data poisoning attacks on multi-task relationship …ability of task relationship learning...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Data Poisoning Attacks onMulti-Task Relationship Learning

Mengchen Zhao, Bo An, Yaodong Yu, Sulin Liu, Sinno Jialin PanSchool of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, {boan,ydyu,liusl,sinnopan}


Multi-task learning (MTL) is a machine learning paradigmthat improves the performance of each task by exploitinguseful information contained in multiple related tasks. How-ever, the relatedness of tasks can be exploited by attackers tolaunch data poisoning attacks, which has been demonstrateda big threat to single-task learning. In this paper, we providethe first study on the vulnerability of MTL. Specifically, wefocus on multi-task relationship learning (MTRL) models, apopular subclass of MTL models where task relationships arequantized and are learned directly from training data. We for-mulate the problem of computing optimal poisoning attackson MTRL as a bilevel program that is adaptive to arbitrarychoice of target tasks and attacking tasks. We propose an ef-ficient algorithm called PATOM for computing optimal attackstrategies. PATOM leverages the optimality conditions of thesubproblem of MTRL to compute the implicit gradients of theupper level objective function. Experimental results on real-world datasets show that MTRL models are very sensitive topoisoning attacks and the attacker can significantly degradethe performance of target tasks, by either directly poisoningthe target tasks or indirectly poisoning the related tasks ex-ploiting the task relatedness. We also found that the tasks be-ing attacked are always strongly correlated, which provides aclue for defending against such attacks.


The security of machine learning algorithms has become agreat concern in many real-world applications involving ad-versaries. The threats to machine learning systems can beclassified as two kinds: exploratory attacks where attack-ers modify test examples in order to make machine learn-ing algorithms produce erroneous outputs (Li and Vorobey-chik 2014; Biggio et al. 2013), and causative attacks (a.k.apoisoning attacks) where attackers manipulate training ex-amples to subvert the learned model (Barreno et al. 2010;Biggio, Nelson, and Laskov 2012; Xiao et al. 2015). Poi-soning attacks usually occur when training data is collectedfrom public sources (e.g., Internet users) and can be veryharmful due to its long-lasting effect on the learned model.Studying poisoning attacks provides deep understanding ofhow well machine learning performs in adversarial training

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environment, which is critical for improving the robustnessof real-world machine learning systems.

In this paper, we formally analyze optimal poisoning at-tacks on multi-task learning (MTL) models, where multipletasks are learned jointly to achieve better performance thansingle-task learning (Zhang and Yang 2017). Specifically,we focus on multi-task relationship learning (MTRL) mod-els, a popular subclass of MTL models where task relation-ships are quantized and are learned directly from trainingdata (Zhang and Yeung 2010; Liu, Pan, and Ho 2017). ManyMTL-based machine systems collect training data from in-dividual users to provide personalized services, includingcollaborative spam filtering and personalized recommenda-tions, which makes them vulnerable to poisoning attackslaunched by cyber criminals. For example, in an MTL-basedrecommender system, attackers can control a considerablenumber of user accounts either by hacking existing user ac-counts or creating fictitious user accounts.

Previous works on poisoning attacks focus on single-tasklearning (STL) models, including support vector machines(Biggio, Nelson, and Laskov 2012), autoregressive models(Alfeld, Zhu, and Barford 2016) and factorization-based col-laborative filterings (Li et al. 2016). However, none of themstudies poisoning attacks on MTL models. Computing op-timal poisoning attacks on MTL models can be much morechallenging than on STL models, because MTL tasks arerelated with each other and an attack on one task might po-tentially influence other tasks. This also opens a door forthe attacker to attack some accessible tasks and indirectlyinfluence the unaccessible target tasks, which cannot be ad-dressed by existing methods on poisoning STL models.

The major contributions of our work are threefold. First,we formulate the optimal poisoning attack problem onMTRL as a bilevel program that is adaptive to any choiceof target tasks and attacking tasks. Second, we develop astochastic gradient ascent based algorithm called PATOMfor solving the optimal attack problem, where the gradi-ents are computed based on the optimality conditions of theconvex subproblem of MTRL. Third, we demonstrate ex-perimentally that MTRL is very sensitive to data poisoningattacks. The attacker can significantly degrade the perfor-mance of target tasks, by either directly poisoning the tar-get tasks or indirectly poisoning the related tasks. Moreover,we study the change of task relationships under attacks and

The Thirty-Second AAAI Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)

The Thirty-Second AAAI Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)


found that the attacking tasks usually have strong local cor-relations, which suggests that a group of strongly correlatedtasks could be dangerous to the learner.

Related Work

Data poisoning attacks against machine learning algorithmshave become an important research topic in adversarial ma-chine learning (Barreno et al. 2006; Huang et al. 2011;Kloft and Laskov 2010; Lowd and Meek 2005). The firstwork that provides formal study of poisoning attacks inves-tigates the vulnerability of support vector machines, wherean attacker progressively injects malicious data points tothe training set in order to maximize the classification er-ror (Biggio, Nelson, and Laskov 2012). Xiao et al.(2015)study poisoning attacks on feature selection algorithms andpropose an algorithm that repeatedly optimizing the injecteddata until convergence. Mei and Zhu (2015b) propose an al-gorithmic framework for computing training set attacks. Re-cently, poisoning attacks have been analyzed on many im-portant machine learning algorithms, including autoregres-sive models (Alfeld, Zhu, and Barford 2016), latent Dirichletallocation (Mei and Zhu 2015a), and matrix factorization-based collaborative filtering (Li et al. 2016). However, exist-ing works focus only on STL models and the vulnerabilityof MTL models is left to be explored.

Another line of research related to our work is MTL,which has been extensively studied in the literature. Ingeneral, MTL can be categorized into four classes: fea-ture learning approaches, low-rank approaches, task clus-tering approaches, and task relationship approaches. Fea-ture learning approaches aim to learn a common sharedfeature space among multiple tasks to boost the learningperformance of each task (Argyriou, Evgeniou, and Pon-til 2007). Low-rank approaches assume that the model pa-rameters of different tasks share a low-rank structure, anddiscovery of such a low-rank structure could help learn-ing a more precise model for each task (Ando and Zhang2005). Task clustering approaches assume that differenttasks form several task-clusters, each of which consists ofsimilar tasks (Thrun and O’Sullivan 1996). Task relationshiplearning aims to quantify and learn task relationship auto-matically from data, such that knowledge can be transferredamong related tasks (Zhang and Yeung 2010). However, aswe discussed, the vulnerability of MTL has never been stud-ied. In this work, we fill the gap by investigating the vulner-ability of task relationship learning approaches, which haveproven to be effective in MTL.

Multi-Task Relationship Learning

We denote by T = {Ti}mi=1 the set of learning tasks. Foreach task Ti, we are given a set of training data Di ={(xi

j , yij)|xi

j ∈ Rd, j = 1, ..., ni}. The label yij ∈ R if

the task is a regression task and yij ∈ {−1,+1} if thetask is a binary classification task. Note that a multi-classclassification problem can be easily decomposed to a setof binary classification problems using the one-vs-the-reststrategy (Fan et al. 2008). The goal of MTL is to jointlylearn a prediction function fi(x) for each task. In this pa-

per, we consider linear prediction functions where fi(x) =(wi)�x + bi, but note that it is easy to extend to non-linear cases using kernel methods. For the ease of represen-tation, we denote (x, 1) by x and denote (w, b) by w so thatfi(x) = (wi)�x.

We consider a general multi-task relationship learning(MTRL) formulation (Zhang and Yeung 2010) as follows,which includes many existing popular MTL methods asits special cases (Evgeniou, Micchelli, and Pontil 2005;Evgeniou and Pontil 2004; Jacob, Vert, and Bach 2009;Kato et al. 2008).






l((wi)�xij , y

ij) +




2tr(WΩ−1W�), (1)

s.t. Ω � 0, tr(Ω) = 1,

where l(·) is an arbitrary convex loss function, W is a ma-trix whose i-th column wi is the weight vector of task Ti,Ω ∈ R

m×m is the covariance matrix that describes posi-tive, negative and unrelated task relationships. The first termin the objective function measures the empirical loss of alltasks with the term 1/ni to balance the different sample sizesof tasks. The second term in the objective function is to pe-nalize the complexity of W, and the last term serves as thetask-relationship regularization term. The first constraint en-sures that the covariance matrix Ω is positive semi-definite,and the second constraint controls its complexity.

Data Poisoning Attacks on MTRL

In this section, we introduce the problem settings for the datapoisoning attack on MTRL. We define three kinds of attacksbased on real-world scenarios and propose a bilevel formu-lation for computing optimal attacks.

We assume that the attacker aims to degrade the per-formance of a set of target tasks Ttar ⊂ T by injectingdata to a set of attacking tasks Tatt ⊂ T . We denote byDi = {(xi

j , yij)|xi

j ∈ Rd, j = 1, ..., ni} the set of malicious

data injected to task i. Specially, Di = ∅, i.e., ni = 0, ifTi �∈ Tatt. We define and study the following three kinds ofattacks based on real-world scenarios.

• Direct attack: Ttar = Tatt. Attacker can directly injectdata to all the target tasks. For example, in product reviewsentiment analysis, each task is a sentiment classificationtask that classifies a review as negative or positive. One-commerce platforms such as Amazon, attackers can di-rectly attack the target tasks by providing crafted reviewsto the target products.

• Indirect attack: Ttar ∩ Tatt = ∅. Attacker cannot injectdata to any of the target tasks. However, he can inject datato other tasks and indirectly influence the target tasks. Forexample, personalized recommendations treat each useras a task and use users’ feedback to train personalized rec-ommendation models. In such scenarios, attackers usuallycannot access the training data of target tasks. However,


attackers can launch indirect attacks by faking some ma-licious user accounts, which will be treated as attackingtasks, and providing crafted feedback to the systems.

• Hybrid attack: A mixture of direct attack and indirect at-tack where the attacker can inject data to both target tasksand attacking tasks.

We denote by L(D,w) =∑|D|

k=1 l(w�xk, yk) the em-

pirical loss incurred by weight vector w on data set D, anddefine the attacker’s utility function as the empirical loss ontraining data of the target tasks:

U =∑

{i|Ti∈Ttar} L(Di,wi).

Following the Kerckhoffs’ principle (Kahn 1998) and exist-ing works on poisoning attacks (Biggio, Nelson, and Laskov2012; Li et al. 2016), we assume that the attacker has fullknowledge of the victim MTRL model. In reality, attack-ers can either obtain the knowledge of victim models by ex-ploiting insider threats (Greitzer et al. 2008) or probing themachine learning systems by sending queries from the out-side (Lowd and Meek 2005). We then formulate the optimalattack problem as the following bilevel optimization prob-lem. Problem (2) is the upper level problem, in which theobjective function is the attacker’s utility U . The variablesof the upper level problem are the injected data points Di,which are usually constrained in real-world scenarios. Forexample, the injected data should have similar scale withthe clean data. The lower level problem (Problem (3)) isan MTRL problem with training set consists of both cleanand injected data points. The lower level problem can be re-garded as the constraint of the upper level problem. In otherwords, the variables W used for computing the objective ofProblem (2) should be the optimal solution of the lower levelproblem.

max{ Di|Ti∈Tatt}


L(Di,wi), (2)

s.t. Constraints on {Di|Ti ∈ Tatt},




ni′+ni′L(Di′ ∪ Di′ ,w






(3)s.t. Ω � 0, tr(Ω) = 1.

Computing Optimal Attack Strategies

In this section, we propose an algorithm called PATOM forcomputing optimal attack strategies. PATOM is a projectedstochastic gradient ascent based algorithm that efficientlymaximizes the injected data in the direction of increasing theempirical loss of target tasks. Since there is no close-formrelation between the empirical loss and the injected data, wecompute the gradients exploiting the optimality conditionsof the subproblem of MTRL.

General Optimization Framework

Bilevel problems are usually hard to solve due to theirnon-linearity, non-differentiability and non-convexity. In ourbilevel formulation, although the upper level problem (2)is relatively simple, the lower level problem (3) is highlynon-linear and non-convex. Inspired by (Li et al. 2016;Mei and Zhu 2015b; Xiao et al. 2015; Zhao et al. 2017),we use a projected gradient ascent method to solve our pro-posed bilevel problem. The idea is to iteratively update theinjected data in the direction of maximizing the attacker’sutility function U . In order to reduce the complexity of theoptimal attack problem, we fix the labels of injected data yijand optimize over the features of injected data xi

j . The up-date rule is written as follows,


t ← ProjX((xi

j)t−1 + η∇(xi

j)t−1U), (4)

where η is the step size, t denotes the t-th iteration, andX represents the feasible region of the injected data, whichis specified by the first constraint in the upper level prob-lem (2). We consider X as an �2-norm ball with diameter r.Therefore, Proj

Xcan be represented by:

ProjX(x) =

{x, if ||x||2 ≤ r,xr

||x||2 , if ||x||2 > r.

In order to compute the gradients ∇(xij)

t−1U , we first applythe chain rule to arrive at

∇(xij)U = ∇WU · ∇(xi

j)W. (5)

However, note that U is the sum of losses incurred by ev-ery point in the target tasks, the first term on the right sidecould be computationally expensive if the number of datapoints in target tasks is large. Therefore, we instead pro-pose a projected stochastic gradient ascent based algorithm,called PATOM, to improve the scalability of our approach.

The details of PATOM is shown in Algorithm 1. We firstrandomly initialize the injected data Di within the �2-normball with diameter r. Using the injected data, we solve theMTRL problem (the lower level problem (3)), and obtainthe initial values of the weight matrix W0 and the covari-ance matrix Ω0. In each iteration, we perform a projectedstochastic gradient ascent procedure steps (7-10) on all theinjected data. Specifically, for each data point (xp

q ,ypq ) sam-

pled from Dbatch, we compute the gradients of its associateloss l((wp

t )�xp

q ,ypq ) with respect to each injected data xi

j .Therefore, by replacing U in (4) with l((wp

t )�xp

q ,ypq ) we

have the stochastic version of the update rule as shown in (6).Then, with the updated injected data Di = Dt

i , we solve thelower level problem (3) again to obtain a new weight matrixWt and a new covariance matrix Ωt, which will be used inthe next iteration.(xi

j)t ← Proj



j)t−1 l((w


�xpq ,y

pq )). (6)

Gradients Computation

In order to compute the gradients ∇(xij)l((wp)�xp

q ,ypq )

in (6), we still apply the chain rule and obtain:


q ,ypq ) = ∇wp l((wp)�xp

q ,ypq ) · ∇xi

jwp. (7)


Algorithm 1: computing Poisoning ATtacks OnMulti-task relationship learning (PATOM)

1 Input: Ttar, Tatt, step size η, attacker budget ni.2 Randomly initialize

D0i = {((xi

j)0, (yij)

0)|j = 1, ..., ni}, ∀i ∈ Tatt.3 Di = D0

i , , ∀i ∈ Tatt.4 Solve lower level problem (3) to obtain W0 and Ω0.5 t ← 1.6 while t < tmax do7 Sample a batch Dbatch from ∪i∈TtarDi.8 for (xp

q ,ypq ) ∈ Dbatch do

9 for i ∈ Tatt, j = do

10 Update (xij)

t according to (6).

11 Di = Dti , ∀i ∈ Tatt.

12 Solve (3) to obtain Wt and Ωt.13 t ← t+ 1.

We can see that the first term on the right side dependsonly on the loss function l(·) and is relatively easy to com-pute. However, the second term on the right side dependson the optimality conditions of lower level problem (3). Inthe rest of this section, we show how to compute the gradi-ents with respect to two commonly used loss functions. Forregression tasks, we adopt least-square loss: l1(w�x, y) =(y−w�x)2. For classification tasks, we adopt squared hingeloss: l2(w�x, y) = (1−yw�x)2.

We first fix Ω to eliminate the constraints of the lowerlevel problem (3), and obtain the following sub-problem:




ni+niL(Di ∪ Di,w




2tr(WΩ−1W�). (8)

As shown in (Zhang and Yeung 2010), MTRL problems canbe solved by an alternating approach with Ω and W alter-natingly fixed in each iteration. Also note that in bilevel op-timization, the optimality of the lower level problem canbe considered as a constraint to the upper level problem.Therefore, at convergence, we can treat Ω in Problem (8)as a constant-value matrix when computing the gradients.We then substitute the least-square loss function l1(·) intoProblem (8) and reformulate it as the following constrainedoptimization problem:





⎛⎝ ni∑









2tr(WΩ−1W�), (9)

s.t. εij = yij − (wi)�xi

j , ∀i, j,εij′ = yi

j′ − (wi)�xij′ , ∀i, j′.

The Lagrangian of the problem (9) is:

G =m∑i=1



⎛⎝ ni∑












⎛⎝ ni∑



(yij − (wi)�xi

j − εij)




ij′ − (wi)�xi

j′ − εij′)

⎞⎠ . (10)

The gradient of G with respect to W is:


∂W= W(λ1Im + λ2Ω



⎛⎝ ni∑




�i +


αij′ x



⎞⎠ . (11)

where Im is m×m identity matrix, and ei is the i-th columnof Im. By setting ∂G

∂W = 0, we obtain:



⎛⎝⎛⎝ ni∑





αij′ x


⎞⎠ e�i Ω(λ1Ω+λ2In)


⎞⎠ ,

(12)which implies that each task’s weight vector wi can be rep-resented as a linear combination of training data from alltasks. For simplicity in presentation, we denote by Φ =Ω(λ1Ω+λ2In)

−1, and reexpress (12) as the following form:

wp =



⎛⎝ ni∑



ij +


αij′ x


⎞⎠ , p = 1...m.


Similarly, we substitute the squared hinge loss into the lossfunction L(·) in Problem (8), and obtain:




⎛⎝ ni∑






αij′ y

ij′ x


⎞⎠ , p = 1...m.


Given (13) and (14), we can compute the gradient in (6). Incase of the least-square loss, we have:


q ,ypq ) = 2((wp)�xp

q − ypq )xpq



= 2((wp)�xpq − ypq )x

pq α

ijΦi,p. (15)

In case of the squared hinge loss, we have:


q ,ypq )

= 2(ypq (wp)�xp

q − 1)ypqxpq



= 2(ypq (wp)�xp

q − 1)ypqxpq y


ijΦi,p. (16)


Experimental Results

In this section, we first evaluate PATOM in terms of conver-gence and solution quality. Experimental results show thatPATOM converges to local optima in less than 10 iterationsand the attack strategies computed by PATOM significantlyoutperform baselines. Second, we study the task relation-ships under the data poisoning attacks and found that taskrelationships are very sensitive to the attacks. We also foundthat the tasks under attacking form strong correlations.


We use three real-world datasets to validate our proposedmethods. The Landmine and the MNIST datasets are usedfor classification tasks and Sarcos dataset is used for regres-sion tasks. For each dataset, all data points are divided by themaximum �2 norm among them, so that all data points arewithin a �2-norm ball with diameter 1. We consider this ballas the feasible region of the injected data in order to ensurethat the injected data and the clean data are at the same scale.We use the area under the ROC curve (AUC) to evaluate thelearning performance for classification tasks, and the nor-malized mean squared error (NMSE) for regression tasks.The higher AUC corresponds to the better performance forclassification and the lower NMSE corresponds to the betterperformance for regression. The detailed description of thedatasets are given below.

• Sarcos1 relates to an inverse dynamics problem for a7 degrees-of-freedom SARCOS anthropomorphic robotarm. The input is a 21-dimensional space that includes 7joint positions, 7 joint velocities and 7 joint accelerations.Each input instance is associated with 7 joint torques. Fol-lowing previous work (Zhang and Yeung 2010), each taskis to learn a mapping from the 21-dimensional input spaceto one of the 7 torques. The dataset contains 44,484 train-ing examples and 4,449 test examples.

• Landmine2 consists of 29 tasks collected from variouslandmine fields. A data point in each task is representedby a 9-dimensional feature vector, and associated witha corresponding binary label (“1” for landmine and “-1” for cluster). The feature vectors are extracted fromradar images, concatenating four momentbased features,three correlation-based features, one energy ratio featureand one spatial variance feature. The tasks entail differentnumbers of data points, varying from 89 to 138 examples.

• MNIST3 is a hand-written digit dataset with 10 classes.We use the one-vs-the-rest strategy to decompose themulti-class classification problem to 10 binary classifica-tion problems, and treat each binary classification prob-lem as a task. To form the training set for each task,we randomly draw 300 data points of the designateddigits and assign label “+1” and draw an equal num-ber of instances from other classes randomly and assign


Figure 1: Convergence of PATOM.

label “-1”. The dataset contains 60,000 training exam-ples and 10,000 test examples. We use principal compo-nent analysis (PCA) to reduce the feature space to a 128-dimensional space.

Evaluating Convergence of PATOM

Our first set of experiments study the convergence ofPATOM on Sarcos dataset and Landmine dataset, with re-spect to regression tasks and classification tasks. On Sarcosdataset, we randomly draw 300 training examples and 600test examples from the associated training and test set. Fordirect attacks, we select 3 tasks on Sarcos dataset and 15tasks on Landmine dataset as the respective target tasks, andset the attacking tasks the same as the target tasks. For in-direct attacks, we use the same target tasks as in the directattack, and treat the rest of tasks as the attacking tasks. Forhybrid attacks, we randomly select the same number of at-tacking tasks as in the indirect attack experiments from alltasks. We set the step size η = 100 and the lower level prob-lem parameters λ1 = λ2 = 0.1. The batch size is set to bethree times of the clean data. The number of injected datapoints in each task is set to be 20% of the clean data.

Figure 1 shows the results of the convergence experimentson the two datasets, where x-axis represents the number ofiterations in PATOM, and y-axis represents the NMSE av-eraged over target tasks of Sarcos dataset and the AUC av-eraged over target tasks on Landmine dataset, respectively.We can see that for all the three kinds of attacks on the twodatasets, PATOM converges to local optima in less than 10iterations, where at iteration 0 the injected data points arerandomly initialized. Since existing optimization techniquescannot guarantee global optimal solutions for nonconvexprograms, all of the solutions we find are approximate. How-ever, we can get an estimation of the global optimal solutionby selecting multiple start points and comparing the localoptima. In our experiments, we observe very similar localoptima values when choosing multiple start points. Basedon this observation, we run PATOM with one start point inour remaining experiments.

Evaluating Solution Qualities

Our second set of experiments evaluates the performance ofMTRL under direct attacks and indirect attacks with respectto different datasets. On each dataset, we select 4 differ-ent pairs of target task set and attacking task set. Each pair


Figure 2: Solution quality comparison. Each figure corresponds to a choice of pair (Ttar, Tatt) of the associated dataset. Thebold line (dashed line) with circle marker represents direct attacks (random direct attacks); the bold line (dashed line) withsquare marker represents indirect attacks (random indirect attacks). The budget represents the ratio of the number of injecteddata points to the number of clean data points.

(Ttar, Tatt) is chosen by randomly selecting half of tasksto form Ttar and the rest of tasks to form Tatt. We have|Ttar| = 4 and |Tatt| = 3 on Sarcos dataset, |Ttar| = 15and |Tatt| = 14 on Landmine dataset, and |Ttar| = 5 and|Tatt| = 5 on MNIST dataset. For a pair (Ttar, Tatt) of eachdataset, we compare the averaged NMSE or averaged AUCover the target tasks under four kinds of attacks: direct at-tacks, indirect attacks, random direct attacks and random in-direct attacks. The last two kinds of attacks are treated asbaselines, where the injected data points are randomly cho-sen. Figure 2 shows the results of quality comparison amongthe four kinds of attacks. Some interesting findings include:

• Direct attacks are more effective than indirect attacks andrandom attacks given the same budget. From Figure 2, wecan see that direct attacks significantly degrade the learn-ing performance on all datasets. For example, on Sarcosdataset, direct attacks with 30% malicious data injectedleads to about 50% higher averaged NMSE. However,note that in some scenarios, attackers may have largerbudget for launching indirect attacks. Take the recom-mender system for example, attackers can provide arbi-trary number of training data through the malicious ac-counts created by themselves. In such cases, indirect at-tacks are also big threats to the learning system.

• Both direct attacks and indirect attacks computed byPATOM significantly outperform random attacks, respec-

tively, which demonstrates that the real-world attackerscan do much better than just launching random attacks.

• Different choices of pairs (Ttar, Tatt) influence the at-tacks’ performance. For example, we can see from thesecond figure of the first row of Figure 2, the indirectattacks lead to a higher loss than random direct attacks.However, in the third figure of the first row, the randomdirect attacks lead to a higher loss than indirect attacks.

• Indirect attacks almost have no effect on MNIST dataset.Since we can easily learn good classifiers on MNISTdataset using only hundreds of training examples, eachtask does not need much help from other tasks and the taskcorrelations are relatively low. Consequently, it is hard forthe attacker to launch effective indirect attacks by exploit-ing task relationships.

• The AUC slightly increases after budget=0.1 on MNISTdataset. Since our formulation maximizes the empiricalloss on the training data but the AUC is computed basedon the test data, we think the AUC on test data reaches thelower bound near budget=0.1 and slightly increases afterthat due to the distribution discrepancy between trainingdata and test data. The intuition behind this is similar to‘overfitting’ in the convention of machine learning.












(a) No attack-0.1











(b) Tatt = {T2, ..., T5}











(c) Tatt = {T3, ..., T6}











(d) Tatt = {T4, ..., T7}











(e) No attack











(f) Tatt = {T5, ..., T19}











(g) Tatt = {T11, ..., T25}-0.8










(h) Tatt = {T15, ..., T29}

Figure 3: Visualization of task correlations under attacks. (a) - (d) are the results on Sarcos dataset and (e) - (f) are the results onLandmine dataset. The color of each grid represents the value of the correlation matrix, ranging from −1 (blue) to +1 (yellow)as shown in the color bar at the right side of each figure. The first figure of each row is the ground-truth task correlations learnedwith clean data. The target task set is set to be Ttar = {T1, T2, T3} on Sarcos dataset and Ttar = {T1, ..., T15} for Landminedataset and remains the same under different attacks.

Evaluating Task Relationships

Our third set of experiments study the task relationships un-der different attacks. We fix the target task set as Ttar ={T1, T2, T3} on Sarcos dataset and Ttar = {T1, ..., T15} onLandmine dataset. Then, for each dataset, we select threedifferent attacking task sets and compute three hybrid at-tacks. We set the amount of injected data to be 30% of theclean data with respect to each task. We convert the learnedcovariance matrices to correlation matrices and visualizethem in Figure 3. Since the Sarcos dataset has 7 tasks andthe Landmine dataset has 29 tasks, the learned correlationmatrix is a 7 × 7 symmetric matrix on Sarcos dataset and29× 29 symmetric matrix on Landmine dataset.

Figure 3 shows that on both datasets the ground-truth taskcorrelations are significantly subverted by the data poisoningattacks. For example, in Figure 3(a), the ground-truth corre-lation between tasks 2 and 3 is −0.99, which suggests thatthe two tasks are highly negatively correlated. However, inFigure 3(b), the correlation between tasks 2 and 3 becomes0.99, meaning that the two tasks are highly positively cor-related. Similar results can be found on Landmine dataset.Moreover, from Figures 3(b) - 3(d) and 3(f) - 3(h), we ob-serve that the attacking tasks are usually highly positive cor-related, in contrast with other tasks. This suggests that themachine learner needs to be aware of a group of tasks thatform strong local correlations.

Conclusion and Future Work

This paper studies the data poisoning attacks on MTRLmodels. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first tostudy the vulnerability of MTL. We categorize the data poi-soning attacks into direct attacks, indirect attacks and hy-brid attacks based on the real-world scenarios. We propose abilevel formulation that includes the three kinds of attacks toanalyze the optimal attack problems. We propose PATOM,a stochastic gradient ascent based approach that leveragesthe optimality conditions of MTRL to compute the gradi-ents. We evaluate PATOM in terms of convergence and so-lution quality on real-world datasets. Experimental resultsshow that PATOM converges to local optima in less than10 iterations and the attack strategies computed by PATOMsignificantly outperform baselines. We also study the taskcorrelations under data poisoning attacks.

The ultimate goal of studying data poisoning attacks is todevelop effective defense strategies against such attacks. Infuture work, we will consider two classes of potential de-fense strategies for protecting MTL: data sanitization andimproving the robustness of MTL. First, as shown in ourexperiments of evaluating task relationships, the tasks un-der attacking show a strong correlation with only 30% datainjected. Therefore, the machine learner can examine thedata from tasks that form strong local correlations, per-haps through human verifications. Moreover, once a task isdemonstrated to be malicious, the learner can examine thetasks that strongly correlate to it, which will significantly


reduce the learner’s effort in examining the data. Second,improving the robustness of MTL could also be an effectiveapproach to defend against data poisoning attacks. MTL ex-ploits the task relatedness to improve the performance of in-dividual tasks, where such relatedness can also be exploitedby the attacker to launch indirect attacks. A possible ap-proach to improve the robustness of MTL is to differentiatethe helpful relatedness and the harmful task relatedness, sothat we can preserve the helpful relatedness and reduce theharmful relatedness during learning.


This research is supported by NRF2015 NCR-NCR003-004.


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