day 5 assure

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Day 5- Friday

I. Analyze Learners

The group I am focusing on is students in a third class between the ages of 8 and 9. In this unit I

plan on focusing on the 50 states and their capitals. Some students may already know some of

the 50 states and their capitals, but some may not know any of the states and their capitals. I plan

to make sure every student enjoys the activities and lesson, but at the same time learning.

II. State Objective

Students will present to the class their photo-shopped picture of the capital they visited in

secondlife. They will also recite 25 of my choice states and their capitals and I will grade them

according to the rubric.

III. Select Methods, Materials & Media

Students will present their photos and recite 25 of my choosing states and capitals. I will use

provided rubric to grade.

IV. Utilize Media & Materials

Students will present their photo of their state capital from the state they visited in secondlife.

They will also take turns at my desk reciting 25 states and capitals of my choosing and I will

watch and grade on the rubric, as well as write comments if needed.

V. Require Learner Participation

Students will have to pay attention to each other while each student their photos and then at the

end of each presentation the class may ask the presenter questions about their presentation. They

will also have to recite 25 of the 50 states and capitals at my desk.

VI. Evaluate & Revise

Each student will have had the rubric since the day the assignment was assigned so I will use it

to grade each student in each category from 0-4 and put their total at the bottom. If a student gets

more than 1 zero the student automatically has to redo the assignment to raise their grade and

sent a letter home to the parents explain the situation. I have also created a Facebook page and a

twitter page for the student’s parents to communicate with me as needed.

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