deconstruction of jet website

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Analyse the design and layout of two

websites associated with the genre of the arti st

of your choice

Jet official website This is the home page of the website.It features:• Masthead• An album cover • Lack of text• Links to their other pages • Bright colours• Login and register buttons to the page

info• Fire is featured with graphite on the

van to suggest a rebellious young culture

Possible ideas used for my own website

The use of graffiti in this piece, is representative of youth so I would want to use that in my final project because it represents rebellion in young people

The bands name takes up a vast amount of the framing on the home page. This is because it promotes the band name and franchise

Therefore I will want my masthead of the website to take up a vast amount of the frame to emphasise the bands name.

These links show all the different links on the website so I want to include all of these on my website because it then shares all the same feature of really websites.

This bio is important for the bands website because it gives background information on all the band members and it informs the audience about what they do in the band.Also it has a picture of the band on this so it can show visuals on the band as the audience reads about them.

Therefore I will want to use this in my website because it will help me give lots of background information on my band for the audience.

This is the discography of Jets website. Over their entire career they made only five albums which are all shown here, so the function of this page is to show the audience about all the different albums they have made as a band. A discography is present on nearly every bands website which means on my website I need to have one that shows all my bands albums.

This is the bands official blogging system which is used to inform the audience about all the different activities the band are doing but also so that their audience can send them messages and feedback.

This is a very useful feature so I will include one on my page so that I can get feedback from the audience.

This is jets twitter page. They use it because there are millions of people that use twitter so it is a great way for their band to advertise themselves on the web, so they can get more followers and so fundamentally get more publicity which means more money.

Therefore because I will also include a twitter and Facebook page on my website because it is a modern way of communication through technology which it very modern (like my band) and also because it is a very good way to publicise our band

This is a video of the band performing one of their songs which informs people who don’t know about the band, about what their sort of genre is and their style as a band. But it is also used to keep the audience they already have interested and up to date.

Therefore I will have a video of my band on the website performing to entertain my audience and to inform them about all the above.

The band also has a community page which shows a picture of all the people who are fans of the band and a all the people that are associated to the band in some way. I.e. a band member, or part of the roadie crew. This page is also important because it helps the band to know how many followers they have which means they will get feedback from them.

Therefore I will include a similar fan page on my website so that my band know what the audience are like and if they follow the image of the band.

This is arguably one of the band most important pages because it is the first place people will see if the band is gigging or not. If so, where and what time and the price of the tickets. This is an important way of insuring that the band have sales.

This page must therefore be included on my website because it is the most important way of informing the audience about gigs they are doing which is also one of the most valuable ways to make money ion the band.

This is an important page on the website because it shows the audience about all the recent activity in the band. i.e. interviews with the press and gigs they have played. This is a useful page to have on my website because it informs the audience about all the recent activity that my band has just gone through.

This page shows the audience about available tickets for sale and how you can apply for them.

Therefore I will include this on my page because the audience need to be able the purchase the tickets on the site and this page will allow that.

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