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Renewable Energy (Technology, Implementation, Application, Comparison and Future Financial

Viability) for Infrastructure and Real Estate Industry




Submitted by





Faridabad – 121003, Haryana

(Under the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India)

Affiliated to




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I, Rishi Chaturvedi, Roll No 70, student of MBA-Power Management (2012-14) at National

Power Training Institute, Faridabad hereby declare that the Summer Training Report entitled



AND REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY” is an original work and the same has not been

submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other degree. A Seminar presentation of

the Training Report was made on _____________ and the suggestions as approved by the

faculty were duly incorporated.

Presentation In-Charge Signature of the Candidate

Counter signed

Director/Principal of the Institute


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Apart from efforts of the person doing the project, the success of any project depends

largely on the encouragements and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to

express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion

of the project.

I thank to Mr. PAYAL RASTOGI, Managing Director, CARBON FIXERS for giving me the

opportunity to execute my Summer Internship Project.

I would also like to thank my Project In-charge Ms. Vardah Saghir, Fellow, NPTI who

always assisted me in every possible manner.

I feel deep sense of gratitude towards Mr. J. S. S. RAO, Principal Director Corporate

Planning, NPTI, Mr. S. K. Chaudhary, Principal Director, Dept. of Management Studies,

Mrs. Manju Mam, Director, NPTI and Mrs. Indu Maheshwari, Dy. Director, NPTI for

arranging my internship at Carbon Fixers and being a constant source of motivation and

guidance throughout the course of my internship.

I also extend my thanks to all the faculties and my batch mates in Dept. of Management

Studies (NPTI), for their support and guidance throughout the course of internship.

Thank you all for being there for me always.



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Buildings of the future have to take into account the challenges and the opportunities brought

about by technological, environmental and societal changes. Smart buildings have the

advantage of automated systems that control the environment and communicate with users.

With the increasing levels of sophistication in technology, communications and connectivity,

smart buildings will become an integral part of our lifestyles – something that the

construction industry should recognise. In building new buildings or refurbishing old ones,

the ‘smart’ way to build smart buildings is to move away from traditional methods of

construction and to look at multi-disciplinary and integrated approaches, as well as end-user

perspectives. Furthermore, with the world’s increasing concern on climate change, buildings

will feature as one of the key areas for low-carbon performance. Supported by smart

technologies, green design will be a vital part of the new outlook for a building’s

performance. Lastly, societies across the world will require comfort, liveability and

adaptation to demographic change. The construction industry is well placed to play a crucial

role to take on this task.

This report contains needed steps and measures to assure green and smart

infrastructure in terms of usage of electricity, Water and other resources. Hence I have

divided my report into four aspects, each aspect enunciating the profitability of using

renewable and waste management methods over conventional methods. The four parts are:

1. Energy – Solar Panels and Solar Water Heaters

2. Application – Cooking , Laundry and Demonstration Systems for Cooling

3. Solid Waste Management – Biogas Plant

4. Waste Water management system

A Cost benefit and financial analysis is done on each aspect of these four parts so that

a general perception of not using the renewable energy sources because they are more

expensive and less economical can be removed.


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Figure 1: Diesel rate growth trend;..........................................................................................10

Figure 2: 25Kwp Month wise Energy feed..............................................................................17

Figure 3: Pattern of Energy Generation and Capacity Factor..................................................18

Figure 4: Solar Water Heater...................................................................................................24

Figure 5: Solar domestic Water Heater....................................................................................25

Figure 6 : Flat Plate Collector SWH........................................................................................28

Figure 7: Evacuated tube collector SWH.................................................................................29

Figure 8: Combined Capital and operating cost of SWH........................................................31

Figure 9: SWH systems in Delhi..............................................................................................36

Figure 10: SWH systems in Apartments..................................................................................36

Figure 11: SWH layout............................................................................................................37

Figure 12: 50000 lpd SWH system in Gurgaon.......................................................................37

Figure 13: Comparison SWH with Geyser..............................................................................40

Figure 14: Types of WWM......................................................................................................43

Figure 15: Rainwater harvesting schematic.............................................................................46

Figure 16: Rainwater harvesting at IGI....................................................................................46

Figure 17: Components of DEWATS......................................................................................47

Figure 18: DEWATS Process..................................................................................................48

Figure 19: Succession of treatment processes..........................................................................49

Figure 20: Vasant Vihar Drain, New Delhi.............................................................................53

Figure 21: Iron moulds for concrete digester...........................................................................58

Figure 22: Munni Sewa Ashram..............................................................................................65


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Table 1: Major Problems of Smart Buildings............................................................................7

Table 2: Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (Summary of current registered


Table 3: Cost analysis of Diesel versus Solar Comparison of Diesel Generators with Solar


Table 4: Comparison between Diesels versus Solar generators...............................................12

Table 5: Tariff determination for SPV system.........................................................................19

Table 6: Calculation of 1 unit of electricity.............................................................................21

Table 7: Cost of implementing solar panel..............................................................................23

Table 8: Electric versus Solar..................................................................................................31

Table 9: Solar Water Heater Subsidies....................................................................................34

Table 10: Uses of SWH............................................................................................................35

Table 11: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DEWATS......................................................................55

Table 12: COST ANALYSIS OF BIOGAS PLANT...............................................................60

Table 13: Gajraj Dry Cleaners Plant Details............................................................................64

Table of ContentsDECLARATION........................................................................................................................................ ii

CERTIFICATE.......................................................................................................................................... iii

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................v


LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................vii

CHAPTER – 1: INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1

1.1 Objective of Report......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Definition of smart infrastructure................................................................................................1

1.3 Principles of smart infrastructure................................................................................................2

1.4 Applications of smart infrastructure............................................................................................3

1.5 Some major problems concerning smart buildings are:..............................................................7

1.6 List of Registered societies in Delhi:.............................................................................................9

CHAPTER 2 – SOLAR PANELS (REPLACEMENT FOR DIESEL GENERATORS)...........................................10

2.1 Inflation in Diesel.......................................................................................................................10

2.2 Diesel Generator versus Solar system........................................................................................11

2.5 Functional Description of a SPV Power System:........................................................................15

2.6 Calculation for Cost of 1 unit of electricity from Diesel generator (Year- 2013)........................20

2.7 Cost of Implementing solar Panel..............................................................................................22

CHAPTER 3: SOLAR WATER HEATER – REPLACEMENT FOR GEYSERS...................................................24

3.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................24

3.2 Solar Water Heating System......................................................................................................25

3.3 System schematic for typical Solar Domestic water Heater.......................................................25

3.4 Working of a Solar Water Heater...............................................................................................26

3.5 Main Components of a SWH System.........................................................................................26

3.6 Applications of SWH..................................................................................................................26

3.7 Types of SWH.............................................................................................................................27

3.8 Desirable Characteristics of a hot Water Storage Tank..............................................................29

3.9 Features of a good SWH............................................................................................................30

3.10 Size of a SWH...........................................................................................................................30

3.11 ELECTRIC VS SOLAR..................................................................................................................30

3.12 Potential..................................................................................................................................31

3.13 Electricity/Diesel Savings.........................................................................................................32

3.14 Peak load saving......................................................................................................................32

3.15 CO2 Reduction.........................................................................................................................32

3.16 Solar Water Heater Market in India.........................................................................................32

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3.17 Solar Water Heater Subsidies in India......................................................................................33

3.18 Cost of Using Geysers..............................................................................................................38

3.19 Cost of using SWH....................................................................................................................39

3.20 Comparison of SWH versus Electric Geysers............................................................................40

CHAPTER 4 - WASTE WATER MANAGEMENT......................................................................................41

4.1 Types of Waste Water Management.........................................................................................41

4.2 Rain Water Harvesting...............................................................................................................43

4.3 Introduction to DEWATS............................................................................................................46


4.5 The need for decentralized initiatives in wastewater treatment:..............................................49

4.6 Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India:......................................................50

4.7 Waste Water Treatment Plant- Vasant Vihar Drain, New Delhi.................................................52

4.8 Technical specifications of the plant are as below:....................................................................53

4.9 Decentralized wastewater treatment plant...............................................................................54

CHAPTER 5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................56

5.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................56

5.2 Materials and Methods.............................................................................................................57

5.3 COST ANALYSIS OF BIOGAS PLANT............................................................................................60

CHAPTER 6 - APPLICTIONS OF SOLAR CST TECHNOLOGIES..................................................................61

6.1 Parabolic Type Concentrating Solar Steam Cooking System AT Shri Sai Sansthan, Shirdi..........61

6.2 M/s Gajraj Drycleaners, Ahmednagar........................................................................................63

6.3 100 TR System at Muni Sewa Ashram, near Vadodra................................................................64

CHAPTER 7 – SUMMARY......................................................................................................................66

7.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................66

7.2 Recommendations.....................................................................................................................66

7.3 Limitation of the project............................................................................................................67


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1.1 Objective of Report

Objective of the Report is to lay emphasis on needed steps and measures to assure green and

smart infrastructure in terms of usage of electricity, Water and other resources.

A Cost benefit and financial analysis is done on each aspect of these four parts so that

General perception of not using the renewable energy sources because they are more

expensive and less economical can be removed. This is done by comparing each renewable

and eco-friendly technique for improvement of carbon content of infrastructural buildings

with the conventional methods and sources both technically and economically.

1.2 Definition of smart infrastructure

A smart system uses a feedback loop of data, which provides evidence for informed decision-

making. The system can monitor, measure, analyse, communicate and act, based on

information captured from sensors. Different levels of smart systems exist. A system may:

1. Collect usage and performance data to help future designers to produce the next, more

efficient version;

2. Collect data, process them and present information to help a human operator to take

decisions (for example, traffic systems that detect congestion and inform drivers);

3. Use collected data to take action without human intervention. There are examples of each

level of smartness already operating, but the same principles can be applied far more widely

across interconnected and complex infrastructures.

4. To be self – sufficient in terms of energy usage and be eco-friendly by employing the

waste management techniques for better economical use.

5. To reduce GHG emissions and should have a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

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1.3 Principles of smart infrastructure

1. Data

Data are at the heart of all smart technology. As smart infrastructure is rolled out into

different areas of our society, there will be a vast explosion of data generated and data

ownership will become increasingly important.

2. Analysis

Selective sampling of this information, careful fusion of data and interpretation through

robust mathematical modelling will provide highly reliable decision-making tools to benefit

individuals, organisations and governments alike.

3. Feedback

Smartness is about gathering information on the way an asset is used and using that

information to improve the way that system operates. The data feedback loop is fundamental

to any smart system.

4. Adaptability

There will be huge gains from making smart systems that can meet future needs and absorb

future technologies with much less replacement and expensive re-engineering. Redundancy is

currently built into systems because assumptions about what may go wrong have to be made.

If data can be collected to enable a system to be well maintained, designs that are more

efficient can be developed.

5. Eco-friendly

The Smart building must also be Eco-friendly with the surroundings. It should optimally

utilise the natural resources without polluting the environment and be dependent on

renewable energy resources on its consumption of electricity.

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1.4 Applications of smart infrastructure

1. Utilities

Utilities, including power and water, apply smartness to their grids. Smart grids are:

• Adaptive – they adapt and reconfigure in response to changes of supply and demand (as in

renewable energy sources);

• Predictive – models of the grids can be created and used to plan and operate systems;

• integrated – no longer a hierarchy from generator through distribution network to consumer.

Supply, consumption and control can occur at many locations on the grid;

• Reactive – engaging with customers through smart meters, rather than expecting customers

to take what they are given;

• optimised – grids control themselves to maximise efficiency in operation.

2. Energy

Monitoring, remote control and automation are increasingly being implemented across the

industry, which, coupled with the energy market and regulatory framework, make the

networks relatively advanced in world terms. Smartness is key to facilitating a high level of

Cooperation and interaction between consumers, generators and networks.

However, the move towards low carbon and renewable forms of generation present issues for

consumers and the National Grid alike. Consumers may see energy bills rise, unless they

choose to start using off-peak energy or use energy in more innovative ways. Much more

uncertainty in terms of generation profile will exist for the National Grid. To respond to this,

data from smart metering and monitoring will be fed into models to help balance demand and

generation. The grid will have to become more automated and distributed, rather than central

and manual, to be responsive to the wealth of data generated and participants involved. Being

smarter will also release the latent capacity within the network and, where possible, minimise

the need for additional infrastructure.

At the consumer level, there is an increasing ability of individual consuming devices to

negotiate for power usage. A home may have a fridge, washing machine and heat pump

which could be synchronised so they never overlap in their consumption cycle. This scales to

offices and industrial sectors.

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3. Water

Water infrastructure has historically been ‘dumb’, relying on the operation of the laws of

gravity, assisted by human or animal labour. Motor driven pumps have adapted such systems

to unhelpful topography. The integration of such traditional systems with automated and

remote instrumentation, control, feedback and communications systems has changed and is

changing this picture.

Consumers will be exposed to smart meters which will allow them to monitor and

manage their own water use, as with smart electricity and gas metering. This will lead them

to become active players in water operations through more predictable and reduced demand

as well as potentially reduced bills.

Smart metering is particularly helpful for industrial and commercial users, giving

them easier and simplified access to the information they need to control their water


Future water infrastructure will be designed to adapt flexibly to changes in demand

and supply patterns, which will also cut the energy needed to pump water and wastewater.

New strategies currently being implemented or considered around the world include; smart

closed-loop wastewater systems with energy recovery, both small and large-scale (UK);

water resource and flood information and Management response systems (Netherlands,

China); and holistic catchment management integrated with water supply and wastewater

systems (USA).

Future smart water systems will commonly utilise automated meter reading with walk by,

drive by, fly by or fixed network intelligent meters. There will be remote water quality

control and remote water quality adjustment, as well as remote control of water supply

systems by satellite. Smartphone’s will include water ‘apps’ for water bill monitoring and

payment via the internet. Leaks in the water grid will be detected automatically by live water

consumption analysis using data from smart meters. Water and wastewater treatment plants

will be telemetrically operated by satellite


4. Transport

Twenty years ago, aviation, shipping and land transport each had its own navigation

technologies. Ships did not use landing systems deployed by aviation; aircraft did not use

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zebra crossings and traffic lights. But increasingly, the same satellite navigation is serving

them all.

a. Land transport

Land transport includes motorways, roads, trains and trams. The road system is an open

system; the rail system is substantially a closed system. Those are fundamental differences in

the transport equation and therefore have different requirements and challenges when it

comes to smarter infrastructure.

Transport infrastructure is already smart in many ways. For example, rail is currently

managed with automatic sensors and automatic route setting. In the future, the smart system

will have to communicate with an individual the level of reliability of the journey they are

undertaking and help people find alternative transport options if things go wrong. Much more

could be done within the overall integration of road and rail passenger transport networks to

make these kinds of interactions possible. Managed networks will be increasingly important

as eventually drivers start to concede control to a network. There will be monitoring of

energy consumption and mapping of energy access. Electric vehicles and car clubs are

starting to push a different view of vehicle ownership and maintenance, with managed

maintenance and maximum utilisation starting to come to the fore.

b. Maritime transport

The maritime sector has been the fastest of the regulated areas of transportation to adopt the

new tools of intelligent satellite navigation and communications. A commercial shipping

vessel will have half a dozen GPS receivers embedded in multiple systems. Systems can

control a 100,000 tonne vessel at 25 knots through complex seaways in low visibility on

autopilot; they can synchronise the communications systems that show shore control and

Other ships the identity of the vessel, where it is headed and what it is carrying; in an

emergency they can transmit alarms and guide rescuers. Container systems are so highly

automated that the location of every item being transported by the vessel is known from

factory to consumer. However, the dependence of shipping on one system of satellite

navigation and timing has exposed it to considerable risk through the potential loss of that

system. Interruptions have been experienced caused by satellite malfunctions, solar events,

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radio interference and intentional jamming. These can cause all on-board systems to fail at


c. Communications

Operators and other organisations are providing smarter service. Smart billing has been

introduced, which can be orientated towards different customer needs, such as itemised

billing per second, per cost centre or per location. Online customer care and mobile ‘apps’ are

being provided, serving the customer when they want, by time or day or location. Data can be

converted to voice, and voice to data, or from language A to language B. By 2020, the

number of connected devices on the planet will be anything from 20 to 50 billion. Smarter

networks will be there to serve those machines, not just the people who use them. A smart

network could be a multiband or a multimode network (an example of a multimode network

would be one that would work with both cellular and wifi systems/networks).

d. The built environment

Built environments and many of the world’s societies do not function or even exist unless

they are actually plugged into infrastructure. Architects understand the potential of joining up

with smart infrastructure. However, design tools, although smart in themselves, are not

currently able to link into and release the potential of the wider infrastructure.

Increasingly architects are working with innovators to understand how that smart technology

should be deployed and to keep informed of what exists and what technologies are on the

horizon. The built environment industry already creates some very smart systems, but the

people who then operate the buildings very often do not have the benefit of any training,

access, or explanation as to what the data might mean and how they could operate the

buildings more efficiently. This is where smartness falls down. Bringing the end user, the

engineer and the architect together to make use of these systems more intuitive will maximise

the value that the smartness delivers. It will also be easier for major technology companies to

articulate the value and explain why an item needs to be provided, so that the customer

understands and accepts it. Ultimately, for the lifetime of the building it will be about

ensuring that customers understand how to get the best from their smart systems.

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1.5 Some major problems concerning smart buildings are:

Table 1: Major Problems of Smart Buildings

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Table 1: Continued

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1.6 List of Registered societies in Delhi:

Type/Zone North South East West North East

North West

South West Central New

Delhi Bank Total

Group Housing(GH) 169 257 342 255 25 376 250 127 171 - 1972House Building(HB) 2 34 42 20 - 31 3 - 1 - 133Thrift & Credit(TC) 102 165 88 123 126 188 151 142 202 13 1300Industrial(INDL) 107 72 80 125 275 371 52 92 17 - 1191Consumer Store(CS) 56 105 47 106 64 65 47 26 52 - 568Package(Rural)(PKG) 9 33 16 7 17 67 31 - 2 - 182New Multi-Purpose(NMPS) 6 51 5 22 16 49 23 - 3 - 175

Bank(BANK) - - - - - - - - - 19 19Federation(FED) 2 4 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 - 24GRAND TOTAL 453 721 623 661 527 1151 558 388 450 32 5564Table 2: Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (Summary of current registered societies)

Total number of Group Housing (GH) Societies = 1972

Total number of cancelled, dysfunctional, dissolved, liquidated, struck-off and wind-up societies = 739

Total number of Active societies = 1233

These are the total number of societies where solutions of this report may be fruitful.

The Gated societies in Delhi depend on 4 major aspects:

1. Energy2. Water management3. Transportation4. Waste management

In this report we will discuss about the total GHG (Green House Gas) emissions in Delhi’s societies and various technologies to reduce it with their costs incurred.

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2.1 Inflation in Diesel



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



Growth trend

Growth trend

YearsFigure 1: Diesel rate growth trend;

From the above diagram it can be observed that rate of Diesel is increasing due to inflation over last 5 years. Due to which there will be an increase in energy rates of apartments. Solar Powered Electrical system is an efficient solution to Diesel Generators as it can reduce operating costs of generating electricity and provide an uninterrupted power supply throughout life of the project. On an average, per unit cost with a diesel generator is Rs 22 while the cost with battery backed solar system does not exceed Rs 7/unit and it remains constant throughout the life of power plant. With a solar power system you can save the cost of transportation, pilferage and storage of diesel.

System 10 KW Solar Electricity Generator

Units Generated 15,000/year

Payback 4 years

Area Required 1200 sq. Feet

IncentivesAccelerated Depreciation (80% first year, 20% second year)

2.2 Diesel Generator versus

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2013 2.35 .16 4.65

2014 2.59 .18 7.34 .05 12.95

2015 2.85 .20 12.32 .06 13.00

2016 3.14 .22 14.56 .06 13.06

2017 3.45 .23 16.78 .07 13.12

2018 3.79 .24 21.45 .07 13.19 2.30 BATTERY

2019 4.17 .29 26.04 .08 15.56

2020 4.59 .34 30.78 .09 15.64

2021 5.05 .45 34.89 .10 15.73

2022 5.55 .78 38.90 .11 15.83

2023 6.11 .80 41.22 .12 15.94 2.50 INVERTER

2024 7.32 .82 44.44 .13 18.56 2.30 BATTERY

2025 8.13 .84 46.67 .14 20.99

2026 8.94 .85. 50.55 .16 21.13

2027 9.84 .88 65.88 .17 21.29

2028 10.82 .90 72.88 .19 21.46

2029 11.91 1.1 80.44 .21 21.65

2030 13.10 1.13 117.88 .23 21.86 2.30 BATTERY

2031 14.41 1.23 131.66 .25 24.39

2032 15.85 1.26 146.99 .28 24.64

2033 17.83 1.36 163.99 .31 24.92

2034 19.17 1.43 182.09 .35 25.23

2035 20.09 1.46 202.88 .37 25.57

2036 22.20 1.59 225.67 .41 25.94

2037 23.20 1.62 250 .45 28.65 2.30 BATTERY

TOTAL COST 273 29.55

Table 3: Cost analysis of Diesel versus Solar2.3 Comparison of Diesel Generators with Solar Generators:

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Criteria Diesel Generators Solar generatorsSystem type Portable diesel generator set Portable solar generator

set ,with optional backup generator

Cost Lower initial cost, high running cost due to fuel consumption

High initial cost, virtually free for life time

Maintenance Require periodic maintenance such as oiling of parts and replacement of moving parts

Minimum maintenance required due to no moving parts

Pollution Noisy, smoke discharge and greasy residues.Also harmful for the environment

Soundless, no discharges.Environmentally friendly.

Efficiency Will consume fuel and produce constant energy regardless of load consumption. Most of this energy is wasted.

Will store extra energy and supply it when required. All energy is utilized.

Cost per kWh Increases with fuel prices Free after sometime.

Return on Investment None Cheaper than grid power over its lifetime.

Reliability in Rugged Conditions

Will function when required, but lifetime will be shortened by environment.

Will function when required, and is ideal for sunny countries.

Fuelling Costs Requires fuel to be transported to location and manually inserted into tank

No cost for fuel. It is automatically charging at all times in the sun.

Set Up Time Will have to be refuelled before being used

Deployed in a few minutes.

When Not in Use Nothing will happen, though fuel level will have to be checked before reuse

The generator will retain charge. It will continue to charge as long as exposed to sunlight.

Towing from Location to New Location

Fuel recharge required when reaching new location

Generator will charge reroute, ready to be used when arriving at new location.

Life Time 8-10 years Up to 20 years.

Table 4: Comparison between Diesels versus Solar generators

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2.4 Grid Interactive Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant:

1. Area for SPV Plant

i> Length: 25.5m

ii> Width 13.0 m

iii> Location Terrace

2. SPV Power Plant

i> Output 25 kWp

ii> No. of modules 150

iii> No. of modules in series 5

iv> No. of parallel combination 30

v> DC BUS 1 No.

3. Technical details of a SPV Module

(a) PV Module type Poly crystalline

(b) Physical Dimensions

i> Length with frame 1580 mm

ii> Width with frame 795 mm

iii> Thickness 40 mm

(b) Electrical Parameter

i> Maximum Power Rating 170 kWp

ii> Rated Current 5 A

iii> Voltage 34 V

iv> Short Circuit Current 6 A

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v> Open Circuit Voltage 42.8 V

4. Mounting Arrangement

i> Mounting Fixed Type

ii> Surface azimuth angle of PV Module 180o

iii> Tilt angle(slope) of PV module 28.32

5. Inverter/ Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)

i> Number of units 1

ii> Rated Capacity 27 kWp

iii> Input Voltage ranges 170 V (Max.)

iv> Output Voltage 440 V AC

v> Frequency 50 Hz

vi> Efficiency 94%

6. Grid Connection Details

i> Electrical parameters for interconnection 440 V, 3Ph ,50 Hz

7. Annual Energy Generation

i> Annual Energy 42 MWh

8. Cost Estimate

i> Estimated Cost (Rs. Lakh) 42.5

ii> Cost per kW (Rs.Lakh) 1.7

9. Cost of Energy Generation

i> Levelised Tariff (Rs/kWh) 18.45

ii> Cost of Generation (Rs/kWh) 10.54

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10. Construction Time 5 months

2.5 Functional Description of a SPV Power System:1. The solar PV system shall be designed with either mono/ poly crystalline silicon modules

or using thin film photovoltaic cells or any other superior technology having higher


2. Three key elements in a solar cell form the basis of their manufacturing technology. The

first is the semiconductor, which absorbs light and converts it into electron-hole pairs. The

second is the semiconductor junction, which separates the photo-generated carriers (electrons

and holes), and the third is the contacts on the front and back of the cell that allow the current

to flow to the external circuit. The two main categories of technology are defined by the

choice of the semiconductor: either crystalline silicon in a wafer form or thin films of other


3. The grid interactive roof top solar PV system generally comprises the following


a. SPV Power Source

b. Inverter (PCU)

c. Mounting Structure

d. AC and DC Cables

e. Earthling equipment /material

f. Junction Boxes or combiners

g. Instruments and protection equipments

4. Photovoltaic solar system use the light available from the sun to generate electricity and

feed this into the main electricity grid or load as the case may be. The PV panels convert the

light reaching them into DC power. The amount of power they produce is roughly

proportional to the intensity and the angle of the light reaching them. They are therefore

positioned to take maximum advantage of available sunlight within sitting constraints.

Maximum power is obtained when the panels are able to 'track' the sun's movements during

the day and the various seasons. However, these tracking mechanisms tend to add a fair bit to

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the cost of the system, so a most of installations either have fixed panels or compromise by

incorporating some limited manual adjustments, which take into account the different

'elevations' of the sun at various times of the year. The best elevations vary with the latitude

of the load location.

5. The power generating capacity of a photovoltaic system is denoted in Kilowatt peak

(measured at standard test conditions of solar radiation of 1000 W per m2). A common rule

of thumb is that average power is equal to 20% of peak power, so that each peak kilowatt of

solar array output power corresponds to energy production of 4.8 kWh per day (24 hours x 1

kW x 20% = 4.8 kWh).

6. Solar photovoltaic modules can be developed in various combinations depending upon the

requirements of the voltage and power output to be taken from the solar plant. No. of cells

and modules may vary depending upon the manufacturer prudent practice.

7. Inverter

1. The DC power produced is fed to inverter for conversion into AC.

2. The output of the inverter must synchronize automatically its AC output to the exact AC

voltage and frequency of the grid.

3. Inverter Efficiency of 94% is considered in the PV system.

8. Protection and Controls:

1. Inverter shall be provided with islanding protection to isolate it from the grid in case of no

supply, under voltage and over voltage conditions so that in no case there is any chance of


2. In addition to above, PV systems shall be provided with adequate rating fuses, fuses on

inverter input side (DC) as well as output side (AC) side for overload and short circuit

protection and disconnecting switches to isolate the DC and AC system for maintenances are


3. Fuses of adequate rating shall also be provided in each solar array module to protect them

against short circuit.

9. Annual energy generation:

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The annual energy generation from the SPV power plant has been worked out based on the

data on mean global solar radiant exposure over Delhi. The mean global solar radiant

exposure varies from 3.72 kWh/m2/day in the month of December to 7.08 kWh/m2 /day in

the month of May. Considering the efficiency of PV module at 16% and temperature

coefficient of 4.4 % per degree Celsius, the annual energy generation feed into the grid is

estimated at 42 MWh. This takes into consideration an efficiency of the Power Conditioning

Unit (PCU) as 94% and losses in the DC and AC system as 3% each up to the point of

interconnection. The month wise energy generation during the year is shown below.

Figure 2: 25Kwp Month wise Energy feed

Page | 17

Figure 3: Pattern of Energy Generation and Capacity Factor

The energy available from the Plant would vary from a minimum of 3.33 MWh during the

month of January to a maximum of 4.13 MWh during the month of March. The annual

capacity utilization factor works out as 19.2%.

10. Cost of energy generation and tariff:

The Tariff for the sale of energy from the SVP Power Plant has been worked out considering

that equity ratio of 70:30. The interest rate on the loan has been adopted as 12.79 % based on

the prime lending rate (PLR) as per CERC. The salvage value of the project has been

considered at 10% and the depreciation has been based on the differential depreciation

approach as per the CERC Notification dated 16th September, 2009. The depreciation of 7%

has been adopted during the 1st 10 years and based on straight-line method for remaining

useful life. The interest rate on the working capital has been adopted as 13.79 % based on the

prime lending rate of CERC. The working capital has been worked out based on the CERC

norms. The O & M expenses have been adopted at the rate of Rs.9 lakh / MW for the first

year operation and escalated @ 5.72% / annum. The data sheet indicating the various

parameters adopted in the computation of the Tariff as per CERC norms is enclosed.

Page | 18

Table 5: Tariff determination for SPV system

Page | 19

2.6 Calculation for Cost of 1 unit of electricity from Diesel generator (Year- 2013)


Incandascent bulbs 40 x 5Fluroscent bulbs 40 x 4night lamp 15 x 3Fans 60 x 4Tv 100Audio System 50Air Cooler 200Miscellaneous 505Total 1500 watt

For 300 Flats 450 KW

Calculating ratings for DG set and then Cost of Unit from DG set

Total Power of the society 450 KwDiversity factor of the area 0.54Maximum demand of the Society 450 x .54

243 kWLoading 70%DG set rating 243/.7

347.1 kWAt .8 power factor 433.92 KVA

So taking next higher DG set rating 500 KVA Cost of machine 20,00,000 RsConsumption/hr 85 litre/hrDaily cut-off 5 hrs/dayprice of Diesel 50.25For 365 days Running cost in Rs will be 365 x 85 x 5 x

50.257795031.25 Rs/Year

Efficiency of engine .335 litre/kWh155125 litre will generate 463059.701 kWh

cost of 1 unit of electricity for 1st year7795031.25 /463059.716.8 Rs/kWh

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Now, taking cost of DG set into consideration.

Suppose society decides to collect 4 lakhs of cost of DG from first yeartherefore, total cost for first year 8195031.25 RScost of 1 unit of electricity for 1st year 17.69 Rs/kWh

Taking year 2014 , assuming inflation

Assuming rate of inflation 7%price of Diesel will get 53.765 Rs/litreFor 365 days Running cost in Rs will be 365 x 85 x 5 x


adding cost of DG8740295.63 RS/Year

cost of 1 unit of electricity 18.871 Rs/kWh

Taking year 2015 , assuming inflation

Assuming rate of inflation 7%price of Diesel will get 57.52For 365 days Running cost in Rs will be 365 x 85 x 5 x

57.525adding cost of DG 9324116.3cost of 1 unit of electricity 20.1 Rs/kWh

Taking year 2016 , assuming inflation

Assuming rate of inflation 7%price of Diesel will get 61.54For 365 days Running cost in Rs will be 365 x 85 x 5 x

61.54adding cost of DG 9947385.3cost of 1 unit of electricity 21.48 Rs/kWh

Taking year 2017 , assuming inflation

Assuming rate of inflation 7%price of Diesel will get 65.84For 365 days Running cost in Rs will be 365 x 85 x 5 x

65.84adding cost of DG 10614640cost of 1 unit of electricity 22.9 Rs/kWh

Table 6: Calculation of 1 unit of electricity

Total Running Cost plus Investment for 5 years 46821467 Rs

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2.7 Cost of Implementing solar Panel

1. Estimating energy usage


Incandascent bulbs 40 x 5 x 5Fluroscent bulbs 40 x 4 X 5night lamp 15 x 3 X 5Fans 60 x 4 X 5Tv 100 X 5Audio System 50 X 5Lift and miscellaneous of society 200 x 5Total 4575 watt hr

For 300 Flats for 5 hrs a day 300 x 4.5 KW hr1350 units

Taking diversity factor of apartments as 50%maximum demand of society 1350 x .5

675 units

2. Estimating cost of Solar panels(Taking four 25Kw solar panels to generate electricity)

To generate 1 unit we need 200 watts panelTo generate 125 units we need 25000 watts panelsAverage cost of panel/watt 30 Rs/WattTotal cost of panels 25000 x 30

7,50,000 Rs

3. Estimating cost of battery

Cost of tubular battery 10000/KwhrTotal cost of lead acid batteries 10000 x 125

1250000 RsBut we need approximately 4 times of it to get it charged for night 1250000 Rs x 4

50,00,000 Rs

4. Estimating cost of Accessories

Cost of Controller, Inverter and Installation 3,00,000 Rs

Total cost of Solar plant 60,50,000 Rs

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(Adding all of the above)

5. VAT and Subsidy

VAT 5% of 60.5 Lakh3,02,500 Rs

Total plus VAT 63,52,500 RsSubsidy 3000 Rs/sqmApproximate size of solar power plant 325 sqmSubsidy on project 325 x 3000

9,75,000 RsFinal cost 53,77,500 Rs

Table 7: Cost of implementing solar panel

Total cost of four solar power plants 53,77,500 x 4

2,15,10,000 Rs

Total Difference between DG and Solar for 5 years 25311467.3 Rs

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Figure 4: Solar Water Heater

3.1 IntroductionThere has always been a gap between supply and demand of electric energy in Delhi

Especially during peak summer and winter seasons. The situation further worsens during

early hours of peak winter season when enormous heating load is switched ‘ON’. This has

been a consistent problem. If the heating load is switched over to non conventional source of

energy, from conventional energy sources; the gap can be bridged considerably. Therefore,

there is a need to take up the measures to initiate steps for adoption of ‘Solar Water Heating


Solar water heating is now a mature technology. Wide spread utilization of solar water

heaters can reduce a significant portion of the conventional energy being used for heating

water in homes, factories and other commercial & institutional establishments. Internationally

the market for solar water heaters has expanded significantly during the last decade.

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‘Solar Water Heating System’ is not a new name in India now. The technology is easily

available in our country and in use in almost all mega cities.

3.2 Solar Water Heating System1. Solar water heating system is a device that helps in heating water by using the energy from

the SUN. This energy is totally free.

2. Solar energy (sun rays) is used for heating water. Water is easily heated to a temperature of

60-80o C.

3. Solar water heater of Solar water heaters (SWHs) of 100-300 litres capacity are suited for

domestic use.

4. Larger systems can be used in restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals etc.

5. A 100 litres capacity SWH can replace an electric geyser for residential use and may save

approximately 1500 units of electricity annually.

6. The use of 1000 SWHs of 100 litres capacity each can contribute to a peak load saving of

approximately 1 MW.

7. A SWH of 100 litres capacity can prevent emission of 1.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide per


3.3 System schematic for typical Solar Domestic water Heater

Figure 5: Solar domestic Water Heater

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3.4 Working of a Solar Water HeaterThe Sun’s rays fall on the collector panel (a component of solar water heating system). A

black absorbing surface (absorber) inside the collectors absorbs solar radiation and transfers

the heat energy to water flowing through it. Heated water is collected in a tank which is

insulated to prevent heat loss. Circulation of water from the tank through the collectors and

back to the tank continues automatically due to thermo siphon system.

Based on the collector system, solar water heaters can be of two types: A solar water heater

consists of a collector to collect solar energy and an insulated storage tank to store hot water.

3.5 Main Components of a SWH SystemMain components of solar water heater system are

1 .Solar Collector (to collect solar energy)

2. Insulated tank (to store hot water)

3. Supporting stand

4. Connecting pipes and instrumentation etc.

3.6 Applications of SWH 1. Water heating is one of the most cost-effective uses of solar energy, providing hot water

for showers, dishwashers and clothes washers. Every year, several thousands of new solar

water heaters are installed worldwide.

2. Solar water heaters can be used for Homes, Community Centers, Hospitals, Nursing

homes, Hotels, Restaurants, Dairy plants, Swimming Pools, Canteens, Ashrams, Hostels,

Industry etc.

3. Use of solar water heater can curtail electricity or fuel bills considerably.

4. Usage of solar water heater for any application where steam is produced using a boiler or

steam generator can save 70-80% of electricity or fuel bills.

5. A residence can save 70-80% on electricity or fuel bills by replacing its conventional water

heater with a solar water heating system.

6. Of all the solar energy devices available in the market, solar water heating systems are

found to be the most reliable, durable.

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7 .Solar water heaters are backed up by the longest warranty period of all other solar energy


8. Solar water heaters are known to have the fastest repayment of investment.

3.7 Types of SWH Generally two types of solar water heater are available in the market

1. Flat Plate solar water heater

Solar radiation is absorbed by flat plate collectors which consist of an insulated outer metallic

box covered on the top with glass sheet.

2. Evacuated Tube Collector

The Collector is made of double layer borosilicate glass tubes evacuated for providing


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Figure 6 : Flat Plate Collector SWH

Flat Plate Collector SWH

A black absorbing surface (absorber) inside the flat plate collectors absorbs solar radiation

and transfers the energy to water flowing through it. Bureau of Indian Standards has

standardised this type of solar heaters.

Here the solar radiation is absorbed by flat plate collectors which consist of an insulated outer

metallic box covered on the top with glass sheet. Inside there are blackened metallic absorber

(selectively coated) sheets with built in channels or riser tubes to carry water? The absorber

absorbs the solar radiation and transfers the heat to the flowing water.


Here the collector is made of double layer borosilicate glass tubes evacuated for providing

insulation. The outer wall of the inner tube is coated with selective absorbing material. This

helps absorption of solar radiation and transfers the heat to the water which flows through the

inner tube.

The features of Evacuated tube collector are as under:-

1. Highly efficient with excellent absorption (>93%) and minimum emittance(<6%) as the

tubes are round and sun rays are striking the tubes at right angles thus Minimizing


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2. The entire body is made of stainless steel. The storage tank is made of food grade stainless

steel SUS 304 2B with strong PUF insulation.

3. There is an electrical backup for non sun shine days.

4. The entire system is controlled and monitored by an automatic control panel.

5. No scaling in the glass tubes thus, suitable for areas with hard water.

6. The installation procedure is very simple and the system is relatively maintenance free.

7. Available in many capacities 100, 150,180, 250, 500L/more.

8. It is affordable with only one time cost.

Figure 7: Evacuated tube collector SWH

3.8 Desirable Characteristics of a hot Water Storage TankThe hot water storage tank in domestic solar water heating systems is a double walled tank.

The space between the inner and the outer tanks is filled with insulation to prevent heat

losses. The inner tank is generally made of copper or stainless steel to ensure long life. The

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outer tank could be made of stainless steel sheet, painted steel sheet or aluminium.

Thermostat controlled, electrical heating elements can also be provided (optional) in the tank

to take care of those days when sun does not shine or demand of water goes up. The capacity

of the tank should be in proportion to the collector area used in the system. A commonly used

thumb rule is to provide 50 litres of storage for every sq. m. of collector area.

3.9 Features of a good SWH First and foremost requirement of a good solar heater is that it should have sufficient

collector area for the capacity claimed. Collector area used in the system determines the

capacity of water heating. For example, in typical north Indian weather conditions, on a

sunny winter day, one sq. m. of collector area can be expected to heat approximately 50 litres

of water by a temperature of 30- 40° C. Typical flat plate collectors made in the country have

an area of around 2 sq. m and are thus capable of heating around 100 litres of water in a day.

This proportion serves as a benchmark. Further, the collectors should be of good materials

and the absorbers should carry a good quality coating (BIS approved collectors are being

provided by large number of established manufacturers). The system should be mounted on a

rigid structure and should be firmly fixed with the roof to prevent damage in high winds.

3.10 Size of a SWH The golden rule is that it is better to buy a system smaller than your requirement and use back

up when you fall short of hot water, rather than buy a system much bigger than your

requirement .This will lead to inefficiencies and may even cause operational problems. The

best is to make an actual estimate of daily demand of hot water by measurements on the main

use points. Do remember that the solar system is capable of heating only an approximately

fixed quantity of water and is designed for typical sunny days. Thus, in this characteristic, it

is unlike an electric geyser which can supply widely varying quantities of hot water in a day.

Also remember that the temperature of water in the solar system is determined by the

combination of collector area and the tank capacity. Typically it would be 50 - 60°C, which is

much hotter than the bathing water temperature (around 40°C). As a typical example on

sizing of solar systems, it may be mentioned that a 100 litres system is considered generally

optimum for family of 4 adult members.

3.11 ELECTRIC VS SOLARThis section offers a financial analysis of installing a solar system during the design and build

phase of a domestic home based on retail pricing. Assuming an interest rate of 15% for a term

of 20 (twenty) years, monthly payment for the solar water heater is R100 (monthly electrical

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geyser payment is R56 + electricity) and that the solar water heater saves 70% of the power

required by an electric geyser, the following demonstrates your accumulated expected

savings on a Net Present Value Basis. It can be seen from the data below that the end user

will be saving from day one onwards and over a twenty year period, you can expect to save

approximately R69, 128.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Cumulative electric cost(Geyser)

6,383 13,802 21,845 29,702 34,889 40,171 45,549

CumulativeOperating Cost(SWH)

7,424 14,431 21,118 27,587 29,116 30,672 32,256


1,041 629 727 2,115 5,773 9,499 13,293

Table 8: Electric versus Solar

Figure 8: Combined Capital and operating cost of SWH

NPV Electric geyser (already installed) = R 125,691

NPV Solar geyser with electric backup = R 56,564

NPV Difference = R 69,128

3.12 PotentialThe technical overall potential assuming that 75% of pucca houses of the country occupied

by the Owners will have solar water heaters could be taken as 140 million sq. m. of collector

area. The achievable/economic potential based on purchasing power of people/ requirement

Page | 31

of hot water in a year/ availability of space for installation of system/ availability ofsolar

radiation etc. may, however, be taken as 35-40 million sq. m. of collector area.

3.13 Electricity/Diesel Savings• A 100 lpd system (2 sq.m of collector area) installed in a home can save 4-6 units of

electricity/day depending on the place of installation & hot water use. On an average it could

be taken as 5 units/day. Maximum average saving with 300 clear days, therefore,could be

taken as 1500 units/year.

• Assuming 300 days of solar hot water use in Bangalore and 150 days in Delhi, the savings

could be 1500 & 750 units per year respectively i.e. replacement of a 2 KW electric geyser

working for 2 ½ hours in a day. Considering all parts of the country and maximum

installations in areas where hot water requirement is more during the year, average saving could be

taken as 1200 units/year/100 lpd system.

• 1 million such systems installed will be able to save 1200 million units of electricity/year

• A 100 lpd system (2 sq.m of collector area) installed in an industry can save around 140

litres of diesel in a year.

3.14 Peak load saving• 1 system of 100 lpd can replace an electric geyser of 2 KW capacity in a home.

• 1 million such systems will replace 1 million geysers of 2 KW capacity each in homes.

Assuming that at least 50% of geysers are switched on at a time, this will have a peak load

shaving of 1000 MW.

3.15 CO2 Reduction• A 100 lpd system on an average saves up to 1500 units of electricity/yr. To generate that

much of electricity from a coal based power plant, 1.5 tone of CO2 /year is released in

atmosphere. One million solar water heating systems installed in homes will , therefore, also

result in reduction of 1.5 million tone of CO2 emission in atmosphere.

3.16 Solar Water Heater Market in IndiaSolar Heater  Market has seen growth increasing for the past 15 years with more than 20%

CAGR seen in the last 4-5 years due to the following reasons.Despite the rapid growth,there

is huge scope for growth of India’s Solar Water Heater Market which has been estimated to

be around 2.5 million square meters.More than 50% of the Solar Water Heater Installations

Page | 32

are concentrated in the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra.Note India receives very high

solar insolation throughout the year making it ideal for Solar Water Heater Installations.Most

of the SWH systems are sold to residential installations more than 80%.Commercial

establishments are still slow to adopt SWH.Note the penetration of SWH in India is still 10

times lower than that of China and shows huge growth potential.Note around 1 million

households in India have solar water heaters and the growth rate is around 20%.Assuming an

average solar water heater system cost of around Rs 30000 ($650) ,the total market size

would be around $130 million or Rs 600 crores.

Growing Urbanization and Rising Per Capita Income

Government Subsidies

Electricity Price Rise

3.17 Solar Water Heater Subsidies in IndiaIndia’s JNNSM Solar Policy has set out ambitious target for Solar Water Heater Installations

at 7 million square meters in 2013 and 20 million in 2020.

a) Capital Subsidy – Capital subsidy equivalent to upfront interest subsidy Rs. 1850 per sq.

m.  to registered institutions and Rs 1400  per sq. m. of collector area to registered

commercial establishments.For housing complexes Rs. 1900/ sq. m. of collector area

b) Interest Loan Subsidy - 85% of the cost of the project will be provided loans for 5 years

from IREDA/Banks at  2% for domestic users,3% for institutional and 5% for commercial

users (no accelerated depreciation allowed.Banks too get an incentive of 1% of the loan.31

Banks are supporting the interest subsidies.Note like for Solar Panels,NE states,hilly states

and Islands get additional subsidies,in this case 0% loans.

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Table 9: Solar Water Heater Subsidies

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Table 10: Uses of SWH

Page | 35

Figure 9: SWH systems in Delhi

Figure 10: SWH systems in Apartments

Page | 36

Figure 11: SWH layout

Figure 12: 50000 lpd SWH system in Gurgaon

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3.18 Cost of Using Geysers

Application Typical Requirement of Hot Water at 60OC.

Household bathing using buckets 10-20 liters per person per bath.

Household bathing using shower with a mixing tap 20-30 liters for 10-15 minute bath

Shaving, while a tap runs 7-10 litersHousehold bathing in bathtub (one filling) 50-75 litersWash basin with a mixing tap (hand wash, brushing of teeth, etc.) 3-5 liters per person

per day.Kitchen washing 2-3 liters per person

per day.Dishwasher 10-20 liters per wash

cycleClothes washing machine 10-20 liters per cycle

Average hot water needed per household per day

100 litres/day/household


Geyser selected for a household(m) 25 LPDPower rating 2 kWInitial temperature of water(T1) 20 CDesired temperature(T2) 60 CSpecific heat of water(c) 4.19 KJ/Kg/ CEnergy neede to raise the Temperature from T1 to T2 Q = mc(T2-T1)/3600

so, Q = 1.1638 kWhTime taken by 2kW element to raise Temp 1.1638/2 = .5819 hrEnergy needed for 100 Litres 4.6552 kWhTotal Time taken 2.32 hrEnergy consumed annualy 1700 kWhMonetary expenses at Rs 5/ kWhr for a year 8495.74 Rs/YearCost of Geyser 8000 RsTotal cost for first year for 1 family 16495.74 RsTotal cost for first year for 300 family 16495.74 x 300

4948722 Rs

Table 12: Cost of using geysers

Page | 38

3.19 Cost of using SWH

System Capacity (lpd)*

ETC based systems withglass tubes

FPC based systems withmetallic collectors

COSTMaximum solar collector area(sqm)

Cost (Rs.)

Maximum solar collector area(sqm)

100 15000 1.5 22000 2200 28000 3 42000 4250 34000 3.75 50000 5300 40000 4.5 58000 6500 62000 7.5 85000 10

300005,100,000 600

Table 13 : Cost of SWH

Average consumption of single family 100 lpd

Average consumption of whole society per day(300 Flats)

30000 lpd

Capacity of SWH system 30000 lpd

Solar collector area of SWH system 600 sqmInstalling number of 5oo lpd systems 60

Cost of 500 litre SWH system 85000

Cost of 30000 litre SWH system 85000 x 60

5100000 RsSubsidy for Housing complexes 1900/sqmTotal subsidy 1900 x 600

1140000 RsCost of SWH after subsidy

5100000 Rs - 1140000 Rs3960000 Rs

Tariff of electricity usage for first year

3960000 Rs/ 300 X 17007.7647 Rs

Page | 39

3.20 Comparison of SWH versus Electric Geysers

Rs per unit (Geyser)Rs per unit (SWH)

2013-14 5 7.6472014-15 5.97 6.52015-16 6.3 5.52016-17 6.6 3.22017-18 6.9 32018-19 7.5 2.52019-20 7.8 2.22020-21 8.2 22021-22 8.5 1.82022-23 8.8 1.62023-24 9.5 1

Figure 13: Comparison SWH with Geyser

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0 3 6 9

Rs per unit (SWH)Rs per unit (Geyser)


Water is a key feature of public concern worldwide. Inappropriate use and poor management

of water resources have an increasingly negative effect on economic growth, on social

welfare and on the world’s eco-systems. For a long time the need for efficient wastewater

treatment was ignored by many public authorities. As a result the performance of existing

treatment technologies and the conditions of sanitation facilities are rather poor. At many

locations the sewage is just drained to surface or ground waters without adequate handling.

Recently, decision makers, planners, engineers and civil society stakeholders have launched

multiple initiatives to answer the question facing many developing countries: How to ensure

a good performance and a high coverage of wastewater treatment under rather difficult

conditions with financial constraints and limited human and institutional capacities?

In the 1990s an international network of agencies and NGOs drew conclusions about the

deficiencies of existing infrastructure development and produced the so-called “DEWATS

approach.” DEWATS is designed to be an element of comprehensive wastewater strategies:

not only are the technical requirements for the efficient treatment of wastewater at a given

location, but the specific socioeconomic conditions also taken into consideration.

By its principles of “reliability” and “longevity”, the permanent and continuous treatment of

wastewater flows ranging from 1–1000m³ per day, from both domestic and industrial sources,

should be guaranteed. With its flexibility, efficiency and cost effectiveness, these systems are

planned to be complementary to centralised wastewater treatment-technology and to

strategies reducing the overall generation of wastewater.

The international discussion about the conservation of water resources and more target-

oriented poverty-alleviation strategies create a favourable environment for new sanitation

approaches and innovative wastewater treatment solutions. In many countries a rapidly

Page | 41

upcoming market for DEWATS and a demand for efficient Community-Based Sanitation

(CBS) can be observed.

4.1 Types of Waste Water Management1. Individual systems. The applicability of these systems is limited by their relatively poor

performance and the administrative hurdles associated with using them as the sole means of

meeting watershed-wide nitrogen control targets. However, since they are located on the

parcel where the wastewater is generated, they eliminate collection costs and should be

considered as adjuncts to other options for remote, sparsely developed neighbourhoods within

watersheds with relatively low nitrogen removal requirements.

2. Cluster systems. These systems should be considered for existing neighborhood with small

lots that are remote from sewered areas and have publically-owned land nearby.They also are

good options for new cluster developments where infrastructure can be installed by the

developer and later turned over to the town, or for shore-front areas that may not be

connected to larger-scale systems until later phases of a project.

3. Satellite systems. Satellite facilities make the most economic sense in remote watersheds

(more than 5 miles from the existing sewer system or other areas or need), with vacant

publically-owned land nearby. These systems are also applicable in the case of an existing or

proposed private facility that can be taken over by the town and expanded to provide

wastewater service to existing nearby properties currently on septic systems, particularly if

the town-wide system may be not be available for many years and the developer is prepared

to proceed in the near future.

4. Centralized Systems. This option is likely to be the most viable when :

a) Dense development exists in nitrogen-sensitive watersheds.

b) Suitable treatment and disposal sites are available at no or low cost;

c) A high degree of nitrogen control is required;

d) Areas of dense development in sensitive watersheds are within 3 miles of desirable

effluent treatment and disposal sites; and

e) Opportunities are available for cost reductions through regionalization

Page | 42

Figure 14: Types of WWM

4.2 Rain Water HarvestingIntroduction

Where there is no surface water, or where groundwater is deep or inaccessible due to hard

ground conditions, or where it is too salty, acidic or otherwise unpleasant or unfit to drink,

another source must be sought. In areas which have regular rainfall the most appropriate

alternative is the collection of rainwater, called ‘rainwater harvesting’. Falling rain can

provide some of the cleanest naturally occurring water that is available anywhere. This is not

surprising, as it is a result of a natural distillation process that is at risk only from airborne

Page | 43

particles and from man-made pollution caused by the smoke and ash of fires and industrial

processes, particularly those which burn fossil fuels. Most modern technologies for obtaining

drinking water are related to the exploitation of surface water from rivers, streams and lakes,

and groundwater from wells and boreholes. However, these sources account for only 40% of

total precipitation. It is evident, therefore, that there is considerable scope for the collection of

rainwater when it falls, before huge losses occur due to evaporation and transpiration and

before it becomes contaminated by natural means or man-made activities. The term

‘rainwater harvesting’ is usually taken to mean ‘the immediate collection of rainwater

running off surfaces upon which it has fallen directly’. This definition excludes run-off from

land watersheds into streams, rivers, lakes, etc. Water Aid is concerned primarily with the

provision of clean drinking water; therefore the rainwater harvesting projects which it

supports are mainly those where rainwater is collected from roofs, and only to a lesser extent

where it is collected from small ground, or rock, catchments.

Water Harvesting potential = Rainfall (mm) X Collection efficiency

An example of potential for rainwater harvesting:

Consider a building with a flat terrace area of 100m2. The average annual rainfall in Delhi is

approximately 600 mm (24 inches). In simple terms, this means if the terrace floor is

assumed impermeable, and all the rain that falls on it is retained without evaporation, then, in

one year, there will be rainwater on the terrace floor to a height of 600 mm.

Area of the plot = 100 m2

Height of annual rainfall = 0.6 m (600 mm or 24 inches)

Volume of rainfall over the plot = Area of plot X Height of rainfall

= 100 m2 X 0.6 m

= 60 m3 (60,000 litres)

Assuming that only 60 percent of the total rainfall is effectively harvested,

Volume of water harvested = 36,000 litres

This volume is about twice the annual drinking water requirement of a 5-member family. The

average daily drinking water requirement per person is 10 litres.

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Rainwater collected from rooftops is free of mineral pollutants like fluoride and calcium salts

that are generally found in groundwater. But, it is likely that to be contaminated with these

types of pollutants:

1. Air Pollutants

2. Surface contamination (e.g., silt, dust)

Such contaminations can be prevented to a large extent by flushing off the first rainfall. A

grill at the terrace outlet for rainwater can arrest leaves, plastic bags and paper pieces carried

by water. Other contamination can be removed by sedimentation and filtration. Disinfectants

can remove biological contamination.

Cost Analysis

1. Cost of a Rainwater harvesting system designed as an integrated component of a new

construction project is generally low.

2. Designing a system onto an existing building is costlier because many of the shared costs

(roof and gutters) can be designed to optimise system.

3. In general, maximising storage capacity and minimising water use through conservation

and reuse are important rules to keep in mind.

4. With careful planning and design, the cost of a rainwater system can be reduced


Cost of installation

Estimated average cost of installing a Water Harvesting System for:

1. An individual house of average area of 300-500 m2, the average cost will be around Rs.

20,000-25,000. A recharge well will be constructed near the existing bore well. The roof

water through PVC pipe will be diverted to recharge well.

2. An apartment building, the cost will be less since the many people will share the cost.

More over in apartments there are separate storm water drains, which join the MCD drains in

Page | 45

the main road. Here along with recharge well, recharge trench and percolation pits can be

constructed. The cost will be around 60 to 70 thousand.

3. A colony, the cost will be much less. For instance, around 36 recharge wells were installed

at the cost of 8 lakh, which is around Rs 500-600 per house. In many colonies storm water

drains are present but it is difficult to isolate them from sewage drains because there has been

violation of the drainage master plan. Also, these drains are not properly maintained. Hence,

care needs to be taken while using storm water for water harvesting.

Rooftop harvesting is preferred because the silt load is less. In storm water drain the silt load

is high and generally the municipality does not maintain the storm drains properly.

4. An institution with campus, the cost was around 4 lac. Here two recharge wells and three

trenches cum percolation pits were constructed. Average annual maintenance cost would be

around Rs 200-300 for two labourers once in a year to remove the pebbles and replace the

sand from trenches.

Figure 15: Rainwater harvesting schematic

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Figure 16: Rainwater harvesting at IGI

4.3 Introduction to DEWATS Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DEWATS) is rather a technical approach

than merely a technology package. Generically, DEWATS are locally organized and people-

driven systems that typically consist of a settler, anaerobic baffled septic tank , filter bed of

gravel, sand, plantation-beds and a pond . The open pond or the polishing tank stores the

remedied water and keeps it available for re-use.

The system operates without mechanical means and sewage flows by gravity through the

different components of the system. Up to 1,000 cubic metre of domestic and non-toxic

industrial sewage can be treated by this system. DEWATS applications are based on the

principle of low-maintenance since most important parts of the system work without

electrical energy inputs and cannot be switched off intentionally.

DEWATS applications provide state-of-the-art-technology at affordable prices because all of

the materials used for construction are locally available. DEWATS approach is an effective,

efficient and affordable wastewater treatment solution for not only small and medium sized

enterprises (SME) but also for the un-served (rural and urban) households in developing

countries, especially South Asia. For instance, DEWATS can operate in individual

households, at the neighbourhood level and even in small and big factories not connected to

sewage lines. DEWATS can also treat municipal waste. The recycled water is used for

irrigation or for growing plants and is absolutely safe for human use. In certain urban areas

the processed water is taken for use as flush- water in toilets.

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Figure 17: Components of DEWATS

Figure 18: DEWATS Process

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4.4 DEWATS- SUSTAINABLE TREATMENT OF WASTE WATER AT LOCAL LEVELThe selection of appropriate technical configuration depends on the:

• Volume of wastewater

• Quality of wastewater

• Local temperature

• Underground conditions

• Land availability

• Costs

• Legal effluent requirements

• Cultural acceptance and social conditions

• Final handling of the effluent (discharge or reuse)

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Figure 19: Succession of treatment processes

4.5 The need for decentralized initiatives in wastewater treatment: In India, many rural and urban households do not have access to Toilets and defecate in the

open. Some households use community Toilets and others use shared Toilets. But still a large

number of households do not have access to a drainage network and are connected to natural

surface drains. The assessment of open- defecation takes a different dimension.

Thus it is evident that a large amount of human excreta generated is unsafely disposed. This

imposes significant effect on public health, working- man days and environmental costs

resulting in loss in National revenues. Impacts of poor sanitation are especially significant for

the rural and urban poor, women, children and the elderly. Inadequate and un-safe discharge

of untreated domestic/ municipal wastewater has resulted in contamination of 75 % of all

surface water i.e at the rivers, ponds and lakes across India.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) enjoin upon the signatory nations to extend

access to improved sanitation to at least half the population by 2015, and 100% access by

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2025. This calls for providing improved sanitation, and with facilities in public places at both

rural and urban habitats also make the spaces free of open-defecation.

The quantity of wastewater is increasing in Rural- India because of the reasons as below:

i) Rapid mechanization with the use of piped water supply , continuously widening the gap

between waste water generation and its process and treatment;

ii) Rural electrification is on the rise and with semi-urbanization of rural households.

(iii) Inadequate financial resources and capacity for infrastructure required for treating

wastewater through a centralized approach.

Specifically in India, domestic wastewater, including sewage that is often not even collected,

is a major source of pollution of surface water. This contributes to contamination of

groundwater which is an important or only source of drinking water for many rural and peri-

urban areas. In addition, the economies of scale required for using conventional technologies

would not be achieved in all settlements for various reasons, including: i) different climatic

conditions; ii) topography; iii) geological conditions and water tables; iv) levels of

livelihood ; and v) population densities and size of settlements.

In selected locations, small-scale decentralized plants are also found frequently at community

level. Numerous initiatives have been developed, in particular, as a result of the unbearable

and poor waste- water treatment. Such initiatives have been taken up at small- city level

similar to rural conditions and have yielded satisfactory results. The waste water processed is

considered for reuse for local landscaping and also for irrigating agricultural fields.

4.6 Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India: A single wastewater treatment technology would be inappropriate for a country like India

which has several different geographical and geological regions, varied climatic conditions

and levels of population. It is more appropriate to address the potential of identifying

appropriate solutions for different regions. In addition, the solutions for wastewater treatment

are a response to several factors including: i) the volume of wastewater; ii) type of pollutants;

iii) the treatment cost; iv) extent of water scarcity, and v) dilution of pollution in the water


The five main wastewater treatment technologies that are commonly used are as given below:

i) waste stabilization ponds; ii) wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs; iii) constructed

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wetlands; iv) chemically enhanced primary treatment; and v) up flow anaerobic sludge

blanket reactors. These are suitable for different conditions and have advantages and

disadvantages, especially in terms of requirements for land, cost, remediation efficiency and

other factors.

All these solutions for wastewater treatment aim at innovations across a broad range of

environmental issues including: i) reuse of wastewater; ii) removal of nutrients from effluent;

iii) management of storm water; iv) managing solid wastes; v) flood mitigation; and vi)

tackling erosion around water bodies, including ponds, lakes and riverbank.

However, from the sustainability aspect, the selection of the appropriate solution must be

balanced between simple systems that do not require use of chemicals and those that have

high pathogen removal. Motivating the community as a whole to work towards effective

functioning of a local system is one of the critical prerequisite for DEWATS to succeed.

Approaches to DEWATS- Systems and adaptations :

Details of 9 DEWATS–Systems considered in the case-study ranging in capacities 300 Litres

per day to 60,000 (60 Kl) Litres per day are given with the project details as below:

(Name, location, project type, design flow, process, inflow sourced, quality, quantity,

outflow, use of remedied water - area of irrigated land, other purposes Etc.)

1. MCD Nursery, Vasant Vihar, Delhi : WWT 50 KLD, Anaerobic, aerobic with bio-

remediation, Inflow at 50 KL & 350 BOD, producing 45 KL Re-use water & 30 BOD, for

25,000 Sq.m - greens

2. Centre for Science & Environment, Institution : WWT 10 KLD, Anaerobic, aerobic bio-

phyto-remediation, 10 KL / 300 BOD, out 8 KL / 20 BOD, 1,500 Sq.m – greens, flush water

for toilets

3. IIT-Delhi : WWT 10 KLD, anaerobic with bio-phyto-remediation, 10 KL / 200 BOD, 8

KL / 20 BOD, 3,000 Sq.m – greens and water for floor cleaning at canteen- mess and

research purposes.

4. Scindia School, Gwalior: WWT 15 KLD, anaerobic with bio-phyto-remediation, Inflow 15

KL / 300 BOD, 12KLD / 20 BOD, 2,000 Sq.m – greens and flush water for toilets and

cleaning of floors.

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5. Residential Home, Sec-54 , Gurgaon : WWT 300 LPD, anaerobic with bio-phyto-

remediation, Grey water Inflow 300 Lit per day / 200 BOD, outflow 250 Lit per day / 30

BOD irrigating 80 Sq.m house garden, spray- fountains, rock-garden, lily-pond Etc.

6. Mehtab Bagh off Taj Mahal , Agra : WWT 60 KLD, anaerobic with bio-phyto-

remediation, Inflow 60 KL / 200 BOD, 55KLD / 30 BOD, irrigating 30,000 Sq.m –

agriculture , vegetable farms,

7. Annamaye Ashram, Kasauni : WWT 60 KLD, anaerobic , bio-phyto-remediation, Inflow

60 KL/ 300 BOD, 50KLD / 30 BOD, irrigating 30,000 Sq.m – agriculture farms,

development of pond.

8. Regency Park, High-rise flats, Residential complex, Gurgaon : WWT 15 KLD, anaerobic

with bio-phyto-remediation, In 15 KL / 300 BOD, 13KLD / 30 BOD, irrigating 5,000 Sq.m –


9. 3-star Hill Resort, RamNagar- Nainital cottage homes : GWT 3 KLD, anaerobic with bio-

phyto-remediation, In 3 KL / 300 BOD, 2.5 KLD / 30 BOD, irrigating 1,000 Sq.m – Horti-

culture, pool.

4.7 Waste Water Treatment Plant- Vasant Vihar Drain, New Delhi. The Vasant Vihar plant treats waste water to a standard sufficient for landscaping. This plant

was set up in coordination with the Residential Welfare Association and the Municipal

Corporation of Delhi (MCD). The plant has a 50 KLD (Kilo-litre per day) capacity with 90-

95% remediation efficiency and the water supplied meets the desired municipal standards and

is supplied to 5-6 acres (25,000 sq. m.) of parks and green-belt.

The driver of this innovative venture was the need to build a cost-effective plant which would

help to reduce the flow of polluted waste water into the Yamuna and also to supply water for

irrigating landscapes. Technical specifications of the plant are as below: Project Concept:

Colony waste water sourced for bio-remediation. Processed water used in parks and lawns

easing shortage situation with environmental benefits.

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Figure 20: Vasant Vihar Drain, New Delhi.

4.8 Technical specifications of the plant are as below: Project Concept:

Colony waste water sourced for bio-remediation. Processed water used in parks and lawns

easing shortage situation with environmental benefits.

Project Design:

Waste water inflow quantity: 50 KL per day

General parameters quality at in-flow: 300 ppm

Processed water available for re-use: 45 KL per day General parameters at out-flow: <30 ppm

Project Data:

Cost of all elements as per 2003: Rs. 8.0 lakh

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Process used - simple technology: DEWATS, anaerobic, part aerobic filters, settlers

Prospects feasible: Both for smaller and larger flows at local-level, the concept of

“constructed wetlands” can be applied both for rural habitats and for large flows at polluted

river flows Etc.

Sanitation and wastewater treatment – technical options

The other components of DEWATS and DEWATS/CBS systems along the sanitation chain

before and after the wastewater treatment are:

• Toilets

• Collection systems

• Reuse and disposal systems, including sludge treatment and biogas applications

• Construction management

• Management of operation & maintenance

• Health and hygiene behaviour

4.9 Decentralized wastewater treatment plant


Average persons in family 5Total persons in Society 5 x 300

1500 litre per capita per day consumption 270000/1500

180 lpcdWater to be treated 113 kldWater treatment plant capacity 100 kld


Settler0.5 m2/m3 daily flow

Anaerobic baffled reactor 1 m2/m3 daily flow

Constructed wetland30 m2/m3 daily flow

Anaerobic ponds4 m2/m3 daily flow

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Facultative aerobic ponds25 m2/m3 daily flow

Total cost of Land (approx) 10 - 15 lakh


Excavation 20000 RsPlastering 35000 RsBrick work 30000 RsPlumbering and flooring 50000 Rs PCC base, PVC pipes 15000 RsBaffle walls, Gravel filter 50000 RsPerforated slabs, Vent pipes 50000 RsMiscellaneous 1 lakh RsTotal cost of installation (approx) 4 lakh Rs


Dsludging of the settler 1 lakh per yearReplacement of Filter media 2-3 lakh per

yearGravel filter cleaning (8-10 Years) .5 - 1 lakh per

yearTotal cost of O & M (approx) 3 - 4 lakh per



Total Cost of Plant (approx) 20 - 25 lakh

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5.1 Introduction At present our country is facing various problems which become more serious in next coming

years. Demand of petroleum products is increasing, India has spending a big budget for

importing these products and on the other hand our country faces serious problems like

environmental pollution, disturbance in weather & global warming.

India is an agriculture-based country and there is abundant availability of resources but these

are not properly used and commercialized. In spite of all the developments and technologies

are available yet the rural people facing the shortage of energy. The prime challenge for the

country is to provide the minimum energy services to allow the rural people to achieve decent

standard of living. The biogas plant is a boon to the Indian farmers. The two main products of

the biogas plants are enriched compost manure and methane where as compost manure helps

to meet the fertilizer requirements of the farmers in a more economical and efficient manner

and boost agricultural production. Biogas is used for cooking and lighting purposes and in

larger plants, as motive power for driving small engines.

Indian government have installed gobar gas plants, which are approximately 12,00,000 small,

3,40,000 medium, and 4,000 big gobar gas plant. If 20,00 gobar gas plants of 120 M3 has

been installed then approximately 6842 Lakh Rs. of diesel/petrol can be saved.

Few years back KVIC & other agencies related to installation of bio gas plant installed two

types of Biogas plant one was fixed dome and second was floating dome. Fixed dome

digester was covered by concrete gas holder while floating dome digester was made up of

metal (iron) sheet gas holder. Fixed dome digesters require one month for installation. After

sometimes these types of digesters faced problem of scum deposition on upper surface which

cannot removed easily, ultimately biogas production effected. In these plants high

maintenance cost was required for removing scum. On the other hand floating gas holder

(metal sheet) was corroded due to contact with water and hydrogen sulphide. Second problem

was that at the time feeding few amounts of mud particles was present with feed, gradually

this mud deposited in the lower surface of digester. Due to these problems digestion and gas

formation is affected.

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5.2 Materials and Methods For 10 M3 biogas plant

A. Permanent Equipment

Cutter for sheet, Drill machine, Grinder, Tools, Chopper cutter, Other accessories

B. Expendable equipment and supplies

1. Hire of equipment-

Welding machine with welding rods

Press machine- medium size

2. One molding for digester of 10 M3

Sheet for molds 16 gauze (1.5 tons), Angles 35x35x5 (1 ton)

C. Raw material for casting

Stone ½ inch 2.4 m3, Sand 2.1 m3 ,Cement 1100kg, Brick 100 , Concrete pipe 3

(300+30x1000mm) , slurry pump, Gas Holder 1Pc.concrete bar- 8 kg labor cost for 5 days 2

D.Construction Methodology

Digester moulding

Digester moulding is very easy and can be prepared by an experienced technician

Figure 21: Iron moulds for concrete digester

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Gas holder (glass reinforced plastic)

We used a light weighted material gas holder. We choose rein forced glass fibre plastic, this

type of gas holder is light in weight, anticorrosive and high tensile strength, gas holder is the

main component of the biogas plant, on the top of gas holder there is a valve that can

eliminate the atmospheric pressure. When there is a requirement to replace solid fermentation

material like straw in the digester or to repair the digester gas holder can taken out from the

digester easily. The gasholder is 1.65 M3 gas capacities.


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Design for high capacity biogas plant

Total of solid waste composition generated by household

Total waste generated (Kg) PercentCow Dung 300 20.4Food 467.06 31.8Paper 200.51 13.6Plastics 250.65 17.06Glass 50.62 3.4Metal 75.02 2.1Aluminum 30.56 2.08Textile 60.83 4.15Others 30.12 2.01Total 1465.37 100

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1 Number of families 3002 Capacity needed for 1 family 2 M3/day3 Plant Capacity for Captive Power

Generation100 M3/day

4 Daily dung and other waste requirement

1500 kgs/day

5 Gas utilization ,Electricity Generation

10 KVA/8KW capacity dual fuel Diesel Gen set.

6 Cost of DG set Rs.2000007 Daily Units Generation Average 100 –120 units .8 Gas Supply for Cooking 4 - 5 hrs daily9 Manure Production 800 ton/year10 Total cost of the project Rs. 10,00,000.00

Recurring expenditure /annum Rs.   1,20,000.0011 SAVINGS :

As electricity bill per year  @ Rs. 5.00/unit

43,000 units XRs.5.00       = Rs. 2,15,000.00

Manure sale/use per year   @ Rs. 500/- ton

800 X Rs. 500.00             =Rs.4,00,000.00

Net savings /year Rs.6,15,000.00Pay Back 19.5 months



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6.1 Parabolic Type Concentrating Solar Steam Cooking System AT Shri Sai Sansthan, Shirdi

A parabolic type concentrating solar steam cooking system was commissioned at Shri Saibaba Sansthan, Shirdi on 24th May, 2002. This system received financial assistance of 50 % of the total project cost from the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, GoI. This is the first of its kind in Maharashtra. It cooks food for about 3000 devotees.

The 40 nos. of solar parabolic concentrators raise the water temperature to 550C to 650C and convert it into steam for cooking purposes. This system is integrated with the existing boiler to ensure continued cooking even at night and during rain or cloudy weather. The solar cooking system installed at Shirdi follows the thermo siphon principle and so does not need electrical power or pump.

Introduction :

Shirdi is a religious pilgrimage centre and thousands of devotees visit the Shirdi Sai Baba temple daily. Shri Sai Baba Sansthan at Shirdi is an autonomous body (Trust) to provide facilities to the devotees.

Shirdi is located near Nasik. Other nearby cities include Mumbai, Pune, Ahmednagar and Aurangabad.

The Sansthan is always on the lookout for innovative ways to reduce its overhead costs. They have installed hot- water- systems at its dharmashalas / dormitories, providing staying facilities for devotees.

In the Sulabh Sauchalaya complex located in its premises, to night-soil-biogas plant is installed to generate gas from human excreta, which is used to operate generators to produce electricity for the complex.

The Sansthan has also installed solar streetlights in its pumping complex. Thus it was found to be the ideal place to introduce the new solar steam cooking technology for its proper take-off in Maharashtra state.


Before the installation of the solar cooking system, the steam for cooking at Sansthan was being generated by LPG gas firing in the boiler.

The main goal of the system was to reduce LPG gas consumption by 50 %. Another important goal beside financial benefits due to saving LPG gas was to use as

much natural energy as possible to promote environment protection, its conservation and rejuvenation by using renewable and clean energy.

To promote and popularize use of solar energy. MNES and MEDA have supported

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this project towards realizing this objective.

Technical Description Of The System:

The solar steam cooking system installed at Shirdi has 40 parabolic concentrators / dishes (called Scheffler dishes after its inventor) placed on the terrace of Sai Prasad Building No.2.

They reflect and concentrate the solar rays on the 40 receivers placed in focus. Water coming from the steam headers placed above the header centers is received from bottom of the receiver, gets heated up to due to heat generated (about 5500C) due to concentration of solar rays on the receivers and get pushed up via top pipe of receiver into the header. The principle of anything that gets heated is pushed up is called thermo-siphon principle. The advantage of thermo siphon principle is no pumping (thus no electricity) is needed to create circulation since the heated water is pushed into the header and water from the same headers come into the receivers for heating. The cycle continues till it reaches 1000C and gets converted into steam.

The header is only filled and thus steam generated gets accumulated in the upper half of the steam header. The temperature and pressure of steam generated keeps on increasing and heat is stored till the steam is drawn for cooking into the kitchen.

All the 40 dishes rotate continuously along with the movement of the sun, always concentrating the solar rays on the receivers. This movement of concentrators is called tracking, which is continuous and is controlled by the fully automatic timer mechanism.

Only once during the day i.e. in the early morning the dishes have to be turned manually onto the morning position, subsequently the automatic tracking takes over.

Particular Remark

Technology Sheffler parabolic dish

Total collector area 1168 Sq. m

Total no. of Dishes 73 Nos.

Collector area per dish 16 sq. m

Tracking system Single axis tracking

Steam generation Approx. 3500-5000 Kg/day at 9 bar pressure and 180- 190 C temp

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Operational since 2009

Purpose Mass cooking

Baseline fuel LPG

Total system cost Rs. 1.33 Crores

Estimated fuel savings 76850 Kg LPG per annum

Estimated monetary savings Rs. 58,40,600 per annum

Table 16:Shri Sai Sansthan Solar Plant Details

6.2 M/s Gajraj Drycleaners, Ahmednagar

Particular Remark

Technology Sheffler parabolic dish

Total collector area 240 Sq.m

Total no. of dishes 15 Nos.

Collector area per dish 16 sq. m

Tracking system Single axis tracking

Steam generation Approx. 750-870 kg/day at 7 bar pressure and 180-190 C Temp

Operational since 2006

Purpose Laundry

Baseline fuel HSD

Total system cost Rs. 23 lakhs

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Estimated fuel savings 6500 litres per annum

Estimated monetary savings Rs 3 lakhs per annum

Table 13: Gajraj Dry Cleaners Plant Details

6.3 100 TR System at Muni Sewa Ashram, near Vadodra

Back when the ashram was established in 1980, there was an utter lack of basic infrastructure

such as drinking water, sanitation, roads and power. In such situation, alternative energy was

not an option, it was a necessity. Thus began the journey to change the status quo by

judicious use of appropriate technology and to manage to live in harmony with nature. The

ashram has experimented and successfully implemented a vast assortment of Sustainable

solutions and Renewable Energy technologies to meet its needs. The Ashram today relies

majorly on the Renewable Energy Technologies to meet its power requirement for High

school, Air Conditioning requirement for the state of art cancer hospital and for preparing

meals using the renewable energy systems deployed in the ashram premises.

Figure 22: Munni Sewa Ashram

To cook for its 1200 strong community the Ashram kitchens needed a vast quantity of

firewood.  The ashram met this challenge by a combination of bio-gas plants and solar dishes

for cooking.  A thermal fluid based solar cooking system provides adequate temperature to

fry, bake or roast in the comfort of kitchen. The ashram runs a state-of-the-art Cancer

hospital.  It needs constant air conditioning because of the medical equipment it operates. 

Ashram has installed a Lithium Bromide based Vapour Absorption Chiller (VAC)

refrigeration system that can achieve cooling up to 6 degc.  Necessary heat was provided by

two bio-boilers of 1.5 ton and 3 ton capacity.   The machine required 5000 kg of wood per

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day.  To reduce wood consumption, Ashram has installed a solar steam generating system

which employs 100 parabolic dishes for concentrating sun’s heat.   This allows water to reach

a temperature of 180 degc and converts water to steam at 8 to 10 kg/ cm2 pressure. The

temperature at the receivers reaches 500o C.  For backup purpose, a wood fired boiler is


This solar steam generating system which generates enough steam to run a 100 TR of air

conditioning is world’s first and largest commercially executed Solar Air Conditioning

System using Scheffler Concentrators. Ashram has 650 acres of land at Bakrol farm where

there is a large Gaushala with more than 300 cows.  The cow-dung is used as fuel for a large

scale bio-gas plant. There are three digesters two of 85 cubic metre capacity (floating dome

model KVIC) and one 250 cubic metre (fixed dome model). The floating dome digesters are

fed with cow dung only and the fixed dome digester is fed with any type of biodegradable

waste including kitchen waste.

The biogas is scrubbed of CO2, compressed and stored in bottles which are used as fuel in the

Atithi Mandir kitchen and also as fuel for a mini truck used by the ashram which runs for 180

km on two bottles (9 kg at 180kg/cm2 pressure each). The slurry which is vermin-composted

and used as organic fertilizer in ashram farms. One of the very unique features of the Ashram

is the installation of World’s First and only “Solar Crematorium”. Besides all of these

unique technologies the ashram has also have 76 home lighting systems each lighting 3 CFL.

Each panel converts solar radiation to electrical energy which is stored in batteries for later

use. Solar Water heater at various ashram buildings are installed of about 8000+ litres

capacity in total along with Solar-LED based street lighting’s.


7.1 Conclusion Making the Renewable energy sector of India more efficient by implying recent

technological up gradation in Solar CST as well as waste and water management

system for the commercial infrastructure and residential societies.

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Solar PV systems are cost effective over a longer duration over conventional sources

thus they can be more beneficial from point of view of savings and cleanliness of


For Waste management system there is nothing more beneficiary than Biogas plant as

it is a multipurpose solution and return on investment can be met in shortest duration.

Also Industrial applications can be met for societies as in the case of Shri Sai

Sansthan and Gajraj Dry Cleaners for cooking and laundry respectively with

profitable renewable energy applications.

7.2 Recommendations Market of Renewable energy can be made more competitive by introducing more

private players. This will reduce the burden on consumer side, as a consequence of it

more consumers will lean towards clean energy.

Providing Subsidy may be an attractive idea for more installations of RE projects.

7.3 Limitation of the project

a) First of all the time duration of 8 weeks was a major constraint in going through the

project completely.

b) The assumption taken to define different scenario in all over the country may not be

exact so may lead to calculation error.

c) Owing to geographical constraints and altogether different prevailing climatic,

political, social, economic, legal and cultural scenarios, the comparison of RE energy

technologies of various regions on same parameters was not possible.

d) Some of data collected is through direct contact with different official of different

organisation since there is no written document may lead to communication error.


List of Documents

[1] Principles, Classification and Selection of Solar Dryers by G. L. Visavale

[2] Energtica India (Nov/ Dec 2011)

Page | 67

[3] Renewable Watch/December 2011

[4] Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag

[5] Indian Renewable Energy Status Report/ Background Report for DIREC 2010/Oct 2010

[6] Experimental Analysis of Scheffler Reflector Water heater by Rupesh J. Patil, Gajanan K.

Awari, Mahendra P. Singh

[7] Design and development of a Parabolic Dish Solar Water Heater by Ibrahim Ladan


[8] ARUN Solar Concentrator for Industrial Process Heat Applications by Dr. Shireesh B.

Kedare, Ashok D. Paranjape, Rajkumar Porwal

[9] Solar Thermal Heat applications by CSTEP

[10] Disha 2011 November

[11] Solar Power Generation in India by S. S. Murthy

[12] Introduction to the Revolutionary Design of Scheffler Reflectors by Wolfgang Scheffler

List of Websites






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