december 9, 2018 weekly newsletter

Post on 18-Dec-2021






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OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL “Serving Christ—Serving Others—Changing Lives”

December 9, 2018

Weekly Newsletter

In Sympathy Our Christian sympathy is extended to Susan George-Kenyon and family as they mourn the death of her nephew, PAUL DAYTON, who died in a house fire on Nov. 23

rd at the age of 60 in

Pocahontas, Iowa.

Hospitalized or Surgery Margie Lowe, hospitalized this week. Beth Wies, daughter-in-law of Ann Papp) hospitalized this past week. Please Keep the Following Members in Prayer: David, Marianne & Michael DeMinck, Roger Detwiler, Debbie Holub, Luke Strang, Pastor Rader, Jodi Waldron, Jane Sird, Sandra Kauffman, Sandy Heine, Ann Papp, Kristin Volz, Debbie Leslie, Laci Vonada, Pamela King,

Assisted Living: Lillian Velez, Shirley Ray, Dorothy Hanser, Ken O’Brien, Al and Melba Wilkat, Marlene Venable. Rehabilitation at home: Sarah Tabor, Dolores Bethmann, Joe Mazzara, Marilyn Gruenbaum Hospice Care: Michael Hea, June Poertner. Wayne Reinhardt, Georgia Moore (Pastor Moore’s mother in Ocala)

Other Prayer Requests Mika Durante teaching in Japan, Alex Rodriguez teaching in the Marshall Islands and Angela Hackney teaching in China, Church leadership, All former pastors and vicars of Our Savior, missionaries, chaplains, police, & firefighters. OSLS and Mirror Lake Elementary School, LifeNet4 Families, Food for the Poor, Mission Haiti, Alzheimer’s Association, Bold Justice, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Our nation, leaders, president and all people in armed services.

Members & Family in the Armed Services Michael Sass (friend of Marilyn Gruenbaum) starting his 4

th tour in Iraq.R.J. Warfel (nephew

of Brian Warfel-undisclosed), Austin Simms (nephew of Mitch and Kim VanSant) in Germany, Anthony Valladares in Parris Island, Jorge Alberto-Peralta (son of Jorge Peralta) in Guam. Jessica Lee (niece of Randy &Lynne Steinbeck) in Germany. Matthew Osborne (grandson of David & Marianne DeMinck), Kyle Thornton, (grandson of Susan George-Kenyon) Air Force . Members: Brian Strang in USA West Point, Us Army Garrison. Jonathan Brown has been deployed to an undisclosed base. Brandon Edelstein back in the states. Steven Morrison, in South Korea. Scott Tucek in Germany, Troy MacLean in Japan.

OUR SAVIOR OFFERS TWO SERVICES ON SUNDAY MORNING 8:00 a.m. Traditional Service with Holy Communion

10:30 a.m. Traditional & Contemporary Service with Holy Communion Children’s Message during 10:30 service and a “Kids Connect”

9:15 a.m. Sunday School, Bible Classes “Unity Time”

Welcome to worship, Christian education and fellowship! Please greet one another in the name of the coming

Prince of Peace.

CHRISTMAS HELPERS NEEDED! Please see the sign-up list on the guest

center for Readers, Communion Servers and Ushers for: Dec. 24th-5:00, 7:00, pm

Dec. 25th 10:00 am


Wednesday 12th

Preschool Christmas Program 9:00 a.m.

Sunday 16th

Fellowship Breakfast

Sunday School Christmas Program

Monday 17th

Women’s Group Christmas Party 7:00 p.m.

CHRISTMAS 2018 Worship Opportunities

CHRISTMAS EVE Monday, December 24


5:00 p.m.

“Families with Children”

“Candlelight Service”

Includes a message geared for children.


7:00 p.m. “Traditional Candlelight Service”

CHRISTMAS DAY Tuesday, Dec. 25

th 10:00 a.m.

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Sunday Dec. 23rd 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Sunday, Dec. 30th 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

This Week at a Glance Sun. 12/9

Second Sunday in Advent

Cookie Walk – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Christmas Recycled Sale 9-1

LifeNet4Families Sunday Advent Adult Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Hymn Study Bible Class 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class 9:15 a.m.

Mon 12/10 Tues. 12/11 Wed. 12/12

Preschool Christmas Program 9:00 a.m. Bible Brunch

Handbell Practice 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice 7:30 p.m.

Thurs. 12/13 Book Club 6:30 p.m.

Fri. 12/14 Church Office Closed

Sat. 12/15 Sun. 12/6

Third Sunday in Advent

Sunday School Christmas 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Breakfast 8:30-10:30

Advent Adult Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Hymn Study Bible Class 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Confirmation Class 9:15 a.m.





As measured by our church attendance: These numbers represent Jan. – Dec. Average Sunday Attendance 209 Average Last Year 206 Attendance 12/2/18 270


FUND ENVELOPES You can find envelopes marked for Roof Repair/Replacement giving in each narthex and the guest center.


WHAT CHILD IS THIS? Craig Chaddock will lead a study on Advent on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and again on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in the conference room. Wednesdays –Dec. 12, 19 Sundays – Dec. 9, 16, 23

A STUDY ON WELL KNOWN HYMNS We will explore the history of some of our well-known hymns and the people who wrote them. We will start with O Come, O Come Emmanuel and explore one hymn each week, usually a seasonally appropriate selection. Cheryl Moore will lead this study beginning December 2

nd at 9:30 a.m. in the

Lakeview Room.


On behalf of our soldiers and sailors serving overseas, the Military Overseas Support Team (M.O.S.T) and the Men's Group thank you for your generous contributions in the past year and especially for the Thanksgiving/Christmas shipment which should be delivered next week. We want to extend special thanks to Danielle Durham, First Grade Teacher at Our Savior Lutheran School, and her group of volunteers who put together wonderful Gift Bags for each box of supplies for our servicemen. We also want to thank Junko Durante and her group of gifted young artists for their beautiful Christmas artwork as well as everyone in Our Savior School and our congregation who contributed Christmas Cards which were inserted in all the boxes.

Thank you for remembering our soldiers at Christmas with your love. M.O.S.T. and the Men's Group

Small packages, great things The motto for Hershey’s Kisses used to be “Big things come in small packages!” That also could be a motto for Bethlehem, for Baby Jesus and, indeed, for us. It’s an important message to remember when we fear we’re too weak to fix the world’s problems, too small to fight the gigantic terror that threatens a loved one or too lacking in abilities we see in others. “But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah,” God declares through the prophet Micah (5:2, NRSV), “from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel.” Bethlehem was a mere village. God’s ruler for Israel started as an infant. His birthplace was a small stable, not a palace or temple. But size isn’t everything. Big — that is, great — things can come in small packages. And thanks to the tiny baby who grew up to share immeasurably huge love with the world, God can do great things through you, too!

Dear OSL Family,

This is the time of the year when we think of giving gifts. We have, of course,

received the greatest gift of all. God gave His only Son to us, to save us for eternity.

He knew that His Son would have to suffer, be ridiculed, be beaten, and even put to

death … just for us, because He loved us that much.

He came to us as a little babe. Humble. In a manger. Unassuming, but, the angels

knew, the shepherd knew, the whole earth knew. And, kings from far away knew

and sought him out and brought Him gifts.

The idea of gift giving may have sprung out of the scripture. We give gifts to family

and friends because we want to show our love for them.

It is amazing at the outpouring of love that this congregation has shown in just two

months to care for our Father’s House by giving and pledging funds. So far, more

than 63 members have responded to the call to help pay to fix our damaged and

worn out roofs. In total, we have received over $53,000. Just in the last month, we

received one gift of $10,000, another pledge of $10,000, and a memorial gift of

$4,000—in addition to other funds and pledges.

These gifts are a testament of the love that you have for your Lord and Savior. In

return, you will surely receive God’s blessings. And, with your help, we’ll get this

roof job done.

Thank you!

Christmas Blessings!

The Roof Repair and Replacement Committee

December 9, 2018 Prayer Letter

Prayers may be emailed to

(All anonymous prayers are given to the Pastor)


“Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34

Roberta Little celebrates the Advent of our Lord. Julio & Andrea Orta write “Thank you Lord for all

Your blesings. We ask You to please continue to guide our steps.” Norma Miller thanks the Lord for friends and

family. Dorothy & Neville Morrison write, “Thank you

God for keeping Steven safe in Korea and for the continued healing of our friend, Lori, after knee surgery. Desiree Gaffley prays, “Praise and thanks to our

amazing God . Bless our pastor with healing ; bless Jenay’s operation with healing. Healing for Scott’s hand. We thank you for Your goodness and mercy gtriune God. In Jesus name, Amen.” .”

WE PRAY FOR GOD’S HEALING TOUCH Michelle Moore prays for strength to let go and let

God in my relationship with Chelsca. Jill Keesler asks for prayer for Vanessa

experiencing a mental health crisis. Gloria Kunz seeks prayer for her good friend,

Martha Chilerco who found out this past week she has stage 4 lung cancer that has gone to her brain. Jan Withers seeks prayer for Wayne, Lee, Dylan,

Jen, and Donald. Also for her sister Ava and Aunt Donna. Bob & Rose Johnson “pray the Lord of healing

will strengthen our daughter Jenay’s heart and heal her after heart surgery on 12-6-18.” Dick & Linda Burkhardt pray for Scott Burkhardt’s

healing. Terrance B. Martin prays for a miracle to be

reunited with his family currently living with his wife’s family as they don’t have the means to get a home right now. Norma Miller requests prayer for Corrine ffor

guidance, for Kyle that eye surgery goes well, and for Pat & Lissa for strength to endure. Michelle Moore seeks prayer for her sister, Sandy,

as she makes her decisions to relocate.

Bill and Cathy May ask us to pray for Regina

Sivertsen, Bill’s sister who is recovering from colon surgery. Mary Stephenson seeks prayer for family for the

angel date of son, Christopher on Thanksgiving and loss of Shanaynay . Also for health issues for myself and husband. Christene Khan seeks prayer for Joe Lewley and

his family during his treatments for leukemia. Cindy Davis, requests prayer for her family,

especially her Uncle Stan as we mourn the passing of our beloved Aunt Sylvia. Prayers also for my Aunt Alice as she copes with leukemia. . Howard & Barbara Fischer request prayer for Jill,

the daughter of friends Karen & J.B. Kenna as she is experiencing seizures of unknown origin. They pray, “The Lord’s will be done and that He blesses Jill with His miraculous healing touch.” Taetia Phillips-Dorsett asks for prayer for herself,

children Thalia & Jalen, husband, Jason and her friend, Joan Phillips. Thania Williams requests prayer for healing. Wayne & Marie Shaw request to be kept in prayer

that everything may go their way and also to keep Tyler and Nickia in prayer. Thanks Lord. Altagracia Perdomo requests continued prayer for

her husband, Arismendi, and for her son, Gerson. The Srot Family seeks prayer for Rosie Taylor who

is battling brain cancer. Aunt Joan seeks continued prayers for Norma,

Ann, Mavis in England, my sister, Donna, in Chicago and her family, for friends; Tom, John, Mary, Catherine, and Steven. Beverly Embrack prays,”Thank you very much

Mrs. Judy Detwiler. She prays for healing for Roger Detwiler, Bridget Archer, Melville DeHoan, Gail Cummings-Day, and Ann Marie Thompson. Thanks in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.” Judy Detwiler prays for healing for Laci Vonada ,

Margie Lowe, Ann Papp, June Portner, Christian Bifield, Sandy Kauffman, Dennis Adams, James Leone, Tom Christensen, Sandy Heine, Marilyn Gruenbaum, Michael Hea, Duane Srot, Dolores Bethmann, Maria Ullery, Barbara Fischer, Marlene Venable, Val & Al Perry, Judy Bontrager, Esther Mastrullo, Ken O’Brien, Gloria Volz, Peter Geisler, Jim Kreissler, Philip Neils, Mary Hackney, Aunt Joan, Betty Hea, Kathleen Mathis, Louise Acton, Pastor Rader, Luke Strang, Dawn Schaffner, Tyler DrePaul, Richie & Marilyn Cannezzarro, Nancy Volz, Ruth McVey, Amy Bontrager, Lillian Velez,

Sheila Dix, Marie Shaw, Arlene Kleimeier, Shirley Ray, Dorothy Hanser, Edna Wesley, Marianne, Dave & Michael DeMinck, Larry & Kristen McVey, Ellie & Amy Mathis, Glenda Strang, Sarah Tabor, Sue & Joe Franjione, Marie Wood, Lollie Sollanek, and Jane Sird. Less pain for Roger Detwiler. John and Glenda Strang request prayer for

Glenda’s brother, Charles, Janell our daughter-in-law Brenda our sister-in-law, Jesse and Lena who need prayers for healing; prayers for Jane Nicklas, Pastor Medley, Gloria Volz, Nancy Volz, Roger and Judy Detwiler, Marilyn Gruenbaum, Amy Mathis, Jim Kreissler, Barbara Fischer, Wayne and Nadine Reinhardt. Prayers for our church our country and military. Marianne DeMinck asks us to keep her sister,

Virginia Vaalburg, in prayer. She has had surgery and is being treated for carotid gland cancer. Donna Swift asks us to keep her daughter-in-law,

Caroline Swift, in prayer as she is suffering from extreme back pain. WE PRAY FOR GOD’S COMFORT, GUIDANCE,

AND BLESSINGS “He gives strength to the weary and increases the

power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29 The Family of OSLC pray for the lost to return to

the Lord, for continued prayers for the Nicklas family, for OSLC/S as we remain open for all the Lord has for us to do, and healing for our nation. Karen Walbridge asks for prayers for the safety of

all law enforcement officers, firefighter, and for our military that the Lord will wrap His loving arms around them and keep them safe from harm. Roberta Little prays that the Holy Spirit will set our

hearts ablaze! Gerry Gruenbaum requests continued prayer for

“Hope Women’s Center and their work to save the lives of unborn babies from the holocaust of abortion, the leading cause of death in America, & prayer for the care for the mothers of these children.” Al & Val Perry ask for continued prayers for their

granddaughter, Courtney, and her two precious little girls, Laila and Ariana, to have the God of hope in their lives. Our prayers are bearing fruit and for that we are thankful! Rhoda Monaco writes, “Pray continually for all the

sheep that have gone astray that they will respond to God’s call to bring them home.

Advent Wreath The Advent wreath is a symbol of watchfulness and increasing joy as we anticipate Jesus’ birth. The wreath’s circular shape symbolizes eternity, or life without end. The candles remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World — he brought light and life to a dark world (see John 1:4-5). On each of the four Sundays of Advent, we light a new candle. As the

light grows, so do our hope and joy.

Faith and feelings During a Bible study on faith, Ney Bailey came up with this definition: “Faith is taking God at his word.” Furthermore, she was reminded that “the word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:8, NIV). In Faith Is Not a Feeling (WaterBrook), Bailey writes, “[Sometimes] I have felt afraid or lonely or depressed. My heart has literally ached in anguish over circumstances of life, and in those moments I have been the most tempted to doubt the truth of God’s Word. But instead I chose with my will to believe his Word. Thousands of times my prayers have begun, ‘Lord, I feel ... but, Lord, your Word says ....’” Bailey counsels, “You and I can either grow accustomed to listening to our feelings, thoughts, and circumstances, letting them control us, or we can be in the habit of taking God at his word despite our feelings and life experiences. ... His Word is truer than our feelings.”

Contact Us at:

Our Savior Lutheran Church 8001 Northwest 5th Street Plantation, Florida 33324

Office - 954.473.6888 Fax – 954-473-6895


Web site:

Tony Durante, Pastor

Jan Withers, Admin. Assist.


Ivan Swartsfigure 954-865-2206

Windows and Screens:

Todd Zenchak 954.801.4226

Swim Lessons: Cheryl Moore –


Real Estate Agents: Jennifer Cislo Keller

Williams Properties 954-560-2141.

Mortgages and Consumer Loans

Brian Warfel 954-538-6210

Mary Kay Consultant: Desiree´ Gaffley


Caregivers- Lisa Ali, certified caregiver.


Fincetta Levy 954-864-5338.

Insurance (Auto, home etc):

Tania Mcgann 954-424-4140 x2224

Pharmacy (free delivery): Avia-Ann Lezeau 954-990-5145

VISIT OUR WEBSITE at Watch Sermons, Events Calendar, Weekly Newsletter, a Link to our Facebook Page. You can even make your donations through the website.

St. Olaf College Concert Coming to Miami Beach in February

The St. Olaf Choir is a premier a cappella choir based in Northfield, Minnesota. Founded in 1912 by Norwegian immigrant F. Melius Christiansen, the choir has been influential to other church and college choirs for its performance of unaccompanied sacred music.

Miami Beach, Florida Monday, February 11, 7:30 p.m. New World Center - Concert Hall

$25-35 Adults, $10 Students

Pastor Medley will be organizing a group to go to this concert. More information to follow

in the next few months.


th – 15


Happy Birthday! 10

th German Martinez,

12th Wendi Miller-Losier,

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