data structure project file

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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INDEXS. No. Title Page No. Teacher’s Signature

1. Perform Linear Search and Binary Search on an array.Descriptions of the programs:

a. Read and array of type integer.b. Input element from user for searching.c. Search the element by passing the array

to a function and then returning the position of the element from the function else return -1 if the element is not found.

d. Display the positions where the element has been found.

01 - 04

2. Implement sparse matrix using array.Description of program:

a. Read a 2D array from the user.b. Store it in the sparse matrix form, use

array of structures.c. Print the final array.

05 - 06

3. Create a linked list with nodes having information about a student and perform.Description of the program:

a. Insert a new node at specified position.b. Delete of a node with the roll number of

student specified.c. Reversal of that linked list.

07 - 13

4. Create doubly linked list with nodes having information about an employee and perform Insertion at front of doubly linked list and perform deletion at end of that doubly linked list.

14 - 17

5. Create circular linked list having information about a college and perform Insertion at front perform Deletion at end.

18 - 22

6. Create a stack and perform Pop, Push, Traverse operations on the stack using Linear Linked list.

23 - 26

7. Create a Linear Queue using Linked List and implement different operations such as Insert, Delete, and Display the queue elements.

27 - 30


Perform Linear Search and Binary Search on an array.

Description of programs:

a. Read an array of type integer. b. Input element from user for searching. c. Search the element by passing the array to a function and then returning the position of the element from the function else return -1 if the element is not found. d. Display the position where the element has been found.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>void LinearSearch( );void BinarySearch( );int i,j,n,a[20],count=0,yn=-1,choice,mid,first,last;void main( ) { printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n\t"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n\t"); printf("\n\t");

while(choice!=3) { printf("\n\n\tPress 1 For Linear Search"); printf("\n\n\tPress 2 For Binary Search"); printf("\n\n\tPress 3 For Exit"); printf("\n\n\tPlease Enter your choice :");

Experiment No - 1

scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: LinearSearch(); break;

case 2: BinarySearch(); break;

case 3: Exit(1);

default: printf("\n\n\tYou Have Entered Wrong Choice"); printf("\tEnter 1 for Continue :"); scanf("%d",&choice); } } getch(); }

void LinearSearch() { printf("\n\n\tLinear Search :"); printf("\n\n\tEnter The Size Of The Array : "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\n\tEnter The Sorted Array"); printf("\n\n\tEnter The %d Elements : \n",n); printf("\n\t"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n\t"); } printf("\n\n\tEnter The Elements To Be Searched :"); scanf("%d",&j); printf("\n\n\tOriginal Array\n\n\t"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

printf("%d\t",a[i]); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]==j) { printf("\n\n\tElement %d Is Found At Location %d\n",j,i+1); break; } else { count++; } } if(count==n) { n=-1; printf("\n\n\tElement %d is not in this array",n); } }

void BinarySearch(){ printf("\n\n\tBinary Search : "); printf("\n\n\tEnter The Size Of The Array :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\n\tEnter The Sorted Array"); printf("\n\n\tEnter The %d Elements :\n\t",n); printf("\n\t"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); printf("\n\t"); } printf("\n\n\tEnter The Elements To Be Searched :"); scanf("%d",&j); printf("\n\n\tOriginal array \n\n\t");

for(i=0;i<n;i++) 04.

{ printf("%d\t",a[i]); } first=0; last= n-1; while(first<=last) { mid=(first+last)/2; if(j<a[mid]) { last=mid-1; } else if(j>a[mid]) { first=mid+1; } else if(j==a[mid]) { printf("\n\n\tElement %d Is Found At Location %d\n",j,mid+1); yn=0; break; } } if(yn==1) { j=-1; printf("\n\n\tElement %d Is Not In This Array",j); } }


Implement sparse matrix using array.

Description of program:

a. Read a 2D array from the user. b. Store it in the sparse matrix form, use array of structures. c. Print the final array.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>main( ){ int A[10][10],B[10][3],m,n,s=0,i,j; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n\t"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n\t"); printf("\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter the order MxN of the matrix\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter the value of M :"); scanf("%d",&m); printf("\n\tEnter the value of N :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\tEnter the elements in the matrix\n\n\t"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { printf("\n\t%d Row and %d Column - \t",i,j); scanf("%d",&A[i][j]); } }

Experiment No - 2

printf("\n\tThe given matrix is:\n\n\t"); 06.

for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { printf("%d",A[i][j]); printf("\t"); } printf("\n\n\t");} for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if(A[i][j]!=0) { B[s][0]=A[i][j]; B[s][1]=i; B[s][2]=j; s++; } } } printf("\n\tThe sparse matrix is given by:\n\n"); printf("\tValue\tRow\tColumn\n\n\t"); for(i=0;i<s;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { printf("%d",B[i][j]); printf("\t"); } printf("\n\n\t"); } getch();}


3. Create a linked list with nodes having information about a student and perform

Description of program:

a. Insert a new node at specified position.b. Delete of a node with the roll number of student specified.

c. Reversal of that linked list.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<conio.h>#include<string.h>struct student{ char name[100]; int roll; struct student *next; }; struct student *first=NULL,*last=NULL,*k; void create(int n) { int i; first=(struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); printf("\n\tEnter The Name Of The Student:"); scanf("%s",first->name); printf("\n\tEnter The Roll Number Of The Student:"); scanf("%d",&first->roll); first->next=NULL; last=first; for(i=1;i<n;i++)

Experiment No - 3

{ k=(struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); printf("\n\tEnter The Name Of The Student:"); scanf("%s",k->name); printf("\n\tEnter The Roll Number Of The Student:"); scanf("%d",&k->roll); k->next=NULL; last->next=k; last=k; } }

void display( ) { struct student *t; int count=0; t=first; printf("\n\tThe Details Of The Students Are\n\n"); printf("\tS.No.\tRoll No.\tName\n"); while(t!=NULL) { count++;


t=t->next; } }

void insertafter() { int r; int flag=0; struct student *t; printf("\n\tEnter The Roll Number You Want To Insert After That:"); scanf("%d",&r); printf("\n\t");

if(first!=NULL) { t=first; while(t!=NULL) { if(t->roll==r) { k=(struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student));

printf("\n\tRoll No\t\t\tName\n"); printf("\n\t%d\t\t\t%s",t->roll,t->name); printf("\n\n\tEnter The Name Of The Student : "); scanf("%s",k->name) ; printf("\n\tEnter The Roll No Of The Student : "); scanf("%d",&k->roll); k->next=t->next; t->next=k; flag=1; break; } t=t->next; } if(flag==0) printf("\n\tThe Element Not Found!!!"); }else printf("\tElement Not Found ");}

void del(){ struct student *back,*t,*k; int r; int flag=0; if(first!=NULL) { printf("\n\tEnter The Roll Number You Want To Delete:");

scanf("%d",&r); if(first->roll==r) { first=first->next; flag=1; } else { back=first; k=first->next; while(k!=NULL && flag==0) { if(k->roll==r) { back->next=k->next; flag=1; printf("\n\tThe Record Deleted : "); getch();

} } } if(flag==0) printf("\n\tThe Element Not Found!!!"); } else { printf("\n\tNo Record In The Database"); getch(); } } void search() { int r; int flag=0; struct student *t; if(first!=NULL)

{ printf("\n\tEnter The Roll Number You Want To Search:"); scanf("%d",&r); t=first; while(t!=NULL) { if(t->roll==r) { printf("\n\n\tThe Roll Number Found In The List!!!\n”); printf(\n\tHis Name Is %s\n",t->name); flag=1; break; } t=t->next; } if(flag==0) printf("\n\tThe Roll Number Not In Database!!"); } else { printf("\n\tNo Element In The List "); getch(); }} void reverse_list() { struct student *temp,*temp1,*var; temp=first; var=NULL; while(temp!=NULL) { temp1=var; var=temp; temp=temp->next; var->next=temp1; } first=var;


int main() { int n,o; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n\t"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n\t"); printf("\n\t");

while(o!=0) { printf("\n\n\tPlease Press Enter To Continue : \n\n\t"); getch(); printf("\n\tEnter 1 For Creating Database"); printf("\n\tEnter 2 For Displaying Database"); printf("\n\tEnter 3 For Inserting An Record After Another"); printf("\n\tEnter 4 For Deleting A Record"); printf("\n\tEnter 5 For Searching A Record"); printf("\n\tEnter 6 Reversing The Nodes"); printf("\n\tEnter 0 For Exit!"); printf("\n\tPlease Enter Your Choice:"); scanf("%d",&o); switch(o) { case 1: printf("\n\tEnter The Maximum Size Of The Data Base:"); scanf("%d",&n); create(n); break;

case 2: display( ); break;

case 3: insertafter( ); break;

case 4: del(); 13.


case 5: search(); break; case 6: reverse_list(); display(); break;

case 0: exit(0); break;

default: printf("\n\tYou Have Entered A Wrong Choice!!!"); } }getch();}

14. Experiment No - 4

Create doubly linked list with nodes having information about an employee and perform Insertion at front of doubly linked list and perform deletion at end of that doubly linked list.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct employee { int num; long int salary; char name[20]; struct employee *prev;

struct employee *next; }


typedef struct employee employee;

employee *create(); void addemployee(employee *); void display(employee *); void addbeg(employee *); void del( );

void main( ){ int m,o;employee *p;

start=NULL; rear=NULL; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n\t"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n\t"); printf("\n\t"); printf("Deletion At End"); printf("\n\t\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter the Number of Employees :"); scanf("%d",&m); while(m--) { p=create(); addbeg(p); }

while(o!=0) { printf("\n\n\tPlease Press Enter to Continue \n\t"); getch();

printf("\n\tEnter 1 To Insert New Record\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 2.To Delete Record From End\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 3.To Display All Records \n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 0.To Exit\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter Your Choice :"); scanf("%d",&o);switch(o) { case 1: p=create(); addbeg(p); break;

case 2: del(); break;

case 3: display(start); break;

} } }

employee *create() { employee *k;

k=((employee *)malloc(sizeof(employee))); printf("\n\tEnter The Employee Number : "); scanf("%d",&k->num); printf("\n\tEnter The Name of The Employee : "); scanf("%s",k->name); printf("\n\tEnter The Salary Of The Employee : "); scanf("%ld",&k->salary); k->next=NULL; k->prev=NULL; return k; }

void display(employee *k) { int count=0; printf("\n\tS.No.\tEmployee Number\t\tName\t\tSalary\n"); while(k!=NULL) { count++; printf("\n\t%d\t%d\t\t\t%s\t\t%ld",count,k->num,k->name,k->salary); k=k->next; } }

void addbeg(employee *k) { if(start==NULL) { 17.


rear=k; } else { k->next=start; start->prev=k; start=k; } }

void del() { employee *temp;

if(start==NULL) return; else if (rear->prev==NULL) { temp=rear; start=rear=NULL; } else { temp=rear; rear=rear->prev; rear->next=NULL; free(temp); printf("\n\tNode Deleted\n\t"); } }

18. Experiment No - 5

Create circular linked list having information about an college and perform Insertion at front perform Deletion at end.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct node { int id; char name[20]; char director[20]; char add[20]; char contact[11]; struct node *next; }


typedef struct node node;

node *create();void display();void addbeg(node *);node *del(node *);main() { int m,o; node *p;

start=NULL; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n");

printf("\n\t"); printf("To Perform Deletion At End"); printf("\n\n\t"); printf("\n\tPlease Press Enter To Continue :"); getch(); printf("\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter Initial Number Of Colleges :"); scanf("%d",&m); while(m--) { p=create(); addbeg(p); } while(o!=0) { printf("\n\n\tPlease Press Enter To Continue"); getch(); printf("\n\n\tPress 1 To Insert new Record At Front"); printf("\n\n\tPress 2.To Delete Record From End"); printf("\n\n\tPress 3.To Display All Records"); printf("\n\n\tPress 0.To Exit"); printf("\n\n\tPress Your Choice : "); scanf("%d",&o); switch(o) { case 1: p=create(); addbeg(p); break; case 2: start=del(start); break;

case 3: display( ); break; } } }

node *create(){ node *k; k=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));

printf("\n\tEnter The ID : "); scanf("%d",&k->id); printf("\n\tEnter Name Of College : "); scanf("%s",k->name); printf("\n\tEnter Name Of Director : "); scanf("%s",k->director); printf("\n\tEnter Address Of The College : "); scanf("%s",k->add); printf("\n\tEnter Contact Number : "); scanf("%s",k->contact);

k->next=NULL; return k; }

void display(){ node *k; int count=0; k=start; printf("\n\n\tS.No.\tID\tName\tDirector\tAddress\t\tContact\n"); do { count++; printf("\n\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\t%s\n",count,k->id, k>name,k>director,k>add,k->contact); k=k->next; } while(k!=start);}

void addbeg(node *k) { node *n=start; if(start==NULL) { start=k; start->next=start; } else { while(n->next!=start) n=n->next; k->next=start; start=k; n->next=start; }}

node *del(node *start){ node *p,*q; p=start; if(p==NULL) { printf("\n\tList Is Empty\n");} else { while(p->next!=rear) { q=p; p=p->next; } printf("\n\tRecord Deleted"); 22.

q->next=p->next; }

rear=q; return start; }

23. Experiment No - 6

Create a stack and perform Pop, Push, Traverse operations on the stack using Linear Linked list.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct stack { int info; struct stack *next; }


typedef struct stack stack;

stack *create(int); void push(stack *); void display(stack *); void peep(int); void pop();

void main() { int m=8,a,choice1; stack *p; top=NULL; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n\t"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n\t"); printf("\n\t"); printf("\n\tPlease Press Enter To Continue\n\t"); getch();

printf("\n\tEnter Eight Numbers\n");

while(m--) { printf("\n\t"); scanf("%d",&a); p=create(a); push(p); } printf("\n\t"); dispaly(top); printf("\n\t"); do { printf("\n\tEnter 1 To PUSH\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 2 To POP\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 3 To SEARCH\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter Your Choice :"); scanf("%d",&m); switch(m) { case 1: printf("\n\tEnter A Value -"); scanf("%d",&m); printf("\n");

p=create(m); push(p); break;

case 2: printf("\n"); pop();

break; case 3: printf("\n\tEnter Value To Search -");

scanf("%d",&a); printf("\n\n"); peep(a); break;

default: printf("\n\tYou Have Entered Wrong Choice\n");

} printf("\t"); dispaly(top); printf("\n\t"); printf("\n\tEnter 1 To Continue :"); scanf("%d",&choice1); } while(choice1==1); getch(); }

stack *create(int m) { stack *k; k=((stack *)malloc(sizeof(stack))); k->info=m; k->next=NULL; return k;}

void push(stack *n) { if(top==NULL) { top=n; } else { n->next=top; top=n; } }

dispaly(stack *k) 26.

{ while(k!=NULL) {

printf("%d->",k->info); k=k->next; } }

void peep(int val) { stack *p=top; stack *k; int found =1; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->info==val) { printf("\tValue Found\n\n"); found=0; break;

} p=p->next; } if(found) printf("\n\tValue Not Found"); } void pop( ) { stack *k=top; top=top->next; free(k); }

27. Experiment No - 7

Create a Linear Queue using Linked List and implement different operations such as Insert, Delete, and Display the queue elements.

Source Code:

#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct queue { int info; struct queue *next; } *front,*rear,*k; typedef struct queue queue;

queue *create(int); void addq(queue *); void delq(); void display(queue *); void search(int );

void main() { int m=8,a,choice; queue *p; front=rear=NULL; printf("\n\tNAME - Devesh Kumar\n"); printf("\n\tNorthern India Engineering College\n"); printf("\n\tPress a key : \n\t"); getch(); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tEnter Eight Numbers\n"); printf("\n\n"); while(m--)

{ printf("\t"); scanf("%d",&a); p=create(a); addq(p); }

printf("\t"); printf("\n\n\t"); display(front); printf("\n\n\tMENU\n"); printf("\n\n\tEnter your choice\n"); printf("\n\tTo Add Node, Enter 1 \n\n\t"); printf("\n\tTo Delete Node, Enter 2\n\n\t"); printf("\n\tTo Search Value, Enter 3\n\n\t"); scanf("%d",&m); switch(m) {

case 1: printf("\n\n\tEnter a Value = \n");scanf("%d",&m);p=create(m);addq(p);break;

case 2: delq();break;

case 3: printf("\n\tEnter Value to search = ");scanf("%d",&a);search(a);break;

default: printf("\n\tMismatch Case\n"); printf("\tEnter 1 for Continue :"); scanf("%d",&choice); }

printf("\n\n\t"); display(front); getch(); }

queue *create(int m) { queue *k; k=((queue *)malloc(sizeof(queue))); k->info=m; k->next=NULL; return k; }

void addq(queue *n){ if(front==NULL) front=rear=n; else { rear->next=n; rear=n; } }

void display(queue *k) { while(k!=NULL) { printf("%d->",k->info); 30.

k=k->next; } }

void search(int val)

{ queue *p=front; queue *k; Int found =1; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->info==val) { printf("\n\tValue Found\n"); found=0;

break; } p=p->next;

} if(found) printf("\tValue Not Found\n");

} void delq( ) { queue *p=front; front=front->next; free(p); }

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