data analysis, presentation and interpretation of data

Post on 06-May-2015






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Data Analysis, Presentation and

Interpretation of DataGroup 9

Pamplona, Elaine

Data AnalysisTypes of Data Analysis

simplest form of quantitative (statistical) analysis

carried out with the description of a single variable in terms of the applicable unit of analysis

Univariate Analysis

basic way of presenting is to create a frequency distribution of the individual cases, which involves presenting the number of cases in the sample that fall into each category of values of the variable

can be done in a table format or with a bar chart or a similar form of graphical representation

Univariate Analysis

involves two variables, deals with causes or relationships

major purpose is to explain

one of the simplest forms of the quantitative (statistical) analysis

Bivariate Analysis

involves the analysis of two variables (often denoted as X, Y), for the purpose of determining the empirical relationship between them

In order to see if the variables are related to one another, it is common to measure how those two variables simultaneously change together.

Bivariate Analysis

based on the statistical principle of multivariate statistics, which involves observation and analysis of more than one statistical outcome variable at a time

Multivariate Analysis (MVA)

In design and analysis, the technique is used to perform trade studies across multiple dimensions while taking into account the effects of all variables on the responses of interest.

Multivariate Analysis (MVA)

Design for capability (also known as capability-based design)

Inverse design, where any variable can be treated as an independent variable

Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), the selection of concepts to fulfill a customer need

Uses for Multivariate Analysis

Analysis of concepts with respect to changing scenarios

Identification of critical design drivers and correlations across hierarchical levels.

Uses for Multivariate Analysis

Pusta, Peter Vernon P.

you can use a selection of criteria to analyze which variants have already reached or been set to a specific status, or for which objects the status is used

Status Data Analysis

aims at finding out not only how things are, but above all how they should be, which means that it will be necessary to define the subjective point of view that shall be used, in other words to select the people who shall evaluate the proposals which aim at improving the object of study

Normative Data Analysis

discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of data, or the quantitative description itself

Descriptive statistics are distinguished frominferential statistics (or inductive statistics), in that descriptive statistics aim to summarize a sample, rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent

Descriptive Data Analysis

For example in a paper reporting on a study involving human subjects, there typically appears a table giving the overall sample size, sample sizes in important subgroups (e.g., for each treatment or exposure group), and demographic or clinical characteristics such as the average age, the proportion of subjects of each sex, and the proportion of subjects with related comorbidities

Descriptive Data Analysis

Pilapil, Wilson O.

a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards

can assist an organization, program, project or any other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realisable concept/proposal, or any alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed


enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change

often used to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including the arts, criminal justice, foundations, non-profit organizations, government, health care, and other human services

Primary Purpose of Evaluation

Classification refers to categorization, the process in which ideas and objects are recognized, differentiated, and understood

Classification Analysis

Presentation of Data

Perez, Kent Micky

arranges data in an ordered format, such as lowest to highest

can also use a stem and leaf plot for presentation

the researched data is presented to others in a paragraph form

could be hard for people to understand without a visual aid

Textual Presentation

data is presented in a chart or table format

statistics may be shown across several rows and columns, presenting data with certain parameters in a fashion that can be looked over and compared

Tabular Presentation

data is arranged in rows and columns by month or segment, which is used to show what particular day correlates to the day of the month or number unit of the monthly segment

calendar can be considered one of the simplest types of tabular data presentation

Tabular Presentation

Popa, Grace

visual display of data and statistical results

visual display of data and statistical results

basically summarizes how one quantity changes if another quantity that is related to it also changes

Graphical presentation

show and compare changes

show and compare relationships

bring facts to life

Purpose of Graphing

Attractive and Effective presentation of Data

Simple and Understandable Presentation of Data

Useful in Comparison

Useful for Interpretation

Remembrance for long period

Advantages of Graphs

Helpful in Predictions

Universal utility

Information as well as Entertainment

Helpful in Transmission of Information

No Need for training

Advantages of Graphs

Panaligan, Jesus Marcel H.

Types of Graphs

uses vertical or horizontal bars to represent numerical data.  

bar graph compares amounts in a single time period. 

Bar Graph

graph that uses pairs of bars to compare information

Double Bar Graph

A graph used to show changes over a period of time

Line Graph

graph that uses pairs of lines to compare information

Double Line Graph

circular graph that separates each category into a piece of the whole

Circular (Pie) Graph

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