dca 6 ways to get your office to tap growth fast

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Dean Crutchfield Associates Growth Advisors

Dean Crutchfield Associates

6 Ways To Encourage Your Office to Tap Growth Fast

Dean Crutchfield Associates

New growth is achieved by being different and heroic, but with big corporations hording their

cash and banks refusing to loan small businesses much needed finance, the US has

more than a fiscal cliff on its hands – it has growth crisis that threatens to stifle the very core of America’s economy: small business


Within any entrepreneur’s purview all manner of initiatives and schemes exist to boost

business growth. Sadly most can’t through lack of time and resources. The vital ingredient

to pursuing opportunity without regard to resources currently held lies in creating

affordable actions and simple communications that generate new business opportunities with

warm contacts.

To help beat the bushes there are six practical initiatives you can apply to drum up your staff’s involvement, rapidly creating a simple program

of actions that can kick-start a river flow of opportunities.


Dean Crutchfield Associates

Value creation is determined by how tightly your business is run and the quality of your

customer relationships – retaining 5% of your customers can add 25% to the bottom line.

Satisfied clients and suppliers are a great place to start by simply asking who in their

company/market you might be able to help.

This is an effective way for your client servicing teams to engage their clients and vendors to

generate opportunities, whether it’s inviting the client to discuss this with your CEO through to the power of proactive proposal writing by the

team that provides the most immediate impact.

How did you feel the last time you received a genuine hand written note? Send notes to a

handful of influential people either at a client’s business or a prospect you know. It’s amazing how effective it can be to trigger “why should I

care?” from the client. Yes, it’s laborious and your handwriting better be in reasonable

shape, but the approach works, especially if you make sure the note is promising lots for

them, not you!

Dean Crutchfield Associates

Business often suffers when you’re unaware of your brand’s standing because your client quite literally doesn’t believe that you can do

what you say you can do. Therefore, more often than not, we need to give to get for an

opportunity to meet with a prospect.

To demonstrate your diverse grasp of the category consider emailing an article or

some recent research from a related field that shares an invaluable perspective on the

client’s business (including clients you haven’t talked to in years) with an outline of

the actionable insights you wish to share that will benefit the client in multiple.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

Don’t be frightened by Possibility, She makes a great mistress. Write a provocative byline with

a strong POV and send it to the editor of a magazine, paper or blog your customers and competitors read. You might get lucky and its published or at least they’re open to hearing

more about you. If all fails you now have a strong POV to present, tout in a sales letter, host on your web site and use as part of an

office wide social media outreach campaign for the company.

It’s not actually who you know, as the saying

goes, it’s how you use who you know. Encourage the office to identify 25+ people – commercially important to your business – invite them to an informal group discussion (8-16 attendees) on

a hot topic at a salubrious location for breakfast or after work. Aside shared insights, the goal is

to make an appointment with each attendee post event, and approach those who did not

attend using the outputs from the discussion as a lever for opening a conversation.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

Nothing in the world takes the place of persistence and determination. Build

momentum by creating a low cost competitive initiative that is team based using

all of these actions to rapidly promote the business.

If you have the benefit of a new business

professional representing your company the task becomes a lot easier to orchestrate,

especially the art of following up.

While being fully prepared for delays the key is to have fun with the program by

coordinating it enthusiastically versus efficiently, and with regular office alerts on progress, impact will be felt within weeks.

Let’s grow.

Dean Crutchfield Associates

Dean Crutchfield Associates

Catalyzing top line growth for clients is what we thrive on: how to put your best case and winning face forward, sharpen the product offering and encourage

your people to move the needle north. By deploying real world strategies and hands-on collaboration to inspire teams we create content backed by actions

that will assure you of seizing every good opportunity, selling more services and winning new business.

For 20 years Dean Crutchfield has advised the

world's most iconic brands, built businesses, created new companies, opened international offices and spoken about the role of brands at Duke, Kellogg,

Wharton and the Google Speaker Series. He has made appearances on all major TV news networks, commentary in the global press, editorials in major

business publications and is a Contributor to Forbes.

With a proven ability to inspire and push the boundaries beyond the notion of what was thought possible, DCA excel with clients who are looking to

run fast, led by CEOs, CMOs, entrepreneurs and executive teams eager to capture dominant levels

of success. Let’s grow.


Dean Crutchfield Associates

Dean@deancrutchfield.com +1 917 239 3303 333 East 34th Street, Suite 15A/B, New York, NY 10016


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