day26 1 thessalonians517

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Day 26

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Let’s Pray!

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Bible Time!


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Write down definitions of words

you don't knowWhat Message is trying to be given through this verse?

What does praying continually really mean?

This is nice… but I don’t think this is the real point of the verse…

Now this seems more reasonable...

Explain what you got out of the videos shown and how

they relate to the Bible verse this week.


Story Time!

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SUDAN: PETERThe brass shackle is called, in Arabic, a bacle. Peter held it out as if it were a sacred object. It was a great reminder of his family's past and of Peter's great blessing. His grandfather had made the bacle, but it was not a craft project. In fact, he was forced to wear it by his Islamic masters. Peter's grandfather had been captured in Southern Sudan and take to Northern Sudan, where he was bought and sold as a slave. Peter's grandfather, though harassed and tormented by his Muslim masters, would not join their faith. He held fast to his faith in Christ, and his body bore the scars of his refusal. Because he was not a Muslim, he was seen as nothing more than an animal. Shortly before he died, Peter's grandfather had the bacle removed and gave it to Peter's father. "Our family will not always be slaves," he said, "bu we must never forget."

Later Peter's father gave it to him, and he carried it with him when he escaped from his Muslim owner and fled to freedom. Today, it is no longer a sign of ownership, but a sin of God's overcoming power. It is a symbol of God's hand on a family, working through three generations to bring them to freedom. "Never forget my people," he urged. "Never stop praying for persecuted Christians in Sudan."

Forgetfulness. It is the number one enemy of prayerfulness. we are quick to offer our prayers of support. Unfortunately, our good intentions are rarely good enough to help us carry through on our commitments to pray for those in need. What can remind you to pray for those who are persecuted around the world? Perhaps a small sticker on the face of your watch will remind you. Each time you look at your watch throughout the day can be an opportunity for you to remember a people group who live under religious persecution. Whatever method you choose to be more mindful of the missed opportunities for prayer, follow through on it. Reading stories about extreme believers will not change anything. Praying for extreme believers can change everting -maybe even today.

What would you have done if you were one of the characters

in the devotion?Explain how this verse

identifies with the situation

What did you find interesting? Comments ?’s?

Let’s Pray!

... again :D

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