dearest friends1

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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~ POET ~

Planit Orgaink Environmental Trust

“A page is for a poem and a poem for a page

without a poem ~ there is just a blank and within the blank ~ just a poet”

Jala ~ Age 10

~ May the wind bring you these words finding you well and in good spirits ~

“We are the children of the world. Nature is our life, we give thanks to life as without life there is nothing. Beyond the sun and moon and stellar spheres our spirits are elevated and rising as our hearts

speak the language of love”

Dearest Friends,

Peace is a rare and beautiful blossom, and with each unfolding petal a newly found

joy for all of us. Whatever the hardships or suffering we must unite our voices into

one vibration of peace and bring happiness to all sentient beings.

We have known for a long time that we, as humanity must move toward becoming "one” and toward becoming a global village. We must become an integrated

interdependent system of life. Whole – Organic, true to our essential nature and in fact, true of nature, reflective of life its self.

Knowing that is one thing. Actually doing something about it is another.

With embracing the flow 'flower' of change, we determine our fate, embody our destiny and move toward our legacy of living in peace together.

When a desire is repressed, it wants to assert its self-more, it becomes imbalanced,

agitated therefore aggressive. People, like plants are designed to thrive in their environment and blossom – yet humanity chooses to continue to suffer, by its own nature it has repressed love out of a fear of its essential vulnerability and tried to hide its fear with war, aggression, the result is an imbalance in the life cell, a yin deficiency which appears as a yang excess, heat, yet - that is just what appears.

It is the nature of all things to covet thy self in the self.

Nature makes sense and sense is a matter of, and for the heart.

We are in the womb of consciousness, a life cell of intelligent nature – perception -intelligence, naturally.

Resisting or fearing change only ensures the inevitable demise of the bud, as it

simply wilts away, that is the nature of sense; senses a matter of mind, and mind a

matter of sensory nature – Perception

Crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind.

~ Chinese proverb ~

Lack of effective organization on the part of a business, establishment or perceived authority does not justify an emergency on my part.

Yet the absence of organization clearly indicates a crisis and a crisis is an emergency. An emergency is cause and justification to respond with

seemingly radical action.

This crisis is the global opportunity to become what we need to become, and in that, it is the great turning point of humanity.

The road ahead will not be smooth; the next few years will be a time of turbulence, crisis, and conflict. Change, while difficult and often painful, is necessary for us to

grow, blossom and develop.

May we find harmony through conflict.

The old skin must be shed, we must bravely let go and allow those wild waves take us where they will, big change, regardless, is coming.

The ‘old’ information 'system' is no longer relevant to the current environment.

The change from a snake year to a horse year is big shift, as they are very different

energies. On one hand the snake – moving quietly about its business sensing the currents and going with the flow, forward unobstructed, yet ready to move and

strike like lightening if provoked or obstructed. While the horse, proud, loud wants to be seen and wants to show off, gallop, be free and fly.

Yet easily distracted by the unexpected on the path, it would be wise for the horse to walk through the path slowly check its footing before it gallops home.

One does do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What is best is to recognize clearly the possibilities and

challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, hope, determination and love.

When the forms of an old culture are dying, out of the seed of the old shell 'a new ' culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure by stepping out

beyond themselves.

The ‘awakening’ is an awakening of the heart and an awakening of the unconscious, a time for obliterating everything that no longer serves for the greater good and well-being of the whole, an awakening to love and a

return to love.

Humanity has lain blindly ignorant to the fundamental elements and principals of life, and that of its own true essential nature for long enough.

We must question what we perceive as ‘intelligence’, we must question what we have been taught - by whom and why!

“Reflection is foresight wearing the cloak of hindsight”

We can simply no longer afford to leave the next stage of human evolution to 'chance' as chance exists in every 'now' moment.

Responsibility belongs to those with the courage to believe in ourselves, and to act, and act now!

Kindest regards

Dr J. Bridge and various authors. Children's advocate at the Coalition for world peace and global reform.

N.O.W. New Organic World.

“We are the children of the world and nature is our life, we give thanks to life as without life there is nothing. Beyond the sun and moon and stellar spheres our spirits are elevated and

rising as our hearts speak the language of love”

Progress is a state of mind

Progress is a state of mind

We have never gone anywhere

We never will

We Move without moving – we have arrived

Peace is a state of mind

We are here in presence

~ always ~

One cannot walk without first ever reaching the destination

Achieve the destination without motion

“Move with a force of mind, a free spirit and a pure heart

Harness the power of mind and uplift others”

That is the path of a Buddha.

And now we must believe in ourselves.

I wonder what the earth would look like today if humanity had really listened when Buddha advised we plant the seeds of abundance, not just in the canvas of the minds

garden, but in the soil of the fertile earth and plant them everywhere, with love, trees bearing fruit.

That was around 2500 years ago.

Might I suggest, there has been more than ample of time to grow since then? JB

Open letter 24/01/2014

Dear Friends,

We claim, the 'entity' of the United States of America is still actively engaged in the organized and prolonged conflict of war since 1941, 72

years and counting. This is characterized by extreme violence to persons, communities and the environment; the results are clearly unacceptable

social, economic and environmental degradation and devolution Additionally, the excessive abuse of force clearly amounts to global


Therefore we respectfully demand the United Nations (UN) immediately adhere to its obligations as set forth in the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights (10 December 1948). The UN and the majority of Government member nations are committed signatories.

Therefore, we require timely action and the deployment of all appropriate resources, to enforce the quarantine and surrender of the

'entity' of the United States of America from its continued engagement inWW2, now!

This demand also applies to any and all directly, or indirectly involved, including state or non-state actors, industrial, political, corporate, private

and personal entities.

We are initiating a conference for an open global discussion for a proclamation for world peace and environmental global reform. Starting

in New Zealand May 29th 2014

`A convergence of minds` and of which you have just been served

notification of. We suggest this discussion take place collectively through our established houses of government, parliaments and congress, institutions or alternatively - our site specific chosen places of assembly.

We demand the unheard voice of the global children is adequately addressed first, the voice of the global people second and the

establishment third.

We demand the formal and official establishment of 'anew' Children’s United Nations council of the people, and for them be respectfully

appreciated in the next step in human evolution, Consciousness.

This council will then fully partake in all future UN operations, negotiations, discussions, addresses and activities as an advisory and

directive entity.

Further necessary points of discussion:

The re-purposing of global military activities into an established force for humanitarian based environmental protection and enhancement.

The clean and strategic disarmament of all forms of weapons of war. The recycling of materials for humanitarian based environmental needs

and requirements.

The sovereign right of all human beings to have absolutely unrestricted access to the following –

Clean land, organic food, clean water, clean air and the absolute freedom of choice in medical modalities.

A global organic - fair trade dollar.

The next step in human evolution, the evolution of communication - Into consciousness

We demand and request the initiation of a new global dialog on these

issues as the current efforts are clearly not effective.

In addition, we demand the immediate unrestricted access to all Government archives, as public property and also that all future records

are transparent and available to everyone.

We feel clear in our conviction and belief that humanity is well past the point where it must come to appreciate that war is no longer acceptable.

Additionally is morally and ethically a completely undesirable behavior to model to the children of the world, our future.

There are much better forms of conflict resolution that humanity could be engaged in.

We must grow flowers of peace in the minds of tomorrow and in the

garden of life

Environmentally, industrialized war is the absolute antithesis of human survival. For any organism to function effectively all coherent parts of

that organism must be working together as one.

Mind - body

This demand applies to our employees, our respective members of parliaments, congress and establishment, to make themselves available

for this discussion.

We acknowledge our respective democratic governments and our United Nations as our current employees.

We also acknowledge our legitimate supreme authority over our

democratic governments, corporations and our lands.

Your immediate response is appreciated. However, we will consider the absence of a response to indicate the UN

is rendering its self as ineffective.

Ineffective management is simply not management, it is an inferior product, and by default, deems any perceived authoritarian entity, void as

leaders, and have no place as peacekeepers in our world.

Noncompliance of this notice may well result in the immediate termination of your employment – By default.

Kindest regards

Dr. J. Bridge, Children’s Advocate at the coalition for world peace and global reform.

N.O.W. New Organic World, for our children.

~ You're unconscious ~

When sleeping women wake ~ Mountains are moved by Giants Chinese proverb

Your unconscious database outweighs your conscious on an order of ten million to one. That data base is the store house of hidden natural

genius. In other words, a part of you that is much smarter that you are, a good metaphor is the sign of a genius, as a good metaphor implies an

intuitive perception of the similarity in the dissimilar, what motivates a genius, moves them, or rather what actually inspires them to work, is not ideas, but an obsession with the idea that what has already been said, is still not in fact enough, obviously. And yet nothing has ever been more difficult than to be curious about an object or a person, without being

obstructed by preconceived ideas. Occasionally the veil is lifted, and the one who lifts it is called a genius, and with the stones you cast at them

they build new roads, a genius is a childhood recovered at will.

Please appreciate the metaphors contained in the following writing. Thank you.

~ Out of the blue ~

Out of the blue and into the black light, the Eagle wields thunder bolts to clear shadows from the world; the Swan brings love and peace on Earth,

clearing the perceived illusion of a grievance that hangs like a dark shadow in the hearts of the indigenous peoples of the land, sounding like

sorrow and ringing true in their ears so their eyes see a loss deeply rooted in an illusion shinning in the blue cloak of day, returning the

sacred stone of the sun to the children of the earth heart, who lay sleeping in the mists on the goddesses cloak in the dream time.

The web has been woven; the sacred light fabric is spun the time to heal the sacred waters of creation has begun. We are the ancient ones

remembering our own story as we tread lightly on the mist of time seeing with the eyes in the souls of feet, standing inside our own essence

looking through the sun in the house of the soul.

The colors of the rainbow like the 7 tribes are the keepers of the sacred, holding the keys to the sacred tree of life, the color is the shadow you see, the light is the wood in the tree. Magic was there, moving in the

air, carrying her fragrance everywhere. - It was all just an echo of her dream, the nature of loves story singing across the fields.

Hokiakingĕ maunga Kia purea koeEngĕ hau o Tawhirimatea. Return tothe mountains to be purified by the winds of Tawhirimatea.

When one has kissed the sky and sat in the room with gods, Listened to angels - watching civilizations unfold in a moments glance as legends

create corridors to the heavens in time while stars are being born. We know we never really come back, there is no coming back or going back,

there is only a now and a new now in every moment, it is the journey of many many lifetimes, a journey of discovery that will unfold over many

more lifetimes for those who are about to begin.

Opening the womb of consciousness the river flows through the unconscious mind of the giant, the flood begins a fire of truth awakening the world

to a new light.

A new learning to begin the healing. As the cycles of the galactic clock of ages slowly grinds the wheels of time to a halt, the keepers of the

records begin to strike the bells of peace loudly sending ripples across the ocean of consciousness, sounding the beginning of a new age is near,

as the goddesses of love prepare to birth anew abundance into the darkness of day, and onto the fabric of creation, the children of freedom begin to rise and shine their love, casting their music across the earth like waves

as the beginning approaches like the mist of a rainbow. As the gods gently turn back the hands of time, navigating us toward the stars, may we begin to enter through the gateway of the heavens in peace and back home into the realms of magic. Back home beyond forever into the healing balms of

loves abyss, born from the sacred fire of spirit and nourished by the sacred spring of love eternal waters. Remembering, we are loves infinite


The taking back is a returning to love; nothing was ever lost but the true wisdom of love which remains deep in the waters of the sacred earth. There

is nothing to fight, the goddess is on our side. There is no fight left in her, just love. And that's the best thing that ever happened for her. For

far too long the futile battle of light & dark has left her exhausted. She's accepting both light & dark as the inherent gifts of the universe. She's not in a dueling match with them. The light no longer wishes to 'reform' her dark, and her dark no longer wants to 'control' the light. Suddenly, she's not playing the polarity game. She's not fooled into

buying the teaching that there's something wrong with her that needs fixing, and she's got work to do before she's finally 'good'. Her divinity

is in fully embracing her humanity. All of it. So where's the imperfection? The myth that one day light will vanquish the dark and there will be peace would have kept her exhausted & imprisoned. She's already at

peace right now! Even the light and dark within her are sitting at peace with each other. Game over. What she's experiencing in the ceasing of war is an unbelievable tranquility & peace. Thank goddess she believed in her

own wisdom.

Love, The empath can feel what makes the heart heavy. In her right hand she holds a magical instrument with which she eliminates what makes the

heart heavy so it becomes as light as the Feather of Truth. This instrument is the Goddess Eye that is framed in a golden triangle. From this Eye streams the beam, a bolt of lightning that frees the world. When the Goddess Eye retreats from the world evil reigns for a time; when the

Goddess Eye returns evil is destroyed, old world psychic forms are broken and a new world begins. It is now that the Eye returns. When alchemical transformation takes place chi or primal energy is conserved in this time by breathing vital energy up. At the Full Moon che is converted into chi

and gathered as the Elixir of Immortality. Rhythmic movement and breath are used to convert che to chi. This way primal lead is transformed into the gold of love and divine union occurs within. This inner Alchemy will

then be realized in the outer world. Ascending the lunar wave is like surfing, each lunar cycle brings good tidings that become greater if we

maintain our balance and stay on the boat.

This is the turning of the ages and the return to love, as written in the


If you talk to nature, nature will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not communicate you will not know, and what you do not

know you will fear. What one fears one destroys, so come she is waiting to sing to you and teach you about love.

The nature of consciousness IS the consciousness of nature.

Environmentalism is the Medicine of the future, natures book of wisdom and the nature of love – growing the tree of life.

When humanity raises children with love and learns to love from them, then

love can and will take over the world.

Written by DR Joni Bridge and various authors Re posted with permission October 2013

Thank you for sharing this with us at We are all Part of the Earth.

Spiritual Ecology ~ The philosophy of the nature of love.

Dearest the beautiful people of Aotearoa, New Zealand,

May 2013

Blessings, I wish to ask you to all please consider very carefully, the two

questions below regarding our country’s exciting future opportunities.

Firstly, however, I have a question for our Prime Minister,

Mr. John key.

Sir, I am asking if you could you please tell me when the people of NZ gave

permission for the Government to put a sign up saying “garage sale”, and

give our children’s inheritance away? As I believe, they have not and will


I feel it seems obviously necessary to remind you sir, that as prime minister,

you are a public servant and the people of New Zealand are your employers.

Given the financial basis of our country’s economy is’ fractal reserve

banking, this would simply mean our children’s assets would be given away

for nothing less than thin air, and I believe we have plenty of that already

thank you very much.

In addition, I believe selling any assets is an admission, by default, that

there is a very real and obvious absence of actual management.

The last time the people of our land tried to speak to you sir, regarding

mining in our national parks and conservation areas, not only did you not

answer us we were made to stand outside ‘our house’ of parliament and all

over the streets of our country, and we received no reply from you, I feel

that is unacceptable.

I would like to ask that you please be there next time we come to speak to

you which will be soon, and there is plenty of notice provided for you below.

In addition, sir, could you please explain to me why you believe any tourist

would want to sit in a crammed bus in a cold dark hole under the earth to

get to Milford sound when they could simply have a much better

opportunity to see how beautiful our country really is?

Can we not simply use the army’s large helicopters ,paint them bright yellow,

and put them to good use by for transporting tourists to Milford sound from

a base in Kingston? This could avoid further congestion and noise pollution

directly over Queenstown. Alternatively, we could find some private ones.

This may well also avoid finishing planning another protest with

international environment groups as a traffic jam, given there is only one

road access to the proposed tunnel area I am sure that would be quite

exciting. However, would it not be best we put our time and energy into

something that produces results, like creating a Traditional Maori art

carving school, and carving some waka’s for our lake – Wakatipu, as there

seems to be part of that word missing on our lake.

Anyway, sir I have some good news below, which may also help you get

more in touch with the people of our country.

I wish to ask the people of New Zealand the following

I am wondering how would you all feel about our beautiful little piece of

paradise, Aotearoa becoming, a World Heritage Nature Reserve.

More specifically, an international environmental educational sanctuary,

for nature and an ecological interactive free energy adventure Playground

for children. Protect and enhance our most valuable natural assets – our

children and their future.

We could start slow with Te Wai O Ponamu, The South Island.

Look into such concepts as rebuilding Christchurch as the world’s first

organic free clean energy city, which is not only more than possible, (being

aware of the stare of the art organic technology available in the world), it

would be an ideal place given it could model the old history of New Zealand

with the New. However, that is just one option for placement and given our

current Prime Minister stated he “does not know what to do with

Wellington, it is a dying city’, then there is another option for placement.

Build the world’s first organic university with open age campuses right

around the South Island for the research and sustainable development of our

most valuable resource for life on this earth – nature, and start teaching and

helping our children to become world leaders in the cultural development of

environmental and ecological education and sustainability.

Our country could easily be leading this world into the further development

of organic science, medicine, technology, education and sustainable food


In addition assisting our neighbor’s in the pacific island through interactive

education, also helping them establish food and energy sovereignty.

Create a global base of environmental knowledge, skills, technology and

practical expertise, so one day maybe the biggest army on our planet can be

a green army of spiritual environmentalists giving nature a hand, seeing

nature gave us one in the first place.

Like a big school of magic for re learning, the nature of consciousness and

most importantly the consciousness of nature and our universe.

Unlock our children’s infinite creative potential by further developing our

well out dated educational system, to advance further into the natural

sciences such as, metaphysics and quantum physics. Environmental

technology. Marine biology– ecology and preservation, food innovation,

sustainable marine food production, traditional and natural medicines and

the healing arts of wellness, environmental hospitality and eco tourism,

spiritual ecology meditation and positive mind control, psychic development

Sustainable business integration to organics, permaculture, environmental

action studies, international environmental law. Ecological and sustainable

business and Resource management, alternative free and clean energies, to

name a few.

We would of course need a submarine or two for the marine biology research

and preservation environmental education departments.

Maybe, the rainbow warrior 4 and 5, one could park quite comfortably in

Milford sound, although it may look like a giant rainbow trout in a bowl,

which is still a better idea than ever thinking about putting a hole through

our mountain again. The other one could find a nice cove in the

Marlborough sounds or kaikoura and link live for our children to watch and

learn about their oceans and marine life.

We would need to look at a free energy transport system for the south Island

to allow our all our children to have access to participating in educational

tours of their land. Having fun exploring nature and their country as well

as playing a more interactive role in their country and their communities

after we teach them how to grow food, look after plants and animals, and

gain more self-confidence through adventure activities. I thought about a

huge waterslide into Lake Wakatipu as one idea, so I have attached a

picture of what that could look like, which would be painted green so it

would blend into the landscape.

Anyway, this all leads to the second question, and this you can answer if

you like while pondering the first,

Who would like to assist or participate in helping organize the final details

and plans for Aotearoa New Zealand to host an international conference for

the indigenous children of the pacific, specifically for,

Nature and the environment – Technology and energy – Peace and the


Allowing us one week for technology and energy, one week for the

environment, One week for the discussion on the philosophy of

environmental peace, and one week for a discussion on the creation of a

collective organization (like the green army) linking all of our

environmental agencies together. This would allow us to have a body that

would be able to operate as the people’s representative to the United Nations

for the Environment.

Bring the environmental and natural experts together from all fields of

natural, technological and spiritually ecological sciences to New Zealand.

This will allow us to become familiar with all the state of the art

environmentally clean free energy and organic technology and knowledge

that is available in this world to move us forward, out of the dark ages at

the bottom of the world, and help put us all back on top of the world.

No reira, kia kaha, kai u, kia manawanui.

naku noa, na

Kind regards and best wishes

J bridge

Children’s advocate ~ Coalition for world peace and global reform.


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