
Post on 11-Jan-2016






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1. How does your Character appear? How would you describe your character? Are they fat, thin, tall, short, average? What color are their eyes? How do they carry themselves? Are they overbearing, quiet, observant? Are they insensitive? Do they cry at the drop of a hat? How do others perceive them? How tall or short are they? Are they human?

Well, Stef says this may help. So what do I look like? I guess that depends on when you ask. I have an average build. My eyes are grey, most of the time. I’m typically Caucasian. I mean, sometimes I’m albino, sometimes I look like I spent a week under a uv light. I think about things a lot. For all my thinking I can’t remember. Sometimes I dream and I think I glimpse something, but it is always gone before I open my eyes. I’d like to think I carry myself well. I like to watch people. Learn about them, wait for them to make a mistake. I feel sorry for most people. Wish I could help, but when it comes down to it….I usually care more about keeping myself alive, safe, and sane….if this can be called sane. Five foot nine, that’s how tall I am. Human, yeah….most of the time. I can make myself look ork, or elf…..if I think real hard.

2. How does your character live? What lifestyle does your character enjoy? Do they live on the streets or in a penthouse apartment? Do they live in a nice area of a bad neighborhood or a bad area of nice neighborhood? Do they live in the slums? The ritz? Did they rise or fall to their current station or were they born there? 

How do I live? Well one moment to the next. Sometimes I crash at Stef’s others under a bridge or in the bed of some girl who thinks she just had a row with her favorite simstar. Not sure at all where I was born, but I live where the day takes me. How’d I get here? Guess I fell….off a building…..or got knocked here by a truck….maybe beaten down here by some gangers looking to rob me. Who knows, I sure don’t know much of anything before waking up on Stefs table. Another charity case in her clinic.

3. Is your character educated? Did your character ever go to school? High school? College/university? Did they graduate? Were they good students? Did they know a lot? Were they the nerd of their class? The class clown? The cool kid? Where did they go to school? Were they from an educated family or were they the first? 

Which brings me to my education. I know something. Did I go to school….probably not the kind you’re thinking. I can put a knife into a target at a hundred yards. Or a pen. Once I even …well nevermind. I know things. I don’t know why or from where.

4. Why is your character running the shadows? This is the big one. Why is your character choosing a life of crime? While they're breaking the law, why are they doing it? Is it the adrenaline? The money? The fame? The lifestyle? To torque off the corps? Would they kill people? When would they are wouldn't they kill someone? 

I guess that’s why I run. I run in the hopes that one day I might stumble across someone who knows me, or some clue that will break the levie. At first, that was the only reason. But now, I guess I owe Stef my life. I run to help her. Sometimes I give her nuyen, if I can spare it. Sometimes I tag along with some of her friends. I am decent at

getting into places….I can be who I need to be. I think being no one helps with that. I mean, there are people much better suited to that kind of thing, but I can do what needs doing. Would I kill people. If I needed to. I prefer not to if it can be avoided, but if its me or them…I prefer it be them. If they frak with my friends, I’d probably kill them.

5. Where is your character's family? A character without a family is a bit unrealistic. Who are your parents and what did they do? Were you close to them? Were they divorced or separated? Did you have siblings, cousins, uncles, and/or grandparents that lived with you? Did you get along with them? Where are they now and what do they do now? Do you keep in touch? When and how? 

Stef’s the closest thing I know to family. I might have some out there somewhere. Hope I find them one day. Then again, maybe they did this to me.

6. Who are your character's friends? Who does your character hang out with when they aren't running? What do you do to wind down? Why do you hang out with those guys? Do your friends know that you run? What do they do for a living? 

Stef, as far as I know. I like to meditate. Usually I do it while throwing things… Seems to relax me and lets me keep my edge. Sometimes I help Stef around the clinic. I have picked up a little first aid, but im no nurse. I usually hand her things she asks for, move things around, that sort of thing.

7. What is your character's interests outside of running? What does your character do when they aren't blowing things up? Do they collect art? Go to museums? Build weapons? Go to truck expos? Buy clothing or upgrade their cars? Maintain relationships with friends/family/contacts? Gamble? Paint?

I’m most interested in finding our who I am. But I like to read. I like to walk. Mostly I just like to think. Collect old coins sometimes….until I lose them. No where to keep them.

8. What does your character like? What does your character desire? Will running somehow achieve their likes? Do they like something tangible (cars, beaches, etc), or something that can't be bought (love, family, etc)? Are the things they like completely different from what would be assumed? 

I like coffee. Not that fake crap either. Picked it up from Stef. If I like it, she loves it.I also like flowers. But if you tell anyone……I’ll throw one through your frakking tongue. Sometimes, I like to close my eyes….and just watch the things moving around me.

9. What scares your character? What is your character afraid of? Is it an idea? A type of character? An action? A critter or animal? Losing their status? Why does that particular thing scare your character? 

What scares me? Well….honest? The thought that I might have been a bad person. I don’t mean a criminal, I mean….bad….serial killer….assassin….that sort of thing.

10.What is your character's biggest dream? What is the pinnicle of your character's existance? What is the one thing they want to do/have/achieve before they die? Is the dream obtainable? 

I want to know. That’s it…..I want to know who I was….compare it to who I am….and see the difference.

11. Where is your character from? More than just a name, where was your character born? Was it a rich area or poor area? Where do they consider themselves to be from and what are their values? Are they from far away or nearby? If they live in Seattle, which neighborhood? 

If I knew….damnit Stephanie…..this isn’t helping. If I knew, well then I wouldn’t be doing this would I? Any of it.

12.What is your character's name? What name were they born with and what are they called now? Why are they called that? Was the name a joke, something serious, something meaningful, something intelligent? Is their family name known?

John Doe. Dare Mo. No one. None, as in I ain’t got none. Stef calls me Flick. Daremo. Or just Dar. A lot of other people call me None. I guess I use whatever name suits me at the time. I think I am going to go with Tabula Rasa.

13.Has your character ever been married? Are they in a serious relationship? Have they ever been? Are they divorced, separated, or estranged? What kind of relationship is it? Is this someone they care about? A support structure? An advisor? An anchor? Or someone that holds them back? Does the significant other know that the character runs? If they do, what do they think about it? If they don't, how does your character hide this fact? 

Maybe. I don’t think so though. As for now, I try to avoid serious relationships. Just in case I am married.

14.How old is your character? Why is your character running at this age? What have they lived through that influenced them? Do they see themselves as teachers, students, or outsiders? 

If I had to guess, I would say somewere between 28 and 35. If I had to guess.

15.Does your character have a "real" job? How does the character balance their "real" life and that of a shadowrunner? What is their real job? Does it bring in money? How many hours do they work in their real job? What would happen if

their secret life was ever discovered? Who are the character's coworkers and how well do they know your character? 

Other than an occasional shift at the clinic… nope.

16.What are your character's beliefs? Is your character religious? Which religion, if any? Why do they believe that way? How do they see the world around them and how do they perceive the other races? 

I believe in me. No, not like I am a god. But I am here. I survive because I need to. I am not saying there is nothing out there, but if there is, they got a seriously twisted sense of humor.

17.What are your character's morals? Where does your character "draw the line?" Who does your character defend and why? Who do they hate? What are they willing to do on a run? What would they do for money? Under what situations would they kill someone or let them live? Do they try to avoid death and destruction or do they thrive on it? 

My morals. Well, I do what needs doing. Doesn’t mean I like it all the time, but sometimes you have to make a judgement call. I draw the line at kids…and cats. Nope, just kids. I don’t think I hate anyone, unless they want me dead. Or Stef. I’ll take the eyes of anyone who tries to hurt my friends. I could do without wetwork, don’t like it. I don’t know a person, I prefer not to kill them. I don’t enjoy killing. But as I said, them or me….so far its been them.

18.Would your character ever stop running? Would it take some horrific event? Would they need a certain amount of money? Accomplish some task? Take out a person or raise them to power? Do they have a higher purpose or will they always run? 

I’d stop. Someday. Maybe when I find myself.

19.Who would play your character in the “Shadowrun Movie?” Take into consideration awesome makeup and special effects to make your character look just right.

Jim Caviezel

20.Why should other Shadowrunners want to run with you?

I can keep secrets. I can go where some can’t. And I can do what needs done.

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