dd3 battlemap tutorial: part 1 streams - profantasysecure.profantasy.com/library/tutorials/shessar...

Post on 29-Jan-2021






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  • DD3 Battlemap Tutorial: Part 1 StreamsBy Shessar

    I have been asked many times to explain how I draw streams and cliffs. As a result I have decided to write several tutorials to explain my process. This tutorial is not meant to explain how to use CC3 and its DD3 add on. ProFantasy has provided ample documentation on how to use the software. This tutorial is simply a walk through of the methods I've used to draw the above battlemap. The Campaign Cartographer software by ProFantasy is extremely versatile. There are many ways to approach drawing a map. This is how I draw maps of streams and cliffs, but it is certainly not the only way of doing it. I like to think of this method as the Bottom Up method because it builds the terrain from the lowest point to the highest. I hope that you will find some benefit from the explanation.

  • STEP 1- New Map

    The first step is to begin a new map. For this tutorial you should use a Dungeon Map, choose your own settings and make it a DD3 dungeon template. The example map is 200' x 160'.

  • STEP 2 – Set up CC3(+)

    After you have the new DD3 dungeon map opened, you will want to open the Sheets and Effects dialog and delete all of the sheets except Common and Background.

    You will then add a new Sheet named STREAM BED and set it to active.

    Next, add a new Layer named STREAM and set it to active. This DD3 Template does not have a Layer for Water so you should add your own.

  • Set the current Fill Style to either Water Sludge 4 or Water Sludge 5. This is the fill style we will be using to draw the bottom layers of the stream bed. Using one of the darker Water Sludge fills will give it a murkier look.

    Finally, make sure that the line Width is set to zero.

    Your Status bar should now look like this:

  • STEP 3 - Draw the Stream Bed

    Using the Fractal Poly Draw Button (the draw buttons are on the right side of the interface), draw the stream bed. You can use the Add/Delete Node buttons (found on the left side of the interface) to clean up the points thatgo outside of the map's border. Don't worry too much about this since we'll be adding a white screen as our finalstep in the map.

    At this point you'll want to select the Cave Symbol catalog. Notice that when you do, the Layer changes to CAVE. You can change it back to STREAM if you want all of the stream's objects on the same Layer, or just let the software decide.

    While it is fine to let the software choose what Layer to put the stream's symbols on, we want them to go on the STREAM BED Sheet. To achieve this, click the Symbol catalog Options button and un-check “Symbols choose their own sheets”

  • Add rocks and plants to your stream bed. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to vary the rotation and size of the objects. These symbols will show through a transparent stream sheet that we'll add next, so arrange them how you think a stream bed might look.

  • STEP 4 – Draw the Stream's surface

    Add a new Sheet named STREAM and set it to Active.

    If the Layer is currently set to CAVE set it back to STREAM since we will be adding more water to the map.

    Using the Copy to Sheet command (found by right clicking the Copy Button) copy just the stream bed (not the rocks and plants) to the STREAM Sheet. (This command works like others in CC3(+), Command, Select object,right click Do It, Select sheet, OK.)

    The Stream Bed should now be covered by a copy of the itself.

  • Change the Fill Style to the Water Bitmap.

    Open the Sheets and Effects Dialog and Hide the BACKGROUND and STREAM BED Sheets.

    Using the Change Properties button, change the copy of the stream bed that is showing on the STREAM sheet to the Water bitmap. Un-hide all Sheets. You should see the stream with the water fill covering the stream bed and rocks.

  • Now we will add effects to the STREAM sheet so that we can see the stream gain depth.

    Open the the Sheets and Effects Dialogue. Set the STREAM sheet to active if it isn't already. Activate your Sheet Effects then click ADD to begin adding effects.

    You will want to add the Transparency effect at 85 % opacity so that we can just see what is beneath this sheet.

    Now add the Edge Fade, Inner effect with the following settings. This will expose the edges of the stream bed tomake it look shallower near the sides of the stream.

    Here is a closeup of the stream with these two effects active. Note how you can see the rocks that are on the STREAM Bed Sheet and they show more near the edges of the stream.

  • STEP 5 – Add Rocks showing above the surface of the stream.

    Add a new Sheet named STREAM ROCKS and set it to be active.

    Place a few rock symbols on the stream where you would like them to show above the surface.

    I like to add them near where the rock are on the stream bed.

  • STEP 6 – Add water to look like it is flowing around and over the rocks.

    Create a new Sheet named STREAM MASK and set it to be active.

    Make sure the current fill style is still set to the Water Bitmap.Using the Smooth Poly Draw Button, draw shapes around the rocks where you think they might be covered by water and were water might flow over them.

  • Now add the Edge Fade, Inner effect to the STREAM MASK sheet and set the Edge Width to 1.

    You will now have a small trickle of water flowing over the rocks.

  • STEP 7 – Edging the stream to give it further depth.

    Create a new Sheet named STREAM EDGE and set it to active.

    Line the edges of the stream with rock symbols, but don't line them up perfectly with the stream edge. Let some of the background show for muddy banks here and there and use the Shift and CTRL keys to vary the rotation and size of the rocks. Use several different rock symbols so that things do not look too uniform. You are just creating a muddy/rocky edge to the stream, so your rocks should be on the small side.

  • Now add a Glow effect to the STREAM EDGE Sheet using the following settings.

    Your stream should now look something like this:

  • STEP 8 – Add Grass to the map

    Add a new Sheet named GRASS and set it to active. Set the Layer to one of the Background Layers since we are no longer working on the stream.

    Set the fill style to a grass bitmap.

  • Using the Polygon Draw Button, draw the grass.

    When drawing at the stream's edge, only cover the rocks halfway. Again, there is no need to be perfect.

  • Add an Edge Fade Inner effect to the GRASS Sheet using these settings.

    Your stream is now complete.

  • You may be wondering how I know what to set the Edge Width to, on the Edge Fade Inner effect. I use the Info>Distance tool to get an idea of what settings to use. I'll often do the same for shadows, glows and blur radius in other effects that use map units as a setting.

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