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SOCIAL CLUB Well, here it is the last report for 2014!

Please mark all these dates on your calendars.

TAVERN NIGHTS The last night for Tavern Night is on the 12th December.

HAPPY HOURS The 19th Dec Happy Hour has been CANCELLED.

Both Tavern Nights and Happy Hours have been well supported over the year. Thank you to all who have been enjoying these nights, especially those who won a raffle prize.

We will be having some time off after the last Happy Hour to recharge our batteries.

SATURDAY MORNING RAFFLE The last day raffle for the year will be on Saturday 13th December all prizes are doubled for that one. It will resume on Sat.24th January.

AUSTRALIA DAY This will be the first function for 2015.We have decided to have an Aussie B.B.Q served at 6.00pm with a self service salad bar instead of a hot dinner. The bar will open at 4.00pm. There will be raffles and entertainment. Order forms will be in your boxes early January with all the necessary information.

MEMBERSHIP These fall due in January, and remain at $5 per person. For our new resi-dents who have recently joined the Social Club, you do not pay again until January 2016. However you will need to fill out a form so we can update your badges. AGM This will be on Sunday 8th February 2015 at 2.00pm in the Community Hall. A complimentary Sausage Sizzle and drink will follow the meeting.

We, the Committee wish to thank you for your support over the past year and hope to do it all again next year a special thanks to all our volunteers who make the job so much easier for us, as well as Anne and Geoff Fawcett and Bruno Kucko for their support and friendship throughout the year. A big thankyou also to Kath Ashby and Harry Baines for putting out such a great Cobba News every month. To the hardworking committee a very sincere Thank You, for all the work you have put in this year. You have been unbelievable, and all done with a smile.

We wish all residents of Cobaki village A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Kind regards Trish & Committee


COBBA NEWS Edition 191 DECEMBER 2014

Kath Ashby 55998109 (140) Harry Baines 55998684 (201)

Social Club President Trish McKinley 5599 9571 (102)


Some photos of the racing crowd

Ladies all lined up for the judging of their hats.

Janet was the winner.

Jan, Robyn & Trish took some 

time off work  for a photo. 

Trish & Don Jan & Bruno

The weather was just right for a day at the races, and the hall was looking spick and span for the annual event.

The ladies all looked very lovely in their finery and spe-cial hats for the day. But not a horse in sight!

The Social Club committee put on a smorgasbord lunch for the racing followers.

The judging of the ladies’ and men’s hats plus, the best dressed couple, was a fun time, with plenty of laughter happening.

At the end of judging Janet was announced the winner of the ladies. As there were only two men, who were com-plete with their binoculars, it looked like a dead heat. Also in the couples contest, again they only had two con-tenders, making that a draw as well.

When the race began all eyes were on the television screen watching to see how their horses went in the sweeps. Melbourne Cup luncheons have been enjoyed in the vil-lage over many years. It always brings a lot of fun while enjoying a drink and lunch.

Congratulations to the committee for all the work they put into making it a very happy time for yet another Melbourne Cup.












On behalf of Kath and myself, we would like to say

“thank you” for all the work you have put in over the year.

We know it is not easy. Your reports are appreciated.

Having said that, may we also wish you

A very Merry Christmas Health and Happiness throughout 2015

Harry Baines

WATER AEROBICS Well, we are in full swing now and our numbers are growing. The water is warm and everyone is enjoying the early invigorating exer-cises. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new and old Cobakites,

male and female to come along and join us for some good exercises and lots of fun.It is a great way to start your day. Water exercise is good as it does not put stress on your joints. We exercises 7am to 8am Monday to Friday. There will be no Aerobics' on Christmas Day otherwise we exercise all through the holidays. I look forward to seeing you all in the pool . Jeanette

TRIVIA Another fun night. Lovely to see everyone. I feel really good at the end of the evening to see you all smiling and happy, enjoying the company. I would like to say to my loyal band of regulars ‘thank you so much

for your support.’ Results for November were – 1st, Hot Shots, 2nd, Anzacs, then the rest of us, and it was close, – Amigos, Emus & Vics. With ‘Harry back from USA we should get more Aussie questions. Our last Trivia night for 2014 was on 3rd Dec. We will be back again after the Christmas break.

We welcome you to join us on 4th Feb 2015 6.30pm. Myrna & her Sisters

  KEEPING FIT CLASS December is here - how can that be? The year has just flown by. I have been away for a few weeks, so a big THANK YOU to Elizabeth and the other class members for carrying on in my absence. We are planning to have our Christmas breakup the second week in December - having our “keeping fit” mantra in mind, the class will be going

for an early morning walk along beautiful Greenmount beachfront, then as a reward for a year’s hard work, we are going to enjoy breakfast together overlooking the beach – sounds wonderful, doesn’t it!!

The class will finish for the year on Friday 18th December, and resume in mid-January - I will place a notice on the board with the specific date.

Low class numbers continue to be a problem. We really need new members to be able to continue for next year, so don’t just think that you should be getting more exercise, DO IT!! Our class is free, and we follow a Balance and Co-ordination video program highly recommended by our various medi-cal practitioners. SO - make this one of your New Year Resolutions “I am going to become a fitter and more energetic me . I am going to join the Cobaki Village Keeping Fit Class”

Compliments of the Season to all my fellow Cobba’s - talk to you again in 2015

We meet MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 7.00am to 7.45am. Christine

LIBRARY Thank you to Pam Cole for all the books you donated and to all you who have donated during the year. We have a very good show now of CD’s, books, jig-saw puzzles, magazines. So there is no reason for you to get board. Pop in and have a look, we are open all daylight hours.

Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year from Ian & Chris

BINGO Numbers have not been to expectations of late, but as Anthony would say “we’ll soldier on”. We have just found out about an athlete in our group. Recently JUDY CATON won the Team Dragon Boat racing in Florida U.S.A. and her team

placed eighth in the world ranking. She has a lovely medal for her efforts.

Bingo will finish up on the 15th December for the Christmas break and recommence on Monday 5th January. We would like to wish everyone A Merry Christmas and a healthy, wealthy and prosperous New Year. Jean & Mick

SINGLE LADIES Our last report for 2014 – how the year has flown! We have had a good year with interesting trips, and are starting to plan for more of the same in 2015. In-cluded will be a trip to the robotic dairy near Beaudesert and a trip to the ‘Outback ’ to see their ‘new’ show and other trips that we hope will be interesting so watch this space or the

noticeboard! To finish this year we have a Christmas Lights trip planned on Thurs. 18th Dec. and cost will be $12.00 – a list will be on the notice board. Our final meeting of the year will be on Wed. 17 December and we will re-commence on Wed. 24th Jan 2015. This is my last report as Carolyn Bell and Pat Sattler will be taking over in 2015. I have enjoyed my time ‘leading’ the ‘girls’ and will still be there to help and encourage Carolyn and Pat. They have some good ideas for the ‘single girls’, which we will look forward to with great anticipa-tion.



GOLF CROQUET Our annual club championship is just about concluded and the winner will be announced at our Christmas breakup lunch on Friday 12th De-cember at Seagulls along with presentation of trophies. The year did not get off to a great start with our very dear long serving Co-

ordinator, Hannah Sharpe passing away in March. Hannah and husband Jim put in a tremendous amount of effort to get the golf croquet group up & started all those years ago and they will always be remembered. We had the usual disruptions of weather but all in all I am sure that the group will agree that it has been a successful playing year and they will be

keen to start up again on Saturday 17th January at the normal time of 8.30am. For those in the village that have not given croquet a try why not make a " New Years Resolution" to come along and do your body and mind a big favour. It’s a game for all ages and you will be made most welcome. Thanks to John and Joan for arranging the Wednesday and Sunday games. Also thanks to Bruno and Michael for looking after the courts so well during the year. Thanks to the Social Club for their support and thanks to the Cobaki Management for allowing us to use the designated area. Remember that these croquet courts, except on club organised days, are available for use by

all the residents in the village and if you would like to have a private hit just give me a ring and I will pleased to set things up for you. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone and keep on swinging until we meet again. Graham

COBAKI COBBA's SOCIAL LAWN BOWLS CLUB The last 'Bowls Day' for the year was at Gold Coast Club on November 9th. Once again it was a great day, with our bowlers coming out on top, winning by three shots. Well done!! Everyone had a great morning followed by a very enjoyable BBQ lunch. The Christmas Party is the final event on our calendar for this year. It was

decided at our last meeting that Christmas lunch would be at Seagulls Club followed by our usual party in the Rec Hall with raffles, lucky door prizes, drinks, nibbles etc and of course a friendly afternoon to top off another good year. 'Thank you ' to all our members & supporters throughout the year, and for your help & donations that keep this 'little' club afloat. Wishing you all and your families a very Happy Christmas & New Year. Take Care! Reminder: The

first meeting in 2015 will be the AGM on Sunday, 1st February in the Rec Hall. Jim

CANASTA And so ends another year. We have experienced lots of laughs, some sad moments and always very enjoyable games and company. We will continue to play over the holiday period. We will hold our Christmas luncheon at noon on Wednesday 17th December and play as usual at 1-00pm. I do hope that our members will join us for the luncheon, even if

they are still on sick leave, and cannot play agame (The phantom sandwich thief is definitely NOT invited.) Best wishes to ALL for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Joy


INDOOR BOWLS Well here we are almost to the end of the year and

looking forward to the Festive Season. Where has the year gone to? What a great year we have had at Indoor Bowls! Plenty of fun and laughter on Monday morn-

ings along with our long time members and newer members that have joined us over the year. All are looking forward to the Christmas party to finish off the year, which will be en-

joyed at Seagulls Club for our Christmas lunch followed by party time in the Rec Hall when we return back to the village. This will be on Sunday, 14th December I would like to 'thank' everyone for their support and help during the year also their friendships Wishing you all a safe & Happy Christmas & New Year. Enjoy! Our last bowls morning for this year will

be the day after our Christmas Party on Monday, 15th December (probably be eating left overs from the party for morning tea). First day back in 2015 will be Monday, January 12th. Once again, 'Thanks' to you all for making Indoor Bowls so successful. Jim

CRAFT Hi everyone, sorry I did not contribute to the last Cobba News. Well here we are at the end of another year. My where did that year go? We have had a varied year at craft, with some members having had time out with different illnesses, but

we have seen them get better, and have rejoiced at their recovery. We have had three of our ladies celebrate their 90th birthday, and who, I might add are unstoppable. They still can, and do, teach the rest of us how to enjoy our time together. Some of the stories Olga tells us have you falling off your chair. This group of crafties is a great band of women, who enjoy spend-ing the time we have together and we are very happy to welcome any new residents who would like to come along and share an hour or two with us. I would like to take this opportu-nity to wish Pam Cole a very happy birthday on the 7th November Pam is our birthday lady who always makes sure there is a birthday card for each and every person who is celebrating their special day. Well, when it was Pam's birthday I was up the coast having a great time with my family at a reunion for Alan's 80th birthday, so poor Pam missed out on getting her card. I would also like to wish the following people a belated birthday----- For October -- Mary Col-gate 7th----Clarice Edmond 9th---Mary Sutton 12th--- Betty Paynter 20th. For November--Val Baines 5th-- Peg Percy 23rd-- Betty Lafferty 27th. For December--Val Jacobs 23rd-- Nessie Fleming 29th. I would now like to take this opportunity to say a very special and heartfelt thank you to Kath Ashby and Harry Baines for all the time and work you put into making this paper so informative and interesting. May I wish you and all your readers--- A Very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year. Mary


COBAKI SOCIAL GOLF. Geoff and Maggie are on holidays so I will fill in for this month, on 19th November we played at Chinderah Golf Club Results are as follows — Nearest the pin winners No 3 Graham Crisp, No 4 Arthur Kennedy, No 9 Carol Cannon, No 12 Garry Parker, and No 16 Dianne Pep-

per. The longest drive Cliff Boyd. The winner on the day was Garry Parker with 42 Points with Cliff Boyd runner up with 40 points. After the game, a great BBQ was held in the hall. The ladies did a tremendous job with preparing the meat and salads. Bruno was chef for the night (well done ) and I didn’t hear any complaints from the 20 happy people who were there. Our last game for the year will be a fun day, 3 club stableford event to be held

at the Abbey Golf Course on Wednesday 17th December. Tee off time 8am, then 4.30 pm back at the hall. Ladies/gents please bring a plate preferably filled with food . Next year we would like to see a few more ladies join our club as players. Don’t be shy. We are not professionals but I am sure you will have a good time. Remember that old saying “ we are not here for a long time but a good time”. Also the match committee has decided

next year to start the season in January 2015 with a clean slate, this means men will start on 27 and the ladies on 36. Also we will be using our Cobaki handicapping system only. Well that’s it for this year on behalf of all our members I wish you all a very merry Xmas and a happy new year. Regards Garry.

ROOKIES SNOOKER CLUB The year coming to an end and people going away for Christmas doesn’t mean that you can’t go up to the snooker room and have a game of snooker. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

We will be back in full swing in the new year. Garry.


1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life. 2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is not credited to us. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost. 3. Yesterday is forever gone. Each morning the account is refilled but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING...SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds? 4. Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you think. 5. So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life! Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending”....



Day After breakfast, it was time to pack up and say 'Farewell' to our hostesses and Woom-bye. Group photo time in the pool area before leaving. What a great place to stay! This morning, we had a lovely drive passing the Glasshouse Mountains, on our way to Sand-gate Bowls Club, where we had a great welcome from everyone. Sandgate Bowls Club had celebrated 100 years of bowling a few weeks before our visit and some of our members re-ceived items of memorabilia. We enjoyed a very tasty BBQ lunch shortly after we ar-rived followed by the call of the cards for mixed bowling in the afternoon. Another very hot afternoon! For the rest of us, it was a trip around the Sandgate/Redcliffe area. The bowlers were almost finished when we returned to the club. After the presentations and formali-ties were over, it was 'snack time' before leaving on our trip home. We were invited to return to the club at anytime - perhaps a day trip in the future! We had a great trip back to Cobaki with not as much traffic on the roads as we had expected. Getting back approx 7.30pm NSW time. 


Day1 All aboard the 'weekend' shuttle coach that took 35 people away from the village at 8.15am on Friday, 24th October for our weekend trip to Queensland. As our coach driver David said after we passed the QLD/NSW border - 'Remember, you are now entering 'Real Time' and leaving 'Mickey Mouse' time behind for the next couple of days'. He didn't let us forget either! We had a good trip along the highways to our first stop, which was the 'Ipswich Information Centre' where we enjoyed our morning tea. They were good enough to have the hot water urn boiling for us when we arrived. After a relaxing break, we had time for a drive around Queens Park and a short tour of Ipswich historical buildings before head-ing back to the highway passing Fernvale and on to Wivenhoe Dam, stopping for another break for a look around and to stretch the legs. Off again, heading towards Esk, we arrived in time for lunch on the verandah of the Nash Gallery Cafe. An older style home, made into a cafe and gallery, selling locally made arts & crafts as well as jams & pickles. The meal was excellent! No complaints! On our way again, passing Somerset Dam, which was pic-ture perfect, before turning off to Winya Wines for wine tasting at Kilcoy. Perfect country setting, we had excess baggage when we left there - a few bottles on board. Refreshments for the weekend! The last part of our journey was to Red Bridge Motor Inn at Woombye, our home for the next two nights. We were met by the two managers who made us all feel very welcome. After unpacking and settling in, it was 'Happy Hour' for some. Dinner, later, was in the Motel restaurant. Oh dear! The size of the meals! Certainly won't go hun-gry this weekend! All happy and contented, it was time to say 'Good night'.

Day 2 All backed up for breakfast. Almost as much food as for dinner. Time to take things easy and relax for a while after breakfast. We headed off mid morning to the Big Pineapple at Nambour for a visit to the markets. Unfortunately, the Big Pineapple of old is now closed, and is only used for weekend markets. Our next stop was Yandina Bowls Club, and we had time to visit the Yandina Markets next door before mixed bowls in the after-noon. For the non-bowlers, there was a visit to the Yandina Ginger Factory. Some of us went on an interesting tour followed by a tasting plate. Across the road was the Nut Works. More excess baggage! Back to the bowls club to join the bowlers and their oppo-nents where, lots of friendly chatting was going on. Everyone had a great afternoon . Back to Woombye to relax before dinner in the Restaurant. For some of us, it was time to sit on the edge of the pool and dangle our feet. Another great evening meal!


It was a great weekend. Plenty of laughs. Great company & friendliness! Thank you to everyone for supporting the trip and for your kind remarks. Jim & Denise. Some photos which tell the story of their trip.








23rd November was a very special day for Peggy, she turned 90. Peggy moved into house 175 with her husband Bob 17 years ago. The main reason was the village bus. With Peggy not being able to drive it was a must. Bob passed away some years ago. To celebrate her birthday she enjoyed a lunch with her nieces and nephews, who are very special to her, not having any children of her own. Peggy was one of five siblings and is the only one left. You will see Peggy at most Happy Hours, and

always at Craft, as well as many other functions. Peggy and Thora Jarvis, who lives in house 138, worked to-gether at Woollies, first at Murwillumbah, then in Sydney. Peggy was in the lollies section and Thora who was a ticket writer and window dresser. If the blinds on the display windows were not pulled down at the appropriate time, when they arrived next morning the lollies had melted, what a mess for Peggy & Thora to sort out. (sticky fingers). Peggy met Bob in Sydney and they married there, living first in Sydney, at Mt Kuring-gai it was really beautiful but the snakes loved it as well! The Blue Mountains became their next home, then up to Brisbane before moving to Panorama Drive. They had been coming to Tweed for holidays for a long time and used to go down to the beach each morning for a swim, but never went back to the beach once living here. When Bob retired this was the place they decided upon spending it in. Peggy has been blessed with good health and is still able to get real pleasure out of the things he does. She takes some keeping up with when walking with her.

Now Peggy has reached this age she will be welcomed into the ‘Life member-ship of the Social Club’, and like other members, enjoy Happy Hours free.

It was a real pleasure chatting with Peggy, and listening to her story, she is such a lovely happy lady, that smile never leaves her face

What an experience our trip to the international regatta in Florida USA was. Our team didn’t have high hopes as we are just a bunch of grannies paddling on Currumbin Creek. To our delight we improved our time to 500 meters in our first heat by 7 seconds followed by a further 1 second. Good times got us into the A class finals, which brought us up in the rankings placing us No 1 in Australia and No 8 in the world. To me it was just fun fun fun, I don’t know about 4 years down the track for the next one but who knows. All the paddlers in the eight boats in A class received a medal for their hard work.


The Medal Judy Caton


House number 5 became the new home for MARGIT & MARTIN CORNWELL. They moved here from Currumbin. Martin just had a shoulder operation. He hopes to get back to fishing. Margit is a very keen gardener and looking forward to getting her hands dirty in her new garden.

JIM GIBSON whose new home is house 64. A short move for Jim also, he travelled from Currumbin Waters. Jim has many hobbies to fill in his time. Lawn bowls, bike rid-ing walking and swimming. He is looking forward to his new life in the village.

Mount White on the Central Coast was the home of GARY McELLEGETT, who is now at house 81. Gary was well settled in when we called. He has family in Brisbane. He is

another one who finds fishing a great hobby. Travelling is also on his list.

House 127 was the one that DAPHNEY & LES NICHOLS decided upon. They moved from South Tweed. Knowing the area is a good start for them. They both enjoy playing a game of Bingo. They like the quiet life and just enjoy each day as it comes.

HELEN & KEITH SINCLAIR settled into house 179. They have done some work on the house before moving in from Swansea near Port Macquarie. Helen looking forward to using the pool and reading. Keith’s hobby is photography which he takes quite seriously.

Having a property just down the road means MIRIAM & ALLAN LACEY are still close to all their friends. Now getting settled into house 211. They have been doing quite a few alterations. Many of Miriam’s costomers, from her hair dressing salon in South Tweed, live in the village. Allan was busy cleaning when we called. Fishing is waiting for


SANDIE & DEREK WHEAT moved into house 229. They have already joined the So-cial Club helpers. Sandie loves craft, pool, fishing and, according to Derek talking! Ask-

ing Derek what he did brought the answer ‘Bugger all’! You will see him doing some walking.

247 was the house chosen by LYN TURNER. She lived a stone’s throw away. Lyn already knows a few in the village. Along with friends she’s attended many Happy Hours. Dancing, playing music and concerts are her interests. Activities look good to try.

JOANNE & ROSS CALI are settled into house 256. For Joanne, her book club and art keep her busy. Ross is a bowler and lots of chatting! We enjoyed our time with them and are sure they will enjoy life in the village.

Very keen supporters of the ‘Rabbitos’, LESLEY & BILL ANNABEL came from Robina to house 322. Lesley’s very keen on all types of craft. Bill loves music and

his footy. He played front row with Rabbitos, and a reunion, explayers were given a jumper

The kid behind counter at the taco bar said “ $5.35”. I dug into my pocket and pulled out some lint and 5 cents and something called Jolly Ranger! Having already handed the kid a five dollar note.

I started to head back out to grab some change, when the kid with the Elmo hairdo said the hardest thing to anyone. He said “ It’s OK. I’ll just give you the senior discount.” I turned to see who he was talking to and heard the sound of change hitting the counter in front of me. “ Only $4.60” he said cheerfully. I stood there stupefied. I am only 60. A mere child! Senior citizen? I took my

burrito and walked to the truck wondering what was wrong Elmo. Was he blind? I sat in the truck, my blood began to boil. Old? Me? I’ll show him, I thought. I opened the door and headed back inside. I strode to the counter, and there he was waiting with a smile. Before I could say a word, he held up something and jingled it in front of me, like I could be that easily distracted!

Moments later I was speeding out of the parking lot relieved to finally be leaving this night-marish stop in my life. That is when I felt it, deep in the bowel of my stomach: hunger! My stomach growled and churned, and I reached to grab my burrito, only it was nowhere to be found. I swung the truck around, gathered my courage and strode back into the restaurant one final time.

There stood Elmo draped in youth black nail polish. All I could say was. “did I leave my food and drink in here”? Elmo had no clue. I walked back out to the truck and suddenly a young lad came up, tugged on my jeans to get attention. He was holding a

dink up and a bag. His mother explained . “I think you left this in my truck by mistake.” I took the food and drink from the boy and sheepishly apologised. She offered these kind words: “ It’s Ok . My grandfather does stuff like that all the time.

All of this is to explain how I ended up with a ticket for doing 85 in a 40MPH zone. YESSSS, I was racing some punk in a Toyota . And no officer, I’m not TOO OLD to be driving this fast.

As I walked in the front door, my wife met me halfway down the hall. I handed her the bag of cold food and a $300 speeding ticket.

I promptly sat in my rocking chair and covered my legs with a blankey. The good news was that I had successfully found my way home!!


Christmas Party

Our Village Christmas party was a big success. A beautiful meal was served to the ta-bles. With the large crowd it was a little hard to hear the singer who was really appre-ciated by those sitting close. Raffle winners and winners of the hams were over the moon. Congratulations to the committee and their helpers. Some photos on the previ-ous page, give you an idea of the fun on the day.

WANTED. A small automatic car any model or make looked at. Please contact Heather or Bob on 0409400064 or call at house 340. Heather

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LOLA BARKER, who will turn 75 on the 13th December. We do hope that you are treated like a queen on that day and your day is full of love and happiness.

A woman ran a red traffic light and crashed into a man's car. Both of their cars are demolished but amazingly neither of them was hurt. After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said, "Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days." The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!" The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune." Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it, drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man. The man asks, "Aren't you having any?" She replies, "Nah. I think I'll just wait for the police."

Under the conditions of our Liquor Licence, no bottles of alcohol are permitted to leave the hall. There is a heavy fine for disobeying this order.

We ask everyone for their co-operation.

A very big thank you to Trish McKinley, Social Club Committee and their helpers for the wonderful Christmas Luncheon it is always appreciated by everyone.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone in the village. Regards Geoff & Anne Fawcett.

We would like to thank all who have given us information for the paper, the jokes and celebrations you have shared with us over this last year. Thank you also to all the new residents who have given time to us on their arrival here, when they are in the middle of getting settled, it has been a real pleasure meeting you all. To all who sent us notes and

phone calls thanking us for the paper, we do appreciate your com-ments. We will be back with the first one for 2015 in a February. Not forgetting our helpers, Denise, Jim, Dianne & John. Kath &

Printed by ‘Cloud Office Supplies’ 12 Greenway Dr Tweed Heads Sth. Courtesy of Management

CHRISTMAS DAY. Don’t eat alone at home join others in the hall, take your Christ-mas dinner, drinks etc there, have fun with other residents.

NEW YEARS EVE. There will be DJ music to dance to. Cheese & Biscuits will be supplied, you can bring whatever food you want and the bar will be open at 8pm.

‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. From management and staff’.

The effect of those FOUR little words ... "I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART" A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband. The women were asked, "How many of you love your husband?" All the women raised their hands. Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?" Some women answered today, a few yesterday, and some could-n't remember. The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text their hus-band: /"I love you, sweetheart/." The women were then told to exchange phones with an-other person, and to read aloud the text message they received, in response. **Here are some of the replies:

**1. Who the hell is this? **2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick or what?

**3. Yeh, and I love you too. What's up with you?? **4. What now? Did you crash the car again? **5. I don't understand what you mean? **6. What the hell did you do now? **7. ?!? **8. Don't beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?

**9. Am I dreaming? **10. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die. **11. I thought we agreed you wouldn't drink during the day.

**12Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn't she??*

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