date /data: moneygram receive form / formular de primire...

Post on 28-Jan-2020






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MoneyGram Receive Form / Formular de primireDate / Data:

Reference number /

Receiver’sName & Surname /

Address / AdresaIndex, Tara, Orasul, Strada

Amount received /Suma primita:

Received currency /Moneda de primire:

Contact telephone number / telefon de contact

Type ID / Tipul documentului de identitate

Series and number / Seria si numarul

Expiration / Data expirarii

Date of Birth / Data nasterii

Country of Birth /

Sender’s Name & Surname / Numele si prenumele expeditorului

Send country / Tara de unde a fost expediat transferul

Stampila unitatii si semnatura

Terms & Conditions/Termeni si conditii

1. The MoneyGram® Money Transfer Service (the “Service”) is provided by MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (“MoneyGram”) through its network of Representatives (“Service Reps”). Customers may call the consumer toll free number for the address and hours of Service Rep locations in their area which can be obtained from any service Rep Location.

2. Send Information. Maximum permissible amounts for single transfers (a “Transfer”) and daily transfer totals apply. Ask your Service Rep for the limits applicable to your transfer. When required by law, Transfers sent or received will be reported to appropriate government

address or receipt at a Service Rep location; a third party debit card issued by a company outside of the U.S. (a “SVC”); or a bank account (“Account”). Neither You nor Receiver will have a “deposit” with MoneyGram at any time during the Transfer. You warrant that all information you supply to MoneyGram is and shall remain accurate and complete. It is your responsibility to verify the “Receive Country” on the face of this form. Be cautious when sending money at the direction of strangers.

3. Receive Information. Ask your Service Rep for information on the currency or currencies available in the receiving country. Transfers will be paid out or credited in cash, travellers check, money order, check, Bankers Draft or a combination thereof or, if selected by Sender, delivered to an Account or SVC. A Transfer is received and MoneyGram has no further liability to you, except as set forth below, when: it is disbursed to a Receiver; or notice of your payment for the Transfer is made available to the issuer of a SVC or bank that holds the Account (a “Financial Institution”). A transfer intended for pick up by the Receiver will normally be available for collection during the hours of operation of the selected Service Rep location, however transfers to certain destinations may be subject to delay. A transfer may only

and the Transfer was not accepted by the Financial Institution. If Sender directs delivery to a SVC or account MoneyGram makes no representation as to when the Transfer amount will be accepted by the Financial Institution and MoneyGram shall have no liability to Sender once the Transfer amount is credited to the SVC or Account. In addition to charges imposed by MoneyGram, a Financial Institution may impose fees as an outright charge or by delivery of less than the Transfer Amount. Neither Sender nor Receiver will have a deposit with MoneyGram at any time during the Transfer.

4answer with the Service Rep, depending upon the transfer amount and whether the test question and answer option is available at the Service Rep location. A transfer which includes a test question may be paid out upon the correct answer to the test question or upon

should use caution when sending to Receivers whom they do not know and should not make information about the transaction available to any third party.

5. Currency Exchange. Please ask your Service Rep for information regarding the exchange rate applicable to your transfer and the ansfer, a currency

exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its Service Reps may be applied. Any difference between the rate given to customers and the rate

the face of this form is valid for Transfers to the Receive Country UNLESS: (45 (1 days have elapsed since the Transfer was sent; or (2) it is stated in U.S. Dollars or Euro and MoneyGram’s Service Reps. in the Receive Country pay out in a currency other than U.S. Dollars or Euro. In that event, the transfer amount may be converted into local currency using the exchange rate established by MoneyGram or its Service Reps. at the time funds are disbursed to the Receiver. If the exchange rate is determined at the time funds are disbursed to the Receiver, the exchange rate may be affected by political, economic and other conditions in the Receive Country, and Service Reps. within a country may not apply a uniform currency exchange rate, causing the currency exchange rate to vary based upon the location selected by the Receiver. MoneyGram is not a party to any currency conversion subsequent to the Transfer. Also, if the Receiver requests that the payout be made in a currency other than the currency in which the Service Rep normally pays out or other than the currency that was

Service Rep may charge an exchange fee. This exchange is a separate transaction between Receiver and the Agent, and is not a part of the MoneyGram Transfer.

6. Refund Information. There shall be no right to a refund if Sender provides any incorrect information or if the Transfer was directed to a SVC or Account and the transfer amount has been accepted by the Financial Institution. The Sender may request a refund of the transfer amount and cancellation of the money transfer either by writing to MoneyGram International Ltd. at the address below, or visiting the Service Rep location where the transfer originated. All refund requests must be accompanied by a copy of the original Send Form. All refund requests will be subject to MoneyGram review and discretion, and will normally be processed within 30 days of receipt of a valid request. Funds provided to MoneyGram for transfers processed through the MoneyGram system are being provied for transmission purposes and are not a deposit.

7 45 days from the initiation of the transfer in the Receive 45 days, a transfer may only be available as a refund to You. However, if a transfer is

paid out after 45 days, MoneyGram may apply the exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its Service Reps at the time of the payout. If the receive amount is stated both in U.S. Dollars and the receiving country’s currency, only the U.S. Dollar amount is valid; the receive amount stated in the receiving country’s currency is only an estimate.

8. Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL MONEYGRAM BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES FOR DELAY, NONDELIVERY, NONPAYMENT OR UNDERPAYMENT OF THIS MONEY TRANSFER, WHETHER DUE TO THE FAULT, ERROR OR OMISSION OF MONEYGRAM, OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES, for more than the transfer amount and the consumer fee paid by the Sender, except as otherwise provided by law. No liability is accepted for variances or service delays due to local regulations or causes beyond the control of MoneyGram. IN NO EVENT SHALL MONEYGRAM BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.

9. Data Protection. MoneyGram will use the information provided in this (send form/receive form) in order to provide you with payment transfer services. MoneyGram may store your personal information on its databases for the purposes of the administration of its ongoing relationship with you. You have the right to request a copy of certain personal information that MoneyGram holds about you, and to require MoneyGram to correct inaccuracies in that information. MoneyGram may share the information with MoneyGram’s parent companies and Service Reps, but will not share it with any third parties except as required by law. Those other MoneyGram entities may be located outside the European Economic Area. Your provision of personal information on this form is voluntary. By completing this form, you expressly consent to MoneyGram’s use and transfer of your information for these purposes.

10. Governing Language. These Terms and Conditions have been prepared, and will be executed, in the English language, which shall be the governing language for all purposes. Any translation into a language other than English is solely for the convenience of the parties.

Mail Correspondence or complaints to:Customer Service Department MoneyGram International Ltd. 1 Bevington PathOff Tanner StreetLondon ENGLAND SE3 1PW

1. Serviciul de transfer de bani The MoneyGram® („Serviciul”) este furnizat de MoneyGram Payment Szstems, Inc. („MoneyGram”) prin

2. Informatii despre trimetere. Exista sume maxime permise pentru transferuri individuale (un „Transfer”) si totalul transferurilor zilnice. Solicitati informatii Agentului dvs. local cu privire la limitele aplicabile transferului dumneavoastra. Atunci cand legea o cere, Transferurile

de o companiedin afsra Statelor Unite (un SVC); sau un cont bancar („Cont”). Nici Dvs., nici Destinatarul nu veti avea un „depozit” la MoneyGram in nici un moment pe durata Transferului.Declarati pe propria raspundere ca toate informatiile furnzate catre MoneyGram

3. Informatii despre primire. Solicitati informatii Agentului dvs. local cu privire la moneda sau monedele disponibile in tara de destinatie-

primit si MoneyGram nu mai are nici o raspundere catre dvs., cu exceptia celor expuse mai jos, atunci cand: este trimis catre un Destinatar; sau aviyul de plata pentru Transferul dvs. este pus la dispozitia emitentului cardului de debit sau bancii la care Contul a fost

rambursat Expeditorului daca: au trecut patruzeci si cinci de zile de la expedierea Transferului; sau daca Transferul este trimis catre un card sau cont de debit si transferul nu a fost acceptat de institutia Financiara. Daca expeditorul directioneaza transferul catre un card sau

MoneyGramnu va avea nici o responsabilitate fata de Expeditor din momentul in caresuma de Transfer este creditata catre cardul sau contul de debit - Nici Expeditorul nici Destinatarul nu va avea un depozit la MoneyGram in nici un moment pe durata Transferului.

4intrebare si un raspuns, in functie de suma de transfer si daca aceasta optiune a unui test cu intrebare si raspuns este disponibila la

daca Destinattarul prezinta un act de identitate valabil. Numarul de referinta al transferului nu este intotdeauna necesar pentru a primi un

despre transfer unor terte parti.5. Schimb valutar. Va rugam sa solicitati informatii de la Agentul dvs. local cu privire la cursul de schimb aplicabil transferului dvs. si

monedele disponibile in tara de destinatie sau la o anumita locatie - Pe langa comisioanele aplicabile acestui transfer, se mai poate aplica si un curs de schimb stabilit de MoneyGram sau Agentii sai locali. Orice diferenta dintre cursul de schimbat dat clientilor si cursul

acestui formula este valabila pentru Transferuri catre Tara de Destinatie CU EXCEPTIA CAZURILOR IN CARE : (1) s -au scurs un numar de 45 de zile de la data trimiterii Transferului; sau (2) moneda declarata transferului este dolarul american sau euro si Agentul Local MoneyGram din Tara de Destinatie face plata intr-o alta moneda decat dolari americani sau euro. In aceasta situatie, suma de transfer

conditiile politice, economice sau de alta natura din Tara de Destinatie, iar Agentii locali dintr -o anumita tara pot sa nu aplice un schimb valutar uniform, determinand cursul de schimb sa varieze in functie de locatia selectata de catre Destinatar. MoneyGram nu este

schimb valutar. Acest schimb valutar reprezinta o tranzactie separata intre Destinatar si Agent si nu face parte din Transferul MoneyGram.

6. Informatii despre rambursare. Nu vor exesta drepturi de rambursare dca Expeditorul furnizeaza vre -o informatie incorecta sau daca Transferul a fost directionat catre un cont sau card de debit si suma de transfer a fost acceptata de Institutia Financiara. Expeditorul poate solicita rambursarea sumei de transfer si anularea transferului de bani in scris catre MoneyGram International Ltd. la adresa de

30 zile de la primirea unei cereri valbile. Fondurile furnizate catre MoneyGram pentru transferuri procesate prin sistemul MoneyGram sunt furnizate in scopul transmiterii lor si nu constituie un depozit.

7 45 de zile de la initierea transferului in 45

ramburs. Cu toate acestea, daca un transfer este platit dupa 45 de zile, MoneyGram poate aplica cursul de schimb stabilit de MoneyGram sau Agentii sai locali la data la care se face plata. Daca suma de primit este declarata in dolari americani; suma de primit declarata in moneda tarii de destinatie reprezinta doar o estimare.

8. Raspundere. MoneyGram NU VA FI RASPUNZATOARE IN NINCI O SITUATIE PENTRU PAGUBE PROVOCATE DE INTARZIEREA, NELIVRAREA, NEPLATA SAU PLATA PARTIALA A ACESTUI TRANSFER DE BANI, CAUZATA DE O EROARE SAU OMISIUNE A MoneyGram, SAU A AGENTILOR SAI, pentru o suma mai mare decat cea a transferului si a comisionului platit de catre Expeditor, cu exceptiile prevazute de lege. Nu se accepta raspundere pentru variatii sau intarzieri ale serviciului datorate unor reglementari locale sau

PAGUBE ACCIDENTALE, INDIRECTE, SPECIALE SAU CONSECVENTIALE..9. Protectia datelor. MoneyGram va folosi informatiile furnizate in acest (formular de expediere/primire) pentru a va furniza servicii de

transfer de plati. MoneyGram poate pastra informatiile dvs. personale in bazele sale de date in scopul mentinerii reletiei cu dvs. Aveti dreptul sa solicitati o copie a anumitor informatii personale ale dvs. detinute de MoneyGram, si sa soolicitati MoneyGram sa corecteze inexactitatile acelor informatii. MoneyGram poate pune aceste informatii la dispozitia companiilor parinte, si a Agentilor Locali, dar nu le

Economic European. Furnizarea de catre dvs. a informatiilor personale in acest formular este voluntara. Completand acest formular, va dati consimtamantul expres pentru utilizarea si transferul informatiilor dvs. de MoneyGram in aceste scopuri.

10Orice traducere in alta limba decat engleza se face doar pentru uzul partilor.

MoneyGram International Ltd. 1 Bevington PathOff Tanner StreetLondon ENGLAND SE3 1PW

Terms and Conditions1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The MoneyGram® money transfer service (“Service”) is provided by Payment Systems Inc., (“MoneyGram”, “we” or

“us”) through a network of agents, authorized delegates, or other permitted entities (“Agents”). These Terms and

these Terms and Conditions may be included or attached, constitute the entire agreement (“Agreement”) between MoneyGram and you, the individual recipient of the Service (“you” or “Receiver”).

1.2 This Agreement and the Service allow you to receive a money transfer (a “Transfer”) that has been sent using our Ser-

by the Sender. MoneyGram will not charge you any fees for receiving the Transfer. The Service is available to you only in your individual capacity known to the Sender.

(collectively, the “Documentation”) fully and accurately in order to use the Service. 1.4 By using, or attempting to use, the Service in any capacity, you are acknowledging that you (i) accept the terms of

this Agreement, (ii) have read the Documentation relating to the Transfer and that the information as described on the Documentation is accurate, and (iii) have received from the Agent the currency and amount described in this Agreement and/or the Documentation. To the extent you desire to exchange the Transfer into a currency other than the currency as described in this Agreement, you further acknowledge and agree that any subsequent exchange of the Transfer is a separate transaction from the Service and is subject to the provisions of Section 6 of this Agreement.

that corresponds to your Transfer (“Reference Number”), such Reference Number is not always required to receive a

liability in the event that the Transfer is disbursed, when and as applicable, to an individual who properly answers a test

was false or forged), or provides a Reference Number. 2. RESTRICTIONS ON SERVICE

at any time prior to your receipt and that upon such event, you will not be entitled to receive the Transfer. 2.2 The Service, or your ability to receive the Transfer, may also be delayed, restricted or unavailable depending upon the

Service selected by the Sender, Agent hours of operation, the amount of the Transfer, currency availability, and legal,

Transfer or the Service is being used in any way to violate applicable laws, regulations, codes or MoneyGram’s policies and procedures, including any association with fraud, anti-money laundering laws, or other illegal activity.

MoneyGram may be able to assist you, subject to all applicable laws and regulations relating to our Services and MoneyGram’s policies and proceduresGENERAL

that nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits our liability to the extent that we are unable to exclude or limit it by law.



MoneyGram.4. DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY4.1 By continuing with the transaction, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer (including cross-border

transfer) of your personal information as described in our Privacy Notice, which is available on our website at www.


For full details of our complaints procedure or consumer protection advice, or to submit a complaint, you can:• visit our website and submit the online form; • send an email to us at; or

6. SEPARATE ARRANGEMENTS In addition to their offering of our Service, Agents may offer you their own products or services such as currency ex-

change. These additional products or services are separate and independent from the Service, are offered under the Agent’s own terms and conditions, and do not involve MoneyGram in any way. These additional products and services are likely to have their own fees associated with them.

1. INTRODUCERE1.1 Serviciul de transfer al banilor MoneyGram® („Serviciu”) este furnizat de Payment Systems Inc., („MoneyGram” sau „noi”)

individual al Serviciului („dvs.” sau „Destinatar”).



sau la Agent.

4. DATA PRIVACY4.1 By continuing with the transaction, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer (including cross-border transfer) of

your personal information as described in our Privacy Notice, which is available on our website at



MoneyGram Receive Form / Formular de primireDate / Data:

Reference number /

Receiver’sName & Surname /

Address / AdresaIndex, Tara, Orasul, Strada

Amount received /Suma primita:

Received currency /Moneda de primire:

Contact telephone number / telefon de contact

Type ID / Tipul documentului de identitate

Series and number / Seria si numarul

Expiration / Data expirarii

Date of Birth / Data nasterii

Country of Birth /

Sender’s Name & Surname / Numele si prenumele expeditorului

Send country / Tara de unde a fost expediat transferul

Stampila unitatii si semnatura

Terms & Conditions/Termeni si conditii

1. The MoneyGram® Money Transfer Service (the “Service”) is provided by MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (“MoneyGram”) through its network of Representatives (“Service Reps”). Customers may call the consumer toll free number for the address and hours of Service Rep locations in their area which can be obtained from any service Rep Location.

2. Send Information. Maximum permissible amounts for single transfers (a “Transfer”) and daily transfer totals apply. Ask your Service Rep for the limits applicable to your transfer. When required by law, Transfers sent or received will be reported to appropriate government

address or receipt at a Service Rep location; a third party debit card issued by a company outside of the U.S. (a “SVC”); or a bank account (“Account”). Neither You nor Receiver will have a “deposit” with MoneyGram at any time during the Transfer. You warrant that all information you supply to MoneyGram is and shall remain accurate and complete. It is your responsibility to verify the “Receive Country” on the face of this form. Be cautious when sending money at the direction of strangers.

3. Receive Information. Ask your Service Rep for information on the currency or currencies available in the receiving country. Transfers will be paid out or credited in cash, travellers check, money order, check, Bankers Draft or a combination thereof or, if selected by Sender, delivered to an Account or SVC. A Transfer is received and MoneyGram has no further liability to you, except as set forth below, when: it is disbursed to a Receiver; or notice of your payment for the Transfer is made available to the issuer of a SVC or bank that holds the Account (a “Financial Institution”). A transfer intended for pick up by the Receiver will normally be available for collection during the hours of operation of the selected Service Rep location, however transfers to certain destinations may be subject to delay. A transfer may only

and the Transfer was not accepted by the Financial Institution. If Sender directs delivery to a SVC or account MoneyGram makes no representation as to when the Transfer amount will be accepted by the Financial Institution and MoneyGram shall have no liability to Sender once the Transfer amount is credited to the SVC or Account. In addition to charges imposed by MoneyGram, a Financial Institution may impose fees as an outright charge or by delivery of less than the Transfer Amount. Neither Sender nor Receiver will have a deposit with MoneyGram at any time during the Transfer.

4answer with the Service Rep, depending upon the transfer amount and whether the test question and answer option is available at the Service Rep location. A transfer which includes a test question may be paid out upon the correct answer to the test question or upon

should use caution when sending to Receivers whom they do not know and should not make information about the transaction available to any third party.

5. Currency Exchange. Please ask your Service Rep for information regarding the exchange rate applicable to your transfer and the ansfer, a currency

exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its Service Reps may be applied. Any difference between the rate given to customers and the rate

the face of this form is valid for Transfers to the Receive Country UNLESS: (45 (1 days have elapsed since the Transfer was sent; or (2) it is stated in U.S. Dollars or Euro and MoneyGram’s Service Reps. in the Receive Country pay out in a currency other than U.S. Dollars or Euro. In that event, the transfer amount may be converted into local currency using the exchange rate established by MoneyGram or its Service Reps. at the time funds are disbursed to the Receiver. If the exchange rate is determined at the time funds are disbursed to the Receiver, the exchange rate may be affected by political, economic and other conditions in the Receive Country, and Service Reps. within a country may not apply a uniform currency exchange rate, causing the currency exchange rate to vary based upon the location selected by the Receiver. MoneyGram is not a party to any currency conversion subsequent to the Transfer. Also, if the Receiver requests that the payout be made in a currency other than the currency in which the Service Rep normally pays out or other than the currency that was

Service Rep may charge an exchange fee. This exchange is a separate transaction between Receiver and the Agent, and is not a part of the MoneyGram Transfer.

6. Refund Information. There shall be no right to a refund if Sender provides any incorrect information or if the Transfer was directed to a SVC or Account and the transfer amount has been accepted by the Financial Institution. The Sender may request a refund of the transfer amount and cancellation of the money transfer either by writing to MoneyGram International Ltd. at the address below, or visiting the Service Rep location where the transfer originated. All refund requests must be accompanied by a copy of the original Send Form. All refund requests will be subject to MoneyGram review and discretion, and will normally be processed within 30 days of receipt of a valid request. Funds provided to MoneyGram for transfers processed through the MoneyGram system are being provied for transmission purposes and are not a deposit.

7 45 days from the initiation of the transfer in the Receive 45 days, a transfer may only be available as a refund to You. However, if a transfer is

paid out after 45 days, MoneyGram may apply the exchange rate set by MoneyGram or its Service Reps at the time of the payout. If the receive amount is stated both in U.S. Dollars and the receiving country’s currency, only the U.S. Dollar amount is valid; the receive amount stated in the receiving country’s currency is only an estimate.

8. Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL MONEYGRAM BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES FOR DELAY, NONDELIVERY, NONPAYMENT OR UNDERPAYMENT OF THIS MONEY TRANSFER, WHETHER DUE TO THE FAULT, ERROR OR OMISSION OF MONEYGRAM, OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES, for more than the transfer amount and the consumer fee paid by the Sender, except as otherwise provided by law. No liability is accepted for variances or service delays due to local regulations or causes beyond the control of MoneyGram. IN NO EVENT SHALL MONEYGRAM BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.

9. Data Protection. MoneyGram will use the information provided in this (send form/receive form) in order to provide you with payment transfer services. MoneyGram may store your personal information on its databases for the purposes of the administration of its ongoing relationship with you. You have the right to request a copy of certain personal information that MoneyGram holds about you, and to require MoneyGram to correct inaccuracies in that information. MoneyGram may share the information with MoneyGram’s parent companies and Service Reps, but will not share it with any third parties except as required by law. Those other MoneyGram entities may be located outside the European Economic Area. Your provision of personal information on this form is voluntary. By completing this form, you expressly consent to MoneyGram’s use and transfer of your information for these purposes.

10. Governing Language. These Terms and Conditions have been prepared, and will be executed, in the English language, which shall be the governing language for all purposes. Any translation into a language other than English is solely for the convenience of the parties.

Mail Correspondence or complaints to:Customer Service Department MoneyGram International Ltd. 1 Bevington PathOff Tanner StreetLondon ENGLAND SE3 1PW

1. Serviciul de transfer de bani The MoneyGram® („Serviciul”) este furnizat de MoneyGram Payment Szstems, Inc. („MoneyGram”) prin

2. Informatii despre trimetere. Exista sume maxime permise pentru transferuri individuale (un „Transfer”) si totalul transferurilor zilnice. Solicitati informatii Agentului dvs. local cu privire la limitele aplicabile transferului dumneavoastra. Atunci cand legea o cere, Transferurile

de o companiedin afsra Statelor Unite (un SVC); sau un cont bancar („Cont”). Nici Dvs., nici Destinatarul nu veti avea un „depozit” la MoneyGram in nici un moment pe durata Transferului.Declarati pe propria raspundere ca toate informatiile furnzate catre MoneyGram

3. Informatii despre primire. Solicitati informatii Agentului dvs. local cu privire la moneda sau monedele disponibile in tara de destinatie-

primit si MoneyGram nu mai are nici o raspundere catre dvs., cu exceptia celor expuse mai jos, atunci cand: este trimis catre un Destinatar; sau aviyul de plata pentru Transferul dvs. este pus la dispozitia emitentului cardului de debit sau bancii la care Contul a fost

rambursat Expeditorului daca: au trecut patruzeci si cinci de zile de la expedierea Transferului; sau daca Transferul este trimis catre un card sau cont de debit si transferul nu a fost acceptat de institutia Financiara. Daca expeditorul directioneaza transferul catre un card sau

MoneyGramnu va avea nici o responsabilitate fata de Expeditor din momentul in caresuma de Transfer este creditata catre cardul sau contul de debit - Nici Expeditorul nici Destinatarul nu va avea un depozit la MoneyGram in nici un moment pe durata Transferului.

4intrebare si un raspuns, in functie de suma de transfer si daca aceasta optiune a unui test cu intrebare si raspuns este disponibila la

daca Destinattarul prezinta un act de identitate valabil. Numarul de referinta al transferului nu este intotdeauna necesar pentru a primi un

despre transfer unor terte parti.5. Schimb valutar. Va rugam sa solicitati informatii de la Agentul dvs. local cu privire la cursul de schimb aplicabil transferului dvs. si

monedele disponibile in tara de destinatie sau la o anumita locatie - Pe langa comisioanele aplicabile acestui transfer, se mai poate aplica si un curs de schimb stabilit de MoneyGram sau Agentii sai locali. Orice diferenta dintre cursul de schimbat dat clientilor si cursul

acestui formula este valabila pentru Transferuri catre Tara de Destinatie CU EXCEPTIA CAZURILOR IN CARE : (1) s -au scurs un numar de 45 de zile de la data trimiterii Transferului; sau (2) moneda declarata transferului este dolarul american sau euro si Agentul Local MoneyGram din Tara de Destinatie face plata intr-o alta moneda decat dolari americani sau euro. In aceasta situatie, suma de transfer

conditiile politice, economice sau de alta natura din Tara de Destinatie, iar Agentii locali dintr -o anumita tara pot sa nu aplice un schimb valutar uniform, determinand cursul de schimb sa varieze in functie de locatia selectata de catre Destinatar. MoneyGram nu este

schimb valutar. Acest schimb valutar reprezinta o tranzactie separata intre Destinatar si Agent si nu face parte din Transferul MoneyGram.

6. Informatii despre rambursare. Nu vor exesta drepturi de rambursare dca Expeditorul furnizeaza vre -o informatie incorecta sau daca Transferul a fost directionat catre un cont sau card de debit si suma de transfer a fost acceptata de Institutia Financiara. Expeditorul poate solicita rambursarea sumei de transfer si anularea transferului de bani in scris catre MoneyGram International Ltd. la adresa de

30 zile de la primirea unei cereri valbile. Fondurile furnizate catre MoneyGram pentru transferuri procesate prin sistemul MoneyGram sunt furnizate in scopul transmiterii lor si nu constituie un depozit.

7 45 de zile de la initierea transferului in 45

ramburs. Cu toate acestea, daca un transfer este platit dupa 45 de zile, MoneyGram poate aplica cursul de schimb stabilit de MoneyGram sau Agentii sai locali la data la care se face plata. Daca suma de primit este declarata in dolari americani; suma de primit declarata in moneda tarii de destinatie reprezinta doar o estimare.

8. Raspundere. MoneyGram NU VA FI RASPUNZATOARE IN NINCI O SITUATIE PENTRU PAGUBE PROVOCATE DE INTARZIEREA, NELIVRAREA, NEPLATA SAU PLATA PARTIALA A ACESTUI TRANSFER DE BANI, CAUZATA DE O EROARE SAU OMISIUNE A MoneyGram, SAU A AGENTILOR SAI, pentru o suma mai mare decat cea a transferului si a comisionului platit de catre Expeditor, cu exceptiile prevazute de lege. Nu se accepta raspundere pentru variatii sau intarzieri ale serviciului datorate unor reglementari locale sau

PAGUBE ACCIDENTALE, INDIRECTE, SPECIALE SAU CONSECVENTIALE..9. Protectia datelor. MoneyGram va folosi informatiile furnizate in acest (formular de expediere/primire) pentru a va furniza servicii de

transfer de plati. MoneyGram poate pastra informatiile dvs. personale in bazele sale de date in scopul mentinerii reletiei cu dvs. Aveti dreptul sa solicitati o copie a anumitor informatii personale ale dvs. detinute de MoneyGram, si sa soolicitati MoneyGram sa corecteze inexactitatile acelor informatii. MoneyGram poate pune aceste informatii la dispozitia companiilor parinte, si a Agentilor Locali, dar nu le

Economic European. Furnizarea de catre dvs. a informatiilor personale in acest formular este voluntara. Completand acest formular, va dati consimtamantul expres pentru utilizarea si transferul informatiilor dvs. de MoneyGram in aceste scopuri.

10Orice traducere in alta limba decat engleza se face doar pentru uzul partilor.

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