day 12

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 12:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 12 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

Today’s lesson deals with finishing unresolved feelingsaround money.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 12:----------------------------------------------

I want you to imagine Money as a person.

Think about it and then create a picture as if you could describe him/her to someone who has never seen him before.

For example: He's tall. He wears blue shorts and a white t-shirt, and always wears sandals. His hair is parted in the middle, and is shoulder length.

Got it?

Then, I want you to think for all the ways you have been negative about Money and write a letter to this personification. Write it out and then read it to him as if he's really there in your imagination.

This letter should include all the times you were hurt by him, all the times you said you didn't want him, all the times you thought people who had him were bad in some way... dig it ALL up.

For example, when I was a kid some of my friends were able to go to the movies quite a lot. I couldn't go because my mom

didn't have enough money. I was upset and hurt by that even though I acted like I wasn't.

Here's an example of a letter:

Dear Money,

I want to ask you to forgive me for the way I've treated you.

But to tell you the truth, I've been pissed at you for years. I've been afraid I wouldn't have you when I needed you. I was

angry when you weren't there at times when I needed you. I was jealous that others had you but I didn't.

Remember that time that [insert situation] happened and I blamed you?

Keep listing as much of that as you can... let it ALL out. Get it all down on paper.

When you are done writing it all out, end it something like this:

I want you to forgive me for all that. It wasn't right of me to blame you or others or myself. What I really want is for us to

have an excellent relationship so I can move onto other things like enjoying my family, pursuing hobbies and helping others.

I also forgive myself.

Love,Your Name

DO THIS exercise... It will probably be the greatest exercise in regards to money that you ever do. Write it all out and read it all out. If you start to cry just pause and let it out and

breathe deeply until it subsides. Then, continue writing.

When you are done read it out loud to your personification ofmoney.


1. Write out this letter and read it out loud to yourself.

2. Re-listen to the Neville audios and do the process as is described. See if you can feel any shift inside you when you do your visualization.

Please share your thoughts or insights in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 13 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker

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