death to bullshit

Post on 06-May-2015






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2. BOOKS 3. ISBN NUMBERS ISSUED PER YEAR IN US 2003 2007 2009 2011 2012 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000 300,000 4. ISBN NUMBERS ISSUED PER YEAR IN US 2003 2007 2009 2011 2012 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000 300,000 411,422 5. ISBN NUMBERS ISSUED PER YEAR IN US 2003 2007 2009 2011 2012 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000 300,000 411,422 1,052,803 6. ISBN NUMBERS ISSUED PER YEAR IN US 2003 2007 2009 2011 2012 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000 300,000 411,422 1,052,803 3,000,000 7. ISBN NUMBERS ISSUED PER YEAR IN US 2003 2007 2009 2011 2012 0 3750000 7500000 11250000 15000000 300,000 411,422 1,052,803 3,000,000 15,000,000 8. 129,864,880 BOOKS IN THE WORLD (AS OF 2010) 9. prepare-for-a-shock/ 10% OF ALL BOOKS WERE PUBLISHED LAST YEAR 10. PHOTOS 11. uploaded-and-500-terabytes-of-data 4,500,000 PHOTOS UPLOADED TO FLICKR EVERY DAY 12. ERIK KESSELS, FOAM 13. PHOTOS UPLOADED TO INSTAGRAM EVERY DAY 45,000,000 14. 300,000,000 PHOTOS UPLOADED TO FACEBOOK EVERY DAY 15. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 16. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 17. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 18. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 25,000,000,000 19. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 25,000,000,000 57,000,000,000 20. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 25,000,000,000 57,000,000,000 86,000,000,000 21. PHOTOS TAKEN PER YEAR IN US 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2012 0 100000000000 200000000000 300000000000 400000000000 1,000,000,000 3,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 25,000,000,000 57,000,000,000 86,000,000,000 380,000,000,000 22. PHOTOS EVER TAKEN 3,800,000,000,000 23. VIDEO 24. 118 TV STATIONS RECEIVED PER US HOUSEHOLD 25. 100HRS OF VIDEO UPLOADED TO YOUTUBE EVERY MINUTE 26. HOURS ON YOUTUBE VIDEO WATCHED EVERY MONTH 6,000,000,000 27. 65%35% Netflix Everything Else INTERNET BANDWIDTH USED BY NETFLIX 28. INTERNET 29. EMAILS SENT EVERY DAY 144,800,000,000 30. WEBSITES CREATED EVERY DAY 822,240 31. WORDPRESS POSTS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY 1,249,315 32. TUMBLR POSTS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY 88,300,000 33. TWEETS PER DAY 500,000,000 34. THINGS SHARED ON FACEBOOK EVERY DAY 4,000,000,000 users-are-sharing-4-billion-things-a-day/ 35. 90% OF DATA EVER CREATED WAS CREATED IN THE PAST TWO YEARS 36. BYTES 667,000,000,000,000,000,000 users-are-sharing-4-billion-things-a-day/ 37. There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days, and the pace is increasing. -Eric Schmidt 38. THE NEVER ENDING FIRE HOSE OF INFORMATION 39. 40. digitals Chris Crutchfield 41. digitals Chris Crutchfield 42. IOS PUSH NOTIFICATIONS SENT 7,400,000,000,000 43. WERE JUST GETTING STARTED. 44. FASTER AND CHEAPER 45. Were getting to a point where were understanding how to allow people to produce more content every single day. - Kevin Systrom, Instagram CEO 46. t = 24 HOURS 47. BULLSHIT. 48. bullshit /boolSHit/ 49. bullshit /boolSHit/ 1. Superfluous, unnecessary 50. bullshit /boolSHit/ 1. Superfluous, unnecessary 2. Cluttered, clunky or needlessly complex 51. bullshit /boolSHit/ 1. Superfluous, unnecessary 2. Cluttered, clunky or needlessly complex 3. Intentionally deceptive or insincere 52. bullshit /boolSHit/ 1. Superfluous, unnecessary 2. Cluttered, clunky or needlessly complex 3. Intentionally deceptive or insincere 4. Excrement of an adult male bovine mammal 53. PAPER IS BULLSHIT. 54. JARGON IS BULLSHIT. 55. Citigroup today announced a series of repositioning actions that will further reduce expenses and improve efficiency across the company while maintaining Citi's unique capabilities to serve clients, especially in the emerging markets. These actions will result in increased business efficiency, streamlined operations and an optimized consumer corporate-speaky-paragraph-in-history/265925/ 56. Citigroup today announced [lay offs]. These actions will [save money]. corporate-speaky-paragraph-in-history/265925/ 57. CREATIVE 58. OPPORTUNISM IS BULLSHIT. 59. JOURNALISM IS BULLSHIT. 60. 110 NUMBER OF TIMES THE WORD TWERK WAS SAID ON CNN LAST WEEK 61. The online publishing game is all about volume right now. Its not about quality and originality. When volume is your organizing principle, you take shortcuts. Ripping off others work is simply the norm now. It is absolutely effective, and it is absolutely depressing. -Brian Morrissey 62. QR CODES ARE BULLSHIT. 63. DISRUPTIONS ARE BULLSHIT. 64. CRUFT IS BULLSHIT. 65. This is a quote. This is where you put the quote text. -Quote AuthorCONTENT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHITBULLSHIT 66. This is a quote. This is where you put the quote text. -Quote Author 67. This is a quote. This is where you put the quote text. -Quote Author 68. This is a quote. This is where you put the quote text. -Quote Author 69. This is a quote. This is where you put the quote text. -Quote Author CONTENT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT 70. SPAM IS BULLSHIT. 71. My landline phone serves the same purpose as my Hotmail email address; only given to those likely to spam me and totally safe to ignore. -Harry Roberts 72. Good morning Gilt! Good morning J. Crew sale! Good morning LinkedIn Premium! -Chapin Clark 73. ANTI-PATTERNS ARE BULLSHIT. 74. ADVERTISING IS BULLSHIT. 75. When was the last time you felt emotionally moved by an online ad? Or compelled to buy something? or discussed an ad with your peers? -Mark Boulton 76. Youre more likely to survive a plane crash than to click a banner ad. 77. COMMENTS ARE BULLSHIT. 78. COMMENTS ARE BULLSHIT. READING/WATCHING 79. COMMENTS ARE BULLSHIT. SCROLL TO COMMENTS 80. FIRST! 81. STUPID 82. EVEN STUPIDER 83. SCARY 84. SEXIST 85. RACIST 86. GIVING UP HOPE FOR HUMANITY 87. NEVER 88. 90% of everything is crap. -Sturgeons Law's_Law 89. Its the disease you have to fight in any creative field: ease of use. -Jack White 90. When information is cheap, attention becomes expensive. -James Gleick 91. CRAFT 92. 93. I dont want breaking news. I want slow, thoughtful, deeply researched news. Especially now. - Mandy Brown 94. FOCUS. 95. PEOPLES CAPACITY FOR BULLSHIT IS RAPIDLY DIMINISHING. 96. 97. 98. BE HONEST. 99. ITS GETTING HARDER AND HARDER TO BE AN ASSHOLE. 100. BE RESPECTFUL. 101. RESPECT PEOPLES TIME. 102. BE ORIGINAL. 103. BE PASSIONATE. 104. APTITUDE PASSION THE ELEMENT 105. SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW. 106. RESOURCE 107. I don't give two hoots what you do with any of the design or code you find here. 108. Actually, I do. I hope you take it and use it, uncredited, on a super commercial website and get wicked rich off it. I hope you use it at work and your boss is impressed and you get a big promotion. I hope it helps you design a website and that website impresses somebody you think is super hot and you get married and have smart, chill babies. I hope you use the code in a blog post you write elsewhere and that website gets way more popular and awesome than this one. 109. If you feel like telling me about it, cool. If not, no big deal. If you feel better crediting it, that's cool. If not, don't sweat it. 110. If you copy an entire article from this site and republish it on your own site like you wrote it, that's a little uncool. I won't be mad at you for stealing, I just think you're better than that and want to see you do better. I'm not going to come after you though. I'd rather play ball with my dog. The only time I'll be mad at you is if you go out of your way to try and hurt me somehow. And again I probably won't even be mad, just sad. Unless I'm having a bad day too, in which case I apologize in advance for my snarky replies. 111. I want the web to get better and being all Johnny Protective over everything doesn't get us there. I understand other people feel differently about this and might have semi- legit reasons for protecting certain code, design, writing, or whatever. I work on some closed-source projects myself. CSS-Tricks isn't one of them. Go nuts. 112. THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED. 113. THIS IS UNPARALLELED. 114. The opportunity before us, individually and collectively, is enormous; what we do with it will be determined largely by how well we are able to imagine and reward public creativity, participation, and sharing. - Clay Shirky 115. WE ARE CREATORS. 116. THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED.90%10% 117. THANKS!@brad_frost 118. THANKS!@brad_frost

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