dear business studies teacher - consumo publishers · 1 quote dear business studies teacher “the...

Post on 02-Aug-2020






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Dear Business Studies Teacher

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Some truths (that will make you smile) …


Some fun classroom activities … Have you ever heard of Alex Osborn? He developed Osborn's checklist. This is a list of

questions that aim to encourage creativity.

Type these questions on nine different cards and laminate them. Make three or four sets

of these packs. Divide the class in groups of nine learners to enable each person to draw a

different card. Give each group a product / service relating to a particular theme. Each group

member has to think about the product / service business by using the questions on his/her “Osborn”


Other uses? New ways to use as is? Other uses if modified?


Is there anything else like this? What other idea does this suggest? What could I copy? Whom could I emulate?


New angle? Change meaning, colour, motion, odour, taste, form, shape? Other changes?


What to add? More time? Greater frequency? Stronger? Height? Larger? Longer? Thicker? Heavier? Extra value? Additional ingredient? Multiply?


What to subtract or take away? Smaller? Condensed? Miniature? Lower? Shorter? Narrower? Lighter? Omit? Can it be streamlined? What will happen if it is split up? Less frequent?


Someone else instead? What else instead? Another ingredient? Use a different material? A different process? Another place? Different approach? Another tone of voice? Another time?


Swap components? Change the pattern? A different layout? Another sequence? What if we transpose cause and effect? A different place? Change the Schedule to earlier or later?


How about opposites? What will happen if we turn it backward, upside down or inside out? Reverse roles?

Combine? How about a blend of material, ideas or purposes? A different ensemble? Combine units?

Additional discussion for learners: Are there other questions that you

could add to the list above that could be used in an activity like this?





General Business Article

Gauteng population outgrowing economy - MEC


Jul 31 2019 Canny Maphanga

Despite Gauteng's significant contribution to South Africa's gross domestic product, the

province’s population continues to outgrow its economy, MEC of Economic Development,

Agriculture and Environment, Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, said on Tuesday.

"Gauteng remains the largest contributor to South Africa's economic output, contributing

35% to GDP since 2014.

"However, despite the significant contribution to the country's output, the Gauteng

economy is growing far more slowly than the population, creating a disproportionate

burden on the economic infrastructure and basic services, and critically on the capacity of

the economy to absorb higher numbers of our people into gainful economic opportunity,"

he said.

The MEC was delivering a speech at the Gauteng Provincial legislature in Johannesburg

on Tuesday on the Department's 2019/2020 midterm expenditure framework.

This comes a day after the Statistician General, Risenga Maluleke revealed that 15.2

million people live in Gauteng, making it the province with the largest share of the country's

documented population.

Recent estimates show that the province saw a negative growth in the first quarter of 2019,

which the MEC notes as a "worrying" decline. "The Gauteng economy registered a

negative growth of 2.2% in the first quarter of 2019, off the back of 2.1% and 3% in the

preceding two quarters respectively.

"While this could be expected, given the anticipated seasonal trend of low production

levels in the last quarter of each year, it is worrying that each year, the magnitude of the

decline increases," he explained. As a result, Ramokgopa said that a deliberate effort is

required to place the economy of Gauteng on a sustainable path of growth.

"The State needs to be aggressive in asserting its re distributive capacity both through

legislative instruments and state procurement in a manner that direct investments in the

economy in such a manner to undermine the structural fault-lines of an economy that was

historically designed to exclude the Black and particularly the African majority," he said.


Downloaded on 31 July 2019





General Business Article

How to use your bond for bigger savings

Jul 31 2019

Home loan one of the best savings tools. Many SA homeowners are missing out on the benefits of

saving by paying an additional amount off their bond every month, says Rudi Botha, CEO of bond

originator BetterBond.

"The latest Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor shows that only 25% of home-owners are

currently paying more than the minimum bond instalment every month, while 5% occasionally add

a lump sum such as a tax refund or a bonus cheque to their minimum monthly repayment," says


"And yet, one of the best investments homeowners can make is to use any additional money they

have available to shorten the repayment period of existing debts, and especially their home loans."

The reason is that the amount of interest you will save by paying your home loan off early will in

most cases far outweigh the returns you could hope to make by putting your savings in the bank.

What is more, these returns will be entirely tax free, and if you have an access bond your money

will be easily available if you should need it in an emergency.

Botha says the latest BetterBond statistics indicate that the average home loan granted is now

around R975 000, which means that at the current prime rate, the average minimum monthly bond

repayment is about R9 600.

A homeowner who pays only this minimum amount each month will pay more than R1.3m in

interest over the lifespan of a 20-year home loan.

On the other hand, the home-owner who pays just 10% more than the minimum each month – or

an additional R960 per month in the example above - will pay off the home loan in 15 years and

four months – and save some R360 000 worth of interest in the process.

Downloaded from on 31 July 2019





Petrol theme

Petrol price increase for South Africa

Bradley Prior 29 July 2019

The AA has predicted that petrol prices will increase and diesel prices will decrease in August.

It was commenting on unaudited month-end fuel price data released by the Central Energy


“International oil prices have steadily trended upwards since the start of June, although there has

been a slight pullback since a peak on July 11,” said the AA.

“Since then, diesel prices have edged higher while petrol remained flat, although the currency

remains volatile going forward.”

The AA predicts that petrol will increase by about 12 cents per litre, while diesel prices will

decrease by approximately 16 cents per litre.

It added that volatility in oil prices is set to continue, and many competing factors are contributing

towards this, including US inventory levels, political instability in the Middle East, and a possible

demand plateau in the medium-term.

“The average Rand/dollar exchange rate crossed R14.20 last week despite spending much of

July stronger against the US currency. This volatility can come into play before Wednesday’s

adjustment and may even have a bearing on the September outlook,” said the AA.

Below is a summary of the price changes expected for August 2019:

Petrol price increase of 12c per litre

Diesel price decrease of 16c per litre

The AA has also cautioned that South African fuel prices are still prone to drastic changes due to

South Africa’s weak economic position and the unpredictability of international oil prices.

“Anything which shocks oil higher or the Rand weaker has the potential to cause sharp fuel price


Downloaded from 31 July 2019





Petrol theme

This is how much it will cost you to open your own petrol


Andrew Thompson Business Insider SA Jun 17 2019

South Africa burns a lot of petrol – and selling it may be for you.

Here's how to open your own independent petrol station, or buy an existing petrol franchise,

and the advantages and pitfalls of each. Be warned, it is not for everyone, and it isn't cheap.

South Africa pumps more petrol than any other country on the continent – some 11.7 billion

litres per year, according to the Department of Energy. Diesel isn't far behind.

If such figures, and South Africa’s climbing petrol price, tempt you into buying a petrol station

of your own, keep in mind that the profits from these billions of litres pumped don’t all end up in

the pockets of petrol station owners.

Petrol stations in South Africa are tightly regulated, with almost 60% of the petrol price now

going towards various taxes, levies, and margins. And factors like labour costs, fluctuating oil

prices, port delays, the power of large oil companies, and the strength of the rand, can all

impact on profit margins and unpredictability. It’s also a business that has no downtime - most

filling station franchises must remain open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Couple that with the need for huge capital outlay and large amounts of working capital, and

you might actually be happier to continue paying someone else to handle the hassle of filling

up your vehicle. Still, given our dependence on petrol and diesel, the fuel retail industry is

surprisingly resilient. There are close to 5,000 service stations in South Africa, and according to

the Department of Energy, and these have an annual turnover of approximately R220 billion.

Although fuel sales still make up the majority of the profits at filling stations in South Africa

(according to Absa, between 80% and 90% of profits), the additional income from forecourt

businesses like convenience stores, coffee shops and restaurants, can be a nice backup.

In South Africa you can either start an independent filling station, or buy an existing franchise.

Opening an independent fuel station

The independent route allows for greater freedom, and potentially greater profit, without the

restrictions of a parent company. In theory, if you know what you’re doing and have enough

cash, you can establish a filling station with your own brand.

New sites for petrol stations require approval from government, and you’ll need to jump

through several legislative hoops as stipulated in the rather daunting Petroleum Products Act

regarding petroleum products site and retail licences.


Downloaded 31 July 2019





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