dance graduation - qut · empty beats for lonely dancers sam williams 10 bruised moments vanessa...

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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Empty Beats For Lonely DancersSam Williams

10 Bruised Moments

Vanessa Mafé

Taken By WordsPaul Zivkovich

EXTRAordinary CONFESSIONS Alice Hinde

DANCE 09 Dance Graduation


2 George Street

BrISBAne QLD Australia 4000

Ph. (07) 3138 4455 or


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CrICOS no. 00213J

© QUT 2009 Produced by QUT Precincts


Welcome to Dance Grad 2009. Many of you will have seen our essentially Dance season in June this year and enjoyed the choreographic work from some of our distinguished alumni - Yolande Brown, Clare Dyson, Lesley Livesey and partner Kym Stokes, Angus Lugsdin and Fiona Malone. This was such a rich experience for both our students and audience that we have continued to profile our graduate’s work in the final season for the year.

Alice Hinde has been working with Dancenorth for the past four years and has recently left to continue working with Gavin Webber on his next project, rock Show with regurgitator at QPAC opening november 23rd. Vanessa Mafe is well known to Brisbane audiences, initially as a performer with Queensland Ballet and now as an independent artist. Both Alice and Vanessa have skilfully challenged our third year students with diverse and demanding works, preparing them for transition into the industry.

Paul Zivkovich is currently working with Bonachela Dance Company in the UK and as a guest with Sydney Dance Company. He has worked energetically with our second year students who perform with passion and great commitment. Our first year students have had the pleasure of working with Brisbane-based choreographer Samantha Williams who is also performing with hip hop crew, Boogie Love.

We value highly the professional input from our esteemed alumni and know their work will benefit our current student’s progression toward their career goal as performers. We hope you will enjoy this evening of new and exciting dance works and thank you for being a supportive audience.

Shaaron BoughenDiscipline Leader, Dance


FULL-TIMESHAArOn BOUGHen Discipline Leader, Lecturer in Choreography, Performance StudiesCSABA BUDAY Lecturer in Contemporary Dance, ChoreographySUSAn CAULFIeLD-LeCLerCQ Production Coordinator, Lecturer in Ballet AVrIL HUDDY Lecturer in Contemporary Technique, Alignment eVAn JOneS Lecturer in Ballet rACHeL PeDrO Lecturer in Dance Theory, Subject Area CoordinatorKYM STeVenS Lecturer in Primary education

SESSIONALKrISTen BeLL Secondary educationMArK BrInKLeY Pas de deux FIOnA CULLen Contemporary Technique, MADOnnA eLLABY Pilates, Dance Technique nICOLe GALeA Tutor, Ballet Technique WenDY LArAGHY Ballet TechniqueVAneSSA MAFe-KeAne Ballet TechniqueJASOn nOrTHAM Contemporary Technique SKYe SeWeLL ChoreographyBILL SIMPSOn Tap SAMAnTHA WILLIAMS Hip Hop, Jazz, Choreography LISA WILSOn Contemporary TechniqueZAIMOn VILMAnIS Contemporary Technique


PASS TEAM (PEAk AChIEVEMENT SkILLS AND STRATEgIES)AMY SHeLDOn Massage TherapistJAn SMITH Physiotherapist, Anatomy LecturerDr. Gene MOYLe Sports and Dance Psychologist


* Indicates Creative Industries Technical Production student

PRODUCTION TEAM Dance Production Coordinator SUSAn CAULFIeLD–LeCLerCQ QUT Precincts Production Coordinator JeFF WArnICK Lighting Designer JASOn OrGAn Costume Designer SHAArOn BOUGHenCostume Makers HAnnAH GArTSIDe, rACHeL TILBUrY Stage Manager SArAH KenneDY*Deputy Stage Manager JeSSIe rASMUSSen*Deputy Stage Manager BrITTAnY WHITInG*Assistant Stage Manager (Set) DArren HAWKInS*

Head electrician SCOTT BArTOn*Lighting Operator nICK TOLL*

Sound & AV/Projection MATTHeW STrACHAn*AV / Projections Operator JOnATHAn THOMSOn*Sound Operator JASOn BOSHLer*

Flys* LeWIS CArneY


PRODUCED FOR ThE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES FACULTY BY QUT PRECINCTS Director PrOF. PeTer LAVerY Operations Manager JILL STAnDFIeLDMarketing Officer ALISOn MArTInSenior Theatre Technician TOnY BrUMPTOnWorkshop Supervisor BrenDAn WrIGHTAdministration Officer MOnICA CAIrnS

QUT CREATIVE INDUSTRIES TEChNICAL PRODUCTION STAFF Technical Production Coordinator GeOrGe MeIJer Lecturer – Stage Management CArLY O’neILL

1st YEAR PERFORMANCE emma BarnetMichelle BarnettDanika ButlerKate DangerfieldSiobhan Dumigan Bridget ewartLauren GrowChristina HayesJake KuzmaKatrina Little emma MarrenAshleigh Musk Simon Polsen Portia risson Tehillah rossCourtney Scheu Trudy SchofieldAnne Willatt Jacob WilliamsKellie Wilson

2nd YEAR PERFORMANCE Alexander Bryce Jade Coutts Andrea Dighton Joel Fenton Lachlan Geraghty Po Han Hsu Tsai Hsi Hung Lucy Ingham PIa Moore Catherine Mullins Catherine ryan Amelia Stein emmy Steiner Hannah Taylor rebecca Waterhouse

3rd YEAR PERFORMANCE Gabriel Comerford Gemma Dawkins Jake Deegan rhiannon Farlow Gemma HansenAbby Johnson Caitlin MacKenzie Todd Madden Kathryn neumann Sheriden newman Hannah Peake Sheree Saye Hannah Timbrell


Gabriel Comerford Gemma Dawkins Jake Deegan

rhiannon Farlow Gemma Hansen Abby Johnson

Caitlin Mackenzie Todd Madden Kathryn neumann

JASON ORgAN AssocDipAT, BCAEJason graduated from Brisbane College of Advanced education, now QUT, in 1988. He is co–founder of JLX Productions, a Queensland based production design and technical consultancy whose clients stretch from community theatre groups, major arts organisations and festivals, to corporate presentation and events. Jason’s design credits include FIGArO VArIATIOnS, POWer and SOnATA FOr Ten HAnDS for rock and roll Circus; THe LITTLe MerMAID, GISeLLe and e-MOTIOn for Queensland Ballet; THe TALe OF MOnKeY for Grin & Tonic

Theatre Troupe; THe rOAD TO MeCCA, SITCOM FeSTIVAL and AMerICAn BUFFALO for Queensland Theatre Company; SeeMS LIKe YeSTerDAY and YArnIn’ UP for Kooemba Jdarra; and WAY OUT WeST, SVeTLAnA In SLInGBACKS and SCAr for La Boite Theatre Company. Jason was the 2006 recipient of the QPAC Matilda Award for Services to the Arts in Queensland.

ShAARON BOUghEN MA Uni of kent, BA(hons) Laban Centre, UkShaaron is Discipline Leader for Dance and supervises Postgraduate Studies in Dance. She has worked as a performer and teacher in the UK and Australia and has an extensive practice as a choreographer (over 30 works), curator and costume designer. Shaaron taught contemporary dance techniques for many years and is still involved in choreographing and teaching choreography, alignment for dancers, and collaborative forms of practice across all the disciplines in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. Shaaron’s recent choreographic

practice has diversified into collaborative practices with architecture, music, fashion and digital media forms. Shaaron is the Queensland Dance reviewer for THe AUSTrALIAn and has published in reALTIMe, InnOVATIOn In AUSTrALIAn ArTS MeDIA AnD DeSIGn and CUrrenCY COMPAnIOn TO MUSIC AnD DAnCe In AUSTrALIA. She has facilitated many post-performance discussions with leading international and national choreographers and is on The Australian Dance Awards Panel which was created in 1997 to acknowledge and honour excellence in the professional dance sector in Australia.

Sheridan newman Jane O’Loughlin Hannah Peake

Sheree Saye Hannah Timbrell

ALICE hINDEAlice graduated from the Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) in 2005. For the past four years she has been a full-time dancer with Dancenorth, performing in all works and touring extensively within Australia and to Vienna to participate in IMPULS TAnZ 2008. In 2006 she choreographed and performed with Kate Harman in their first professional work THIS YOU MADe OF Me with a redevelopment in 2007. Alice was acknowledged within Dance Australia’s Critics Choice Survey as being Most Outstanding Dancer for her performances in Dancenorth’s national tour of UnDerGrOUnD from September

to november 2008.

VANESSA MAFÉ MFA, QUTVanessa Mafé graduated from Stuttgart Ballet School and danced with The Queensland Ballet for seven years. Fulfilling her ambitions to live and work overseas she spent 10 years in Geneva, as a soloist with Le Ballet du Grand Theatre and freelance artist with Vertical Danse - Compagnie noemi Lapzeson as well as performance group Co M-S-K. In Brisbane, Vanessa obtained her MFA (QUT) and is involved in the local dance community as a practitioner and teacher. Her choreographic works often explore collaborations between video, sound and

installation. examples include SePArATInG SHADOWS (2006), PAPer TeArS, PAPer TeArS (2007) and SKIn GrAFT which was redeveloped for expressions Dance Company’s Dance Makers Season (2009).

SAMANThA WILLIAMSSince graduating from QUT Sam has worked throughout Brisbane, Melbourne and London as a performer, choreographer and teacher. In 2004 and 2005 performing with the expressions education Team touring LIneS In THe SAnD and CHAnCe THe DAnCe and choreographing the film clip Balloons for UK band Foals in 2007. Sam currently performs with hip hop crew Boogie Love and is a guest teacher at QUT taking hip hop and jazz. She also teaches and choreographs for the Aboriginal Centre for Performing Arts, community arts group Contact Inc and dance studios Mad Dance House and river City Dance as well as taking workshops at various high schools throughout Brisbane.

PAUL ZIVkOVIChBorn in Australia, Paul works both at home and abroad as a dancer, choreographer, filmmaker and teacher. Paul first trained as a gymnast and successfully competed nationally for five years. He began dancing in 1999 and in 2002 graduated from QUT Dance. Paul has since worked with Garry Stewart’s Australian Dance Theatre, rafael Bonachela’s Bonachela Dance Company (London) and Sydney Dance Company, nigel Jamieson’s HOnOUr BOUnD and Opera Queensland, as well as various artists and organisations internationally. For his performance in ADT’s HeLD Paul received ‘Most Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer’

at the 2004 Australian Dance Awards. Paul has created several short dance films that have screened internationally and most recently co-directed and choreographed MOTHS with Closer Productions and restless Dance Theatre. MOTHS is part of the neCeSSArY GAMeS triptych and has won numerous awards, including ‘Best Short Film’ at the 2009 South Australian Screen Awards. Paul has also been featured in short dance films/installations created in Australia, France and UK. 2009 Guangdong Modern Dance Festival, China, Third Year BFA Performance


Choreographer ALICe HInDe in collaboration with the DAnCerSCast 3rd YeAr DAnCerS Costume Designer SHAArOn BOUGHen AnD VAneSSA MAFÉ Film Designer FenLAn CHUAnGMusic arranged by MATT COrneLL, StudioOther eXTrAordinary COnFeSSIOnS is a response to the PostSecret community art project where people anonymously mail secrets on one side of a blank postcard. Since 2005 approximately 180,000 secrets have been sent.

This piece lays bear our private fears, hopes, regrets and desires and explores our struggle to express ourselves. Sometimes a secret we keep from ourselves only becomes true after we read it on a stranger’s postcard.

I would like to warmly thank the 3rd year students for their brave confessions.

10 Bruised Moments

Choreographer VAneSSA MAFÉCast 3rd YeAr DAnCerS Costume Designer SHAArOn BOUGHen and VAneSSA MAFÉ Composer DAVID PYLe

10 Bruised Moments uses a pack of dancers to explore how bodies move in and out of unison. By sculpting the movement within a pack, strange abstract forms escape into the light. Sometimes a dancer’s only trophies are their bruises. I am delighted for this opportunity to further develop my collaborative practice with composer David Pyle, lighting designer Jason Organ and performer Avril Huddy as well as initiate new ones with costume designer Shaaron Boughen.

Taken by Words

Choreographer PAUL ZIVKOVICH in collaboration with the DAnCerSCast 2nd YeAr DAnCerSCostume Designer SHAArOn BOUGHenMusic Sleeping Giant, JOnSIe AnD ALeX; Hearing is Believing, SCAnner; Don’t Blow It, CLIFF MArTIneZ; Despotiets, eLeGI; Hommage, PATrICK WATSOn

This work is inspired by the phone calls we receive and make throughout our lives.

What we find ourselves needing to share and can’t. Talk about and don’t. Hear and shouldn’t.

Empty Beats for Lonely Dancers

Choreographer SAMAnTHA WILLIAMS in collaboration with the DAnCerSCast 1ST YeAr DAnCerSCostume Designer SHAArOn BOUGHenMusic Echoes of Blue, PASOBIOnIC; Shine, CALSKI

As if the heart beat wasn’t enoughThey got us using drum machines nowThe hums of the machinesTrying to make our drums humdrumsTrying to mute our magic- excerpt from ‘Twice the First Time’ by Saul Williams

empty Beats for Lonely Dancers is inspired by the continual cycle of the work vs. life balance and the desire to dance not because it is a career option but an inherent need.

This work explores the fusion of contemporary and hip hop dance, by combining some of the dynamics and style of hip hop within the movement vocabulary and presenting it within a contemporary structure and context.

Interval 20 minutes



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