danika palaci's portfolio

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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My portfolio.



Danika Palaci1

2Danika Palaci

UCA Planner

This is a hand-painted cover I made for the planners we got given at university. The boring photo and font that were originally on the front cover were not sufficient enough to make an interesting planner. I wanted to create something that was live and much more interesting to look at, especially at those mundane lectures.

This was a journal I created for my sister’s birthday. Both the front and back, and the spine as well, were all drawn and hand-painted. Most of the drawings on the book represent a certain something- whether it is an inside joke, a hobby, a liking of a particular object. The aim of this project was to make it as personal as possible to give it a sentimental value.


3Danika Palaci

Gram-Mation is a concept I came up with to show viewers the correct use of an apostrophe. The idea came from seeing how badly people spell and punctuate nowadays. I wanted to create an animation which could show a fun and humourous way of teaching people the correct use of punctuation. To do this I came up with a story about an Apostrophe that is looking for a new home. The houses are made up of words where people will commonly place an apostrophe when it is not needed.


4Danika Palaci

This was a project for a D&AD student award brief, provided by the Little White Lies magazine. The aim was to create a front cover for the magazine based on one of the top five movies that had been released in the year. I decided to do a Black Swan cover. As we had to use a portrait of the main character’s face I wanted to try and make it look as different as possible; I did this by using origami cranes in only three colours - black, grey and white - to recreate Natalie Portman’s face.


5Danika Palaci

This was for a project provided by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst where we were required to create an artefact that would represent what we thought Germany would look like in 2051. By asking the natives I was told that they thought their country would be taken over by big international companies. From hearing this I decided to look at logos, in particular the most well-known ones. I placed them on a map of Berlin to show how overcrowded the city would become by 2051. The German logos are in black and white.


6Danika Palaci

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