dc. avtm

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 DC. AVTM




    Question 1: How do you deal with different kinds of people when talking to them?

    In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people, thesemay be colleagues, superiors, subordinates, clients, suppliers, visitorsso

    you may have to use English when you talking with them. Before you doing

    business from another country, you must know clearly about their cultural,

    their manners because good manners in your culture may be considered bad

    manners in another. Remember that people form an impression of you from

    the way you speak and behave, not just from the way you do your work. In

    other cases, your body language, gestures and expression may tell people

    more about you than the words you use.

    Question 2: How many important parts are ther in a typical standard business

    letter? What should a good business letter be?

    There are 9 important parts in a typical standard business letter1. Senders address2. Date3. Receivers name, title and address.4. Salutation5. Heading6. Body of letter7. Complimentary close8. Signature9.Name and title of sender

    I think a good business letter should have 9 important parts. You must writeexactly the receivers name, title and address. Since it is a business letter, it

    must be direct to the point and very formal. So, no need to decorate it withflowery words. A business letter is far different from a novel. So, no need

    to include unnecessary words that would lengthen it.

  • 8/3/2019 DC. AVTM


    Question 3: What things you should pay attention to other making business call?

    Making a business call can be a worrying experience. Making a note toprepare for what youre going to say is quite important. During the call they

    make notes while theyre talking to help them to remember what was said.When talking on the phone, its a good idea to repeat any important

    information back to the other person to make sure youve got it right. Make

    sure you know the name of the person youre talking to and they also know

    your name, try to use their name during the call. You can spell it out if

    necessary.Its important to sound interested, helpful and alert when

    answering the phone.

    Question 4: When should you write a report? Name some kinds of report?

    In business, planning ang writing reports is important skill which may beexpected of everyone. We tend only to write reports when we are asked to,

    usually by our boss or superior. Reports can serve various purposes. You can

    write a report to inform, to provide background information or to indicate a

    course of action.

    Some kinds of report:Conversations



    Special forms

    Separate documents of several pages

    There are 3 part in a report:Introduction



    UNIT 7

    Question 5: What are accounts? How many processes related to accounts?

    Describe them?

    Accounts mean dealing with money coming in and going out from a firm. There are two processes related to accounts:

  • 8/3/2019 DC. AVTM


    Purchasing: the invoices will be sent to the buyer from supplier and

    the buyer will pay the invoice by cheques, bankers draft, telegraphic

    transfer. Finally, it will be sent out to supplier.

    Sales: the invoices will be sent out to supplier, you invoice the

    customer and finally receive the payments from customer.

    Question 6: Name some of the methods of payment in foreign trade?

    CWO: cash with other Open account : cheque, bankers draft, telegraphic transfer, international

    payment order, international money orders

    Documentary Bill of Exchange.

    UNIT 8

    Question 7: What are the reasons that you can depend on your sole suppliers


    The reasons that you can depend on your sole suppliers goodwill are:o You may be getting a good discount from themo You may be getting favourable terms of paymento You may be getting extended credit from themo They will be ready to help you out with an urgent order at short noticeo They may be working closely with you to tailoe their products to your


    o They may be able to offer you technical advice and support wheneveryou need it

    o You can rely on them to deliver goods of the quality you requireo They will deliver your orders on time.

    UNIT 10:

    Question 8: What are the 4Ps? What is Marketing Mix?

    The 4 Ps are:Product = the goods or the service that you are marketing

    Price = making it easy for the customer to buy the product

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    Place = getting the product to the customer

    Promotion = presenting the product to the customer.

    Marketing Mix is a broad concept which includes several aspects ofmarketing which related to creating awareness and customer loyalty. The

    term is often summarized as referring to the "four P's": price, promotion,

    product, and place. It means the right PRODUCT at the right PRICE

    available through the right channels of distribution: PLACE presented in the

    right way: PROMOTION

    UNIT 13

    Question 9: What should you prepare for your job application?

    You should prepare CV, job applicant and interview for your jobapplication.

    CV: contains all the unchanging information about you: your education,background and work experience

    Interview: different kinds of interviews : traditional one to one interview, panel interviews, progress interviews. Different interviewers use different

    techniques and the only rules that applicants chould be aware of may be

    Expect the ubexpected and Be yourself.

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