db tutorial

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 2of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    Recommended order for design view tasks should be (1) Applicant, (2) Community, and (3) Selection.

    Table - Design View

    Views Tabs Object panel

    Navigation pane Primary Key Field properties

    Selectiontable is related to other two tables. It would therefore have a composite keyi.e. a primary key madeup on more than one key (usually primary keys in other tables).

    MS Access 2007

    To set a primary/composite key

    Go to the left of panel next to a (key) field; a bold directed arrow would appear NB.: Do not click to reposition


    Key press left click Repeat select of (key) field/fields required. Release left click.

    Right click highlighted fields Select Primary Key option from pop-up menu. For the respective fields, a

    primary key symbol would appear left of the field name.

    Save table.

    Primary (Composite) key

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 3of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    Table - Datasheet View

    NOTE: A table Datasheet view allows for data entry and may be deferred after the creation of relationships.


    After completion of the tables (relations) design, a database tool known as relationships is to be used to

    establish mappings (links) between the tables. A relationship is provided between similar fields in different tables;

    a primary key in one table that is a foreign key in another table. This feature effectively removes redundant data.

    MS Access 2007

    Go to the Database Toolstab.

    Select the Relationshipsicon. A panel title Relationshipswould appear.

    Right click in the Relationships panel Select Show All option from pop-up menu. Three objects for the

    respective tables would to appear.

    In panel place Selectionobject between the other tables; it would serve as link table for the other two tables.

    Repeat the following to link (map) the respective related fields.

    Click and drag a field in the primary table to the related field in the Selections table. A dialog box title Edit

    Relationshipwould appear.Select Referential integritycheck box and click the createbutton. A view of a link would appear.

    Edit Relationship Tabs Object panel

    Navigation pane RelationshipsCardinality: 1 to M(any)

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 5of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    Query - Design View

    Query Type Tabs Object panel Totals (Group by)

    Navigation pane fields (calculated) field

    Query - Datasheet View

    Expression BuilderA feature (tool) used to facilitate creation expressions and provides access to operators,

    functions and arguments (identifiers) for use expressions. It can be accessed by objects such as tables, queries,

    forms, reports

    For support visitMicrosoft Office Access Support - Expression Builder

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 6of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    Table: Expression Builder

    Build button (command)

    Query: Expression Builder

    End-User Views

    Report: A tool with the facility of a template or pre-formatted layout used to present information from a

    database.See Specifications.

    Design viewShows the template or pre-formatted layout for the report. Layout viewDisplays a softcopy layout of the report; allows for editing. Print PreviewDisplays a preview hardcopy layout of the report; allows no editing.

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 7of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    MS Access 2007

    NOTE: Create a query that returns the results for the report.

    Go to the Createtab.

    Select the Report Wizardicon from Report group. A dialog box title Report Wizardwould appear.

    In dialog box Select fields required for report Click Nextbutton. NB.: Use the query for report.

    While NOT finish: Provide report specifications as requested per dialog box Click Next button. Finish

    dialog box actions. A panel title with report name would appear.

    If further modifications are required: Go to report panel title Right click Select Design View or Layout

    Viewoption from pop-up menu.

    Review modifications of report layout as necessary.

    Save report: Go to report panel title Right click Select Saveoption from pop-up menu.

    Close report: Go to report panel title Right click Select Close option from pop-up menu.

    Report - Design View

    View Tabs Object panel Controls

    Navigation Pane Group. Sort, Totals Control properties

    Report - Print Preview

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial

    Page 8of 9

    C-A Lindsay


    Data Dictionary: A repository of information about the description of data in a database.

    Structured Query Language (SQL) A programming language designed to retrieve and manage data in a

    (relational) database.



    Field Data Type Description Validation Checks Control

    ID Text [7] Key: Identifier for Applicant Presence, Format, Range Text box

    Name Text Name of applicant Presence Text box

    DOB Date Date of Birth Presence, Format, Range Text box

    Gender Text Gender Presence, Table look-up List box

    Married Yes/No Marital status Table look-up Check box

    Address Text Residential Address Presence Text box

    Profession Text Profession/occupation Table look-up Combo box

    Income Number Monthly Income Type: Real; 2 dp Text box

    G_Income Number Gross Income Type: Real; 2 dp Text box

    N_Income Number Net Income Type: Real; 2 dp Text box

    Expenditure Number Monthly Expenditure Type: Real; 2 dp Text box

    Approved Text Approved status Table look-up: yes/no List box


    Field Data Type Description Validation Checks Control

    Name Text Name of community Presence Text box

    Acronym Text Key: Community Initials Presence Text box

    NH Number Number of houses available Range, Type: Integer Text box

    Income Number Qualifying Income Range, Type: Real; 2 dp Text box


    Field Data Type Description Validation Checks Control

    Applicant Text Key: Applicant name Presence, Table look-up Text/Combo

    Community Text Key: Community acronym Presence, Table look-up Text/Combo

    Rank Number Preference rank of selection Table look-up Text/List box


    Structured Query Language

    a. SELECT Applicant.ID, Applicant.Name, Applicant.DOB, Round((Date()-[DOB])/365.25) AS AgeFROM Applicant;

    For support visitCalculating age from Date of Birth in MS Access

    b. SELECT Applicant.ID, Applicant.Name, Applicant.DOB, Applicant.Gender, Applicant.ProfessionFROM Applicant

    WHERE (((Applicant.Married)=Yes));

    c. SELECT Applicant.ID, Applicant.Name, Applicant.Address, Selection.RankFROM Applicant INNER JOIN Selection ON Applicant.Name = Selection.Applicant

    WHERE (((Applicant.ID) Like DatePart("yyyy",Date()) & "***") AND ((Selection.Community)="SGV"));

    d. (i.) SELECT Selection.Community, Selection.RankFROM Selection

    WHERE (((Selection.Rank)=1));

    (ii.) SELECT Community_PR1.Community, Count(Community_PR1.Rank) AS CountOfRank

    FROM Community_PR1

    GROUP BY Community_PR1.Community;

    e. SELECT Applicant.ID, Applicant.Name, Applicant.ProfessionFROM Community INNER JOIN (Applicant INNER JOIN Selection ON Applicant.Name = Selection.Applicant) ON

    Community.Acronym = Selection.Community

    WHERE (((Community.Name)="Claredon Court") AND ((Applicant.Income)>=[Community]![Income]));

  • 8/13/2019 DB Tutorial


    Database Tutorial: Applications04

    Page 9of 9

    C-A Lindsay

    Specifications (continued)


    Structured Query Language

    SELECT Community.Name, Selection.Rank, Applicant.ID, Applicant.Name, Applicant.Gender, Applicant.AddressFROM Community INNER JOIN (Applicant INNER JOIN Selection ON Applicant.Name = Selection.Applicant) ON

    Community.Acronym = Selection.Community

    WHERE (((Applicant.Income)>=[Community]![Income]) AND ((Applicant.Approved)="Yes"));

    Query (Select) - Datasheet View

    These results would then serve as the re

    sults (record source) for report.

    End of Tutorial

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