david desanto on: kevin alloca

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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PSP online assignment.


How Videos go viral

Summary of Kevin Allocca

David DeSantoPSP 8/12

Kevin AlloccaWhy videos go ‘viral’.

Videos go viral due to unexpectedness,tastemakers and audience participation.

Kevin AlloccaWhy videos go ‘viral’.

Unexpectedness catches the audience off guard and almost always makes you want to show or inform another individual about the video so as to share the experience..

Kevin AlloccaWhy videos go ‘viral’.

Tastemakers are people of influence that can reach a wide audience and share the video with the masses easily.

Kevin AlloccaWhy videos go ‘viral’.

Audience participation is the ability for people to create additions, satire and react publicly to a video.

Capturing the attention of the audience

Saying that he professionally watches YouTube videos and that everyone could be a star by next Saturday.

Maintaining the attention of the audience

By using videos and examples to illustrate his point.

The commandments followed

Connect with people’s emotions: He had both myself and the audience laughing and engaged.Don’t flaunt your ego: He didn’t talk about himself except to introduce himself.Don’t read your talk: He was calm, relaxed and looking at the audience the whole time.


I would give him a 5, his use of videos and humor was very helpful in keeping audience interest/attention. He could have used more examples and explored some more reasons videos go viral.

Tips usedHe told stories, and didn’t just show a presentation. He didn’t just report, and didn’t use only research. He used a method of storytelling to capture and enthrall his audience via narrative.

Learning from delivery

Being calm and using short clips for emphasis can both give you a second to catch your breath/thoughts as well as help keep audience attention.

As compared to ken Robinson

Kevin Allocca’s presentations was very visual and humor driven, while Ken Robinson’s use laughter for relief and a respite between points. Ken Robinson’s presentation was also calling for reformation of the education system, whereas Allocca’s was an informative observation of the culture we have now.

Classmate tipsBy using videos and media, you can emphasize your point and keep interest in what your point is.

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