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Post on 13-Aug-2020






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DARk SECRETSDARk SECRETSDARk SECRETSThe final season of War-Torn Alliances puts players deep underground in a series of caves that run under the Thornwood. Battles here will be claustrophobic and rife with hazards. Who knows what secrets lurk in the darkness? Perhaps you will find yourself stumbling through the shadows, battling over an underground lake, or choking on the ashes of a smoldering forest. Fight tooth and claw for survival, or fall and fade into obscurity . . .


ScenarioSPlayers can randomly select a scenario for one-on-one games before each game by rolling 2d6 and using the corresponding scenario from the table. Scenarios suitable for team games are noted and can be randomly selected by rolling a d6.

For Unbound games, see p. 56 in No Quarter #37 for how to randomly determine scenarios for one-on-one and multiplayer games.

allianceSAlliances are faction pairings that represent an uneasy agreement to battle toward a common goal. These tenuous accords change with each War-Torn Alliances season. Allied factions work together to conquer territory on the league map, so use your allies to your advantage and work hard to maintain your foothold, lest another alliance moves in to usurp your claim!

Please see the Alliances section in the War-Torn Alliances rules document for more details.

Alliances for this season are as follows:

• Cygnar – Khador• Protectorate – Blindwater Congregation• Cryx – Retribution• Mercenaries – Trollbloods• Circle – Skorne• Legion – Thornfall Alliance

UpgradeSThe following upgrades are available for War-Torn Alliances: Dark Secrets.

• Cygnar – Charger: Overcharge; Minuteman: Real Steel; Ironclad: Quake Compensators

• Protectorate – Dervish: Whirling Blades; Vigilant: Protector’s Instinct; Guardian: Divine Vessel

• Khador – Man-O-War Bombardiers: Fire Team; Man-O-War Shock Troopers: Blade Wall; Man-O-War Demolition Corps: Full Head of Steam

• Cryx – Nightwretch: Doom Regulator; Desecrator: Vivisection; Reaper: Death Dragger

• Retribution – Chimera: Force Node; Banshee: Death Wail; Manticore: Field Accelerator

• Mercenaries – Talon: Sweet Revenge; Rover: Tried & True; Basher: Coal Reserves

• Trollbloods – Swamp Troll: Swamp Gas; Dire Troll Blitzer: Jarl’s Ambushers; Dire Troll Bomber: Heat Acclimation

• Circle – Gorax: When They’re Angry; Gnarlhorn Satyr: Scrappers; Wold Guardian: Arcane Accretion

• Skorne – Razor Worm: Deep Burrowing; Archidon: Erratic Flight; Shadowhorn Satyr: Pain Conditioned

• Legion – Harrier: Deadly Flock; Scythean: Unrestrained; Seraph: Blightfire• Minions – Bull Snapper: Endless Hunger; Gun Boar: Smoothbore; Razor

Worm: Voracious Kindred; Swamp Troll: Mistcallers’ Minions

Faction-specific upgrade checklists for War-Torn Alliances: Dark Secrets can be found online at: http://privateerpress.com/organized-play/leagues/dark-secrets

SeaSon ModelSThe following season models are available for War-Torn Alliances: Dark Secrets.

• Cygnar – Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service Couriers• Protectorate – Drunken Monk of the Fist• Khador – Dravya Prison Work Detail• Cryx – Suneater the Defiled• Retribution – Mage Hunter Scout Team Commander• Mercenaries – Emissary Grogspar • Trollbloods – Borka’s Wingmen• Circle – Lone Wolf Morraig• Skorne – Paingiver Bloodrunner Shadowmancer• Legion – Chosen of Rhyas• Minions – Farrow Meat Grinders

Season models are legal for all league games throughout their season but are not legal models for use outside of the War-Torn Alliances league.

Season model stat cards can be found online at: http://privateerpress.com/organized-play/leagues/dark-secrets

awardSchaMpion MedalThe Champion medal goes to the player with the most points on the league scoreboard.

participation patcheSAll players participating in a War-Torn Alliances league season receive a participation patch. Players may earn commendation patches by completing pre-determined tasks each season.

coMMendation patcheSCommendations for War-Torn Alliances: Dark Secrets are as follows:

• Hobby – Model and paint cave terrain. Please see the Painting, Modeling, Proxies, and Conversions section of the War-Torn Alliances rules document for complete painting and hobby rules.

• Combat – Play games in at least three different regions.• Alliance – Play a team game with the faction you are allied with this

season using every league model available to your faction.

MapBefore each game, the players should determine which map region they are fighting over. The player with the lowest league score chooses the region; for team games the team with the lowest combined league score chooses the region. In the case of a tie, roll a d6 to determine who chooses.

When games are completed, in addition to scoring league points, players should also inform the Event Organizer (EO) when they win a game and which region they were fighting over. EOs should properly report this information using the online league map.

regionSEach region has a different effect on the battles that take place there. These effects are static and will not change during the course of the league. When fighting in a region, you should check to determine what additional rules are in effect.

• Region 1 – Pitch Black TunnelModels in this region cannot make ranged or melee attacks during the first round of the game.

• Region 2 –Field of StalagmitesModels in this region roll an additional die on collateral damage rolls.

• Region 3 –Windswept CavernModels in this region gain +2 SPD during the first round of the game.

• Region 4 – Terrifying DepthsWhen a warrior model makes a command check, add 2 to the dice result.

• Region 5 –Hidden LakeBefore the game begins roll a d6 for each piece of terrain on the table. For each 1 rolled, replace that terrain with shallow water.

• Region 6 – Cephalyx Slave CampWhen a living model is boxed, remove it from play.

• Region 7 – Ley LineWhen a model in this region makes a magic attack roll or magic attack damage roll, it can boost after rolling.

• Region 8 – Twisted ForestModels in this region do not benefit from Pathfinder or Flight.

• Region 9 – Smoldering WastelandModels in this region gain concealment.

• Region 10 – Forest ClearingGames played in this region cannot use terrain or any scenario that requires terrain.

• Region 11 – Abandoned BaseNo effect.

• Region 12 – Tranquil GroveNo effect.

dark SecretS 1 Bloody hell

Summary: An ancient Altar of Morrdh has left a horrific curse on this unholy stretch of land. No death, no matter how quick, is merciful here. Were it not for the promise of power to be gained from plundering the tomb, no sane mortal would ever venture here.

Place one 40 mm base (the Altar of Morrdh) as shown in the diagram below. The Altar of Morrdh is an obstruction.

Players cannot place additional terrain within 3˝ of the altar or any other terrain feature.

Special rUleSWhenever a living warrior model is destroyed within 10˝ of the Altar of Morrdh, center a 5˝ AOE on the model before it is removed from the table. All models under the AOE suffer a damage roll with POW equal to the destroyed model’s base ARM.

While a warcaster or warlock is base-to-base with the Altar of Morrdh, all friendly Faction models in his control area gain Arcane Assassin.

Each turn, beginning on the second player’s second turn, a player scores 1 control point if his warcaster or warlock is base-to-base with the Altar of Morrdh and no enemy models are within 4˝ of the altar.

Victory conditionSA player wins the game when he has 3 or more control points and has more control points than his opponent at the end of a turn. A player also wins when has the only warcasters/warlocks remaining in play.

Player 1 Deployment

Player 2 AD Line

Player 1 AD Line

Player 2 Deployment

Altar (40 mm)



dark SecretS 2 tUnnel terror (teaM)

Summary: The unstable tunnels beneath the Thornwood are known to collapse from time to time, and now you and your allies find yourselves in the middle of such a catastrophic occurrence. Fight off the enemy and avoid being buried alive if you can!

Special rUleSBefore the game begins, divide the table into four quadrants with centerlines running from east to west and north to south. Players will deploy as indicated on the map below.

Starting at the end of second team’s second turn, and every turn after, determine a quadrant using the table below. All models currently within that quadrant suffer –2 DEF and SPD and have their LOS reduced to 5˝ for one round as the tunnel begins to collapse around them.

dice reSUlt effect

1 Southwest quadrant collapses

2 Southeast quadrant collapses

3 Northwest quadrant collapses

4 Northeast quadrant collapses5 or 6 None

Starting at the end of the second team’s second turn, a player controls a quadrant if he has one or more models completely within that quadrant and his opponents have no models completely within it. Ignore wrecked or inert warjacks, wild warbeasts, and fleeing models when checking for control.

Southeast Quadrant

Northeast Quadrant

Southwest Quadrant

Northwest Quadrant



Team 2 Player 2


Team 1 Player 2


Team 1 Player 1


Team 2 Player 1









Victory conditionSA team wins when they end their turn in control of both quadrants encompassing the opponent’s deployment zones or when they are the only team with one or more warcasters/warlocks in play.

dark SecretS 3the path of MoSt reSiStance

Summary: The battleground is an inhospitable nightmare of ruins, wreckage, and rubble. Use the terrain to your advantage, and slog your way into battle with the enemy!

When determining terrain for this game, all of the terrain used must either be an obstruction, provide cover, or be considered difficult terrain.

Before the start of the game, divide the table in half with a centerline running east to west.

Special rUleSDuring the first two rounds of the game, models in cover gain +3 ARM.

Starting at the end of the second player’s third turn, a player controls the battlefield if he has one or more models completely within his opponent’s half of the table and his opponent has no models completely within the friendly half. Ignore wrecked or inert warjacks, wild warbeasts, and fleeing models when checking for control.

Victory conditionSA player wins when he ends his turn in control of the battlefield or when he is the only player with one or more warcasters/warlocks in play.

Contents and Game Rules ©2001–2012 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms, WARMACHINE®, Cygnar, Khador, Cryx, Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, HORDES, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood, warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated thereof. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.

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