ch a wa% that theexperience cannot 'e co)pleted An% perfor)ance deradation is ananno%ance, '&t not likel% to res&lt in &est a'andon)ent

    o Low O >inor, non5critical or cos)etic pro'le)s exist with thes%ste)P little to no i)pact on testin or 6&est experience

    A detailed "A for perfor)ance defects can 'e fo&nd on thefollowin Wiki pae:https:BBwikiwdprowdico)Bdispla%BTechB4erfor)anceDefects"A

    Studio, Assin to a st&dio 'ased on the area of the defect, see the 4!4#G>technolo% wiki pae for a detailed list of the st&dios and what the% co2er


    Type of Defect,7 Accessi'ilit%: Defects related to special area ! Application failin

    to pro2ide infor)ation for the special people s&ch as HlindBDeaf
  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    and reV&ires no tech or A to +x!xa)ple: Add an i)ae to the hero )edia of a pae


    En-ironment: A defect related to en2iron)ent iss&es 2unctiona): De2iation fro) the act&al f&nctional reV&ire)entE

    >edia : Defect related to "inder ertical ec&rit% : G&t of scope for #AC !G : !G stands for earch !nine Gpti)iNation 5 G&t of scope for

    #A78 Tec&nica): A defect o'ser2ed d&e to technical fail&re

    The +o)dedsections are what #A )ost co))onl% &ses when loindefects

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Brand, !nter the site %o& are testin on, WDW for Disne%world, DLR forDisne%land, DL4 for Disne%land 4aris(DL4 D/$, ?UDL for ?on UonDisne%land, !T#Bro*sers, Whate2er %o& were testin on where %o& fo&nd this defect,"irefox, #hro)e, Internet !xplorer (I!$, >o'ile app is if %o& are on a de2ice,

    etc***If %o& +nd a defect and %o& tested in )&ltiple 'rowsers or it is on )o'ileA/D 4#, then after )akin one selection, ?GLD the #G/TRGL ke% (?GLD the#G>>A/D ke% if %o& ha2e a >A#$ to then select )&ltiple optionspened By, Centra) .AAcceptance Criteria, input N=AEpic #in6,This is G/LY A44LI#AHL! to DL4"or DL4 we ha2e 2ario&s epic links that we link JIRA tickets to in order to keptrack of what defects are related to what sites, since DL4 is foc&sed pri)aril%on la&nchin 2ario&s lan&aes, the epic links to &se for the #-RR!/T DL4Lan&aes are:

    /etherlands(/L$: 4RG5CMMM-U: 4RG5CM7

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    7 6o to X&rl5!n2Bde'&Bde2elopers5toles !na'leDe'& >ode

    T-DIG "-/U

    G)o+a) Vertica)

    4erfor)ance and &alit%

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Studio @ Tic6ets1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio ;

    Tickets store (pre5cartBchecko&t$

    AQlate ticket stores

    4rod&ct er2ice (Tickets$

    GDL (Tickets$

    >e)or% >aker tandalone Tickets

    Studio At)as G)o+a)1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio Atlas

    6lo'al 4ersonaliNation (6lo'al I$: >% tor%>aker

    Studio Bang #odging

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>

    t&dio Han

    Gnline >odi+cations 5 Lodin

    Lodin ales (Resorts$

    pecial GKer ales (co5owned with T/T$

    4ersonaliNed (4I/$ GKer ales (co5owned withT/T$

    A2aila'ilit% er2ice (Resorts$

    &ick &ote (Lodin earch "or)$

    StudioBedroc6>Ser-ice')atformTeam Ser-ices

    1WD4RG 4latfor)Tea)


    H&lk er2ice

    #ontent er2ice

    !xpand er2ice

    ?ippo #>

    >edia er2ice

    endo)atic -I

    Studio Bra-o Content1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio Hra2o #ontent !ntr%

    StudioContro) Tic6ets

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio #ontrol

    Tickets store (pre5cartBchecko&t$

    AQlate ticket stores

    4rod&ct er2ice (Tickets$

    GDL (Tickets$

    >e)or% >aker tandalone Tickets


    #lai) 5 Ann&al 4asses

    #lai) 5 4ark Tickets

    #lai) 5 >aicHands and R"ID cards

    #lai) 5 pecial !2ents

    #lai) 5 >e)or% >akerStudioCrunc&

    'ro7)e Tech tea): 4ro+le ertical is t&dio #r&nch1WD4RG 44 t&dio#r&nch >D in In, Reistration, "orot 4asswordWider tea)incl&din '&siness: >D 4ro+le and 4a%)ent >ethods1WD4RG>DZerticalZ4ro+le >D "a)il% @ "riends >D >aic 'ands (ser2ice is xH> tea)$

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    4ro+le ser2ice M8 and t&dio ?one% Hader Interation Test @ A&to)ation Testin

    StudioImpossi+)e G)o+a)

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>T-DIG I>4GIHL!



    -I Dependencies



    !n2iron)ent con+&ration

    BapiB )od&le


    6lo'al /a2iation

    6lo'al "ooter

    %ndicated ?eader

    %ndicated "ooter

    >edia !nine


    6lo'al >essain

    Studio edi 1WD4RG t&dio Jedi >o'ile Application &pport

    Studio ;aos Cart1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio Uaos Gnline >ods (#art$


    1WD4RG 44 t&dioUapow

    Recentl% )o2ed to D#L pro0ect Area of copeTHD

    Studio ;noc6 Cart1WD4RG 4!4#G>T-DIG U/G#U Trade (#art$ for tra2el aents

    Studio !agic 1WD4RG 4!4#G> 4hotopass

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    t&dio >aic Disne% 4hoto4ass Redapti2e

    Studio !ars Cart

    All #art &stain)ent B 4erfor)ance relatedwork

    4AY>!/T A/D #?!#UG-T "low (incl&din#o))erce in5In$, AQliated tores,HGGUI/6, R!#G>>!/DATIG/, 4AY>!/T, A/D

    R!!RATIG/ !RI#! (onl% Resort5relatedendpoints$ (#o5Gwns with st&dio W88T$

    Studio !ate

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio >ate

    DL4 (D/$ Lodin

    Grane: D>!, Dinin, Tickets (for packaes$and 4ersonal >aic

    4ost Grane: Lodin Roo)sB4ackaes, Trade(with lash$

    >e)or% >aker add5on to resort 4ackae res


    1WD4RG %ste)s!nineerin Infrastr&ct&re

    Studio Narf 2'F=G22

    1WD4RG 44 t&dio


    "ast 4ass redesin,



    2inder andDine

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio /orthtar

    2inder Vertica)

    >aps, >application


    4ark ?o&rs

    Studio'ampa Itinerary

    1WD4RG 44 t&dio4a)pa

    Itinerar% s&stain)ent


    "inder Detail >!/-

    Studio 'ing Cart 1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio 4in

    Trade for tra2el aents

    #ART -I, #art er2ice, List er2ice, ?ealth

    >onitor er2ice, Additional 4a%)ents 4ae(post5'ookin$

    Studio 'rime 2'F=G221WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio 4ri)e 6reat "ood "ast

    Studio S)as& #odging1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio lash

    Tools, TradeBLodin

    4rod&ct er2ice (4ackaes$

    4ricin er2ice

    StudioSmac6 #odging

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio )ack

    Lodin ales (Resorts$

    4ricin er2ice 5 Lodin

    GDL 5 Lodin

    TDL 5 Lodin

    ResortB?otels detail paes (WDW, H!A#?R!GRT, DLR, ?UDL$

    ResortB?otels listin pae (WDW, H!A#?R!GRT, DLR, ?UDL$

    Studio Smi)e 2'F=G221WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio )ile

    "ast4ass (We'5'ased$ &stain)ent, 64>o'ile er2ice, 64B"4 (pass$

    Studio Sp)at Itinerary 1WD4RG 44 t&dioplat

    Itinerar% 4l&s ertical

    >aicHands and #ards

  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Itinerar% Da% iew

    Add to >% 4lans fro) "inder

    >% Reser2ations !y Reser-ations is no*supported +y Studio At)as

    #lai) Resort, Dine, and Acti2it% Reser2ations

    Reser2ation er2ice (wBAtlas$>ain !ntrance 4ass (#ast as 6&est$

    StudioStereo #odging

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>T-DIG tereo

    Lodin 2ertical

    DL4 (D/$

    Gnline )ods

    Studio TNT #odging

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>

    t&dio T/T

    Lodin ales (Resorts$

    pecial GKer ales (co5owned with Han$

    4ersonaliNed (4I/$ GKer ales (co5owned withHan$

    A2aila'ilit% er2ice (Resorts$

    GDL (4ackaes$

    Studio Topa G)o+a)1WD4RG 4!4#G>T-DIG TG4A



    Ann&al 4ass non5sales paes

    >D [6&ide >e[

    >D Landin 4ae

    >> #&sto) 4aes

    6lo'al >essain

    ?elp @ &pport



    2inder and


    1WD4RG 4!4#G>

    t&dio TorV&e

    "inder Detail 4aes (excl&din dine

    a2aila'ilit% )od&le 5 Hap$


    2inder andDine

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio Tri&)ph

    "inder er2ice

    "acilit% er2ice

    Re2iew er2ice


    2inder andDine

    1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio ictor%

    "inder List

    All Acti2ities



  • 7/23/2019 Defect Creation Guide - JIRA


    Hookin er2ice (Dine$

    #art er2ice (Dine$

    4ricin er2ice (Dine$

    4rod&ct er2ice (Dine$

    Studio Hort2inder and

    Dine1WD4RG 4!4#G>t&dio \ort

    "inder List

    All Acti2ities


    "inder Details (&stain)ent Gnl%$

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