dedicated to the late cindy and diana

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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This was a special edition we produced to show our love for our fellow Cafe Sisters.


In Memoriam of The Late

Cindy Colburn&

Diana Cox-Linville

YWCNEWSSpecial Edition


From The Desk of LadyFee!

Dear Readers,

The Wish Upon a Hero Café extends a heartfelt thank you to

all who supported us as we grieved the passing of two of our

members. I thank all of you who took the time to become a

fan of the Facebook page we created to honor these ladies

and we thank you for the time you took to impart words of

condolences and/or support. We never expected this but God

had other plans and we honor Him even in this.

Our sincerest condolences to all of you who have been

affected by this great loss and we extend our support. Please

send us a line if our assistance is ever needed. If we can support, we will. We hope you will

enjoy this special issue of our newsletter. To you who are alive and remain, I say: To God be

the glory, great things He has done. Now, let’s grant some wishes.

Many Blessings,

Fiona M Robinson, Lady Fee

From the Desk of:

Laura Mewes,

Editor -at-Large/Design Editor

Hello Café Family,

This Memory Journal has been a very hard one to finish. I am sure by now everyone has heard

that we lost two sisters from our Café, Cindy Colburn and Diana Cox-Linville. These two ladies

were most giving of spirit, generous to a fault, and very beautiful friends to have. While I never

had the distinct pleasure of meeting them in person, I have chatted with both and was taken at

how sweet they were considering the hardships they endured. They always had a kind word to

say, a bright smile to give, and a hug for anyone in need. I am blessed to have known them

while they were among us at the Café and WUAH. May the heavens rejoice in knowing they

have two very special angels to walk hand in hand with those surrounding them, and may those

of us left behind continue to grace others with the generosity of spirit Cindy and Diana had.

Blessings to you all,


Cindy Colburn

11/06/1957 – 7/23/2011

R.I.P. Cindy

From All Your

Friends at


I give you this one thought to keep…

I am with you still…I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,

I am the diamond glint’s on snow,

I am the sunlight on ripened grain,

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in morning’s hush,

I am the swift, uplifting rush

of quiet birds in circled flight,

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not think of me as gone…

I am with you still…in each new dawn. A Native American Poem

Wish Upon a Hero Café PO Box 76

Richmond, Texas 77406

(832) 266-1232


Wish Upon a Hero Café Resolution of Respect


Cindy Colburn

"And we are not afraid, but are content to die for then we will be at home with the Lord." (2 Corinthians 5:8)

We, the members of Wish Upon a Hero Café, want the family to know that our hearts are with you as we gather to bid a Christian good-bye to a heroic woman, Cindy Colburn. WHEREAS, Cindy Colburn professed an eagerness to help her fellow man and was an active and regular supporter of the Wish Upon a Hero Café. WHEREAS, not only is this a loss of an encourager, a giver and a friend; a person who was always willing to give her last dime to make the lives of others better, or to make someone smile or to motivate another. WHEREAS, the passing of our beloved member is the will of God and there is a human tie that has been broken which bleeds the heart in agony and pain. We are encouraged and comforted by the words of Jesus who said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake them”. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the family because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of our lives. We cannot replace Cindy, but will attempt to demonstrate her love and her passion for helping others as we grant many wishes across the globe, while thinking of her. To her sisters, and the rest of the family, we know your loss is deep and your sorrow is great, but we want you to know that we share in your sorrow, but more importantly, we recognize that this loss is Heaven’s Gain. When it is all over, we would like you to remember: In case there’s a time when you just need some cheer, In case there’s a problem you would like us to hear, In case there’s a favor you would like us to do- We’re here if you need us to help see you through. Humbly submitted on this 3rd day of August 2011. The Officers and Members of Wish Upon a Hero Café. Fiona M. Robinson, Founder

Remembrances of Cindy (Cinders57) Compiled from and Facebook: Debbie Broussard Kennedy We could all take example from Cindy. She had many health issues but was always the MOST positive person. Rest well, Sweet Cindy. We will see you one day soon...

Misses Rodriguez R.I.P. Cindy. I never got to know you but regardless u were a friend. WUAH brought us all together. U will be missed. But now you are flying with angels. ♥

Lady Fee I think she is the only person who passed that I cried for without having met. Today I’ve cried more than I can imagine for Cindy. RIP my friend.

Maggs Gambier The light that has been put out here now shines bright in God's kingdom. We are touched by it and weep, because we miss her, while heaven rejoices to have her home. I love you dear Cindy and will miss you more than words can say. How can such vile mean people be here among us, and someone like our sweet and gentle Cindy be taken from us??? We need all the ‘Cindys’ we have. I am also still struggling to accept that she is gone. I am sure we all will be for quite some time. :( And in all the pain she was in, for all the physical limits she had, she still knew that God was good. She still had this amazing well of joy inside and it was infectious!

Kimberly McClanahan Cindy you will be greatly missed. Your warm heart and kind spirit should be an inspiration to us all.

Faye Kimmel The angels have another amazing angel to join their choir. GOD has another wonderful ANGEL....RIP Cindy....♥

Dana Weller RIP Cindy. You will always be in our hearts forever, from an angel on earth to an angel in the sky. I never got the chance to really talk to you but, from what I read, you were an amazing person. Thank you for sharing your life with everyone here and on WUAH! Your wings had come and now you meet God and can save a special spot for all that will be coming to stay in the future.

Laura Sly Mewes Cindy will be sadly missed by those around her who knew what a lovely soul she was. RIP dear and know we will always love you. ♥

Vicki Allison Stanley RIP you will be loved and missed...

Karen J Hernandez Cindy, my heart is heavy right now. I am saddened to know that another heavenly soul has been taken from this world to join the ranks of the many angels in heaven and to help watch over everyone. You helped a lot of people and brought sunshine and laughter to many. When someone needed to be picked up off the ground, you lifted them up with your kind words. I will miss the letters that you wrote to me when you knew I needed a kind word. You made a dying man smile, when he would receive a letter or just a card in the mail. Thank You Cindy for being the Special Angel in so many lives that you touched. I will miss you my Friend. RIP. Prayers for the family of such a beautiful soul.

Kristina Kay Skiba Rest in Peace Cindy. While we never truly "met", you always had a kind word and were one of the first heroes to PM me with encouraging words, suggestions, or praise. You will be missed dearly.

Niki Ann Kaplan SO SAD ---- RIP, CINDY!

Adkins795 Rest In Peace, Cindy. The world has one good angel with many more beside you to watch over us. You brought light to dark. My prayers go to your family.

Drewmom May God bless you. Rest in peace and fly with the angels.

Sensimel I know you will continue to do God’s work from above. Rest well my good friend.

Brokenmoonlit RIP, Cindy you are no longer in terrible pain and you are in the comfort of loved ones. May you rest in peace while watching over us in the clouds. Thanks for being a wonderful hero.

TmVieira26 RIP, Cindy.

Rae Goldman Cindy, rest with the Angels, your work on Earth is done. You touched many lives and changed the world with your kindness. Your light is shining brightly on all who knew you.

Gatekeeper Rowan I remember how she got excited when the lady who took care of her would bring her a treat from McDonalds. She appreciated life, the most minute detail she found solace in. She will be missed by those who only met her online just as though they lived next door. She was an angel on earth who today is singing in the heavenly choir. I will miss her and never forget her she was truly an amazing women with a heart of gold.

Jeremy John Arneson Wish I knew her better.

Ainsley Jo Phillips ‎Cindy Colburn won't ever be forgotten just so long as even one of us keeps reminding others that she once walked among us and left the world better than she found it! There will be far more than "even one of us" doing this...

Sheryl Gerhart Searcy Praying for Cindy's family. She will be greatly missed by many.

Misti Grunden May she rest in peace. Truly a sad loss for all that knew and loved her. I didn’t know her very well but what I do know is she was a very sweet person. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and all who loved her.

Kim Smith I was passing Wal-Mart and decided to stop and buy some Pop Tarts. U may think this a

strange thing to post here but 1 of the things Cindy looked forward to most was her monthly trip to Wal-Mart. It was her escape. There were more exotic places she would rather have gone but this is what was given her and she loved it. One of here favorite indulgences were Pop Tarts. So that is what I did to celebr8 her life.

Kiley Leach You're home now of pain. Thank you for doing God's work while you were here. You will be missed.

Pamela Glover I'm at a loss for words...I never met Cindy in person but we wrote letters back and forth, and called each other on the phone. She sent me many of the pins she made. I know she was always full of pain, but she always made me laugh when we talked on the phone. She was always more worried about my ailments then herself....she was an angel while here on earth, and now she is dancing pain free with the angels in Heaven!! I will miss her terribly!! But she is where she belongs now! Rest in Peace, Cindy.♥♥♥

Vicki L. Nelson-Zeager It has been a sad time for her friends from WUAH Cafe. I did not get to know her, but I see here she had a heart of gold and was a very beloved lady. I will keep praying for her family and friends. May you have comfort and peace at this time of loss.

Sholanda Johnson I will really miss Cindy. I knew her well-we met about 3 months after I joined WUAH. She sent my daughter the most beautiful homemade bracelet for her birthday. I will miss sending her chocolate that she loved and her butter bead soap and nail polish and all the other things that were hard for her to get. She had such a big heart and she was so much like a second mom to me. She was always praying with me when I got down and out. But I do know, after much crying, that she has gone to the most wonderful place and she is up there still praying and looking down on me and my kids.

Anonymous Dear Cindy!!! God has taken you into his arms, and is holding you tight! Even though we weren't ready for you to say goodbye, we know we shall see you again someday! Rest well, without pain or the cruel things that happen in the world. Thank you for being an incredible hero! You will truly be missed!

Anonymous Oh my Gosh, I couldn't believe this. You are so in my heart and I will miss your sweet letters. God Bless you, Cindy…….Rest in Peace. My prayers are with your family.


Rest in Peace Dear Angel!!! You were a shining star in a dark world……now fly with the Angels. Anonymous

God Bless and RIP, Cindy, with love and hugs.... Anonymous

RIP. You have earned your eternal rest. Fly with the Angels Cindy. Anonymous

May you RIP, Cindy....GOD will keep you in his arms and the angels keep you safe in their will surely be missed.

M y Deepest Regrets

” I shall pass this way but once;any good therefore that I can do,or any kindness that I can showlet me not defer nor neglect it,for I shall not pass this way again.”

I will never forget you my love,


06 Nov 57 to 23 Jul 11Cindy Colburn

Cindy, My Love,

How do I say goodbye to what we had, the good times that made us laugh, and never ever any

bad, how?

How do I say, “Rest in Peace” and mean it, my love? How? If you were here, you would tell me

how. But you aren’t.

Losing a member of the Café , for me, is like losing a child. You were one of my precious kids,

one of the good ones. You gave no trouble, you always kept in touch, and you always had love.

How do I say, “Rest in Peace” and mean it?

I can still remember when I went to Hong Kong and shared my experience with you. I can still

remember your reaction; it was as if you were there with me … that’s how genuine you were. I

have all the cards and little things you made for me. Who do I send postcards to now of places

where I visited? You enjoyed them so much. It’s okay, Carla loves them just as much.

I didn’t get to say goodbye but I’m glad that my last email to you held only three words, “I love

youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.” Were you able to read that? Because

you never responded, I should’ve known you had began your travel. Why do I sit here and cry

when you are happy resting in the arms of Jesus? I’m the one who I need to be worried about;

I’m still on earth having to deal with LIFE … smile.

I will miss you as I miss you now. I will love you as I love you now. I don’t want to say goodbye

but the Café needs my attention and spending endless hours crying over the loss of an angel

isn’t productive.

Your sister, Diana, is with you. I asked her to take care of you and to make sure you don’t get

your wings all dirty. Make sure she is okay and tell her not to worry about Kyle because he will

be just fine. Pull her wings if she ever starts getting sad and remind her that all is well now, all

is well.

So today, my baby, my friend, my warm wonderful person, I open my arms and I say, fly, fly so

high above the sky, fly away to a place where angels reside, fly, my baby, fly … as I wipe the

tears away …

Nooooooooooo, don’t go, wait a minute … Oh, this is so hard … ok, ok, go … I’ll set you free.

No, really. Stop worrying about me and my tears; I’m being selfish; I will miss you; I miss you

… and I’ll grant many wishes and think of you … .

Rest in Peace, Cindy. Rest.



Tributes to honor our friends,

Cindy Colburn & Diana Cox-Linville.

Angel Wings

by Kristina Kay Skiba

In Memory of Cinders57 and Diana2help

To the fellow heroes who we have loved and lost, There are no words to describe the pain, the cost.

As the tears flow freely down my face, I know you to be lifted by His grace.

You both walked among us as angels, helping with wishes for cards and things, Now I assure you... It’s time to be fitted for your wings. With much love for those who remain… not despair,

Grant some wishes in their honor…for heroes like them are rare.

Mindy Elie Cindy’s & Diana's kindness, in its most general form, did not go unnoticed. They were there for so many in need and helped whenever they could. These 2 angels will be deeply missed here on earth. May you find comfort in knowing that many people were enlightened by these individuals. They will forever hold a special place in the hearts of every soul they touched at Wish Upon a Hero.

Vicki Stanley I would like to let the family know I am so sorry for their loss and to know that I will be thinking of them.

Stacey Coleman I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of the two members, Cindy and Diana. May they be with God and their families be blessed.

Carolyn Marshall I didn't know them but am praying for their families and sending cards to each. May they rest in GOD'S arms. DIANA & CINDY, I wish I had known you as you sound like you were wonderful friends. May u rest in peace.

Sherri Burgan I am saddened by the loss of our 2 Angels, and although I didn’t get to know them, my heart is breaking because I can feel the pain of everyone while reading about who they were. I know I missed out knowing some wonderful women.

Rae Goldman People will come and go from our lives, that is a fact of life, but they will always leave footprints on our hearts and help us become what we are meant to be. Cindy and Diana will never be forgotten, as long as we the people who were touched by them continue to do what we do here and on WUAH every day.

Mary Jennings-Gonzalez I am sending my love and my prayers to our Angels Cindy and Diana. You have both gone to a much more beautiful and peaceful place and one day we will all be there with you both. Many blessings ~Mary

Renee Butler Johnston Oh My, I am so sorry… I just learned about Our two Beloved Members Passing…. My heartfelt prayers go out to their families and all of our members as were are all saddened by such a great loss (((HUGS)))

Diana Cox-Linville

2/07/1957 – 7/25/2011

R.I.P. Diana

From All Your

Friends at WUAH


Wish Upon a Hero Café PO Box 76

Richmond, Texas 77406

(832) 266-1232


Wish Upon a Hero Café Resolution of Respect


Diana Cox-Linville

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again."

We, the members of Wish Upon a Hero Café, want the family to know that our hearts are with you as we gather to bid a Christian good-bye to a valiant woman, Diana Cox-Linville. WHEREAS, Diana Cox-Linville professed an eagerness to help her fellow man and was an active and regular supporter of the Wish Upon a Hero Café. WHEREAS, not only is this a loss of a supporter, a giver and a friend; a person who was always willing to donate to make others happy, or willing to share her story to inspire another. WHEREAS, the passing of our beloved member is the will of God and there is a human tie that has been broken which bleeds the heart in agony and pain. We are encouraged and consoled in the words of Jesus who said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake them”. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the family because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of our lives. We cannot replace Diana, but will attempt to demonstrate her love and her passion for helping others as we grant many wishes across the globe, while thinking of her. To her son Kyle, and the rest of the family, we know your loss is deep and your sorrow is great, but we want you to know that we share in your sorrow, but more importantly, we recognize that this loss is Heaven’s Gain. When it is all over, we would like you to remember: In case there’s a time when you just need some cheer, In case there’s a problem you would like us to hear, In case there’s a favor you would like us to do- We’re here if you need us to help see you through. Humbly submitted on this 28th day of July 2011. The Officers and Members of Wish Upon a Hero Café. Fiona M. Robinson, Founder

Remembrances of Diana Cox-Linville (Diana2help) Compiled from

Wish Upon a Hero Café and Facebook:

Rachel Goldman I will never forget Diana or how sweet, kind and thoughtful she was. She didn’t grant wishes to be noticed, she did it because she truly cared about people. I know she cared about me and my family. I am having such a hard time writing this. Diana is one of the few people who could see inside of me and didn’t judge me. Diana, I hope you are resting peacefully and pain free in the arms of Jesus.

Jennifer Burke Diana will truly be missed . . .

Pamela Glover R.I.P., Diana...

Misti Grunden ‎:( OH NO Not Diana... :( She was such a sweet person... this has been a sad week for WUAH family... My thoughts and prayers are with everyone.. :( I don’t even know what to say... :(

Sherri Richardson Burgan Thoughts and prayers to the family, Heaven got a gift and we lost a hero and a beautiful soul :'(

Louann Allgood RIP, I miss and love you ):

JesusSavedMe You will be missed! The angels are rejoicing! Love Lisa

Hardinggirl What a true and selfless Angel. You will be greatly missed by everyone at WUAH and the Cafe. WE LOVE YOU!

Mara RIP sweet Diana family of and Mara .T.


Bandit6232001 R.I.P., Diana. Another angel to grace the floor of heaven. Condolences to the family. Diana will be missed.

Ladyd800 RIP

Lady Fee Diana, I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(

Dana, Bella and Destiny R.I.P Diana. An amazing earth angel has now lost her battle and earned her wings. With all our love, Diana.

Purple fairy fl RIP, Diana.

KELLIEBABE80 May you RIP, Diana. You will be missed by many!!

Quiet RIP, will be missed on earth but Heaven has a new hero. God bless. Sue

Butterflymommy RIP, Diana. You will surely be missed

Pheonixreborn RIP we will miss you!

Laura Sly Mewes Diana, many people here at WUAH and the Café will remember the selflessness and beauty you graced us with. Heaven has gained a truly wonderful person to share amongst the angels. May God know your magnificent spirit as we all did. Blessings, RIP…..we love you.

Dana Weller Diana, we never got the chance to finally meet yet we were not so far apart. I miss calling ya and laughing

so hard my gut would hurt. The girls miss their Auntie Dee. We love you so much and, yes, it hurts that you have passed but I do know now that you no longer are in pain, you had always said that you have to be ready for this moment because you knew it would come. Well, love, I never could truly be ready. We miss you and love you so much our angel in the sky.

Kristina Kay Skiba Diana2Help.... you always had a kind word and a hug or two :) RIP

Linda Josey Diana spread your wings and soar, I just see you dancing, in your new Glorious body. Weeping may endure for a night but JOY does come in the morning!!! Lets Celebrate a life that gave so much!!!

Goodbye Diana, my friend.

Chica, I know I must say goodbye because I know you have to go and I need to let you go …

there are wings awaiting you in the skies and I need to let you fly.

I’m going to miss you. I will never forget you; yes, I promise. I will check in with Kyle and

remind him of how much you love him. I will grant as many wishes as I can and think of you. I

will grant a wish every day for you as long as I have access to a computer. I will work harder on

being nicer to everyone so that no feelings will be hurt by my words.

I promise I will do all I can to keep the Café together. I promise I will never again allow us to get

to 200 plus members when over 100 members are inactive and unresponsive. I promise I will

make sure we produce quality work always. I will do this for you.

In your honor, I will grant (at least) one special wish every year for someone who has cancer.

I will smile even when I don’t feel like smiling, like right now; okay, okay, I’m smiling (lemme

‘lone – no don’t!!). I will smile even when the tears won’t stop – right now they are everywhere.

The last time we spoke/emailed, I had no idea it would be the last time. If I did, I would’ve

shared a few more thoughts with you. I would’ve told you that, no matter what happens, I will

remember. I would’ve told you, no matter what happens, I’ll never forget. I would’ve told you

that I admire you and how wonderful I think you are but, then again, you knew how wonderful

you were … smile. I would’ve said so much more to you but I didn’t know …

Since you left without warning, you just have to read this in the spirit and you better be smiling

and remembering how much I love you. Listen to me: I still love you and you will always be my


I have never lost a child but losing you, one of my Wish Upon A Hero Café babies, I feel as if I

lost my child. Check in on Cindy for me and make sure you help her take care of her wings;

don’t get them dirty, you hear me (do they have washing machines up there?)? Smile.

I have to go because this is hard and I want you to rest, rest, rest in the arms of Jesus until I

come. See you there, babes; see you there.

Let me go … I’m letting you go … fly, fly, fly … there you go … fly.




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We all will simply obey God's will…

Peace Be Still.

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