december, 2012 the official newsletter of the barony of...

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December, 2012

The Official Newsletter of the Barony of Calafia

© 2012 Lady Giovanna Ricci. Not for reproduction or any use by anyone whatsoever without permission from Lady Giovanna and/or His

Excellency Baron Oliver Dogberry. Image resolution is deliberately low to prevent unauthorized reproduction.


From the Baron and Baroness


Progress December, 2012

1st - Winter Arts (Calafia)

January, 2013

5th - Twelfth Night (Glydenholt)

12th - Angels Melee

19th - Gyldenholt Unbelted

February, 2013

2nd - Poll na Gainmhe

Anniversary & Demo.

9th - St. Isidore Anniversary

16th - Talon/Crescent WARm

up event.

23rd - Spring Crown

24th - Privy Council

about the Cover Lady Giovanna Ricci was commissioned by Baron Oliver to create the artwork, which has been screened onto T-shirts and given as gifts to the Baronial Court & Guard. It is a whimsical representation of the Calafia Court & Guard doing what they do best: supporting & transporting the Barony, as symbolized by the Sea Serpent & Trident. Those familiar with the Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent cartoons should be able to recognize the inspiration for the design.

Witam, Calafia! Calafia Anniversary was beyond amazing. It was our last time to spend the whole day as Baron & Baroness, since we are planning on stepping down at opening court next year. The day went by so very very quickly and we were only able to sample the flavor of what went on, but oh what a smorgasbord of flavors. It will be placed in our treasure box of memories to be brought out and enjoyed over and over again. Thank you for making it such a special day for us. We have formally announced that we are looking for heirs to take over at the end of our fifth year. We are accepting Letters of Intent until the end of February next year. We will take the month of March to examine the Letters and speak with the couples. Then at the start of April, we will announce the couples, who will be available for questions from the populace at the Curia in April. More detailed information will be announced in the coming months, at the Council meetings, within the ST, as well as on the Yahoo Calafialist group. We visited with our Cousins in Naevehjem where the Frost Dragon sent mighty winds that ripped apart our dayshade and send it crashing down upon Kate and Baron Giles. Neither were harmed, and we moved into Naevehjem’s dragonwing for the remainder of the day. I spent the day being the Evil Bye for rapier, and had a magnificent time. We forwent the feast, so that we could return home and be well rested for Kate to ride in the Mother Goose parade on the Sunday following. We would like to thank everybody for their hard work to make the float & the horses look fabulous; and for everyone who came out to support & ride the float. The quintain was a big hit with the crowd, as was the armored fighting on the backend of the float. Kate accompanied HRM Eilidh, as Her guard, whilst HRM did Her best Henry the Fifth impersonation at the Medieval marketplace to stealthily see how the merchants were doing for the day. Fun and shopping was the goal, which was achieved. We end the year at home with our Calafian family at Winter Arts, where we hope you will join us amidst the displays and demonstrations of arts. There will be the Bard of Calafia contest, and a lunch provided by the Calafia Cooking Guild. There will also be a toy drive for an extremely worthy cause. Please check out the website for additional information. Until we met again within the Dream, we remain Yours in Service.

Don Oliver i Pani Kate DogberryDon Oliver i Pani Kate DogberryDon Oliver i Pani Kate DogberryDon Oliver i Pani Kate Dogberry Baron & Baroness of CalafiaBaron & Baroness of CalafiaBaron & Baroness of CalafiaBaron & Baroness of Calafia


From the Seneschal Hail Calafia! The Barony is seeking bids for the following 2013 events: Leodamus of Thebes, Leif Erickson, Calafia Anniversary, and Winter Arts. If you are interested in serving as an Event Steward for any of these events, please contact me for more information at In Service, THL Reina MacCormick,


Potrero War Event Potrero War Event Potrero War Event Potrero War Event

StewarStewarStewarStewards announcedds announcedds announcedds announced Master David of Caithness and THL Parlane of Glenord have been chosen to run the 2013 Potrero War. Both have been event stewards for this event in the past. If you are interested in being on the staff for the 2013 Potrero War, you are encouraged to attend the first war meeting scheduled for 1:30 pm on Sunday, December

2nd at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. The event stewards are looking to fill many positions. The desire is also to enlarge the pool of skilled volunteers to take part in future wars.

December Classes

Baronial Household: This month will be the Household’s annual Yule Party. There will be dancing and assorted yummy-ness. This class is the one which you are asked to come in garbed class. Their Excellencies will be holding a mini court to present Baronial medallions to those who have attended six classes. There are 17 medallions to present!

Company of St. Catherine: December’s meeting will be the Bring your favourite fiber working tool! What’s going to be the “next big thing” in the fiber arts? There also will be close-up photos of fabric, embroidery, and lace from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. This month will also be the annual holiday get together. Bring a dessert to share and a fiber related gift for the gift exchange ($10 limit). Hearth & Cauldron: December’s meeting will focus on outdoor cooking, making use of THL Parlane’s newly acquired brick oven. This is Lord Michael Treighie’s original brick oven. Middle Eastern Guild: December’s meeting will be the Holiday gathering, so bring some middle eastern goodies to share and come play!

Recipe of the Month Bacon Corn Chowder

(This is the bacon corn chowder from last month’s

Calafia Anniversary served by Poll na Gainmhe)

4-5 Large potatoes 2-3 cans sweet corn 1 jar of Bacon pieces (black label is one I use) 1 lb of velveeta cheese 4 stalks of celery sliced on the thinner side 3-5 carrots sliced (optional) 3/4 gallon of milk (I normally use no less than 2%) 2 Tbls butter 1/2 t garlic salt (to taste) 1/4 t black pepper (to taste) Slice celery and cook until soft in the butter. Peel and dice potatoes add to pot add rest of the ingredients Cook on low until potatoes are soft throughout Stir often to keep from scorching. If you want this to be a faster meal..boil potatoes ahead of time and then just cook until cheese is melted. Submitted by Pompilina Tokesone


Do you Want an SCA-

Approved name and Device? If you have been wondering how to go about

getting your name and device registered with the SCA, wonder no more!

On the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30 -8:30pm there is Heraldic Consulting at the Scribal Guild meeting. These meetings are held at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120.

For more information you may contact Baroness Eridana Dragotta at

Carpooling Yahoo! Group Do you want to go to an event, but don’t want to drive alone? Would you like to share the cost of gas with someone else? The Barony now has a Calafia Carpool Yahoo! Group for those looking to carpool to events throughout the Kingdom. This group has been set to require approval to join, but only to reduce the amount of spam. Those who are interested in joining this group can go to

New-Comers Corner From the Chatelaine: Do you have questions about the SCA? Don't know what to wear? Are you interested in Archery, Fighting, Costuming, etc, and don’t know who to ask? The Chatelaine is the person to contact, and if don’t know the answer to your question, I will find someone who does. The Barony has a large amount of loaner garb that you can borrow so you will have something to wear at one of our events. Please email me at In your service, Lady Giovanna Ricci, Chatelaine, Barony of Calafia

Baronial Household: Have you attended six or more Baronial Household meetings? If so, you are entitled to receive a special

medallion! There are currently 17 medallions to present. These medallions will be presented at the

December Household meeting. The December meeting will be the annual Yule party, and it is requested that

you wear garb.

All SCA Newcomers, visitors, and transplants are welcome the monthly Baronial Household meetings. Except for the December, these meetings are not in garb/costume. There is a specific topic each month. The Baronial Household meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. For more information, please feel free to contact the Mentor of the Ménage at In service, Mistress Adelicia of Caithness, Mentor of the Ménage to the Barony of Calafia

Photographs! Art! (or)

Why is my picture not in the ST?? The SCA takes personal privacy very seriously.

Therefore the SCA has established new rules pertaining to the use photographs and art in any SCA-related publication. All require signed releases prior to publication. For photographs of people, a

release from both the photographer and the person photographed, who is called a model, is required. While this may seem burdensome, it’s rather simple. Go to and fill out the form. Option #1 means you only need to fill it out once. If you select Option #1, you do not need to select any of the other options. You are able to digitally sign the document by clicking on the small, red rectangle at the


(Photographs! Art!, continued) top left of the signature box. (If the Chronicler can figure it out you know it’s very easy.) Then save the document and email it back to the Chronicler at

Please put Model Release in the subject line.

Calafia’s 2013

Champions At last month’s 42nd anniversary celebration Calafia’s Champions were determined and are as follows: Archery (Handbow) - Lady Gemma Borgia

(Calafia’s 2013 Champions, continued)

Armoured (Heavies) - Sir Kjartan Rapier - Don Conrad Faust Tindell Thrown Weapons - Michael Diaz Unarmoured - Johannes Alhonso Ynfente del Cibon y Rorja Youth Combat - Andrew Babcock Calafia also hosted the Queen’s Champion - Youth Combat competition. The new Queen’s Champions are as follows: Under 6: Liam of Calafia Ages 7-9: Eric Babcock Age 10 & over: Andrew Babcock

Calafia Winter Arts Come join the Barony of Calafia as it recognizes its skilled artisans at our annual Winter Arts celebration. At this event the Barony will select its Arts Champion as well as its Bard of Calafia. Lunch will be provided by Hearth & Cauldron, Calafia's Cooking Guild for a suggested donation of $5. The Event Steward is THL Medb ingen Mathgamna Site opens at 8:00am and closes at 5:00pm. Site Fees: Members: $6.00 Non-members: $11.00 Children under 6 are guests of the Barony. Make check payable to: SCA Inc./SCA Inc, Barony of Calafia. This event will be held on Saturday, December 1st at the Santee City Hall, Building 7, 10601 Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071. Directions: Take your best route to Mission Gorge Road in Santee. Turn north on Magnolia Avenue and proceed to Santee City Hall. City Hall is on the right. The Barony of Calafia will be sponsoring a toy drive at Winter Arts to benefit the UCSD Mother, Child, and Adolescent HIV program (MCAP). MCAP provides care and services to a large number of children and families living with HIV/AIDS in the San Diego area. Every year, MCAP puts on a holiday party for the families receiving services through the program, and passes out toys and gifts to the families. In the past MCAP has depended on donations from some of the large toy companies to provide these gifts, but this year MCAP will not be receiving a major toy donation. Because of this, MCAP employees are trying to collect all the gifts on their own. To help with this effort, Calafia will be holding a toy drive at Winter Arts to collect gifts to pass on to these families in need. Toys for any age group are most appreciated, as well as gifts that would be appropriate for adolescents or young adults. Don't forget to include batteries if needed! Similarly, the MCAP is also looking to collect gift cards to benefit their families. These don't have to be new gift cards - cards you've had sitting around and aren't going to use, partially used cards - anything you can contribute will be gratefully accepted. The gift cards will either be passed on directly to the families as gifts, or used to buy additional toys to include in the toy drive. The UCSD Mother, Child, and Adolescent HIV Program is a 501c3 charitable organization, and your donations are tax deductible. The program can gladly provide you with a letter thanking you for your donation if desired. Please bring your donations to the Winter Arts event on December 1st, or get them to Mistress Muirrenn ingen Donndubain anytime between now and December 1st. Thank you all so much!


Poll na Gainmhe Anniversary & Demo

This year Poll na Gainmhe’s anniversary will be held downtown in the small town of Holtville. There will be plenty of spectators who will undoubtedly have many questions about the SCA. Because the event will be in such a public area, it was decided to turn it into not only our Anniversary, but also a Demo. The event will be held on Saturday, February 2, 2013 at Holt Park, located in the center of the Holtville town square at 121 West 5th Street. No Gate Fees. Opening Court will be 10:00am Closing Court 4:00pm We will be hosting Heavy and Rapier Fighters and possibly Unarmored Combat. We will also have unarmored croquet matches. Lunch will be available for a $5.00 donation. Luncheon reservations may be made with Lasairiona inghean Gheibheannaigh at Autocrat for this event will be Lord Hans Schnackenburg. Directions to the Event: From points west: Travel east on Interstate 8 past El Centro, CA. Take the Orchard Road exit north to Holtville, CA. Orchard Road becomes Cedar Avenue. Turn Right onto W. 5TH Street and go 0.1 mile. The park is on the north side of the street. From points north: Travel east on Interstate 10 to HWY 86/111. Take 111 south through Brawley, then take the Interstate 8 exit east to Holtville and proceed with the directions above.

The Herald’s Trumpet The following names and devices have been approved by the Heralds: Beatrice Merriweather. Device. Per pale and per chevron purpure and argent, two leaves inverted and a six-petaled rose counterchanged barbed and seeded proper. Constantine Altheworld. Name. Donovan Gunn. Name. Dougall MacDougall de Cameron. Name. Elewys Bramhall. Name. Hayashi Otora. Device. Vert, a natural tiger's face argent marked sable between three lotuses in profile argent. Hextilda Craft. Name. (Nice 12th century Scots name!) Hroudland von Freising. Device. Per chevron sable and Or, two crosses formy voided and an eagle counterchanged. Hugh MacDonald of Belfast. Name. Ingrid Mannhardt. Name. Johannes von Xanten. Name. Lonan O'Shee. Name. Moriah ferch Arthur. Name. Onora of Stenness. Name. Rees Winter. Name.


Reyna Winter. Name. Roslyn Drumond de Foxle. Name. Sheridan Stowe. Name. Tara the Twin of Dartford. Name reconsideration from Tarla the Twin of Dartford. Titus Albanus Corinthus. Name. Zaria the Dancer. Name. Congratulations! -Baroness Eridana

Special Presentation to their Excellencies

at Calafia Anniversary

Baron Oliver and Baroness Kate with a basket of Calafia- and CAID-themed cookies presented to them at Calafia Anniversary by their Court and Guard. (Photography by Lord Levi ben Daniel.)

Calafia at the Mother Goose Parade

Michelle of Calafia on the float at the staging area. THL Ellyn of Tanwayour enjoys knitting as a way (Photographs above and right by Luis Verduzco.) of passing the time until the parade starts.


Clockwise from top left: Don Avenel with Duchess Kara’s personal banner, Duchess Kara is amused whilst waiting for the parade to start. Baroness Kate on Sir Black, THL Reina on Gryphon, and Lady Tierrynna on Strydor. (Photography by Luis Verduzco.)


Baronial Fighter Practises

Archery Target Archery Practices are held on Sundays from 10:00am to noon, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Loaner equipment and basic instruction are available. There is a $1.00 fee to use the facility. The UCSD Archery Range is located near the UCSD Thornton Hospital. Parking on Sundays is free in UCSD Parking lot 702, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, parking is $3.00 (purchased from a vending machine). Directions: From I-5 exit at Genesee Avenue eastbound. Turn right (south) on to Campus Point Drive; make another right (west) Voight Drive. Turn left into Lot 702. Parking vouchers can be purchased at the vending machines. Proceed south to the UCSD Challenge Course. Walk south through the Challenge Course. Once you reach Campus Point Drive, continue on to Health Center Drive and curve to the right. The Archery Range is on the right atop a two-level parking lot. Do not park in the hospital lots. Newcomers are offered a free session. After that, archers are required to either join the UCSD Open Archery Workout Class or purchase an Archery Workout pass. For other questions, please contact THLord John of Sudwelle at

Fighter Practise Fighter practice is held every Sunday and Wednesday at Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. Practice starts every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 12:00 pm. All members of the populace are welcome, whether you are a combatant or not. For more information contact the Baronial Marshal at

Iron Brigade

Iron Brigade is the name of Calafia’s Heavy Weapons unit that is part of the Kingdom of Caid’s Army. Brigade practices are (normally) held the first Sunday of the month starting at 11:00 am and running until about 2:00 pm at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. For more information contact Sir Valrik MacIan Commander of the Iron Brigade at

Rapier Baronial Rapier practice is held every Sunday at Noon and Wednesday nights from 6:00—9:00 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. The first Sunday of each month is dedicated to Melee practice and Small Unit Tactics beginning at 12:00 pm. Loaner gear and structured training is available. For more information, contact Lord Raes de la Merre

Thrown weapons Please contact Angus Brude at for information about thrown weapons.

Unarmored Combat The Unarmored Combat Guild is dedicated to the study of historically accurate combat, focusing on unarmored combat with both longsword and sword & buckler. If you are interested in studying period fighting techniques and fighting (but not wearing all that armor), please come join us! Practices are currently held every Sunday at Noon and Wednesday nights aat 7:00 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego,

California 92120. For more information contact Mistress Muirrenn ingen Donndubain at


Baronial Guilds Additional guild information can be found at

Bardic Guild The Calafia Bardic Guild is about entertaining the populace of the Barony through song, story, original work and period pieces. The meetings are held at 5:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the home of Lord Fergus Ó Dubhshláine. Please contact him for directions. Guildmaster: Lord Fergus Ó Dubhshláine Guild email:

Brewers The Brewers Guild is a loosely organized group interested in the beverage arts, both alcoholic and non. Meetings are currently on a monthly basis at the house of Lord Levi ben Daniel. The meetings are open to all over the age of 18 (due to hot liquids & the use of burners), with a limit of 21 for tasting of fermented beverages. If you are interested in brewing, come help with the brewing in process & learn by doing. If you want to craft your own, help & equipment is available. For further information, please contact the Guildmaster. Guildmaster: Lord Levi ben Daniel Guild email:

Company of St. Catherine (Spinning and Weaving)

We focus on the period uses of string; all string, all methods. If you want to learn to weave, knit, naalbind, dye, sew, embellish, make a pattern, then we are the group for you. The Company of St. Catherine meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month between September and June at 6:30pm. Meetings are held at the Guildmistress’ home. Please contact the Guildmistress for directions and additional information. Guildmistress: Baroness Thea Northernridge Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Equestrian The Equestrian Guild is dedicated to the practice of skills at arms on horseback. We also practice and learn basic and essential horsemanship. One does not need to own a horse to participate. However, horse sharing is at the discretion of the horse owner, and donations for horse usage/sharing are encouraged. We participate in the annual Western Days parade in Lakeside in April, and our Baronial Champion event every fall. We occasionally travel to other neighboring events as we are able. The Equestrian Guild meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at the El Capitan Equestrian Centre in Lakeside, 12307 Willow Road, Lakeside, CA 92040. Time depends upon weather and/or daylight. Please contact the Guildmistress for additional information. Guildmistress: Lady Tierrynna Caer Narvon Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

European dance The European Dance Guild meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. Guildmistress: THL Maluchka Korotkova Guild email:

HEarth & cauldron (Cooking)

Hearth and Cauldron is the cooking cooking guild for the Barony of Calafia. The Guild covers everything from outdoor cooking, feasts, and all periods of cooking that relates to the SCA. All are welcome to come and learn or teach. The Guild meets on the 4th Thurdsay of the month at the home of THL Parlane of Glenord. We also have cooking days normally on the weekends. Please contact the Guildmistress for directions and additional information. Guildmistress: THL Medb ingen Mathgamna Deputy Guildmaster: THL Parlane of Glenord Guild email: Google Group:


Just of bit of trim (Costuming)

Just a Bit of Trim promotes interest in historical costuming and costuming skills. The guild is open to members of all levels of skill in sewing, costuming, needlework, and related skills. We hold monthly classes with speakers on a wide variety of topics, including garb, jewelry, hairstyles, cosmetics, headwear, accessories, embroidery and embellishment, pattern design, and researching historical costuming. The guild also sponsors occasional workshops or field trips. Just a Bit of Trim meets from 7:00 to 9:00pm on the 2nd Monday of the month at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. Guildmistress: Lady Brighid ni Muirenn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Metal workers The Metal Workers Guild meets at the shop of THL Bjorn Atte Woodpile. The Guild meets on Tuesday evenings between 5:00pm and 10:00pm. Attendees are invited to bring their own projects or project ideas. The guild is capable of creating just about anything made of metal, using many different metal working techniques. Please contact the Guildmaster for directions. Guildmaster: THL Bjorn atte Woodpile Guild email:

Middle eastern The Middle Eastern Guild is all about the recreation and research of the Middle East throughout the Middle Ages. We study everything from costuming to cooking, music, art, and history. The Guild meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Meeting locations can vary depending on the subject. Please contact the Guildmistress for meeting location or additional information. Guildmistress: Lady Giovanna Ricci Guild email: Facebook page:

Music Please contact the Guildmaster for information about meeting dates and times. Guildmaster: Master Samuel Piper Guild email: Guild Webpage: Google Group: CalafiaMusicGuild?hl=en

Needleworkers The Needleworkers Guild encourages and promotes the study and research of medieval needlework, including any period needlework that is done to embellish; the learning of period stitches and re-creation of such; the sharing of knowledge and techniques; and to engender ardor for such handiwork. Meeting locations and dates vary. Please contact the Guildmistress for information about meeting dates and times. Guildmistress: THL Illore of Westlea Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Rapier The Rapier Guild promotes the practice, discussion, and teaching of SCA rapier, which is grounded in 16th century Italian rapier forms. We meet for practice at Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120 Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 9pm, and Sundays from 12noon to 3pm, barring conflicting events. Loaner gear is available for new participants interested in the form. Please contact the Guildmaster for information about meeting dates and times. Guildmaster: THL Michael Mallory Guild email:

Scholars The Scholars Guild meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Please contact the Guildmaster for meeting location. Guildmaster: Duke Sir Guillaume de Belgique Guild email:


Scribal The Calafia Scribes Guild is open to anyone and everyone of all artistic levels interested in learning about the scribal arts. We practice calligraphy and illumination, with an emphasis on making award scrolls for the Kingdom and Barony. If you are unable to make a monthly scriptorium meeting, look for the traveling scriptorium pavilion at the next Kingdom or Baronial event. The Scribal Guild meets in conjunction with Heraldic Consulting between 6:30pm and 8:30pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Allied Gardens Recreation Centre, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120.

Bibliothecarius: THL Ronan mac Magnus Notarius: Senhor Ponç lo Bonòme Librario: THL Gregory Lukyn Guild email: Yahoo! Group:


The purpose of the Viking Guild is to promote fellowship and education among those people who show an interest in the life and culture of the Viking people. We consider the Viking Age to cover the periods between the 8th to the 11th centuries and spanning the countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Russia, and Greenland. Membership is open to all! We just request that you have an interest in the Viking culture. We encourage the study and appreciation of Viking culture and arts through research, teaching,

(Viking Guild, continued) classes, and workshops. We want to learn about all of the facets of the Vikings. We hold classes at our meetings, as well talking to each other about different aspects of the Viking lore and knowledge we have acquired individually. Guildmistress: Lady Euginia in rauða Guild email: Yahoo! Group: Facebook page:

Unarmoured Combat The Unarmored Combat Guild is dedicated to the study of historically accurate combat, focusing on unarmored combat with both longsword and sword & buckler. If you are interested in studying period fighting techniques and fighting (but not wearing all that armor), please come join us! Practices are currently held on an as-needed basis on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm at Allied Gardens Recreation Center, 5155 Greenbrier Avenue, San Diego, California 92120. These practices are announced in the Unarmoured Yahoo! Group. Guildmistress: Mistress Muirrenn ingen Donndubain Guild email: Yahoo! Group:

Youth combat Guildmaster: Vacant Guild email:

Due to computer problems the minutes for the November Baronial Council meeting will be published in the January, 2013 issue of the Serpent’s Tongue.

The Baronial Regum begins on the next page.


Regnum Barony of Calafia

Baron - Don Oliver Dogberry, Baroness - THL Kate Dogberry, Chief Lady in Wating - Lady Ellyn of Tanwayour Captain of the Guard - Don Avenel Kellough

Seneschal - THL Reina MacCormick, Yahoo! Group:

Arts & Sciences - Lady Euginia in rauða Captain of Archers - THL Suzanne Delaplaine Chatelaine - Lady Giovanna Ricci Chirurgeon - Constantine Altheworld Chronicler: Lord Ketill rauðskeggr Constable: Lord Michael Treighie Demo Coordinator - Vacant Exchequer - Lady Margaret Herald - THL Tairdelbach Clannach Keeper of the Keep - Lord Levi ben Daniel Lists - Lady Tierrynna Caer Narvon

Marshal - vacant Deputy Marshal for Rapier - Lord Raes de la Merre Deputy Marshal for Unarmored Combat - Master Guy Rand Gallandon,

Deputy Marshal for Youth Combat - vacant Deputy Marshal for Thrown Weapons - Lord Angus Brude,

Media Officer - THL Medb ingen Mathgamna Registrar - Mistress Fia Naheed Secretary - Webwright - Lord Levi ben Daniel Youth Officer - Vacant

Baronial Cantons Canton of Poll na Gainmhe

Seneschal: Lord Santiago Montoya, The Canton of Poll na Gainmhe covers the communities of Imperial County. Our monthly Canton meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at the Brawley Senior Center at J & 8th Streets. We invite you to stop by and to take part in any of our meetings or activities. Please feel free to contact the Canton Seneschal with any questions you may have.

Canton of Summergate The Canton of Summergate is located in the northern reaches of San Diego County and stretches from the cities of Poway and Del Mar in the south to the border with Orange County in the north. The canton includes Camp


Pendleton and UC San Marcos in its borders. For information about the activities of the Canton, please contact the Seneschal. Seneschal: Sir Gamyl of Mottrum,

Canton of Tanwayour Seneschal: Lord Ketill rauðskeggr, We don’t bite. The Canton of Tanwayour comprises San Diego County south of Highway 94, but we welcome all who wish to become a "Tanweirdo" regardless of where you might happen to hang your hat. Anyone is interested in getting involved in the Canton is welcome to join us at our monthly council meeting. Our council meeting is held at 12:00noon, usually the same day as brigade practise. We usually meet at Brothers Family Restaurant, 5151 Waring Road, San Diego, CA 92120. We have been known to decide to meet elsewhere depending on a number of variables, including a general decision that we just want to meet somewhere else. We're finicky that way. You are encouraged to visit our website, which has the most current information.

Baronial Colleges College of St. College of St. College of St. College of St. ArtemasArtemasArtemasArtemas The College of Saint Artemas covers the University of California, San Diego. We meet monthly on campus. In addition, we offer the following programs to all our College members: Archery: Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday (Captain of Archers can be reached at We often post announcements in these areas, so check often! We invite you to stop by and to take part in any of our meetings and activities in the College. Please feel free to contact the Seneschal with any questions you may have. Yours in Service, Lady Ariana verch Gwenllian, Seneschal of the College of St. Artemas,

College of St. College of St. College of St. College of St. ISidoreISidoreISidoreISidore The College of Saint Isidore covers San Diego State University. We are just restarting the college, and look forward to becoming a thriving member of Calafia. I invite you to take part in any of our activities in the College. Please free to contact the seneschal at with any questions you may have. Copyright © 2012 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Serpent’s Tongue is the monthly newsletter of the Barony of Calafia of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), Inc. This publication is neither corporate publication of the SCA, Inc., nor does it delineate policies of the SCA, Inc. The Serpent’s Tongue is published by the 25th of the month prior to the date of the issue. Copyrights: All rights to individual works are retained by the original authors, photographers, and artists. If you wish to reprint any part of any issue, contact the Chronicler at, or the original author or artist. All art and photographs have been used with permission from the original owner, and may have been cropped or altered slightly to fit the newsletter. To subscribe visit Requests for a mailed hard copy subscriptions should be directed to the Chronicler at or Robert Ross, 3552 Mississippi St., San Diego, CA 92104. Submission Guidelines

Articles and artwork (including photographs) and all required signed releases are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Submit event announcements to: Please put Event Announcement in the subject line. For articles, pictures, and all other submissions to the Serpent’s Tongue please submit to the Chronicler at Email submissions are preferred. Please submit as an email, rich text, or MS-Word file for all articles. Please do NOT send a file ending in docx.

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