december 6, 2015 bulletin (for web)

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Bulletin for December 6, 2015


Grace Christian Reformed Church 255 Tweedsmuir Ave. W., Chatham, ON, N7M 5K4, 519-436-1558 Telephone Worship Services: 519-436-0041 (dial 5 min before the service) Fax: 519-436-1241 E-mail: Web:

Congregational Assistance Plan (CAP) – 866 347-0041


WELCOME: We welcome you to Grace CRC! TODAY: We continue with our Advent series, “The (Second) Coming of Christ” as we light the candle of Peace. NEXT SUNDAY: In our time of praise and worship led by Pastor William, we light the candle of Hope and anticipate witnessing the sacrament of baptism. 5 PM COMBINED EVENING SERVICE AT GRACE CRC: (Grace CRC Dial In: 519-436-0041)

TONIGHT: Grace CRC leads our Combined Evening Worship this evening. SR. PASTOR: Pastor William Koopmans (519-360-1072) YOUTH PASTOR: Pastor Jake Snieder (226-626-2393) PASTOR OF VISITATION: Pastor Fred Heslinga (519-676-3310) CLERK: Ron Middel (519) 358-6248 TREASURER: Hank Batterink (519-351-4800) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Kathy DeKoter (519-436-1558) WORSHIP COORDINATOR: Cheryl-Lynn DeGraaf

Who We Are

We are called Christian because we confess, belong to, and follow

Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

We are called Reformed because our history is rooted in the 16th

century Protestant Reformation. We continue to affirm the

Reformation teachings of salvation by faith in Christ alone, and the

Bible as the only rule of faith and conduct.

We are called Church because we are part of the universal family of

God, through which our relationships to God, to each other, and the

world are nurtured.

December 6, 2015

VERSE OF THE WEEK: “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:32


ELDERS: Jack Koopman, Ron Middel DEACONS: Will Holsappel, Aneta Zondervan COFFEE SOCIAL: Doug & Sherry Wiersma, Matt & Michelle Weverink, Roseanne Baker NURSERY: Suzanne Wiersma, Peggy Nydam, Ainsley McNamara, Rachael Middel, Rachel Bultje PM: Sharon McNamara, Mark Taekema USHERS: Wilma Noordam, Ken Bosman, Mark Okkema


Sunday, December 6, 2015: Faith Comes By Hearing (SIL Cameroon)

Sunday, December 13, 2015: Meet the Budget Sunday – only one offering will be taken.


There is a worship service on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 at Eden Villa Senior Home at 10:30 am.


Mon: 7 pm, Cadets 7 pm, GEMS (at First CRC)

Wed: 9:45 am, Coffee Break 7:15 pm, Evening Coffee Break 7:30 pm, Elders 7:30 pm, Deacons 8 pm, Young Adults

Thurs: 7 pm, Friendship Christmas Program Sat: 8 am. Mens’ Breakfast

2016 VOUCHERS: You can order your vouchers for 2016 starting today…please use the 2016 Voucher Request Form that can be found on the bottom row of the mail slots. Cheques need to be post-dated for January 2016.

bulletin password: grace

Please have all bulletin items in by Thursday 7pm. Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 - noon


LIBRARY NEWS: Elizabeth Camden’s historical novel “Beyond All Dreams” is a captivating, emotionally-charged journey through America’s past. As a map librarian, Anna stumbles across the baffling mystery of a ship disappeared at sea. Soon, with the help of Congressman Luke, they are embroiled in secrets much bigger and more perilous than they ever imagined. Is bringing the truth to light worth the risk?


ADVENT: The thoughtful decorations at the front of the sanctuary remind us that we are now in a time of advent, of waiting and that Christmas is still coming. Purple and/or blue are the liturgical colours of advent – the baptismal font and communion table are visible to remind us of the stages of our Christian life – baptism, profession of faith, Lord’s Supper and worship.

OFFERING: This Sunday’s OFFERING is for Faith Comes By Hearing (SIL Cameroon). This offering will add another element of support to Dan and Teresa Heath’s work with Wycliffe Bible Translation in Cameroon. SIL

Cameroon works to put native languages, such as Maaka, on portable listening devices. This is another way to encourage the Maaka people to HEAR the Word of God and KNOW the scriptures.

MENS’ BREAKFAST: The Mens’ Breakfast time has been a blessing to many. If you have not been there before, why not make this your first time? All men of Grace are invited to the Mens’ Breakfast on SATURDAY Dec. 12 at 8 am. We are going to try and make the pancakes look like they are celebrating the season. Some will look like trees, others will have “snow” on them, some may have cranberries or blue berries in them. Make it a male bonding time and have all the GUYS in your family come, whether they belong to Grace or not. Please put the date on your calendar, or in your phone to remember. Let Keith know by Tuesday – 519-354-1224 or

COFFEE BREAK CHRISTMAS PLANS: All ladies are welcome to join us for our study this week on Mary, the mother of Jesus. December 9 is our Christmas social and then we take a break until January. Set aside your Wednesday mornings, 9:45-11:00am, for Bible study and encouragement in your faith journey!

LOST & FOUND: A micro-mini Leatherman multi-tool was lost at church last weekend. If you have come across this in the parking lot or church, please call the church office. Thank you!


Christmas Tea As the Christmas Season approaches, the Outreach Committee encourages you to reach out to your neighbours and welcome them into your home for tea. We encourage you to let your light shine in your neighbourhoods and invite your neighbours into your homes, share a cup of tea with them and wish them a Blessed Christmas. We pray that God would bless your efforts and that opportunities for sharing the good news would develop.

Mail Slots: If you do not currently have a mail slot and would like one (whether you are a member or not) please contact the church office and let Kathy know by Sunday, December 27. (office@chathamgrace) or call 519-436-1558. If you currently have a mail slot and do not wish to have it anymore, please let Kathy know that as well.

ADVENT SERIES - “The (Second) Coming of Christ” As we approach this Christmas season, there are two distinct pathways to travel. The first path is a joyful

journey. It is filled with anticipation and hope. It is filled with memories, history and stories. It is a path that is given meaning by the work of Jesus Christ. A path that if we try to add meaning, we end up removing instead. The other path is the one the world wants us to follow. It is one where our concentration is broken with our "jobs" of giving and getting. There slogans and conversations about meaning and political correctness vs anti political correctness distract us. We get caught up with adding significance, making sure we follow the world's traditions and decorating to make the season real.

We profess to belong to the church catholic. As a Church, we have been celebrating Advent for over 1500 years. Advent comes from a Latin word adventus meaning coming. This is the time before Christmas when we look forward, with all Christians around the world, to the Second Coming of Christ. This year Grace CRC is celebrating Advent by a renewed look at what the (second) coming of Christ means for us today.

One of the ways that we join with the Church around the world is to light Advent candles. These candles represent Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. While we are exploring the second coming of Christ for us today, we will also be looking at the meanings of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love in light of our Christian walk with God from a distinctly Reformed perspective.

FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: We will have a ‘Meet the Budget Sunday’ on December 13 to bring our budget requirements up-to-date. We have a shortfall today of $133,427.68 for the first 11 months of this year. Please see the attached balance sheet from the Treasurer for more details.

Please review your statements distributed a few weeks ago from our Treasurer. We kindly request everyone to review their tithing to date and pray for the Lord’s guidance how you may be able to help us bring our budget in line.

We are aware we are minus a few members compared to last year and how everyone has contributed so generously to our building project for which we are very thankful. So we are asking you once again to pitch in and help out to meet our budget requirements.

A tithe in the Bible was considered to be the first fruits of the harvest. The tithe was brought into the house of the Lord meaning the church. The emphasis in the Bible is always the attitude of the heart, our gifts are an expression of our faith that God owns everything we have.

Please prayerfully consider how you have been blessed to help us fulfill our financial requirements.


Junior Youth: All students in Grade 6-8 are invited to join us on Tuesday, December 15 from 7-9 pm in the Rec Centre for our Christmas celebration!


Youth Group: We continue the series For the Life of the World as we ask the question, "What is our salvation for?" Tonight we will talk about "Church." CHURCH SCHOOL: Classes for all students in grade 6-12 are held on Sunday mornings at 9 am. Please be there on time. Today is our last class before the Christmas break. Classes will resume again on January 10.


YOUNG ADULTS: Join us on Wednesday at 6 pm for a Christmas potluck dinner at Pastor Jake's home. If you would like to know more please call Pastor Jake at 226-626-2393.

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