dapcine plasters miltoii lake ice....3ucce88or to the weekly advocate and times. office—37, 39 aim...

Post on 23-Sep-2020






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OFFICE—37, 39 Aim




U.TST HCHNKIDER,I.nu.t H u m . KAJHTT ('»««

Pia U»i»a,124 Maia Sir**, Railway, X. J.



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'S HOTKL.uuui> De

KAIIWAV; S". J.local/*! for | , „, \ y.


WAIL,Orij uA »flft Halunliy, April 1*. lfJttf. i

inin^ will l o r r lUhwar at foiiciwt:Fuji BAI.TIMOHK, WAnaimjrros, Audi

«.niii !>rtiih. 1 JOO. fl:lfl ». m. awi 1:47.;fiiV, I ' I ( I ( J I * I . P K U . \<*>. 4<K, 9 16.;

% fti.j UMifi. 1:«7, b «*. 7 « ) , p.m. '-unrffai I « J •ml 10.47 a. m • ' "

'' ii ii.

'.:%?.Ifl. 1<M«, a. m. I2«», 1:47, 230,.( *<. H 4T. .'i IK, 6fl7. "£»*, p. m. Sundays.I <*>. Ul'Mi, a m., I ,>, .V4H, 7 AS, p. m.

r'o* MKTVCHKK, 142.'.. l«0, 7210, 822,!* I*. | \(HA. *• tn. 12<)6, 1:4V, 250 ,••!, V, 4 «T, .1.1*. «.<r7. 7 . 1 4 . 7 A J p . m . Sun-j«l«V*. \<*>, K i S i , «. m, l iVt , 7:14. 7lifeic i»i-

MKM/I I'*KK, 132-1. 7.1)0. 1006


Com aii Bilto,on Bridge St,


IK, 1 JtfJ. 7.HO. MiA. 9:16l : < « . 1 4*7. J I * , .'i:44.'and 7>V>. !!»ni«Ui», 1 <«i, 10.47. a. m. 5:48, j

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A'M«J I" lM>llut/i '' :! ,<• ! , . i l , i i < - | . »

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«n<fMm I ui ' l .'/•-. l/j>liriii(r.

!'• rIU»II< r.t i i - i v l au'li:«n.f a l.-y tin «<+k.

; 80r. p*T

for (Jen-


II. Ilir

p. * . U . 7/iM ji. m .

iO .'-'1, \ i . 111.



rto BcTTLu'-MtMn Jobo«m. Hol-r A Co.. wl» k o l e ttnateu of PhJlwlclphli,

: P t . Itport t i l t « a t U i i S M l l b d iilbeto t dollar, «l|h »:urh car* io


.___ a nod. 4a Ariiont. ....

m., i cntij ib« mmt t*ml\tm a toU them (h*t both Ufj

on New !SiliafLnp^a^h.l I /ni t 'Umnoh lUfl Road V i a . , ; Appl; Uuo«o»|Hhhii.lB.- .liuKii.ii), 11:47, a. m. 5:4«, Hold bjrI>n«g(<k

Oen. John C. Fraaoiit.

little Inpr.Hold bjrI>n«g(<k WlBsail lion wwlptof n>e

KI.I7.IHIM if. 2:4.1, 5-;». 0, 8>10, L_:-tl. tt>80, 1030, !, 1:80,2,80,8 ;«J,



WX. -

. n «i. fl ii.'., 7• i i n v r. JO/IH. JOS<l, U 3 0 p . m . Huudavi, 2:45, 7 30,Mil.IN. I N,p. \VM/)(,;*), 10;40 v „,. 12 :1ft, 4>VI, 7 « ) ,

Ks AVKRV.III. l l . L k I N


/ • 'IIHI8TIA.V K F I K U C H ,V,' y,, _H- lm n , , HTiir.rT,

M\\i;KA<TniKI( OK 8K(i.\IV>.

bnmr nunaf>^tar« tad

I).K i (iVIW.NV


F1RKNEW yoRjc ( ITY.

J .


K.iU NKWAICK, 2:43. 5:30, 600, 8:30,7 .Ml. 1 At. " ;4«, M J10, 8:41.0:30, IOJ*0,10:40 !II » h m. 12 42. H/7, litO, 2«) , 330.4 20, -1

.'ii'0, fKKl.fliW, 7.00, H:0o, 8:80, 8:50,9:56,



KiittJmt'I II 20. p.m. Hunday*. 2:4.5, 730,9.4.1, !|(ir.'d, 10:40, a. m., 12:15. 4:50. 7:00, Ixjifl. b.V<. ll-.ft'i p. tn. I

KM^NKW YORK,2:4.1,')30,800,8.30,7:00, !T^l,V4(i.H:U,«iW,H:41,UaO, 10-^0,10:40\\M,\ a. m. 12:42. IM7. lilO, 2210, 8:30,4 21). .1:20. IHJU, 0 2M, "<O, 8<J0, 8*5, 8-JO,& :.'* jo20, 11 20. p. m. .Sundays, 2 M 7 i » ,tt 41. | 10 20, 10.40. a. in. 12:15, 4:36,7 « l . (<;W. 0-V<, 11.05 p. DI.

Koii lliUKixi.ric, N Y . , all through train*contH^t ni iejfty City with boat* of" liriijiklrn Annci" affording direct trans-fer irt aiid from Kultoa street, avoidingdnulili- ferriage aud journey acroaa NewVjrk t i l l ' .

t'uli lkmroN, (without change) 8:36,







H ' l T X I U

»«•>• Itanifrs, T i n K<«i(in

it Mm Mrr*t. luhwu. H. J

j \r*v, M 00.(1 JO. 7 00 7:40,8 JO, 9:10; 10:10,h i . 1 0 . : a_ m., i i i^ i , n«in, lflOi 200 ,

j , A a i •> :vt.)! <xi..( 2(i, 4 <XJ, 4:10,4 JO. SOO, 5:10,


r> M, f. :MI. r, .10, fl lo, 0 iw. 7 «0,7:.'«, iVW, ly.OO, II 'M p. m , 12KX) nlfflil. Bun-(l«\>. !(<:I5, Vim. »«J ». ni. 100. AM,:, L'K iM.:w. 9.10 p. m., 1200nl(rjit.

I'\H*K5(IKIUI wisliiii); to lake Boullicmur Wqticrn rkiirwn train*, not (topping at

. will U;-obli c<l to lake a preccd-nn\et* c i , \r Mi .Ully >l (}«,, I'lum'* ! '»K Taf" '« «"«W I«'i"l *•<"« »he cxprca*

I l» lUmir. J II Umtiern'« ,,r .11,1.1 i™in,lnoke»niauar mop.»vm»r. j , 11 lAmiwru. «r*ibU| P K A N K T H OMSON. Gcni Manager.

J. K \V(Kl|).«<-n'II'aim. Agenl.F. W. JACKSON, (ien'l Sup'l P. It R.V.


I .IM> HIGH-—-—H(»«o(l»JJ i l . Hick.

n m iuiii>iHiTwiij,lKj<>ruutalit c.risi! «(««( - Kitnir. S. J.


N. J.i ._JAM_RH McCKKA. Sup't N« Y. D I T .


|N Y k Ti

l i l t n'-TX Klx AMN h«ALX«

.1, M»TTIIEW«> k

\ !,\en*k\iii lii all lu liranriica.

U» I riKvt/i-rriiiNc. I M I I IWAHUS-I I


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i'ltT A.VI) (tol.tl.


omrr.« — jo,. !<(nitii Building.r» Veil:. W><! Koom *,

Jp. jlUjuny. S. J

j 1 •





\v York Time.MAILS ARRIVE.

I. N«wYnrk,NortJi,EMt.4We»t,5:l»A.M«. I " 831 ",'!. [tiilidrlpbU, SouthasdWe«t, 5:19 "4. I 555 "

jfl. W'Mhridgo and Perth Amboy,77. Northern Way Mail*. »

flJh 99. Now York, North and Eaut, IM r.x

10. i " " • " " 5 » "11. riiiladrlpUia and South, 4:40 "12. j " " Went, 5:45 "

14. H<irthcrn Way Mall*, 537 "l.V Souliifrn. " ' 8AS "

\U1IJ are received from New Bruniwick,Mtturiicn, Princeton, Trenton, Bristol,Siuihi and Wc*t Jeney, and Belrldere,[K'UVare Railroad*, al8&ia. m., 5.45 p. m.

Mails are ICT«ITII1 from Elitabeth, New-ark. KortU Jenoy, Delaware & Latiu- j

it and New Jeraey Central ltailroad*,





AND SHOES,A Ltrx< lock In Oral Vtrldjr i t


POLL H U E OF 8P2IH& OO0S8Just rcccirei from the most jxipiilar

mamifactureraj :BBTTKit GOOU8 FtlR TUB PRICK8TUAN


CAN BE 'Korai) KL8EWI1KRK.I keep many kinds of Standard and

Desirable Good* not j kept by anyone elsein town. •! !KVKRT PAIR i W A R B A N T S P AS RKPRK-



Repalrrng done at short notice. Bestquality of material used in all my work.


Miltoii Lake Ice.to any part of the City or

; also Proprietor of

O F F I C E k M Cfcerry


Ccr. Hilton ipdBttorgt1

f». O. A^DRCtS BOX 161

a an N yal .';ltf, 921 a. m., S27p. m.

i MAlLa CLOSE'LOfiE:18. WJKxlbrWfeAr'erUiAniboy. 7 00A.M17 N«Jw York North and East, 730 7ix j • ' »ao/lit. j 12:«i. I'Uiladelphia and Way, 9/JI. TUruiuli Soutlwrn, and Phila./8:00 "ii. \V(Kxlliridg«4 Perth Amboy/ 5:10 r.wU. N«w Y01*. North and ~ ' "

14 005:10 "7:15 "SAO"7:15 "

. 5:10 "1 7:15 "

MaQt an- drmtatrbni for Cltaheth,1 U A l k N

i /M. Ililltderpha, and Waf,27. ] '• '• / '

1 7

- - n i X T A iM«U) (or -


m i !!•* w T

Xiuthtffm u4 tmMn |a Tmxu, mi MM-

4 Crockery,'.ftkides,'

lAckawanaa, New

"rrienji TO LCT./KKNT LOW

OTW <}ol»' t>l»jf **"fr, ia rompta. and ttra-rlMffn tnvy tr^wM Milt-


Railroaat and .a. ra., A in, 5 10 and

dMprtcbed for Philadelphia,Princeton. New BnuMwfck, Me-

and Wcat Jetwy aad BelTi-Mawarc Railroad* al »<» a. m.,

, an pOflU«op«wat 700 a. m.; cJo«e at 7 «

r BundaT Mail* arrfre 5 19 and 84J a. m.,and d U t to til polo* at» « t > U. '

O«J BWUy f » 9 » to 10»

MONEYo5p£RS.Sold l i tke (oUowiaf mUf,moon aHcr aApe:

Onftn M( cmwUaf $18.00 10 cento,

T •' ^^^ »ooi» "

at any

! " 80.00 M "Oakn amUe 1* Qre«l BrtotoMd OeratJQMtdk F M N * Alftrtt wd « M «

trmW. mi sot «wJ*a&«Ma: «««f W , MM MM OTCT » ^ ^ Iw W M t ; flWf f>UL

•at tn*r f t t i l i l _QmuM Tbatu. Fkum AID AV

o*OMAj-4>r4m0M«wir9}O. l ie***; « w0vL *JM • O I P**JC v i ^ W *j>a*t aww.f^^ wa



ID M i are ioCaneitin and Builders.


Rrerything at'Comsnondtagly Low Price*.



B « | , Oar"

tl o M i

ttm bweand ub l l t

u n a n ib H p n « a i l l

Hemorrha?IM*. <» (nnanf &ladllopped.

i h t h i

I oor



F«r Plk^ B1IB4, Mlc«Aia« a* fwfc-ia«, It to tin grain! kt»oirn nmtif.

• • r r k m , C M 8«rm »r Oacp Wa«a4alUtMiao Rfon Ucw U it«t remuulilc.

Ut«t ru «i««DU «•< *< wr*4 "POSI/8KITRA CTV \U»n <n iiU jrf««, and « v p**«r«tnds-murt a* f^rrotnUtf b*f wnmtr. .VOM<(*<r l< >««<M. A 1mm <**l m laving POSITSEXTRACTS Tib •<after fMMraffao.

/[ <i 4 w «JW in ulk crtf wmuurr.

UpSitviT l S

.Tin lui TonxrSOc, f 1J)O, $1.75,

Cttirrk C«r»- 75Phiter-..;-i 25Uial«KGIati50cJ--l.00

TolWtSoipC CIJM.).. JJDllUMlSjriiij. 25Otirtwnt 5D:««Jla!«(tfi|>«r.... 25

Fufl|Syriafe,St.OO.,;Lum, r *d ftfe* 1118,11 ind V of oor Kmr

PunpeM « ilch uooBfkaie* each bo(t]«.i^t>v> J iw PAifrai r wira E m m ow otm

r i u u u n »8ort I U I on irrucizu* toPON )'8 EXTRACT CO.,

U ^ UUiiSt..Now York.EXTRACTS.



excellent reputation in-orthleaa imitattarg. Thecautioned against buy-

irS having inmilnr gound-«. Bed that the word5-B is correctly spelled.

's CapcinePorous Plasters

Are the only imjproTement evermade in Plasters

One ia worth niore than a dozenof any o bar kind.

Will jx eibvely cure where otherremediet will not even relieve.

' Prioo 20 cents.Sevan .o f cheajp Plasters made

with iMcj poiaon*.

ew York.LA«T. ] .





By rirtut of an pfcier o ' the Court ofChancery M N«w Jersey mi de on the dayof the datechereof In a cam e wherein John8. Townwid la complainant and you aredefendant,) you are required to appear,plead, an**er or detrjur 10 ihe bill of taideomplainait, on or before the eighteenthday of Mai next, or ihttaken M c^ofe«Ml against

Th klWU tailed to f

bill will be

loce a mort-and Tbomai

^^^ ^r^^mw • .* "^ ^w^p* VV^^^'H* »^^ *™ • • *r* saa^awaa a •

8hotwcU <J ited Auirdat 18, 1878 00 land*titaaieln t le townaitlp of \ Tettfield, in UieCounty of Union, and wbich m o n m tw u aafaned to thi comr. lainant. AndTOO Itary Clayton a<e mac • a defendantbaeauM ypn own Ihe did land* andpNunaea I

Dated March 17 th 1883.I VAIL t WARD,

Solicilori of Co nplanant,T ^-iway N. J.

are oow four stables of horses atMonmouth Park, ia training for the com-ing *ea*oo, which commences July in.

The annual fair of Uie Monmouth

Rod-gers. j j _ • 1 !

Th^ Barnoesa du 8lruve. Wife of the newHuaian Minister at Washington, during

County Agriculluml 6ociety wUl be held j o n e 0 ( T i K i u t 0 j a p a n i ^aere i,er hu»y gat Freehold on September141h.

12th, 13th and[band jwaa Minister, made a collection of1,000 iteapoti, which she presented lo a

The New York commissioners of erai- \ Russian museum.gratioo hare been compelled to a*k for an j jfr«. Chafldler, the wife1 of the newappropriation of $250,000 from the State lo ; SecreUn- of Uie Navy, i* a delicate butmeet the expense* connected with the euor- handsome woman witli a floe and refined


Borne of Ike PaUnoa ail k manufacturers - Tlie ei-p»npre«8 Eugenie arrived it Part* I Aw*e*ajB of a toper: "Hi* aoaaha*are patenting their special design* in silk- j la*t VVedneaday on her way (o Nice. i passed Ihe rubicund."wearing to prevent imitation. ; ^ tuarnagje ig announced m arranged be- ' \Vhe» a man goes to reside in

General Sherman aad party are at Mer- tweeo the daughter ol Baron QuMave de j ton he Brat catchetthe deairo for oOee,ced, CaL, tn route to San Franciaco, where : Rothschild amfMr. Lambert Ute agent lo i then he contract* malaria,loey expect lo arrive to-morrow. ; the houM of Rothschild in BniaseU. A gambtarijuatilaa U* lote «f

the ground that Polonius aaya:thy nabtaiihy pone can bey."—.Oturir.

Sbmebowl, the ugliest man al*to marrv the! prettteet woman,ly proofl of liia own good taste, W ^ o wmortified h« must feel over hi* w i f e \

The gambler live* on oar hope*, taelawyer ( i our quarrel*, ihe doctor* oa-oar

toe the dergyman on oor lean. Thamillenn um will throw theae people all outof employment.—-Yd* OrUant iVojpMa,

Somewhat 1 Dcertain: " What ia your in-come V wa* 'dace asked of a noted rariataitBohemiui. ' It i« hard to tell," wa* tbareply, ' but In good yean I can borrow atleast 10 000,(nines.—mm AtT^tnek.

Nine Imerian college* have adoptedthe Onord'tup. Thi* i* well. Hereto-fore alx at the only thing that dUtingnlah-ed a col egc »t ident from other people ba*been bal spell ng in hi* letter* borne a*k-

for noneyto "buy book*."—AirAtfa. - *

The 1 reside it can scrub and wash andpaint at i rflfu nigh the White House, bat •ihert trj- ttalni about 'the place that be can-

pmous emigration to this country.

Senator McPherson, who has just bought» big cattle ranche in Texas, will sail forE i h hi f i l J 5 li

face, lighted byframed in heavy



eyes andHer cary

riage and her manner are full of dignity.iEurope with hi* family on Jane 5. lie I—Two wouiien are ito be licensed as lay

will return at the opening of Congress, j rfAfen by Bishon Wuipple, of the Episco-nextfall, but his family will stay in the p^ diocese of-Minnesota because no menOld World for a year or two.. j i*. foun(i Ut nn ( u e pfa^ T n e y ^

It is believed thai Uie present session of ; to be simply licensed iq 'read Ihe serviceCongress may be continued beyond the 1st i and Midi Krmons M the bishop shall putof July. The Republicans manifest a re- j into their hands. . ' •newed dettnniAaUon to dispose of all thecontested election cases, the bill to extendthe national bank charters, as well its severa! other measures, at this session.

The President and several of the membcrs of his Csbiuct have accepted an iuvita-tiou to attend the annual dinner of the

The Rev. Henry Ward B«echer naid Inhis lecture, delivered here a few eveningssince, thai lie admired female beauty ap-propriately adorned, jbut it would be morein keeping with good taste were some soin keeping with good taste were some so-ciety ladies lo take a little material fromthe bottom of their dresses and add it to

Schuylkill Fishing Company, which takes j the top.— Wathtngtoil Oumtpondettee Eliza-place in Philadelphia on Monday afternoon.! beth Daily Journal.The party will leave Washington in a spec-ial car at 9 o'clock Monday morning.

gonday morning.

A statement just completely the PostOffice Department shows that up to April&!, 1&2, there were 4.5,000 post offices inthe.United Stales. This includes au in-crease within the past month of 250 offices—fully 50 percent of which is exhibited ashaving occurred ia the Southern Slates.

The United States Senate, in executivesession, on Wednesday, confirmed Pres-ident Arthur's appointment of JudgeAlpuouso Taft, of Ohio, to be envoy ex-traordinary and minuter plenipotentiary toAustria, and of William. L. Dayton, ofNew Jersey, to be minister resident to theNetherlands.

J, D. Andrew*, better known as the"lightning calculator," killed his wife atWestchester,/ Pa., on Tuesday, by quietlystealing up behind her and dealing her aterrific blow on the head with a rolling pin.The murderer was insane, and had forsome tima been under constant watch byan attendant, but had been left unguardedfor & moment when he committed the ter-rible deed.

The annual regalia ot the New JerseyYacht Club will be sailed on June 28th.The course will be from a point oppositethe club house at Hoboken to and aroundthe lower Hospital Island buoy and backto a point opposite Communipaw Dock.The yachts, both in going ana returning,will be required lo keep to the westwardof the Robbin's Reef buoy.

Ninety-eight paintings, ia oil and watercolors, blacks and whites and etchings,have been shipped -from New York toBaltimore • for the loan exhibition whichwill open al the Peabody Institute on Mon-day. Among them are works by A F.Bellows, A H . Wyant, R W. Van Bos-kerck, R. M. Shurtleff, E. 0 restorer,Arthur Quartley, J. A. Weir, Kate Great-orex, Julia Dillon, Mary OdenheimerFowler and Mary Kollock.

Advices from Anticosti Island, off themouth of the St. Lawrence river, reportthe death of twenty-six persons from scarletfever at Esquimaux Point the past winter.Great fdistresf prevails along the northshore of the island. Women have traveledfrom .twenty to thirty miles over roughroads begging provisions for their children.If the people are not supplied with pro-visions shortly the majority of them, willbe In a stale of starvation.

No decree* has yet beeu enterea in the6prague divorce case, which was heard bythe late Judge Potter, of Providence. Anentry in the clerk's docket leads to the in-ference that Judge Potter granted a decreecontingent apon the amendment of thepetition, and Mrs. Sprague'aceunsel havingaccepted this construction of the entry willprepare a form of decree which will besubmitted to one of the judges of the Su-preme Court U Kingston, at its reopeningIn the latter part of Hay.

T m MOKTH OF MAT.—Monijay nextwill be the 1st day of May, the fifth monthin the modern civil year, but Uie thirdmonth In the ancient'Roman calendar. Thederivation of the name of the month isvariously stated. Some claim that thename was given in honor of Maia, themother of Mercury. Other* assert that themonth wa* called Man* by Romulus fromrespect Co the senators and nobles of biscity, who were named majorm—u the fol-lowing month w u ' called Juniiu in honorof the youth of Rome who served him inthe war. In thi* month the tun enter*Gemini, aad the plant* of the earth in gen-eral begin to flower. From an early periodIt was the curtom for all ranks of people inEngland, Prance and other European coun-tne* to go out" a-Maying," as !t wa* called,early on (be 1st of May.. Although themonth has ever been esteemed favorable tolove, both ancient and modern nations havebelt) superstitious ideas in regard to it*being an unprophtou* aeasoo for contummating marnana, The reason for tiila wperttiUou notion perhaps grew oat of thefact that the ancient Roman* celebrated thefeaatof theLanure* or evil tpirito la thi*month. An old pott uu told u* that v

Mai tanmij «M meni to AnoOo;55?aadMWBttl* tVMckl«f watt ««aM loOom-rmMMf. iinialHafatUaweajwartfa.•fcsaM •Vtf iatth* mtt» Um/tU W ~ pots."

The hut line qpoted rrfeia to Ihe cuatomformrriy in vogue throogfcont EngJaad oferecting a May pole apon village jrreea*,

h i h th y l haveM y p

which thecaoaen ofle of theirqueen, adhered to dance andayaoa baa Draaeeted as with

bitwell b W i andpopuhv poem of" TheMayQBeeB-T*a saaat waka mi eaB aw tmtij, call tat tatty,

T**Mn*rJWb*'<a* aafftatdaMrf anthtflaa

OfaB **P* »—-Taw._ . . . — ' ••ctaMsgr.BMtitr.raito a*

The Rev. Dr. Pullman, of New York, ina recent Sunday evening discourse on mat-rimony, remarked iqcldqntajly that " theold theory that a woman's career should beonly that of a wife and mother has becomemodified, and will undergo still furthermodifications. I am not a prophet, but thetime is fast approaching when the bauble,pel and plaything liiaory of women will beentirely obliterated. Women are not angels,but plain human beings, and as such entitledto the highest culture. The fin>l thing thatwomen should remember is that they areunder no obligation (o marry. There arehonorable careers foir women ouuide ofmaliimony. lam loyal to women, but Icanuol sympathize w fill a woman seekinglo sacrifice on the alur of matrimonial self-Isliness a pure maiden to her scapegoat son.The estate of matrimony i* not for allwomen. If you livdlriie lives, you willnot waste away in bingle life." ' ;

Due of the daughters of Meer OoolamBaba, Nawabj of 8ura|t, in British Jndia, Is |about tn be married. According to the cus-tom of the country tlie bride's down' mustbe carried (o the grocan's house. This haslust been done. A number of elephants,horses, carriages and: palkeea led 'the pro-cession. iAfl4r them came a number offemale servants, all id snow-while clothes,each bearing In her bauds a covered tray.About fif,ty youth* followed, - with rose-waterideflanters of silver on silver takers.Then came 500 coolies, aomelwith: magnifi-cent bedstead*, with curtains, pillows, etc.,others w|th swings, benches, boxes, cup-boards of various design*, sofas, chairs,tables and all (be paraphernalia of a modernhouse.1 These were followed by seventy-fire women, each carrying a tray of sweet-meats. One hundred men with j cookingutensils brought up ia the rear. Some ofthese men carried on their bead* basketloads ofetc. -In

not era e.Dtnueratie ftrflimjcTrue! ke records of terms before Presi-dent Licoltt'i en.—Jtrtey VUf SttniiuJournal ' '

A pro»erb nriter s»ys: "Marriage re-sembles a ylllige fair, where every oneendeavo * tojti ade off his lame bone or hi*vicious |ow (o a handsome, aound and uae-ful crit «r.EnglishJournal

Nightwhen Ilemon sHueeaei

lamps, w»ll shades chandeliers,f i l— ._ fact it wa* a pre(lty complete

domestic butiit. : j

Judge Poster, of tlie Supreme Court ofNew Hampshire, has jrecenlly decided thaiIn that 8tate there is a complete reversal ofthe old feudal rule wjbich regard* women

' 1. | -asfeuda


{The case wu a claim for{damages from a husband for libellous wordsuttered by lib wife; the question beingwhy |Mr, Webster, ] an innocent man,should be held responsible for the tort* ofMrs. Webster.] The court wa* obliged losay that, having, done no Wrong, neitherMr. Webster nor his property could beholdea for any acts of his wife, and "thatthe husbands: of these female parties areslraogjers, in law, to the proceeding, andthat the demurrer should be sustained."In New Hampkhire, then, if nowhere else,the henpecked husband can sit quietly andwatch] the iriunphal progress of the femalesuffrage movement and all the other move-ments; If hfl doe* lose a little somethinghe also gain*. 1 Hi* wife is not hi* " slave,u she might be if he lived In tome moremore conservative State*, but if (he leuher tongue run at it* highest rate of vibra-tion against heV neighbors he cannot be*ued.—ASue Y«rk Htm» Journal.


f EngUnd has 18,000 artist*.Banm von fidilozer, the new German

ambassador to the Vatican, presented hi*credential* to I le Pope on Tuusday.

American ai t is gaining a strong foot-hold in Paris, ud tbe demand for paint-ing* or Ameri xh artist* is constantly in-creasing. • ;

Tba lectures at the University of ViennaIhe past winti were attended by AJ8Hhearam, the lai rest number itached duringthe last two ceituriea. ,

Tha poorer Jews at Odessa are said lobe marrriof, at Ihe rate of 140 couples parday. They in agine that if they an mar-ried land will be given to them free 'America or Pa eatlne.

Queen Victoria U _visit to Eppioif ForestOf a few puWlc apiriieorporation of London this lieantifulof «.0q0 acres, within half an boarmetropoiis, bat been securedplays; ound for th« people ofwbosa; toiling East Bad popolatkm ca»

•to nMkaastattIths

lady wit i a lia



isThis, in plain categorical

a lie.—Jirtty City A

—Mauler: 'iJunes, remind me;o to t iwn to-inorrow that I buy a••~- " Morning—Jamet(round

canned 4orn."i

ihe corn ir). ' F Is coaster (who happened tobe embr icing 1 i* wife) was given hit' .jualmorning jsaJutk before starting for busina**:" Squee; ler, jair; squeezer 1"

" A 1> ly said to a gentleman, 'My fatherand mot ler ba t a daughter, but she is notmysiste .' N )w, how do you expljiinthat t" 1 sked Molecule. Atom reflected,but in vi in. 10 his ei err suggestion Mole-cule repl ed by 1 mild and decided negative.At' lengi h AI01 n wa* forced to give it up.'' Why. t's sin pie enough," atJdlfoiecale.with an xaspe atmg mnBe, ' 'the boy liad."

Halb, whit is this I hear T You whohave aln ay^ be tn praacking about dWsaer-ested lo re |&n 1 aeciying marriages /ormoney, jubotit to many a widow with ay, q y amillion.' "A id do you think, air, that Iam Belli ig ni] self for gold f • Sir, I lorethe won injaa i.would not heaitaia to mar-ry her if cireui aatance* were chanced aadshe had lot) mpre than half a mflllon touernami." i j

Gallar trvf | A New Yorker took hitfriend, a I Iris! man, to the theatre. Im-mediate^ in frj>nt of I tham aat a yewtx

on that measured teveralfeet froi t tip o Up. ! When the curtainrose and tha p] ty began the two men cooMonly get occaii >nal gUmpaea of the (tagaby-dodging MM nd the corner of the hat.Finally ftusNe r Yorker observed tettily:" Confofind, |a woman who ba* no meresense th&n tri » ear such a Swb* cottageroof at j* plac e of public amusement 1""Go ai«y,f »ikl the gallaat Celt; "amolgbt/coova nyanou *he'd be in a hot.climate whjetre there: were no tree*.1'—

Condi ion of the South: " I* thi* a verybackwaid atasia in the Bouth r "Yes;all the I ruit th it we have seen thus far 1*f It

'' How much do you thinki?"it 1* beiind Iajn spring!" "About one

yean " J" What height doe* your thermo-meter register 11 prewtit T" "Fahrenheit.''" I* there »ny room there for an booestman who i* ou of employment f " Wky,that 1* ekactly he condition of every manhere; they att waiting to^be sent to Con-gress." " Do you see much corropUondown mere r " Yes, a deal of it, esped-allyjn last yea'1 vegetable*." "Bat arethe literary me 1 much affected t" "Incon-fidence I wfl! tdl you plainly that I neversaw such afltcaUon; they aie Mke tortoias"—"" '"n^JiTtimf «pretty wall.itself. Pretty wall,thank y 3U."~ Barnard Lampoon lutirvk*.

OF IMITATIONS.We find (hat in various parts of UM

country unBcripuious druggist* for thapurpose: of making a Urge profit are palm-ing off on. a to* confiding public a worth-less oouBierMii of Potnrt Ernuor underthe plea that it Is'Must ** good " and iasome cases Oat it it Pood's Extract Trust00 dru (gl*t who makes any such repre-sentatk ns, Beware of all such imposhua.Insist rpon gMtlaf the gensiDe artids,take nctnjngiese aad sea that the wordsPoaro'i BnJBior an blown ia las bottlaand tha lour Trade Mark to on the.Mr*rouadfa g wrapper. ' <r-

AtUeNew^ark^(EiiglsBd)nntsprias;nastiai, on Tuesday.Mr.V LorlUaTdVliiyear odchettaut aiding Mistake vatIhird I9 th«^c7fc» ttVanaT Wattsr haadi-cap.

reach it by rail In half an Moor for a lawcent*.1 It is full of green gJadeaaadflsNUmber.

The; Ant '•breach of promiae" eats isabout to be triad at Bombay. T>acacssis explectad to create aa iauneaas dsal ofamuMment amoog lbs tmuniir, whDe the acaadallog ia the wealthy Parse* sodety to whichboth patties belong. The ttisas) brLttwmamige had ban flxad. aalceremony vat ah h Id \the n Idagiaota 1 tat was to l> 1

Be sooo seat a tra*y ssairbtioraialaibridfl11 father to

shout I fadem


Ond.) Daily JoontA]of Bt JaoofaaOO.M

,xmt lo tatoi

ite 10 n t u n to U | a«*vwould OOBI

iSlhSWrttjnfased tojdo; BasMaaM

; ; . : " - • • ! • ' " : - . ' " . : : ' . -

f i l ADY0CA1

! Cmt.



Stmti-WetUy by


• 7 . .. •*-*! CUKTON ST.

0a* tat | 4 U M af tax toads woali he n .U u t t M B t e f

sad would thus take care ofLaariag the* oat, aad also

water toads sad the anpsid county tax,which we wfll afterward refer to. Ibe

! t

, __ - of. Quay, a DaMcmLa footaa spsaca h the Beaato «T tae

Otitad States oaWedataday. talkiagl&e* l - ~ ~ * - - tat Chiaete aaattteaT Be

the pert* of the PacMcc4ast had retailed that Chiaese iauBim-ttaa nost cease. He would aot sty thatdey would drive the Chinese into the Pt-qftc ocean, bat he would say that they

If settled at M oats ondollar, h wfll be .TSi.OK 61

l i l tAT, I. J.. IPBIL 2S,

I Now make the Interest atper ceaL (or the first ISyears, the annual rate ofwhich i»

puoa. SCOP Par Y M I ,

8 Catstii

P M K T H W 4 I D P f t t M A B l

Aaeetiagof the Republican Voten of(kt Fowth Ward wfll be held tl 8 o'cJodt

.oa Saturday ereoing. in the hall on th«B^per floor of the Pox Office building, forthe purpose of noeiinalinf a candidate foeccondlmaB to he supported at the speda«l«tiontobebeWoiiTue*daj\Msj-8. Le.there be full attendance. Per order of Ux:ooaroim*.

Rahway N. J . April M.


la the financial statement made by ibedty official* to the bondholders the touj.

pnfo-/M in-

The water bond* are $185,000Defaulted interest my 40,000


If settled at 80 cents,on the dollar .*. |190,Interest it 2 per cent, at

the other debt

Annual tax oo entire debtBy a settlement of this

tereat on the water debt wiuld be metThis would make the woriu lelf-support-ing. There could therefore 1 e taken outof the taj lery the amount an lually leriedfor the support of the work*,amount ever put in for that$3,000. In fact, the iocreadn ; demand forwater would in a few yean IK ing in a rere-

sufficient to meet even thi

efty debt is $l,W0,8S8.W. TheirstUon |s to stttie the variou* classes,defatedness at the tame rate. Thur'propoaitkm is confronted by the very "grave embttrunient'Uiat there is a marked differ

: in the Taluea of these different classes

the bond*. WiththeMTinginlbaia little more actirity In colle -tin j unpaidtaxes, the unpaid county tax o mid be takencare of. We^ooM fwasooa »ly expect a

io justify a gnfl^ftijnfreaae of

3,600 00

Wtichthey had reclaimed from the wild-erness and -from sarage control, andt*ey wadd nerer surrender. They hadWen before Congress, lo I these manyyj*n, prayi** for relief; they would

T o Lm.-freWit aad towing Una hetweeaandNew York ia aow, wit b t

tobUd T h T


/ler oa Thuraday eaasa *p at Car a* Brick-Iowa, and yesterday atoniag a tugboat leftTappeot dock ia thit city with freight,which wat traaaf erred to the larger boatand canTeyed to New York, l i o n e t tug

op last Bleat and left at 6 otcteck tubBoning, and daily tript betweea the twocities will beacef orth be made, j

THX OosromoK or YoawDocoHwrrr.—On Thunday a report obaUaerf circula-tion oo the ttreet that Dand Dougherty,

no longer submit to tyranny vA oppre* j t h e W w n 0 **• *bot oo Saturday nightt W Thit ta cheap and foolUh talk. The by WQliam Bleae (the colored Baa | who

The obligation* represented py the fundajdeta. the floatin^*ielK wdUie improve-ment boodt are af an ordio^n- characterTrue, the improvement bonji* are nceiraUe in payment of assessment but to feof thetn hare been utilized fog that purpc*ooe wouW not reckon that feature u having any ipecial value. The bVndt i«ue<ia anliclpatloQ of uue», the debt, due thicounty and tiie wtler boodi SLK, havitpeciaj adTaniaget which give to thanlargely enhanced value. With the first on<can pay hii overdue taxes. The countdebt is a lien upoa the firrt money thactxoa into ihtUandJ of the receiver. Bexpress uatute (he city ia lound each yeaU> put the interett upoa (he water boodiaccruing that year in the lax levy. It i.net only unjuit, but a waste of time, to atleapt to penuade the boldert of the boodibaring these ipecial advantage* to conecnto throw away the beneflit of their favorecpetition. One might almost as well aakflrtt mortgagee to compromise bis debt Iipatting hiauelf oa Ui<: ume footing as thesecond,

Every one mutt acknowledge that all lh<creditor! should be treated alike. No oo<should be atked to make a concession differiogln itt proportion from that asked ofany other. The market ralue of the bondsb«tag different, the only equitable mode ofadjuattnwt is by a proportionate rtducliotltn the market value of each. If' ooe claw

tax, and could ofcr a »«UlemenNr(th cor-responding augmenting increase df Interestthat could be met. This would tasks thenew bonds worthmore than Uid preseulon«.

We are no sticklers for any pet plan. Wesimply suggest the above, ciaring < nly thatthose specially charged with tooklng afterihe subject may devise some plan i hat-willsucceed. It Is very certain that ihe onlyproper mode of discussing thejsulrect ia bytreating il at an abstract matter of mathe-matical business.

115,821 83 matf of the population of the Pacific coast,who have taken eastern institutionsWith them to their western homes,are like the matt of out population else-where—they hire that labor which it thecheapest, whether it be Irish, Chineae, ofatme other nationality. If Senator Slaterand the Democratic party of the Pacificobatt mean! to do well .they will recog.nize the right of the Chinaman toty come to our ahorea, to remain to longat it shall please him (provided be Uobedient to our lawi), and return to'1The Flowery Kingdom" when he like*.

$19,421 85 The Chinaman, like any other intelligentkind the in- nan. will with to do the beat for himself

that he can. When he it thoroughly ac-quainted with "Melican" wayt, he willliarn to adopt to some extent at leatt" Melican " habits and modes of life ; anda i a consequence be will demand, and de-manding will receive, such wagea for bitlibor performed for othen as .will enablenun to provide for hit wants in accordancewith hit changed mode of existence. Helike othen, will with to procure for himselfthe necessities; and tome of the luxuries oflife, and to enable him to do thit he will byand by ask and receive higher compensa-tion than now. Chinese immigratioa cansafely be left to regulate itself in accord-aooe with the fundamental principles ofpolitical economy. The law of supply anddemand will and must be allowed to govern111 is question, and the blatant talk of Demo-cratic demagogues and politicians, whetherliey are from California and Oregon orfrom some other Slate, should and willhave no weight in the minds of sensiblejqen either in or out of Congress.

The lowestpurpose was

interest onlem, and

AN IMPARTIAL WITjNESS.The statement of the Republican press

in regard to frauds on the ballot box In thepertijjenlly

if Northvoters

falsehoodsfleet Suchalmitrg, who

Southern States hare been sodenied by Democratic papers ji]as KH«a4jbousand<of that parly lo regard themmanufactured /or |>oliu'ca!Instances as that of Generalwa* returned as elected frowhelmingly Republican distri'sufficient to corroborate th

It worth 35 cenU aud another class worthM ceau on the dollar the proportional!!raloM In the readjustment, nhouki be thalame. Clearly, it would be contrary (j)erery notion of right to demand of thebolder of the more valuable bond to submitU> i compromise by which he rerelvtt no

than the holder of the less valuableIf the creditor* or the city refute til

aeeept this equluble principle the negotiiptton may M welt stop at once.

But we aamme they will recognize thataa appropriate t<i«tractlon in this regardmust be made in fixing upon a plan of tei-Uwneot In EJizal*Ui all their obligation*ban b m consolidated, and it la therefor*a •tapler proceu for them to adjust. Still« t t there they will yet have to overcomemany obstacles before they can reach »

|Now, let ut classify this iudebtedncaj.

It will have lo be done at tome time If mamk tl all, and we may as well meet It at

Accordion to the published |ttaUtfteal the amount of at- jsssanteat huodf is $1,063,700 00

Th* fond*.! debt is lfH.OU) COIVfloallt if dettfls (M,AO0 ObThe estimated interest upoo

the whole debt is $3?fl,«4.The apportiouatt amount ofthis upon the above is 8U.484

were tlie facts allowed to appe ir incratic papers; but thia not betheir readers have been withejudge of the nature and e:frauds by which' the South hpractically solid for the Dem

A new witness, howewcr,forward to substantiate the ilong denied by the Democraibe is one whose testimonycare* to know the truth onwould be likely to question.W. Ker, the Special AssistGeneral in the indictments

I, wculd bestatements

demo-g pehnlltedt m<sufl toent of the

been kept:racy

it now comecusal.onn so

preis, andman who

that uubjectMr. William

At orneyertalnlng to

the South Carolina election fn uds, has justreturned lo Philadelphia aflei an livestf.gatiou of those cases. He is a Democratof high standing and was emp oyed jy I lieGovernment in order that theie should beno possible room for chargli ig thit theprosecutions were conducted for a Ipolitical purpose. This it part what Mr.Ker says on the subject:

" I cannot understand khe (eelinthat is evinced by the peepCarolina. The election lawsby themselves and theyenough! (o suit evenThe: offlcen of election

made.sworn, but notwithstandingcut* where arrests have beeievidence shows a total disreg ird ofoaths aad of the rights of thei 'tens, add tb« accounts of theare as one-sided as the cleclioiwhole ultort seems to be lothese trials are political perseto vilify everybody connectedIncluding the witnesses and tlhave tine manhood to rendercording lo the evidence. Mrserves a great deal of credit,stood up and done his duty m infullylawyer. He it taunted, aw 'threatened on all tides, and 11that bU family are contioui


Total ordlaary debt $1,063.784 2|>The meost «f anticipated lax


185,000 0J)botMbU.

Wala* b o a d a . . . . ' . ,

Uapald county Ux

t%* apportiooale Intrmt


The) rtiy's proposition u, settle th« wholf

at aand

- informedy inaulled

wben they appear In the ttree t of Colum-| bit.

"Then are nearly 100 of imilar casesyet to he tried, aad from he evidenceilitn tftould be convictions d In themall. i

When I was first tummo ed to SouthCarolina 1 did not believe Ui; stories toldabout ballot-box stuffing, but ler careful-ly examining the evidasce I wu tallifledthe public did not know half tlie Irulli "

"I am a Democrat,"conUnued Mr. Ker," and flrma beHevef in Democratic princlcipVet, btit I cannot tee bow we are to bebeoeflud or be tucoearful If we an tocountenance perjury and crime carried onunder the pretence of aiding the Demo-cratic party."

Here is the testimony of aDemocrat who went South

I by asking rtny creditor to amfX 8*I M » dollar It purely arbitrary. I l l s

lOw tie bad of Pmctwfcs. (he ocmpttil ofwhich bad bit legs cut off or Mretfhed ouiIn ordtr thu bf atlgbt nscUy n< It. WsMini ' M iBtelliftot offrr CM I* mad«with a proper reeofnttioo. of u* Tarylojvajawof the difemit oblifaUba*, hy whirlIks arwoUl«aUoo« will be worth mowlhaa th* oid mm. aad yrt tb* tax with UMlaaawahlr etawtcd larnaH ia

i be fully «kfatt la* ability of UM


ELECTIOX or c m CLEBK PHO TIM.A special meeting of the city council

yai held on Wednesday evening. It wascklled for the purpose of taking action onthe resignation of Mr. L. 8. Hyer, the cityclerk. Tlie gentleman had tendered hwresignation, to take effect May 1, in conse-cmenceof his late appointment by GovernorBudlow as a judge of the county courts.A d b bl h

had been set upon and kicked and beatenby friends of Dougherty), wat very lowand was not expected to live. Inquiry ata late hour la the eraming of one of theaurteoM who has beao la atkadanpe onthe case did not elicit iatomattoa-^ rfcichcould warrant the wport m eireaJ itioa.Dougbe^sirounditapaWulandairioutone, but ft it not likely to pcovt bit it un-less some more dangerous symptoms aredeveloped than there hate thus far been.The surgeons—there have been three in at-tendance upon the case, we baiievt—allthink that (he baQ ia lodged in themuscular tissue* beneath the left shoulderblade. It hat been found tapracticabieto locate the exact position, at Ihe sur-geon's probe would only enter the externalwound about an inch. There U evidencethat air enters the cavity of the cheat ex-ternal to the lungs, and {this can be ac-counted for wi(hout supposing that a lesionof the lung tissue exists. There are tomesingular features in the case. The boy'stemperature has not been below W orabove 101° since he received the Injury.He had previously suffered from a cold, weare informed, ana hat probably since Sun-day added to.his cold by tilting around thehouse in strong draughts of air with only aflannel shirt, open at the front, to protecthit person. Dnder these circumstances ilis not strange that he has had little appe-tite. We have no doubt, judging fromthe surgeons' sutemenla^hst he will recoverin due lime.

Ladles and sickly girls. g e stimul

Iron Bitters beoeficial.


In the past two months there has beensaors than 500.000 botUesof 81HLOH'8CURB SOU). Out of the vast number ofpeople who have used It, more than 3.000cases of OONBUMPTIONhave been cured.All Coagha, Croup, Asthma and Bronchitisyield, at once: hence it is that everybodyspeaks ia its praise. To this who barenot used h fet us say: If you hare a Coojth,or your child the Croup, and you vjaYi elife, don't fail to try It. For Lame Biac;.Side or Chest use Bhiloh'a Porous PlatU •.8oW by Dr.ir. W. OLIVER, corner <Fr*i dand Oliver street*. |!

Aae you j low-spirited, !'downin!themouth, and weak in the back? pioswalking, lifting, or standing cause paid nthe small of the back? If so you have jkll-ney disease, and prof. Quilmette's Fn»m hKidney Ptd la the only remedy which w 11curej you rapidly and permanently aiwithout filling you! stomach with nauM*lng»aedfcine. Ti

AI cases of weak or lame back, bkcache, rheumatism, 4c., will find relief Iwearing one of Carter's 8mart Weed :ac LBelladonna Backache Plasters. Prices5cenU. i ; . . i!i i

y g requiring a non-alcohoiic.gentle stimulant, will find Brown'sI Bitt b f i i l

a aii over-


wenthat, In





, theirfelloW-cili-rials given' The

thatuliona andwith lliem,Juroin who

rerdicU ac-Melioo de-for he has

Aa he would be unable to attend the sesslou of tlie council on Monday morning,ue was very desirous that big successorshould be appointed before that time. Itwas generally understood that Mr. J. L.(jrowell, wbo ia deputy clerk of (he countyand clerk of the board of chosen free-holders, was an applicant for the positionof city clerk, b'lt the office appears to havebeen given, temporarily at least, to anotherperson, Mr. Charles H. LambertI There were present at the couneil meet-

Ing Councilmen Crolius, Crowell, Denlke,Leonard, Lolimlller, Mansfield, Martin,Silvers and Tufu—8.| On mollon of Councilman Croliua the

resignation of Mr. Hyer was accepted, anda complimentary vole adopted thanking theretiring official for the faithful manner inwhich he had performed the duties of hisoffice and congratulating him oa his ad-vancement lo a more honorable position.

Councilman Crolius then nominated Mr.Lambert for the vacant clerkship., Councilman Martin and Mansfield both

Expressed their opinion that It would bebetter to appoint a clerk pro Um. only, aabut one more meeting of the present coun-cil would be held, and it would be as well(o leave the incoming council to make itsown appointment for a permanent clerk.| Councilman Lolimlller moved that theappointment of a clerk be postponed tillthe meeting of llic council on Mondaymominc next.I Mr. Hyer called attention to the fact thatas a vacancy now existed in the office, his

resignation having been accepted, thatno business could be transacted in the of-fice of clerk. In this opinion, which wemay regard as a aemi-fudicial one, the gen-tleman naving been elevated to the bench,although he has not yet been (worn Into of-"ce, we think him mistaken; for we seeio reason why the present council would

not be u competent to chose a temporary

LIST OP LETTERSRemaining in the Post Office at Rah way,

N. J., April 87, 1882:Thomas Jonson, Sames Pollard, Harry J.

Perrin, / . D. Wyckbff, Arthur R Smith,Miss Virginia Drake (2), Mist Bell Qulnn,Miss Mary Kearney.

Persons calling for any of the abevenamed letters willplease sayit is advertised.

B. M. OLTVER,j P. M.

"ROUGH ON RATS."The thing desired found at last Ask

your druggist for "Rough on Rats," Itclears out mice, rats, roaches, fliee, bedbugs. 15c. boxes.

When I bave a babyat breast nothing isso useful for quieting my own and baby's'nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic It prevents bowel complaints, and la better thanany stimulant to give strength and appetile. -A Xeuark JfoUur.


Corner Dry Goods Store.WAIN and CHERRY Sis..




Monday at on but Wednesday



U » mat* oo Ihf$i.*o,as.M

H w « U MtoMd la $4f7,CH.I«l iawtt at 4 pareaat U

ajrainat the rery cues hf w M employed loconduct, but who, after f-iamlnlnt; the ev|.deaoe, ! declares bis belief that not withstanding UM disclosures made by ihe Re.poWicw pee*, be i* stiMed the publicdoes oot know half of the '^ptrjury todcrim* oarrted on oaoVr pretence of aidingthe Defjomtk party" Wei woodcr bowmany papers of that |»rty w l allow tbeirreaders to sat thtte booest admissions ofMr. K*r, tad whether those who coocealthem sttd pen** io dcayiaf fjaea so eatab.lisaad. jsaouid bs regarded as hose who s ccordiaa- U> hies, "counUnaacf perjury andcriaie.''

Mr. K*r eejoytd the privilege of r ^ j ^lac • prarttcU lltastntioo of i>e way Deavocratlc priaelDUs;ars«ofor(adjal,ths South.D«ca«»s» be darsd lo say tha4 a Dtaweni« h

II.M0 «(! caught stuffing the balloMp . « g g MBat < » BfatiiialUaa, as w« haw sbowa, W i taenabie to U* laws of Ho


It tg*oret lh«tha dlfl«r«M


hvfwrjrefaaiiar at UMfa ^sa_-

>W«st of the chivalryla Ibe atfbt and aWwed that

x shoild b*i Oarollaa. a

«ch • hsresy by ssaMaiagtilth* wladowiof ih. I w atorjr when h i rooaw^Kattttaljr s«eh t last* af taal Mm Dasoc


clerk onevening.! The motlou of Councilmanbeing put lo vote, was lost; A vote was Uicn taken on the motion ofCouncilman Crolius to appoint Mr. Lambcrt.and It was also declared lost, as Coun-icllmen Mansfield and Martin the two Re-publiaui members present voted in thenegative and Councilman Lohmiller askedlo be excused from voting, and seven bal-lots being required to elect a candidate.

8ubsequeutly a vote was taken upon theippolntment of Mr. Lambert as a clerkpro Um., and he was chosen u such with-out opposition.


The council also transacted some otherbusiness. Mr. John C. Blore, who at thecharter election on the 11th lnst, wuchosen school commissioner in the Firstward, sent a communication to the councilstating that by reason of his removal fromthe ward he wu Incapacitated to fill theoffice to which he had been chosen and•tendered his resignation in consequence.Tlie resignation w u accepted.< Councilman Crolius nominated, Mr.Alford B. Cook for the position thus madevactiil, and Councilman Martin nominatedMr. Edward C. Potter, the Republican can-didate it the recent alection.

On the ballot being taken Mr. Cook re-ceived the votes of the fire Democraticmember* and Mr. Potter those of the twoRepublican member), tod Mr. Cook w udeclared elected.

S O U OEOKHKD f AID.A few bill*, for expenses incurred tt the

charter election, were presented, tad, beingproperly audited, were ordered paid. Theywere u follows: John J. Wood, for ser-vice* u clerk in the Second ward. $10.80 ;William J. Oeery and Andrew J. Halliday,Inspectors of election In the Second ward,tt each , and Mary Hal|*us tad Wllllsno. Cbamberlin, for rent of voting place* inthe Second and Third wards, $15 each.

The friends of Councilman June* T.Mdick will be flad to bear that he I* so farcoo rakisciiig that bs can leave his chamber.'lie hopes In t few dart to be well enoughlo be able to go out of doors.

The nul l frame bulldlni oa the northtide of Lewis street, erected by L. MurrayPerkins, will be finished ia about t weekIt is lo be woted. The tdjoiaini praise*os the east, owaed by itmo* Vtnderhovea,have beaa greatly Unprovai by the addi-tion of porueot overibe doorways tad tteach tad, tad by the fresh coat of paintg i m the building.

The Dmmnt charge* that the Repuhli-lean amber* of the ooudl an ai~awch

^ * D fa oooadafftade7ft»t


SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY,marvellous Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria,Canker mouth, and Head Ache. I Witheach bottle there is an ingenious Basal In-jector for the more successful treatment ofthe complaint, without extra chargl; Price50 cts. Sold by Dr. P. W. Oliver, Cor. ofGrand and Oliver ata.

SPECIAL NOTICE. ,Dr. L. S. Avers, the dentist, being asso-

ciated in New York, on Mondays, Wed-nesdays and Saturdays, will close hit officeon those days. The balance of the j week,Tuesdays, 1:80 to 6 p. m. Thursdays andFridays, 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m., he may befound at his present stand, over Coles' Druestore. Special attention given to fine goldfillings and the care of chlldrena' teeth.The best of artificial work at reasonable

et. L. 8. ATUM, D. D. 8.IUhway, April 7th. 1882.

WANTED, 50 pairs of common pigeonsat Gilby's Fulton Fish Market, No. 17Cherry street.

MESSRS. ELT BROS., Druggists, Owego.N. Y. It gives me great satisfaction to sayyour Cream Balm (recommended to me bya friend) hucompletely Ckwdmepf Catarrhof whicb I have been afflicted for over tenyears, after trying almost every remedyrecommended,' none having proved sopleasant, effective and thorough u yourCream Balm in its work.- Very truly, etc.,S. J. Auutx, Wholesale dealer in Boots andShoes, 143 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Feb5,1881. ' j '

Having been afflicted with catarrh andcold in the head, I tried a gceat manyremedies without any beneficial effects, atlut I used Ely's Cream Balm, whicheffectually cured me. I consider it a duty[ owe suffering humanity lo recommend Itto others suffering from the same, almostuniversal, American disease. W. H. I.HILLARD, dentist, Bordentowo, f. J. Oct85,1880. Price 60 cenU. '

Dr. Mott't Liver Pillt are the bseCathartic Regulators.

We have a speedy and positive Cure forDiphtheria, Canker Mouth and Head AcheIn HHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. ANasal Iujector free with each bottle. UseIt, If you desire health and tweet breath.Price 80 cents. Sold by Dr, F WOLIVER, comer Grand and Oliver streets.

Thousands have been cured of dumbre, bilious disorders, jaundice, Uytpep-and all diseases of the liver, blood and

stomach, wben all other remedies havefailed, by using Prof. Ouilmettei'i FrenchLiver Pad, which it a quick and pernauenlcure for those disorders. Ask your druggist for the great remedy, and take noother, and if he does ft*Jum It tentl $1.50in a letter to the Freocfcfji? Coltc-ledo.O., and receive one by^Mti pott paid.

RE8CUED FROM DEATH;The following statement of William J.

Coughlio, of SomervllW, Mass., U so re-markable that we beg to atk for in the at-tention of our readers. He tan: I " In thefall of 1878 I w u taken with a violentbleeding of the lungs followed by a severecougli. I toon began to lose my appetiteand flesh. I wat to weaic at one time that/ ^ l w r e m T b e d . In lb* summer

of 1877 I w u admitted to the City HospUI. While (here UM doctors taMll bad ahole In my left lung as big as a half dollar.I expended over a hundred doHtvt in doc-ton and medicines. I was so fair ne atone lime a report went arou ty'l was

***-. A *•!£ "«* hof*> b « a f ri« »d toldme of Dr. Wm. HalFs Balaam fnr thelungs. I laughed at my friends.! U ink in*that my case was incurable, but I got abottle lo taiMy ihem, when .o my , urnrts,and gratification, I eomatanced t i «se?bet.ler. Mr bOM,c«ee deed, began to reriw,

to day I feel In btt i i t h I

Kturclgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,Baekacff, Sortnttt of tht Chtit

Shut, Quimy, Son Throat, Swell-ing t and Spraint, Burnt and1

SeaJdt, Gontrai Bodily•'' Paint, ; 11

Tooth, £ar and Htadacht, FrottetF»*( and Eart, and all other \

< Paint and Aohet. jNo rrmralioD on etrth tqtwlt ST. / r a n Oh

M i !" /* ! *«<rv, timpU ud cheap |bi«rdiB'mtdj A UUl v»*Ai bat Ihe comp«rn(t<l(rlO(m oalk; of M data, ud eterr ona iu««rll.|with ptin c u b in chop ud potltlf a PNO( of II

in D»T«O t f


A. VOGELER <feBaltimore, M

1882 SPRING AND SUMMER ' ' ' •Dress Goods Department.

5,000 yds. of dress goods, 7c, 8c., 10c, 121 j5,000 " •• '• 15c. 18c, 80c, 85c, a yd.All .Wool Suitings, 25c, 88c, 85c, 40c. Doublefold Cashmere inJBlack and Col-

oru, 40c, 50c, 65c ,70c, and 80c, a yard, splendid value at each price, comparison in-vilcd, also a splendid assortment of summer cioakiogs and fancy flanuels.

Calicoes, Cambrics and Moznies.10,000yds. ofailicoes, 5c., 6c-, 7c, 8c. yd,

15c, a yd. Furniture calicoes, 8c, 9c, 10cd, 5,000Cambrics and Jlomlesat 10c, 12jc.

Creionues 15c, 22c, 35c, best goods.



To the Citizens of RahWay IISfOTICE.


Wishes 16 iuform the public that lie

HAS REMOVED HIS BUSINESS :To the Store formerly occupied Iij

Phillip Brown at '

151 & 153 MAIN STREET;Where |(ic Is prepared lo carry on li<|.

old business of

, Steam_«4&as FittlnalSPECIAL.—1 also wish lo iiifonn

thd citizens that I will tnkc their Stovtwdown in tlie Spring, store them In a dryroom, cluan them, and put them up Inthe Fall, for the sum of $2. Specialarrangements made where ibere I) morethan one Stove. Having made asludyof furnaces and heaters for the ltut leuyears, and liaving secured a goocl tin-man, I am prepared to do the publicJustice larmy line.. '

I am' also prepared to repair LawnMowers and Machinery of nil kind*, j

Respectfully,, W. H. CLOKE. 1

J IW iPZU »S free.?ortl»nd, Milat



The copartnership heretofore cxlsli.—under (he firm name of llalvar Ii GravesTsthis day dissolved on account of (he d :•decease of II. Ketclsou. Th« unde--signed will liauidale the affairs of the la cfirm, and continue the business al RahwaN. i., and New York, N. Y. |

1 K. L. GRAVKH.Railway, V. J., April 1st, 1882. 8*


Tin Bute of XIthlnn.htvlnx SO ynrtat lmt,nmenu ilUl contain* larye tractt tf unacaipitd Iannluble for Una; ume o( Uitm »ubj«i lo fr« «Ueawnt iwdw liomctetd l«w. 11 d til of Uitmn•*'• at low prlesi. A pamphlet, prrpand undtrmlkorilY 0/ tin sialt tnd MnUlriliig i map (e-KiipUona at lit cllmttc, toil, lodu.lrin, crop! V >draooroM, ud «n ueouol o( lu liud», will U t> ultttt U> tor onr wntlnj tot It to


•r. Haliday as cI baUaw lhat twoOr does it wishpfleat 8iMatiM

ft»to WTMIM itak« UM right!lo tiHiiparty sttmTaad o r i l B d « w e haw


ud to day I fed la better spirits thta Ihave the p** three yean. ^

"I writ* thisbopkf you willto that erenr oae tUcMd "

will b* lodocasl la~ " tortht _




l i f t


HOTJSEKEEPHSTG GOODS.Table linen, wfiiu- nndcoloriHl, 25c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c. $1.00 ayard. Tabk'

napkins, while HIKI colond, 75c, lo $8.50 a doien. Towells and towelling, 5c, to SOeach. Pillow muslins and sheeting^ all widths, 9-8; 5-4, M, 8-4,9-4,10 4, in bleachetland unblenchuil. Tublc mill 6t«ir oilcloth, while and colored.

HOSIERY, GLOVES A: LACES.Ladies', Genl's rind Cliildren's Hosiery, latest style 5c, it pair 10. 50c, gloves in

Liale Ihmut, lace lopa and silk from 10c, up. We keep llic Ixm ton kid glove, andhave KJM them for over 5 years ; they cannot be beat for Ibe price. 8 buttons $1.00,4 butlous|1.25. A fine assortment of laces and embroideries. Our slock o( Iheaegoods are tlie finest shown in Rahway, the patterns arc new and (lie priee.s iheowctt.


)ut- 1'iilauiidiied Shirt at (il.00 is the best article in tlie market.


t y Lawtit /Vi«« in Ihi City.

Carpets, OUelotha, Mattln^a, Drn^s^ta, and Ruga.2,000 yank of Mattings just opened In While, Red Check and Fuucles, from 15c to

50c (K-T ytird ; a reduction made by the piece. A good while Matting |5.00 a piecef 40 yards. This is Ihe lowest price touched yet. Oilcloths, ihe largoal slock in:>wu, 4-4, 5-4, 0 4, 8-4, from 25c lo 50c per square yard. Druggels, Hugs and

Door Mills in great variety.

CARPETS.-"-I nm selling agent for Rnhwuy for one of the largest Carpet Housesi New York. Those who want a good carpet, It will pay them to order through me.

Yon uri- suri; (o get a fresh carpel, because they cannot give me old stock to sell, butonly KO<K1S (|uil ,,rc niakiug in ihe looms all the time, and can be mulched at least fornc yeiir. I sell at New York prices, and guarantee (he price the lowest for Ix-st

goods. Tire Ix'sl Extra Super. All-Wool Ingrain Is 95c. a y&rd. If you want thecarpet umde il cosla 5c. a yard for making. 1 can get tht car])tt for you soouerIhau you can go lo New York and get it. You save your fare, expense, and Troubleami I deliver the carpel to your home free of erprwi charge. Hrusscla Camels "85 c , 0.1) c , and $1.00 per yard. ' '

Call and sec my samples. None but good foods sold from sample. Cheapergoods I keep iii slock al 25c, S0c, 35c, 40c, and 50c per yard. J

Aginl for Hulterick'g Pattern*. Delineator, 16c. Large Fashion Book, 25c Cata-logues and tuouthly sheets free, by calling at the Store

Corner Dry Goods Store, Man: and Cherry Sts.A. WALLACE, Proprietor.

RuptureU Relief and Cure as certain as day follows day by Dr. J. A.Hherman's methodroof IhoilH r:,"S in6 i"^<:,n- °,f. ""''"'allon « d wltliouC the injurr n o , , , . Inflict. Tho.c- «lroof ihould Mtid 10 « n u for fits trook. conulnlug likcQMe** of b»dc*«B U:fo d froof ihould T

c*«B U:for<s and tfter our? >K.rm«i .nd otter. ! ' £ £d l

1 «">«™en. Mlnl.TSr. , &-"oncr or later a««t the BMVOM and ratnl.l ivrtrm, brmif on ori.i.lc

d l l d k the jou.ig old «nd u.ele«. O f i iion h k N Y k

^ . - r .RP»"-"oncr or later a««t theAM., Irapoteocy, d » ( W cocriry »nd »ocl»l d.<.lr«,

461 Broadnrar, N. \ . . 80S W.lcnt Bl.. Phll«. I)«r. for con^ V t t P"" W e d n e g < U ) " ' Tnnr«Uys,

gation. t»ch wftkj Kridiyt. during




AT fiO. IM MAIN ST.,arite .loclc of KITCHKN and TABLE

WAHK may b« found at low price*.



ISlther Plain, Dooornlecl or Gilt.A nlcoMorlmentof

MAJOLICA WARE,and a full line of




KEHO8ENE STOVES with ovenswhich will accomplish nli a coal Move can

without healing the Route.A FULL LINE OF GRANITE WARK.

POTJ, KETTtU AID SAUCE PARS.8EACE niTUEES, TOTS, 40.K large lot of useful articles on the Five

Ctnl Counter.



fcUMWkslUlTrtIIV.MkltraK, tt.Uim, » ._ o^lhli6ltfas4«tllkaianut rtf olar (radaaia la aattflda* lot


ft Co., whew they can be ob-



CLOSING OUTwlnltr Hock at greatly reduced price., for


tlie coat price.

JUST RECEIVED!A n«« lot of yitct »ooda, facli a. CLOTHS



A Fill Lilt of Btitt Finl iUu Good!,iueh aa Blue Flannel and Fane/ -Slilrl., White

8hlJU, Collara, Tlea, Sock., Ho«lery, 4c.



BAGS, SATCHELS OF ALL KINDS.)Any thing not in slock will 1* ordered at

short notice.Special attention given to

ORDERED WORK;id MADE In our own . ,„

, ALTERING «rad CLEANINGdone la Ihe Shop, al























flflj lain.


• t fi.«r. ill

[ J , 4 . « ( r. »•«•


A ovocira

IK :

| f i -jfrlu It

' t "I ' I f P ™ » -.' :.»«-• Ittne* lo«t- a »««(( VJ l i t

0» prt-ary waterway i>t oMMetaaa to aattiwT da*

It w * W Md laOK bail c~<r tM Pott OaVe.

Turr^to FIPUOLUW—Hr. f i t ei (lw proprieta* of Ik* Gnad

Cfertni U'*M oo Jrriaf tfrw^ « B M oafa

CWWrt. of <*« >Vw Yort tad HaatorfHat. for a trip V> hi« aa»f»e patec la. detfadariaad. Bnwtwiefc. fit WM aeeoavpaakri fries (bin city by a data or aortf h k f V .

him ail uxl la «t»od him (Mr »«•«• for» pkaaut (rip tod at/* rrton He tx>

t» I' lark in feawtr kpfa I7 Vb*aiiddt*

K « «L> C , fMeilrr,

'< |«—minoatla kO

X f)( tad* ««fl M pence* frotoIlltactk. lowt W

«r*a>*t* Km Adi

• German Enir.-.rif

UK! Tuba. Asxaw (lie ditfini«^v-o< «bo wiled IB itte T«BK!

Hc^caer, eneaal of tb«u \>r» Out, Mexico.

t«r jig


! |'i»f<T»-<-iio<r : T'i T¥« P l a n e — Tbei Pmri*i iTtnia liaflmavi Company M M fewi wt»k> »?•• a»inl permtaaUm <>f UM cityOJUtvi! Uf rrrrt ( a t n at Ihe *arir«a» ttrrrt

Wm\u;> l" ihi* f ! ty. brtween HroH tod



• • i l l

( I f f


Kf (


paWic < armirf uvl pedestrian Irtrel, todv i(rt»t r*t tin- iiiil.rifitr d f ^ f f l WM (prtuwd Tbe•A (M»f | . W [><,i.v «i!S !*»'•• but t little time now

fttti»ii, In H Ui « I '. f'/r tliia |irrit»x(iMi tobr fully fiTtti.ninriit-r |C*a' Tlr- 'fftij*.iy oflWitlt RtaUed ill tuftr ap-I i . l x l «;.<l | , '^3 ' i - ' . '..-. lli« (cjfnm/« rouocil Uial l i e\;n-t a vrn iri.v. «r*i|fl \tefrtruA wflhin t period of

.,<it ninety <l*f«, and the MUflil*: will I*Tin- (iwt ir»o macbhHffy for Uit

il f'.ur of \itt rTOnain^n baa alreadyr.fruwl in UiU city, froen the car>-f the rMTiptnjr at Altooat, Pa., ami

(IK- « rV df trtllDfr tf*rn will tie at• untu'wod 11M mtnpoay it to benv\n\ fur iU Jrtlrr ui protect llwfrutii injury I*J litnli tod nervm and

i,.t i« I«H»1 rrt(yIUKIlilr if a<~rM<rntii t j i« i < t t r «l < r i m i n g * wli^rr UieTe• J:A('"" 1" ;[*ri'Vriti xHsk'ic* a/wi pwle<(nun <f>*jiiD? ili<- irark*. <tir«-tly ini! |M%»i[if Iraiaa. Not iufreqtwoliyl U|<t«'ii llial p*mona will lake (be

ii.ility of twm\ut die tratlu wlicn

ll Ill-An, I i C hi.t

M»m »t frr t


l i ,

f(i .o!



l l . r .

U I,uli, il l ! I I W (



i t n l I,

IW< I" , I m t « i l l t T O K««n ." | lij rtigiiicn tif tlic dalipv toili<; e i |««r tlKjmaelrn. OH)" » few».-.. «r< ta*1 a'U-am driven airrxa Milton

; s\t-f,m- M > frviijjht Iraia. w«t approaching!; mi S e n V'lik wltra il nm«l liare turn'•iuli-cit in rv«rr ouUxiker tliat it wouMl,i\r U-.fi murli ufrr Ui liatc wtiud unlil

iiiic train lixl [Kuuwd—even at Hie rlik ofi. -! lut ing rvaeliol tliflianieogiT utatlonat(!•• iini' llir \Mvin in the rcliicle de»ir«l! • .

IvTKKK-tlN'l I.WTfKK <•!« OrW<"lA.VI t i - m u t . — T l K - l l r v . J . K H i m , o f C r a n -f-inl. nil TluKfcl. iy err i i inu clclirfrctl wi

I! ( V l | -

•i P

I ' l l . .

.l.i.,-.I II I I .

. Hid n •litij: l<< l i u r (•» Cirrd'ali lii«U>ry 1*

••t,'.".). ia llir jmrl(ir< nf lliat Itdy « rr»iAr:,<e. mi (irarl'l »ttr«-t. | { f r tv i^wwl (lieI , - ! . t ) <if (ir^-eir- f imn the time? of \gtin. nm-.n !<i t l n l i'f Alexander ihe Oreat,H r j i i i c flr>l<j( lli<- u n t i l * and le£<Mi<!« thatl i t v l«r i i tr»ij«niiit«1 to "ur time*, tn<itli. ii <<f Uif |K'tii«l m v e r n l by historicali\f.\ In llii" jtrvirw !«• » h ( i « n l the tievi I. if.ui.-nt of tl;r (irtr-k (Kinilc from a «t i tei.f Inrlmri-m u|itil ili<-y lind a l la inwi Ui thehii;l.i-«i il<-^r.-«-|"f i i a / a n ( i v i l l t a t i o n — t c i riliAAIK.H whii H i m n i u m i » IKIIIIC l i leralurf,«ti.l L'tral (Kiv(i(r> aiftl lirn«-» wlnwe farm-

,1 1 .




r|.»inir i*irtinii<,f thr l

nati'.ii, a:i<l of Hi*

i(Uril.(it«l-I li.it* fill

ihcrclu, an'l also<iutl<«ik for thih<- iii!rv«lucli<.n

Amr of•ratio* b) UM Opera heak cm ftt <of DecoraUoa m#. TwawW. Maf Ichcarof 8 t PaaV. d m t f k m h i M hvrited to f artbfc focal Mawtt oa tic oca .•oa, bot we have aot Kaned wfcdhw the


for the c e l r t S o e o f * e memoir of thefaJlea bnma who cavetp their Hnt totiheir cooatry't hoaor. !

A f t D W » - O i WedaeadayM M Elb E. Bovltoa. daagteer ofAlfred BoaJloa, was Married a l breaMeaot. on FnJ»o *tra«, to Mr. OeorpL Bced. The weddioc cmaaooy WM perfonaed by the Rer. Mr. Rafljawoa, pakocof the rTr»S Bet*i* chorda. Ahwn tvreatrptemu were b aflfndtnrr The bridewore t fawn colored •&' draw, «m Irsta,and her btir WM htad«Mady drated wtthQatortl flawen She MefredTttnable prcaenU. t o o m which were tblack wtlant daMtber ttt from the trota an of Preach tfaiaa, i BITCT and giwaware, etc, from other ; (rieada, Tbe re-porter wa» reatenahewd. I tad we pregentcur oompiUneiiU for tb« peoerora amountof wedding cake aeot W.

TRX rUawir BOITDMOLDCB*' Pawrota-vo%— A bdy raiding ia • dty in NewYork State, and iotenawd ia the readjott-meoi of OUT dty lndebtedneaa, aendt ut the' - • _ note for puNialioo. She but

Uie aesUmtnt of t rtry Urge num-ber of penoot dmimataUvced ta benelT :To la* tint ol tac kimati :

TV Xiiewt Dtmern* arraaw a mtkaaa mkoaokaUm, oa ta*vorkiac ta ttM taunat of (M •>

a laaf br nptnm u*n « r t»a<& Wld fc '

axiBMica iaa( bt ci»tinanr u t woeoaueo l» (a-daot & n « r boots Wtd b | OM sst tap tiwdaIMS ia On md)a>taMmt V u of teukaatt.TWM baa^aan krld la u w t Tor e«r tM arpoalu>o. o»tr »a» a»lf at wWa»af»

.in•! ; .vi.I ' r\U

• . f •

(M V.

1 < n j

T l f


: i . - j j M . ( i . . . ( i r r ' «

& l l . v k n | Wi l l , iu u t r

< I •!> r.l t i l l ! I , T » | .

J J I U ' 1 H i .

, .( T h ' ' l « t t u i r Wi i li«(ru<!<l I" by an t u d iMur l l u l fl'!<»! lite largt psr inm of ib

j n«i.t"'no«\ nti'l •«.» prrotly cnj' iywl by al

L,( i [irr-jiil Tb-- ii-vtrvinl p ' t i l l cman !• t fin'

v < i » d k r r a n d jKi».««-ini<l nf kf«'ii r x i w e n o!!-n' . .•!»• rvalutn. a»<l. a*uc bat wide ly traTcled

l t il i> » ! * » ) < nf ui'.rfpul lo lialCQ to h i i puthi (ir | if i>»lr titlcraiicr*. He i» a w o o

i( i u,c l<rv. Ejtti* Hi(w», 1). I).. LL 1).,.( «IK>1< I'M <if; Ui<- Arorriran miuiooa/ir*'^ \ « i t i« l al Cun4>antinor>le. lb« capital of thell(1 Tuikitli cmp'tV. and wlitrt lie ut> rt*kled

' U>r fllty yctri. Mr. UipRi <r«i bora In:(\ID«I«.'II|II-IIII<|, and he will Die coming

i i miniiuiT wakr it riail Ihrrr for the purpiae"."ii-f *v[n% Mr. ftlher, wh" l« now ia td-'".vaiiK.i u s r i lie will »ti»rt on hU trip

:«'..ui «'month lience. Hit many friendjI in tliu vicinity: will wUb him a ionj and a wfr rclilrn


J l M•IKt - T l l P

i >i«-r» lU-iw

! ! . < •

\ \ .

nt .ifll.< (MtlrrtUrl:

' -r. X.. IUM«|a»U; i »<»ti t « i i > c i it in !«• I•;.ima A *i«il lf> l(i« r»

( U!|f itlKTT^l

- l n I . | «


• I . l a i r i n g III Dtr Ul lr f f l .

ti-.ii»f% a w l I

. I , ;

l |>:<'Mnliie (0111 IM. llnr

ri ,!• i.irtl«'riit

' <tlit« t<


••f I.• 1'. l . v

irioM «ln> I* Blljti l»(ftru' l*0|prr»Mi! In Ihttrttt

| ,, |f ^ ( a(iajM BUkf Ibf' Itwultl;Ui cnl^ata* If Ibr MJa limit M .

| |

ui^it tftrt1 tt n'rhvi. If ttrf

I «'•

or I X I T I D AMKIICAXlie tenth tnnirrrMnr ol

of l a k m ('Minoil, No.31Junior tlulc'r if Cnitrd Amrriran Mecban

' i< i. of llif. t !i«. « L > held on Monday even« f i l «»• ihi; in lli<- U*ll n( 1'jmei County Lodge

> I'iuli in I (I () K . « ( Main ttmrt Two oat-o(Rtprmanl |n«n (..iintll< (iotnlwill. Nci. S3, of NewIw li.-ard i Hfvui.«k-k, tad (>ri<nt. So . 4fl, of Elixa

»> «».( l r ' lr<li. |wrtl<ipaiinl In the celffbralion. Tbeii pU ', in : <telrfati«« fnilii the ftr»t o( the*; council)»>« i'» !< : autnbrml alirmt i i l ty per*** They were- ' •• Rirr j headed l,v Yl<f-('ouncillor Tmi. Fiaber,

l!>c j and wrrr arcumpan.icd by a military bandit'T : uf i inctrrn [>i*ot-«, compined of membenUIKI j uf ( } , « ! • ill ojuncil, under the leadershipTh<-; df KltutvJI Dunham They arrived in' lw ; iUiiway alKiulj!1 i)Vl<.nk.and w«re rtceirtd

al the rail*«i ilrp>< bv t (lrpulalioo ofrml Tin. in o«inril. The t l l u b r t h Titilon,,,rK «lu. iiumtx-ml about (Ifty, did not arrire- Ini until tf ..I |o<kj Tbry also w e n acrxttu-li.rr, pauird Lv a itiliUrr IOUMI of twenty two«jji unvt. df »Inch William Drake, ton ofI*-, ('..lour! M»ill*.n Drake. c( KUtabeth. isH ii irwtrr Thu l«jxl. alao, u cooipoard onlyi. a "' prrvxtt I»l(iti(r1nj to tbe urier of A n -|..« rr can Mn Uacir*. Both the Ttaitln* or.«!. cant/aiiimi marvhod with mittie tad lTthl-

rd (orvdr. frvifh the rtilrnadfttlkm,througb^i MI , MilU<« arrouejatxt Mala tlfrrt, to tbe ballm m "f I'olta (VH»acU, wherr aa InlereaUnr

<.f tb* ordrr wai held. D»TKS>.« o( r\ Chief of l>«i(e» Wright,

UKI cWik In Maikta'tdrui ttore, brine Initiaird ta t member Ancr Uw perfuna-io<-e of ibr« crrtwoOKta, which w«re notAonbnl tilt pait 10 o'rkvm, the lore* coun-ciU, with tUetn; hwda, and lighted torcWmaikan emailed pamkof UvdtT. Thehoc o( aurrh WM throufli Mate, Irttag,(irtsd, Chunjn. Swntaarr tad IrviajrKm-t>. (Vntrat ttmoe tad CtMpbril ttrecC


Jtklfr Ti»iK*to \hr Hi(th.

^ A*£M2£fic\\.)

• I. « 1 wrntrraa^a. *»T ( t . a«t u( * * "* ' " ' r i * * - • " **"*


U lUt

f Ibf Ukr

U. a I

•J«ul»u#l»»«# Lb <4>arr<«.

" ' , , tilled the baUpf rraaUu Ik*, coapaaj.^ L * ' : ui prMreo aTif tahhytaia llafl. Maayif,-. i.... the UistbetAaaa rHwnatd hoa*e oa the



Uw New Bmatwickm did.^JtyaiWt Watt lt3W. AJI

• -• -^^^ « - ^ w »- • • aawa^wa™ pawMwaw*awarw wpvwvaaWb^v wwaw V H v a T a *

V tnrth aHirw^ary «f Ubioa eowadlTbe pwvav atMMtd ha«« tahaa ptaca b s

(ort the mm*Un wwh««t.UadthMa«nchlafjet nnaibrf of oitia«M «c«M ha*» «a^oyvd it. Iltaja. Mtvowi wetw a had vafotwth* Itac «f Mtirh wmt lake* *p. aad h«l

wtn area t l lh« wiadowt of

. «hte*

Tht aatjw >attt wwatddttakiu M't •»«• pan K> aa*» aaJa«»d bat orftai•4 Mrft lauwf Ik i mat from hi*1 had to do a*.Mimina.: hut «h«a ht •«« nadjr to an thaal Ihwy

In*, fort tile had rwa««dihrklMof mmk. md m»

iaw KtlaM, aadlaiic ptoawttoa an waaawi tat c a U m . wV>

lutt ilkrif lmk til loetrf apta tkae bonda. Ulook. \0u i>»iaerTll)r far tW cnuBituc gf bhaMm to nqairr Uie aialrr 'boodi U> b< iadaded.w a itw »*• no* la t*«tr 01m pmyo^llOB. vkes itvoaid tB>k« am aUattrnc* U) Own wfcetbtr ttwy

W or not. if cttJtcr of lattr propoaitioxI 1 Dtmtroa

Maxrqro or Tax P»t»-STTCJIT or ElJUBETH —The aemi-asntlaJmeeting ci( tbe a l er t naaied orgrjanlzatioa« u beld with, tbe Presbyterian diurch inWToodbridjce, of whidi; Uie Uer. Dr. JMcNullr U pattor, oa jthe 18tb and 1mil "the Tuiton tlli-ndiag tbe nesnoaUie Prcibytery were eotjeruined with i,from l .«piu)i ly, and the aerie* of meetingsheld were very interesting.

Tbe •ermoo oo tbe eyeoini; of ibe 18thwaj preach**! by the rptiring moderator,the liev. iHrid *eTen4oo. of Perth Am-bov. Tbe reTerend geDUeman'» leit < a iSfi1om<io'a Hong v. 9: j"Whal U thy be-Ujred more (ban tnotlitr beloviti r Thetopic diacu**ed w u ''Tbe Incompambl<Preeminence of Cbri»t,"j

In llie nrtt Initineai t^ssion of Ibe Pre*bylerj- the Rev. Chariot E. Cuaningbanipastor of the Madisoft avenue d^urriiKlizalrtli, wa» tlectdd niodenUorr Encouraginjf reports relative lo the temporaland npiritual welfare <(f jthe churches w e nnreived. Tbe Her. Jlimw G- Ma.on.ofMrtuchen, the Kev. William i. Hendemon(if C'alifon, the Her. I|tnrv W. Teller olSprinpfield, ElA-n Samuel Avres of theSecond rliurcb iu this city, J. E. Marsh othe Elrubrdipnrt churrii, and J. V. Woodruffnf the Kir»t rburt-h!of Elizabeth, wereappointed ilelepite* lo (he (Jencral Assem-bly, vrliich will meet In SpringfleW. III.(in* the 19th of May |Mr. A. W. IUIseyof Eliubelb, a Ibeolnticul uludcnl tt lh<Princvton nt-minary, w.ts licen>e»l lupn-.icliKdvlle vi a» teltcteil a< jibe phce for holdinj the neil (••tni-Jiiaus.l meeliug.

While llic Pr«-«liyl»jn( »».* in «-s.->i<in va-rioui inlc-rvKtinf wrricies, independent othe liusinea meetinf, Were held. Amooethese mei-linps were tli^«e beld under ibaunpices nf Ihe Wonvut't Miisionar}" Soci-i-ty. at which reports of i ibe results of mis-sion work were pretehted and addresicsmvle hy the Rev. Sbolden Jtckjon, D. D.snd the Rer. 0 . W. rtiamberUin. Tb<fdrmer spnke in refcreece lo miauon workin Aluka mid the home, field; tbe latter,who is from Sao Ptu!(i, Brazil, upokc othe opportunity exirtjnjr, for a grand eran

li«lic «nrk in South America.Tbe Presbyter)- adjoarned lo meet witli

the I'restiyterian churcb in LtuninetontVimcrtet coanly, oa the Uth of June nextto tuUl In the ordination tnd Installationa* a colleafue with the Rer. Dr. W. W.Blauvelt, ol John T. |Kerr, of WrighU-rille. Pa., a member of 1 tbe tcnior c b » iathe Princeton Tbeologfctl Semintry, Dr.BUurcIt ha* been pastor of ttic cburch inLanilnglon for tbe lone period Of fifty si Iyean, tnd the r e n w t W pastor tod' thechurch be baa to long serml both heanilyunite in extending t jcall to Mr. Kerr toenter the Christian ministry and to becometbe colleague of Dr. BltuTelt.

The number of minister! wboat name*are on tbe roll of the Buabeth Presbyteryl» fifty. T V number of churcbea under i ucare l» lairty-ooe, whose aggregate mem-benhip i» about 15,400 jwd whote Sunday.tclioolt hare tboal 1800 tetcbert tad•cholan connected witk them

The IU. ReT BUhop Scarboroughpreached tnd administered Ike rite of coo-flrmalion tt In* Kpittxpal church, Crtnford 00 Tlar»lay cTtilng, tnd it Weat-Seld lut i j

Nerroui debility, toe cum of iheAmerican people, Immediately yWda tothe tttloQ of Brown•» Iron Bitter*.

W. R A i W tutoor of Alka'i Historyof Kenludty and one Of the otQaat Muonin that StaM, dM on Moaday. afed 80.

N«w, auick, coatpleal care 4 daym, aria-axr affecnoac aaaarUaft flagman or difl-atioo. ktdney diasaata. | 1 , at dratfiat*.iVfiaid by e r p t m |}.M, « for $ & & S.Waxu. JVneV City, Ni J.

UtVot It had m a t merit Parker** CHagerToaic could not be M> popular IU aale

i rapidly tpread til oter thb country, be-cattsc inriLHd* find It fire* them new lifetad r%qr whea otbet n*ed(dne» (ail a vUrdy. * C * * Firm*. 1 (T

BRAXDY. WINK ,LXD BITTKBa.Spewt P. O.Braadv. PottQlap* Wla*

tad WlM BitamaaTirU exttawi** tadrelbbtt domuad. PajnaetaM ncoaMawalIheat ta prefwraea a> laWothM food* olthe ktod BpoBr"* Vh«r>rdatr* at Pat-talc, N«rw J»my, btM IwtlTe aika froaiNew York, and hb win* WM twwdad thehifhet wtaaiiai at thi Oalaanbl foraJt by < W P. BrowTkad 1. A, Mathav


01 SATtJIOAT APtlt IS.rnx






OF CttiLDurn**

m»mk Leak tiBOTTOM E»RICK0!

14 Main » . .




tad ratey Good*

W. Y. Snyder h Co.,I

727 ft 729 BEOAD ST,

a at paat U* «U

drtmnam.. iat b a mt a t I Vtr mj Man a tap tookaW | ay* «>«•««*

aia4a*«atnt*i*BMa«>*taa7,•ftWtnt>a»a»iB|HLr laa DM a«Ute xaaok*aatt aajtMav tM iTSaA eat ta faraiaM * oietraatt* aSamatt lo . May* koata *M Batata.

I t tmanrr •*«• atatk, la... >aal attavar Wan, wtadil

• tafl «frkwaapar boa Wnauia |»J».k l«t» nrtttr aftfetan fam— ta k*t* am-mCj oa aata. hv rat, Maea^ttaat. at rttnt jOf Umcj ftaai asy taprtaHal i* nry IMBC Uat

tt iad«»ia twtaauea, cab* cap« aaat M a n .•tad; kaaaa, Bracttu art «sK pocktti, naca, faa*. (

* " * * •^BaWrwawatBaaf aawcaW waTVHBBaawi a W ^ i a * ! * \

•a. Mta«na4 at Ffccucm*ankta u»a

D« *e< r*f|ft dtt aaIIIMI ttrttaeall—«

—IC Kata atnet

L. BOBamrrxa.


Hands to learn to operate tewinr machine*. Application may be made atRoaenbaum k Stein't shirt factory, onInriny atreet, tnd the new employe* will bepat lo wort at moB a* tlie new factory uU>e comer of Elizabeth trenoe tad Grand•treet i* flniaoed. which will be aboutJune 1.

Health is Wealth.Dr I ('. V'ot'i X<m tad Bnis Trr»xaw«t—

Xtptctic for Hrawi a, DUUUMH. Coaraiiiou.HVrrou IleMiacba. X<stai£tepnM:o<i, Um o(

IjD j . p . fijg;.<7,Zat4«iow. Pnmatarv Otd BY-ii-' iurd by aier-tltrtioo. Mtr^Mtac. or 01a iiidaljtMKr. wtiictleaui* u> OIK*/ , d«aT. anil <L«uJi. Our box *iii

n c n i O K t . Ecacb boxcoeiAiAioo« .oocth'aatawaL (»* *ot tr a boi_ of i n 'of lt« dej-

ian: aca( b^ mail, prf*"! oa mri^t trf pnoc. VCrfiaraaue *ix b«xca 10cart U T care- With t^cbonkrRrririd by u for ni baxa, arnxnfaukdvita ATF dolLan. we «itl #r«al the pvrcaatcr taxM m ( i i u u w la ittara th« noatej i! liac inal-mest doca Dot efect *cane. GoaniiUc i»«o*d : bjCm*"- l l o u i j r u , «hoir4al« uul fMiii A m i .» n r r of Broad and Xufcrt Simla. Kcnrk X.; J(Mirrt by auli <ili rn^ltt prompl uuntioo. ;

Houst—ihret itU of apartmenti of five

rootui in each tc', uiilaUe for inull famiy:

gas, stationary *raih tubs, water closet«,etc.

Rent f 13 and f 15 per moath

SUFFERno longer from Dyspep-sia, Indigestion, want ofAppeUie_,losaof Strengthlack of Energy, Malaria,Intermittent Fevers, 4 c

BROWN'S IRON BIT-TERS never fails to cure•11 the**





Maxk •6a»«a tai th« Hat*.

EVERYTHINGUsually found in a first-class

Dry oodsStorecanbe Tound,



d 729 BROAD STREETS,Adjoining UK Post Office,

NEWARiL.5. i.


SUNUGHTAnSHADpWrfail.ai if • * • * *mm ummtt —r mO.Jm ^ a»




MOTHS CXTI&ELT EIT£RMIM LTED.All srrides Jjf carpels are lho.ou-lilv

CRANED aorf AIRED Ly our new and

Bean*. Xomaler KS, 1H1.turn CSDOCU. Co.

GcmtkaMa:—Vof ytan I Kai<b » C Dbttm»traUM»lfvCijDrH*tUaad onid gu BO rdkf (baviaf tried

td; aatil, actiav ea tac adrice of afrScod, »»c a*Z ken bacaatd byB*o«Va laoai BiTTtaa, 1 tried a.hook, vita a»c«c iVapraiaf toslo-Pmiuua 10 ukiac B ion ' i IacxBrmas,nayta«M 1

d I H k M

Bi K-nrinc your ouk-r at I'M Ncwji.r;<r\

xjirevi ibcy vf it! call f.jr, 111J rt'.un: your

lUr samt d»y frit uf ciiiigc, »• wt.

c h i r j « UKli « » \ ; . L: w ill K

only &«v=Kaary (u Live lh<.m Ik-vl u;.

Price Lif»v.CS'l.RAI.V i S D TUREi: PLV. * < eu . (<r yi-ii .BKli isELS, 1 •• •

UA. 0TU1BS, <



•K, aad I H (rbareioc MWiiliT i» tk« atoaudi.vtuck v*). wbcanblc Suez ok-if Baorc*! laoM Brmts, aO aaytniablaantiaaicad. CueaiaoyH i t a u ; disanccalik

t a atKUcaUT UOIMn. W. J T

uita. 1

BROWN'S IRON BIT-TERS acts like a charmon the digestive organs,removing all dyspepticsymptoms, such as tast-ing the food, Belching,Heat in the Stomach,Heartburn, etc. Theonly Iron Preparation,that wil l not blacken thet««th or give headache.

Sold by «dl Druggtala.

Brown Chemical Co.BaJUmorv, Md. ;

im at*•m

a BftMn an aa«a Vy1 Cf. Bihiaiaw. utno laaas aad tnde

aafk at "Hftr.





tfAY, Kmr IMkSl.i d W YORK *

N o t i c e !Haring a large stock of in-

struments on hand, and beingabout to place pome new stalesupon the market, we propose tooffer the balance of oar pres-ent stock of low-priced Organsat a considerable reduction FOBCASH until I > j 1st.

Dealers about purchasing forSpring Trade will do [well towrite us for prices.


Upright Pianos


I ••• : I

DressGwds! Dress IG COSTUMES,

AT * |;

An entjtre ittvaMortmgm, nrK.adinj^ ail the Uteat ntfreiaieti of UM«esaoa, in ipnee from 7 c e n t * tO $LSO' \*t yard, jj

ies will W opeoeci, MCVNDAY, &^h 6th, at prieeaA few!which CMDOt

iO; I Caiseo

1 CueoThe Black

ronlini« during Uiej therefor*, t n i y1 tof Figured Momit Gotb, al 1 et f l . P« '

r Wool Filial iUlijir.Wool D e U g i , * 2 5 Ct4U

f»r aa«ifc«r weak at ta«raakatere t*t« will •« e«a

EMPOBITJM^ OF, DAVID STRAUS,C3o, 63:7«r\.a<i St., for. of Ncj*-, Newark, X. J.



; . i [


! i A FULL U X E OF !


Call and Examine my Stock and See for Yourselves, atj

MILLER THEI 143 M^t]Sr STREET,; ; ; RAHW.vy. X J.


Office at [the ISTational 'Hank.

Aj£Bnt for i F o l i i i First GlassHOXtE rKSURA^CE COilPAKT of


NT of Minchester, EagUndROYAL KSTJRAXaBCOMPANT, of


Brooklyn, K. Y.,

Capi ta l ) A s s o t s .

•3,000,000 i]0—1^390^354 40500,000 00— 3,779,806 W

ifiQQfiQQ U—Paid ap.

10,104,9€9 40

W— 2,736,664 10

aar«Mt«r dxtsd aarttUac«< XCTKU fraantKMt. T

ttif pttrtoa rowij. feu U atT » » • a. a a






~ Mla 1ST [Knv

endnC t»tens Maanl.oAvaodan.MMWiaxat'' • • • • • • * • | i

Tonici Oa^o. B.ra>.

. Sattaea. aad aiia? K&a^ iW tmmrfinnra kaen. n o Ttmik dm-

a n s >« a«a»7 (|l*«akm VM Jour t

a*«afaafaMaacCheerT«K. It

j r j

100 DOLLARSlhai L


SL.M. Y.


ter of UM dirwioa of bad upon lh«application oi John R Broi tr.: BT xyg^&ot an ogvW male in tb« tbor«matter &T Braort Van SrckcL Eequire, oa*.ot ibe Justice* of titeSoprei DC Court to Q»dirrrtni. w« tbaU flipose fir saV 11 pubii<-rendoe at Cbimbnlin't Ht««J. in tirt Otro( RahwiaT, New Jersej. on ;


tt Ux boaf ol two o'dock Ui thea/leroooo of nkl dav, the foUowiUfdearrited tract • / land jritoate In theCity 0/ Baiiwav, fa (he Countj- erfI'moo, and Sitle i>f h'e-w Jenrr Befia-l i u t l a puat on 11K BortaWaaterij' «rde tfMetiiaaic t b i b h httrtct, bvisc tbo theertr eonxr of t lot'ol land UtetoMarr E. Sdaro; theace northikg im aad (westr-fooT laioalca eaM tworaaitM to had o t Hrtiry White, taetvoenorth fifty-Bin* degreea aac twvstT minute*


w«at thirrr^rreo lift* to k tit betoafiag tothe hejn of Rc4ph Marth, tmattd: theaeetotth thirt T-one dtj nres I a-eatjr-fow «un-

t«(. chain* to llKihsnic fUrxi,taiiUanvt twnth BAT-IIIM tk-

twimtT auaate* ra*. thirty-teroBto the rJare ct beftniioj;; coaUiaia*

caTtwaHoa foui* thunaud flight hoadroB1 eighiy-iovr s^oair ( a t ol land, be theae awin oc kat.Bounded a« IheiMothwt it try laid ttreet;

•oatheaat by kmi oT th* hue hUry E8ritn>. Mnheat4 by bad it | lewr While;aad aorthwtttt % bad if the hein otRoipk Nanfc, dedJawL \

Betas tae taiajr premim ooaiTBWal toJoha Browet bMfa Iifet£e by deed fraalDavid W. Oarkl ted w|Ue beartttf i mAjwfl Ut. I860, aki dary w o r d r f l a t CC f e t t wffle* K tfc OotwLT <* Bawi

Oatod fiahwirji SnUtJa,Tl»St%


Gor. Milton AVe. & Broad 8t.In addition to <xw osotU ttoek of

Grocene*. we have tntrodooed a New Artt-ck of float, numuHartuml boat the entirewheat, tad would rteceflaarod it lo Ihcaewho ute Graham Bread u beiaf fiaet ofii» kind th*a anTthJUf heretofore OaUred is

' Abo beat qoafityof

PATENT FLOUR,bnadii. Tjrether wiih t: food


VEGETABLES IN THtIB 8KABOHFret* Coaatrr BotUr Mad beat Tab





S H O E S ,

roMJU, oily tea or •docca k n



comuT-Diuiu. . I


Witni k«rT«UrMw.

m. fimii, 143 fl

Oiitel States Dyeiig Seoul*BSTABUSHMETT.

•UMaaverOanaevtiDMtf aalvtta aw****** tad dt*p*iok ••<•*•• •» Iowa* ra*b »rlo*a

•/•a* lautal Mkn oaHaiM* **d Orfta* •

*u n«*r-au* m m

Ih* lac* rich, twee*. irnraathetJe kad powert*!,fma tX> upward*. Ererr Intlmmtnt folly mar-aaued u nm—altd u d Mid oft r i f teatOKJUTBT BAR0ALV8 K V I B T OFTOJCDI

Addrees, 0. W.








it! \wliaowiiiy to the attcted aad <j*

tkat w* wll par la* aboT* evmrd for "

i of th*tfaa of the HiSunfcor th*la th* Back. 81d« or *kj fact *U iMprtw* of

YOU 0AM t l OUf^lDI





dMnta eras too hemrtv eatlnc, farraot DtaordcntaaUtw.and BcfakUa






•MaM. tU m t u tmUn. W»«n»»t«l M« Vktn

a**Ml W a h t , aad I* partfcahttr«•*«••< Uf*.

»*«tk» wtweether t w c . T V

M h d l k thlT uktt the exhaaMedor afdc aMiaafoui&taeaa Uie tnccamafia* oak iai bid* it gH hem*. Thefaithful little brute doe* aot aeed lo be•ho^a Ike way, bat pie* kaeaeitffcis stable*

theaaate. Kobody thinksof di»tnrbio«hiiaoo**ew*y, andjlke ytatacUik it awe tofcw B&O'V«M0 M fCtQinLtS BOIM BtBfcKti.Wlajn the journey or atatioa baa beeamade, generally about fifteen mile* ialength, the animal* are allowed about teaminute* to eat j a' little hay, and tiesthey: are taken back to the ttatioawbeaee they eaate. There tttyare allowed three boor*' roat, and if needbe they are then harnessed op again foranother journey. In winter they havepretty easy tunes, but in summer" wlientravel is Maker on the Siberian road*,they are worked almnct to death, and theyrarely U«t over two year* of work. Butthey are cheap; they coat their owners al-most . nothing to keep, except in winter,and then only during the most severeweek*. Many, atarie* are told of the greatintelligence of tfaeae tough little Imitt*.Mme. de Boorboolon give* a* two aboutUte rigor and the1 energy of "the*e demi-•avagt*," a* tfae call* them, A peaaantwho dwelt ia (be outakirt* of Krasnoyarskbeing invited to a wedding at a villagetome forty versu'.away beyond the Yene-sei, drank so deeply of kwaa* and vodkathat on hi* return journey he fell (AMasleep in his kibitka. The little horseswere left to themselves, bat they knew thew*y quite as well as their master in hismost sober moments, and finally reachedthe banks of the Tenesei in safety. Here,however, they were in a dilemma, for theferryman was on the other side of river andalso asleep. Weary of waiting for theirmaster to wake up, and having measuredthe breadth of the river, here half a mile,and their own strength, they at last boldlyplunged with the lpbllka into the river t'oswim acros* it i Awakened by findinghimself half submerged in the water thepeasant was quickly sobered, but seeingthat the middle of the river had beenreached,wisely allowed the horses to pro-ceed, and they finally reached life oppositebank without a word being addressed lothem. •' One may imagine, says Mme. deBourboulon, "the surprise of the inhabitanuof Krasnoyarsk at aeeiojr just at thebreak of day this new Neptune drawn Inhis chariot approaching their city in thisunique manner." Madame also tells astory of' how two Russian officers, quiteunarmed, were driving a troika of horses,when they were pursued and attacked by aLroop of wolves. The sledge capsized,whereupon the wolves set upon one of thehorses, which they immediately begun to |tear to pieces. The officers cut the traces Iof the other horses in order to give themthe opportunity of flight and ensconcedthemselves beneath the overturned sledge,hoping that deliverance might eventuallydome. But what wa* their surprise to findthehoree*, Instead of taking to flight, boldlyturning upon the wolves and attackingI hem with such vigor by means of theirhind feet that they soon put the brutes toflight. Mme. de Bourboulon heard manyother wolf aud horse stories, but felt justl-

i in retelling the above only, guarantee,ing their authenticity. A gentleman inIrkutsk tells me the following incident, ofwhich he was an eye-witness: Crossing theAngara on the ferry a peasant boy, halfdrunk, Blood before ha hone and kepistriking it on the nose with his closed fist.This brutality was frequently repeated,much to the disgust of the passeneer*.But finally, after a desperate blow, Ihehorse suddenly datermiaad to revengeitself, took hold of Ihe peasant's cap andhair, lifted himtip tnd over the railing*,held him suspended, and, after shakinghim fiercely, let the brute fall into the swiftriver, and the fellow was only rescued withthe greatest difficulty. 80 much for theintelligence of Siberian post horses.—Or-rttpondtuct Jime Ytrk Herald.

! -I i

*as?f- iol%C^o?WryrS

Uakiat«1w**w*x. Ian***ay they are a acttana, taUM the

odaJetathrow Ub> wwiaaHna|h|fa«k.|Ia»

c a a w I d o a W W tSs^coUdget^ afaa|wttfcoat kha, «ad h W a W l a a w l * a p -paiatedaoaawT—" " S t W ikharrt To i^bUad herMa looked foaad at the taeakoi•cowled at fcerw*h the iadWaitonaafflian worth i f JatpsnSn i e n j o j t•ad i , wmalysafi^. • Y ^ a « < k i beto bitominoQ»a*ont it." aai

rVacxAaTM rV*Ta*a.~K«Ver beta*hurry to buy petal**. Tak W ike fattblrate of tae yoaog aome-kaaptr who to•ire* to make her haae attractive. IWhaiyou bay. let it be ffofsd. A stable fair engraving of some faafcms picture, an am<vtype, or a dtroawMiihorraph from th*work* of M a^Mwiadfad aaater, will domore lo beaatify y<w parlor oryour bedroom than a dozes noddled, w-eolored,ill-drawn banaeript*—*o eaJkxJ—of j local•cenenr. Art is a very cor gaddea*. ae4nw*qbe emtrtcd geotly. Entreated j withkindly (paaobet, she win «atcr iato a tnaa»house, at dewa by hi* Dreside, and makea palace of a pttasaa't collage. Marriedabruptly, she will make a home, in sheercootranneas, a glaring horror of lint* anddesign* which are eaooga to give any or-diaarjr btain a headache for a fortaight--Bvru Hem Yorker. , • i

A B O T wrnr THBKK E n s —A com*poodent writin* from Bremen. Ohio, *»ys:"Quite a wooder has lately nude it* ap-pearance about eight miles north of NewBremen, in the shape of a fine boy iriththrea eye* and one ear. The parent* are kyoung couple who came hereto reaide fromthe eastern portion of Angimze county,about ten months ago,' aod have tjeen married a little more than |that time. Thechild is abom two weeks old. The patent*were astonished to find on the right side ofthe face an eye and an ear in their properplacea, and about an inch further round onthe left side of the head a tlrtrd eye. per-fect in form, but no ear where! the earought to be, the place for Lbe left ear beingperfectly smooth and solid as aar otherpart of the bead. The boy is healthy,sound, and bright a* a baby can be. Theeve* are perfect in sight and action. Whenthe eye on the left aide of the face often*and ahuta, it* twin does the same, bothseeming to be conlrohod and operated: bythe one set of nerve*. '

•Vennor, the weather prophet, predictsthat the coming month will be * vcaychangeable one, the. temperature rangingfrom the fnwt-uW to full summer heat.He believes the entrance of the monthwill be marked by cold and unsettled

, ULi9fW .aiternatjag, for Ibe

8cssrOT8 ASD A MORAS.— There is nowou the surface of the sun an unusuallylarge spot—the largest, says ProfesoorKeeler, of Ihe Allegheny Observatory,which has appeared for many yean, andwhich, apart from its enormous site, pos-sesses a peculiar Interest from the coin-cidence of iw appearance with the brilliaatauroral display of the evening of Sunday,the 16th insl This spot, which has ju»treached the centre of the suu's disc, maybe seen with tho naked eye at tunrise orsunset, when the light is sufficiently di-niinithed by Its passage through a gnatdepth of atmotphen, or at any time ofd*y through a dark glass. It may al*o be•een In the Image of the sun formed wh«nhi* rays are allowed to paw through a pinhole and fall upon a abeel of paper at*considerable distance, aod has in fact beOnf reqwoUr noticed in th* image* formed byaccidental < apertures in the window cur-tains, etc It* appearance, u projectedfrom the eyepiece of the great t l dt A l l h to J




Alloook's Porous PlastersB«6au* they have proved themselves:'

Uw Bert Kxtern&lRemedy ever in-

Tented. They will euro Uthrrui j

coMa, cough*, rheamatiaijt, neuralgia j

and any local pain*. j

Applied to the mull of the back;

they are infallible in Back-Ac.*,'

Nerrotu Debility, and all Kidney

trouble*; to the pit of the Momaeh

they area *ure cure for Dyipepaia

tad liver Complaint.

ALLOOOK'S POROTTSP L A S T E R S »» patpJeias, fra-gnpt, and qoick to cure, Bevanof hnhatlon* thai bliater and bore.

LOOCK'a tb* <*<*Porow Pta«t«r.

at Allegheny opon a;*ci«Ri, i«-t***t of tgigantic wtrirrpool In Ui«trfl|iaat«ja*«it>peof the sun. Voftg filaments 'of light pro-ject into It, curving with a spiral motiontoward a oeotial vorUi. which appearsMack to'QPntratt who. Ibe daxzling bright-ness of th« surroundiag surface. Nuorw-ou* amaller (pot* wrroued the principalone, and »everal amaller group* appear Onother part* of the disc. The area of thelarge spot, rltMiiailuad from measuremeal of Uw haagc, i* In rotaarj number* atbootaad mlffloo aquan niloa, Aitaoukhthe conaecti4a botwoanKM aajgapota andtha variou* pkenonefla ot |ka amrawt* <*»of the most ooruieaad m&ttkmh. aature,that »u*h a cowDftOtloa doat eslat *wa b*encoattrajed fa too jmuy ob»«r»»tioh* tolurt/y u*to oooaitJering 1h*trWod<msturbance la UM actlvitle* of the sun In-dicated b/.tbe«|k>airvce of this spot dadthe nufOMK 0mm of the morning of ihe17th *« axnly dAnce colncidenoe*.Nearly etwy olxiaptiowUy briUlaal aurorawhich nar appaarad ka* followed H*H«•uch outMM Mtotaraacny. Both proba-bly hare I W r Orlgia In fte *am« hiddencause, wwok itaaaia* aae of aature'sdwpwt myataria*.

Himox pi H^nBA-CWfja toldof tkfae t*ro hatta*. Qliutrali

ma *ve of•lory

tk* M M 0/ kaawr la aaltaala. \ turn**da^u^rbyAvocI|iT»Mtba,a«ti•ow, **» wa» the

,mi thamfomd a. ririeasokl

& w of


torn wara toote. Tfcapon*


first three days wiLh sleet and snow falls.Between the 4th and 7th of the month bepredicts warmer weather generally: thenagain unsettled and cool weather until the10th of the month. After the 10th weshall h*v? until tie 21«t jptMfBJIy fair aodwarm wither, ht KBews.'wnh the usualperiods 6f wmia< s*)«)od «Mrtn common inthe month; and j fofthe weik extendingfrom the Tlsf to the tttli he predicts coolerand unsettled weather.

It is true perhaps Uiat Palli is the great-est ringer of this geberaUoo, ami that noaiuouht of cuhnreeas produce a voice like

It U a-glft ofiOod; but it Is tru<that much pleasure can be given by muchleas musical voilea, Tbe tweelest muskmost ears'hare erer'beard has been (hemother** laUaby aotjg* — tweet, "beouitethey were tender aod jow asd full p( fefl>ipg. Noise ia not music. I remember thefirst night Christine Nttooo sang in NewYork. For an np>rt. she tang " Home,swt-et Horn*." ST odor and fair she slo*dwith her haad* IWhtly clasped in front ofher, and with a (freatty, far off look in bereye*, a* if the **w the abort* of her o^nnative land, and the modest cottage wh«rethe bad played at her •amber's knee. Aidwitu wh*t n»tt/UM« *be tjtBg it! Tearstrickled down the cboeks of the audieuae.and It wa* some nomenu after she hidceaatd to ting before a »und of applaiaew u heard. A holy huah acemed to have•ettled down ou all heart*, which one wasloth to break.—Onrmprndmtt RvnU XntYtrktr. . I ; '

A floe specimen of German carp, theflmt caught \a the Delaware river, wa*

-found In a seine near Oldmani Creek, Qlou;carter oounty. by lfr.:Miwkflh*. It mea!sured «oe foot In ielifth waifhfd onepound and a half, aod Jga* wail proportioa«i In kll r«»pecl«, The promlnem aadpccnliariy thapM eye. more rtaembiiocthat of a bird than, a fiab, aid horn* or1

pro(u|erance* oo each side of Ihe mouth,show that It i* a stranger la bur water*.Thl* carp T* p*hap*"oeJB 6f (Koa> Mtet4 iaUie itream* *f K«w Jetiej1 by Mr. Pearce^of the United States Win- Cotshtisaion.

The Rev. fataer DuoV. of St.' Patrick*Cthtrfrfcl.Newirk. W * % n tiMtferred to8t John's Patenoo, to replace the Rev. J.While, who ha* raxi'ved a loarc of absenceIn conaitiuence of (nWlth. nther O'Con-nor, pf Bijoaeph'sfhufeh.jieirijk, lake*Father Duffy'* place at tfie' Cathedral,Father (Vtenolly, of "fit.! Joieph'i JeneyUly Keichu. ha* been appointed lo St.Joetph'*, Nettwfc, toaaiitt WtherToomy;awi Wth«0<nuH'chirt»Jnof 8t. EliaV-beth's Convent, jradltoa. goes lo St.Joseph's, Jersey City Height*.

SKINNY ICEN.Weil*' Health Reatorer. Abiolute cur*

for nervous debility and weakoeat of thegenerative function*. $1, d UV 4 b 4 U S «

A.t 176 Main r_-,yott willUnd agood •asorteaendof M<tnVandBoy*' Hats and Gaps ia the Soiin« Style.

STRAW GOODS Uf GREAij VARIETYall sold very Hieajv

>'O CLEANED ami ItEPA IR EDat short notice. j

We often give to those that call, imi some-time* give to tramps : I•hen you come to bur a hat. l>e sua-

But tad bnogthe (TAnrs.


druggiitU.#8. £ . 8

WiotA Jmey City, NJ J,

Jeney City ha* *eboo;i aeeoan>odailon*for 14.M4 child na. Tba amram atirodaneeof pupil* la the raridudepartaieou of lk«lweniy4wo tchool* of I tie city the pactmonth w u It, 1II. Tb» numbrr of lt*oh-en employed I* &90.

{Terra Haul* aaiuroarXvaalng Mail. ]

Mr. Geonre Kaoakr aflarhatiat triad allreaedlaa wr^wiawaHad i oaun forRkMua*-Uaro. received no reJW iiaUl a« tried UMSt. Jtoob* Oil, Ik* Ark appltcatioa! ftwkich |av« him relief, aad the continueduw cured kirn. .

Toe neweat hotel at Aahnry Park I*Laajttry, called after tk* faax>ua ~beauty, aad by lu alenat aadatyle of faraiaktakf »Si4(JoW dtaoooor to tk*praakwd that tk* aiamnaaat will b* kall mpeeU adapiad lo in* moat fajCblloaVaet to *ay aanpated, taatea


Over two mUlioa volaaMa of th*MUUoa of Ik* New TaaSaaal w«« .^oa tke Irat day «y it* l«Me. Th**a|giM«aeaaoaryb**o.ttaM to tha o a o m o j « S

' 9wajra*> Otataiaat tS IWriitfPl aZ


. Wai raNai ska two b

_ . V.-lttaaa. oT **• Tbit rtty!*>•«• aa« hata out*] wtth |A|»

*ofia*w9r.A*pMtap«i ari

«rt»Mt a hOnr h id M t f t t H f e f

V. !

a iJi(Mi Tl*

i m otfcnt batik.

I f -A-



MANTEL WOlt (SiI t «a*jfa% AtWU, lahvtjr, ». J.,



8hak» bnuitr«llr. Tlim iUe>. "tit. copy *-*l(wa eolani i»k«, \>j IMU, $1. 1V° pntt li»(. um-pt« n i t lu . It., fnt AiteaU W a n l U6 r . i u . 8 c i i i L T d B


app|icatioir to me by Jane L. | hVazte.of [Ute city of Kahw.y, County ofUnion and mate of New Jemt-y, who claimsan undivided ooe fifth part of all that tractof land situate in the City of IUliwuy,County of Union, and State of New Jer-sey ; beginning at the northeast corner ofEssex and Lafayette ttreets ; iltcucf run-ning easterly along the line of ljftycllostreet forty feel, six inches more or less, tolot No. 159 ; thence northerly ftloug theUneoftaid lot No. 159, oinety-ttvrii ftvtmore or les* lo lot No. 80 ; thencf 'westerlyalong the line of lot No. 90, forti- ft-et MIInches more or less to Essex Hm-t ; iheuctalong the line of said ilrtvt K>u(herlv,

,eiy-*even feet more or kss to llu- corut-rof Lafayette street. Ihe place of I qriuuiii}:.The above described property Is the saiucwhich is laid down and desk'nattnt ou umap made.by F. W. Brinley of lie Shot-weil property as lot No. 160, u A i» loctajD« which wa* conveyed to Jimirna8ym, by George F. W*M> aud wife bydeeddaled April 1, 1859, and menial nthe office of the clerk of the ctiumy <-fUnion, ia Book 8 of Deeds for sail Coiiuiyal page 400. I have nominated John C.Codotagton. Jiuue* Vauderhovijti ai lNathan V. Comptoo, CooiniMioiup. kulivide the laid tract of land into tive i^u*labarea or part*, and unless iiiMn-r (ibjw--lion* are ataled to me at the Courijllou.'xi.in th* City uf Elizabeth, on the iw eitly-si.xtiiday of April next, the taid John (,'. CVKI-dington. Jame* V'anderhoven am: NathaiiV. Compton, will then be appoiu M corn-miasioder* to nuke partition of \iiv saidland punuaol to an act entitled •' An acrfor Ihe more oaty partltioa uf lu^ds heldby co-parceners, joint teoauU- and euantsIn common. i

Given under my band Oils ftfte«|Ui dayof March, In the year one thousaml eigrluhundred and eighty two.




To William Blair and Anne Blair, lisa wife;Dark! Blair and Ella Hlalr, hi* wife,EUta Jane Hoover and Frank Hoover,ber husband ; Kate' Cartriglil aodThomu Cartright, her husband; Mari-an OaahBer and Charles Caihour, herhusband; and David StevraMm. Juuior.

By virtue of an order of the Cciurt ofChancery of. New Jeney, madu oo (lie dayof the date hereof in a certain c*u*e there-in depending, wherein William J. Hsdd.n-kis a6npUmuit and you and other* ire de-featdaaU, you are required to aitpear, iplead,an*«er or.demoi to the Mil of ike saidoonpkiaaat on or before the twelfth dayof Mar sett, or the *aid Mil will ' 'aa oaanaaMI aniewt you. ' ,

The aaidbsTTla tiled to foredote aj mort-n f o giTan by David Blair, Uie of theCounty of Middieerx, in the State 'aforr-aaid. deoeated, in bj* Ufatime aad Kill*Blair, hi* wife, to the eomplaiuanij bearlag date Mar «th, I(f7«. on certain land* Inthe townaUp of Woodhrklge. in theOoualT aa4 Mate afonaild. i

And joy William Blair and |>avidtyev^aaoa. Junior an made defrod«nt* be.oatMe you hold encumbraare* on wid and*.And you William Blair, David Hlalr.'EIItaJ«oeHo<ir*r, ^ate Cartright and MarianCwhoer'are (aide defeodanu bemi M> MUMOMMTM and hair* at UW of th]- «idDa«M Bjalr, the wiortgagor, aod *M died•eiaadof theatid nortMed r*en>Ue» youa*ay ohdmmat iatenat thereia.

And fvt Aaae Blair and KIUI Blairare ma4e <tefeaAaau becaaan «• the1 wive*

^ l f h *ald WlllJam BJajr andehUdna and Mr* at Uw

9 W BWr. thaaaMmortlfagor.• a U r t o niatl aatad of the *akt nMrOmgeJpraaakaa. ttm aujr claim an lodboal*rlfiffioVrtrer or a*M Interest in UM Mid

Tb^jCari .Mr are avalw •

f . _ aa tk* cmabaad* marofihe aild B h a 7aae Hoove* (bora

Di*.' Jaae BJatr), Iato Cartrifbl. [bomI*«alBkir,) aid WUk* dim* (baraMatWillakr.)! tk* ohUdna aad kifci atla* of 4*mH OatW Blair, UM^aald

aattea, you auy (iaimooortanf or tali tat ia

, I W Marea 11 th.

IM aad the faoia* On»*a* aa««i«ua)-

•l ltimii a«rltata« (katrCaia^KU-

"4LBCRT LEA ROUTE."A K*w and DITKI :A V*w lOd Dlnei U u ,

KorfoU. W fnan » m , CkM * X t t d S l L U I


Ua u d 8*. FAU Thionch

Truao.ell* tad St. Ful u f U l « » r t l m petau.a paiiu.

oo FMI MxpnmTwkrt* lot Ml* *t tUprtoolpal riekat OOeaaUa

ta« Voiwd 8ux«* aadCaaada.»•*»•*« ea*ek(d lanoch tad rate* «f tan »!-.

«*T* M tow u eomptttlon thai o*ar U*a acraaxla***.

Foe rtttailflii iAfwnaatloaKfM Ik* ***ip* *a* ^otA*«n of la*

GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE.AJ/ou u t m t TMkat Oa«t, *r tddraa*«. t . CABLE, C 8T. JOMM,


Tie iuwicin Popnkr Dijtan, $1.00-~~ ' TUn MaM **4 •*>-

eia>Mlia*<e>l lvrarf aae

kuVli|OL It n*~ m t i ui


( • W K 1 ! IHrilinrj•MO »>!*, tad la*

uljr JSfotloftafy

ipaiftADbUi M j l i l i i IUM. H«<*. »L ». b«« tept *l

la* Aaurtcaa r»p«U» Ptntoaarr (taartrand). la* in**.M u t M M*k *«cMUuat<: paa-aaM I t u ) *tinm• Mt tf a I a r t U IWMI I U I U W I T««

W«*U aaatMaHM^*: U» ( u w H . ItwTatk.Our readers wiU find thU

VHHuUrfkU book the cheap-est Dictionary pubiUJud. TiusinforwuUion it contains lavoortkman* tinges the amount oaibedfar U> and it should b*i»th«potttttUm of everybody. WithihUbookinth* lioraru for refer-enee, many other much more ex-pensive works can be -dispensedwith, and ignorance of hi*country, history, business, lavn,etc. Is inexcusable in any man.Note the prioe, 91, post-paid.

CUT THIS OUT!$155840

Wa have *toraa In 15 loading Cltlea,



Birds HOLBKN'S Nrr lk<o«ou lllrdi, lai|ni ,N) Ulu»-ir»lu.n> All t«cl> oil »U

|.« llalara'* IUr4nud Muuilil;. Atliei™ uuU«lli> , lUi«ui£, l'U«-*«m.

mple c»(.; IS crnu,

M«*rmaln«|inNew Uini«, l4Tr, K«>o4l,Birvl U»k>(. f lW>K*

&lnfut. l t*J(>£ur< frrv

CAN AH I KM.l.v(Bl«Ji 8luyrn, tttiTiiitnl lu tull, p 90 ilid |1 .

St. Atidrt*t>Wtv Caiurira, bt-il, wtlrr and *u(ri v, Irtlucd rincrrv, %i. (.'&i # t( luwrvl price*.

llirdt **te l'\ rxprc*«. I'uJK-ct un (Jcllvrt; .tt. J. IIOLDKN, mi a ih Alt., New V»rk.

WORTH 6INDINC FOR.Dr. J . 11. HCIIKNCK, or niiU4cluoU. hatlu»l piiMutird i Iwk VII " D I M U a U O#THK Lt'NVa A I D HOW THKY OAKB)K t'l'HKD," vrhicb i. oSrtea Ifrw, IK*Upaid, (o ill tbpjicaiiu. II rouuui* rai»*tU \i\fvr-matiMk tot »Ii Mho tuppo«« tbciiuclrr* *fllicur4wllh.oc lUUclp,lux il\*AKat lbe throal ui lMn«.Addrw., 1)H J II tK'UKNCK * M).S, SOJ Arc.si., PwiaUdptxU, rt. r . u . B u x a o a .

4000 AND

Addwu A. 1. UliOfK, llirrttburgli, Ha

• • icllcloUTrr

1MFBOVKD HOOT UfKB!•<•. iwrkaiio u t k o • (atlwU of *

Klou*. xlioWduc, ipaikltuK wa»p<r»n«. A«k luurdu^l. l , or Mai by lull (ojV. K. UlltKW. « X. i>eU A M . Hiilad*.

WAiTtDI Afl*flU t«r Ike " UI* »nd Tim**" (I

FKKUEUU K D01QLA88,Wnilru l>r kluarlf t'rira ii.lt). Oalrtrall" 1'iu-lc TUUI'I C »tiiu" lu Llinllinjf uxi rouaou«Inlcrci. full/ iilailnltd. I'AftK VVB UU.,Uartlunt. Cuuu.

HELLO!AfvnU can »•»» laor* mtnrjtttVmgott M l

Tal»Bh«liw lhaa la aar Mhrr batlMN. S*Mf | f « taapt* fall *M «lr* to |M( spsn* «t-hlhtl. rUU*tattia*>,atMraal«^ <*r mtmtj t*-' ' ' Unr* pfoau- Addnaa,

111». CUM ft., 0*uria«,

CHARLES AVERYCoerry .. lUhway,




Beadtitnet tnm • U«ai« oo tb« tin;.—

DteaaWby Dr. AJrred L Cutkcu^

A d taat aMdrni r_,atractiacaatata«caaHa{diia«lata»ac«a oT ta* aanh,m i l , tad bait • * • » at t-n

t*. aav* tak«B to Ulikk l a t tha PUBBB * pl*t*> *) w*r^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ w w i -• —

uoa B* a kaowiain oftaxnallnr froanthe Mdl


to elBed*

a With wrmn^SSi •ivd'othi't 'al?:TWr are kM away and thiiaAlm*J uu::oothaa-ti iuwmd wtlh moch can . -' th»var*pottotoh»da,aBdcouU u.

_ , , aWUmd, sad atvar tieot on, th,Doha™. Batal(hlafMrai£tit. for i .;•ihtui maltcnof row own botllM cu: t .ratioo aad. reaplralloo aiMi tultu;!>- *Baltd* SBaUMT after ammtt UJ t.:OX roar famllj t«*aMd on the lam* Ks:•oa <aa*H aJ* uckacaa. and perlupi::. ithtt, T«wro«vac children hav« tiept c^

exrreOooi o f ^ U t r bodies. On this K : :He ; t h * < n n * t h a n d a w b t w e or roar t . .

• '-• - » n d ft:<cbaekiUfoalnaeatad

tact *ith, *otoBlTth«T*JM» and»iU>«T«r»ab»orbli>tpoi»iayoort«xlvroar b*d room on i norninc after h»v•.:..a o M i l t takiW p«r» air, »»o the •aK«(* roo IM *>OU tUainf. Make A t& •from wakk at* uiMn t patient aft>-:apply joaj »o*tril»; If TOO k»t» t itonutan carnr kwajr It* own cooUoB, J»MI in-be ait led. Ujroaltt*«rlt«pr*di»poni:>'cb x k Inflmmalkm oi foo.uni|.irb*uuxkm. Inflimmalkm oi foo.uni|.i:. : .

tcaoM of dnralopmeot far mar* poteu: : J- •.MaaBca RtT«r Bottom* can ra»nle."

If TOO want to tnii the dAncert trUr.--! .UM abOTT, f«: 7O<u b*d* nnoralrduid c\^.k.tfcauaan rmttm. AU glutinoiu cut*uaoTod fromUM qallL «*ch nhre *ep«r»'. 1 ;-.i1U nutted coodltloo, lncreMing the bulk. •.': vm m o*«-4hiid to OM-half. Ii il*o

UBaTROVS AU. MOTUS1orhabiMr lo them lhen«ft«; iwuovo L J,nteahle unell, (coounon uaoog new U •.••.ihcrtbr reUotinlf houatiKiwr« from much : ithoat Uitlf bed*. In fKl. II ta»T*olhM-j; <•••«.uto old « n«« fralher*. Oor w«k »t»nJ« •• .• -ownnwriu. Oar fteiUUea ut lacn Hut i. >.Uk« and ittan bed* th« u » d».T, well r : i--.tod readj- for a*e, for

II Only &** Per Bod.owi »nd BoUlor. i! tuml > . -.

with the bed.gf W« w»n»nt p«rfrcl Mti»f»ciiou >r •.•..«». i

cham. W*would re»pect/ullj lauto C:\. ..:.. .to »or »hoc> and ie« the machine mil ;;• ><;-:.

d J d f h ^ A . J U k l l v .



I. C. Monroe's Remedy,Without tho use of tyitiiilne.

WAKKANTKU ASl'KK (I 1UWhich many I'roailnciil

Can TeitlfT.

A»k your I)rugj;i.'-t fer'il ut Ail



101 JORALEMON ST.,Brooklyn, N. Y.


lmm«nw 8al«a! Boya Wanted!Kim tilirr! Uood ('OIUIIIIMKHI! W ' L A I I - - ;

C'hraino caidi, 5 Kliruiiom> A t,«0> c r o ul . . : : • •|m«idenu »V » l l m . H. V. J K J

T k




Main S t andi Milton Avo.,It AH WAY, N. .1.

Ttl* (.'barter uf 111* lUh««J Mutual KIIV h .'»tif» Compan; h*riu( been « i Ir udrri f(,r H i mYear* ftom April WW, lh<- Compan) I, prrpair-l ii-U*ue rVllflr« of liuuranre lo run Trn Ve«n m. il <mo*t ftvurabl* leru» tu be luiured.





This Cumjiaiiy i\>uliiiuen to

Etc, againtt KM*or damsgc by IIrv

o> XHI xorr raroiABLi


AtDarUaiur prefer. TkedUcrn* of rUI>«<!aad It* mrrvqndlm counirr «re *olldled to availIMW»fl»»» of the fwlllDe* and tdt«u(*j,Tiof*fWb)rlkU iNtttnilon

Elji creu Bin W:sUfrciaallrIhe naa*i pa**a*r« ofCalarrhal »lru», rauiInn heatttijr •rrrr.UOM. allaja liitUniauttoo. protarl* ll,«n«*Bbr»B«i from aJJ ,Itotlal cold*. «"«plelrlr bea'i lb« fcur. ;*ad restore* Ih* wof 'wt* and uurllBeartcisl rwulu ar»icaltanl bf > h* ar>-ptlouiow. A itiwough Irvstaieut vl"nn Catarrh. Ha; >Vm , ««. UiwouaMfor roW* ia th* headAkiwahle to u«. Applvhjp Ibe Mill* Ibfrr

OB venipl of 50r will mail •

OO.. Ow«co, N. Y



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