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  • DALI – the eas iest way to manage your wor ld of l ight

    A new and stronger organisational structure – Technical and Marketingworkgroups promoting interoperability, global adoption and developingcompetences

    DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) has successfully been growing, both as a stan-dard and as organisation since the 90’s. With more than 80 international members DALI isthe true standard for digital lighting.

    Due to the increasing demand in energy saving, emerging LED solutions and awareness ofLighting Control systems, DALI has become even more important than before. Aiming to pro-vide active participation opportunities to its growing members, grow market competencesand continuously develop the DALI standard; AG DALI recently announced a new organisa-tional structure with a new name. On November 23, the extraordinary general assemblystated new rules for the new working party DALI. The working party will act under thestatutes of the German electrical and electronic manufacturers' association ZVEI based in Frankfurt am Main. (continue page 2)

    CONTENT03 Membership Benefits

    04 A financial view of DALI

    05 DALI – the easy way to manage light

    06 DALI Standardisation

    07 Application Highlights

    08 Product Highlights

    “AG DALI” becomes “DALI group”a working party of ZVEI

    DALI ENLIGHTThe official DALI newsletter

    Issue 2 – August 2013 www.dali-ag.org

    Word from the Chairman

    It has been 8 months since the newlyelected Board of Directors first cametogether and set out guidance for thecontinued growth and success ofDALI. Both a Technical workgroup(TWG) and Marketing workgroup(MWG) were initiated, with good ac-tive member participation. Effectivefrom 1st August these activities willbe supported by a Technical Manager,Dr. Scott Wade. Additionally the recruitment process for the Head ofMarketing has been started by ZVEI.

    With over 80 international membersDALI is gaining popularity to becomethe true global and interoperable lighting standard. New controls devices are being developed withinthe stand ard, with exciting news tofollow during Light + Building 2014.

    Peter van der Kolk,Chairman, Board of Directors DALI group

    DALI at Light + Building 2014

    DALI was represented on the licht.de stand at Light + Building 2012, which is the world’sbiggest trade fair for lighting and intelligent buildings.

    As part of the new DALI organisation we plan to make a stronger appearance of the DALIbrand at Light + Building 2014. Objective is for the industry to discover DALI.

  • 2 DALI ENLIGHT 02 – AUGUST 2013

    Organisation Structure of DALI group,a working party of ZVEI

    General Assembly

    Board of Directors(5 to 9 members)General Manager

    Technical / Logo LicenseWorking Group

    Marketing / PromotionWorking Group

    (continue from page 1)Two new workgroupsDALI has established two new workgroups for its members duringthe first quarter 2013, including a Technical and Marketing work-group. The Technical workgroup will actively work on all technical related matters, including the implementation of the new logo li-censing test procedure. A technical Manager helps to structure thisactivity. The Marketing workgroup will focus on strengthening itsmarketing communications, increase competences in the marketand develop its programme for growing its members across theglobe.

    Election of chairman and boardWith the above changes a new board has been elected. Mr Petervan der Kolk, HELVAR OY AB, has been confirmed in his position aschairman of DALI group.

    Further board members are:

    � Raf Brouwers, Philips Lighting B.V., Deputy Chairman

    � Dr. Thomas Dreier, OSRAM AG

    � Karl-Heinz Fenkart, Tridonic GmbH & Co. KG

    � Kay Pawlik, Erco GmbH

    � Joachim See, Schneider Electric SA

    � Bernd Siebel, Insta Elektro GmbH

    � Michael Spall, BAG electronics GmbH

    � Norbert Wittig, Panasonic Electric Works Vossloh-Schwabe GmbH

    The new DALI board: Kay Pawlik (left), Michael Spall, Norbert Wittig,Peter van der Kolk (Chairman), Raf Brouwers (Deputy Chairman), Dr. Thomas Dreier, Joachim See, Bernd Siebel, Karl-Heinz Fenkart.

  • 3

    Technical benefitsThere is a direct channel of communication between the IEC 62386working group and the DALI group. To prove compatibility with thestandard we developed the DALI test equipment that guaranteesyour product conforms to the DALI protocol. This allows the ownerto brand their product with the DALI logo and promote it on techni-cal datasheets and brochures. Continuing with the fundamental phi-losophy of DALI as an open working group, purchasing the DALI testequipment is not a prerequisite to membership and there are exter-nal test houses that can also test your products.

    The working party DALI has a number of sub working groups and thetechnical working group allows development representatives to workwith their industry contemporaries to evolve the standard for DALI.Participation is encouraged from all members and whilst the largeinternational companies are members, some of the most valuableinput comes from the smaller independent companies operating inniche application areas.

    DALI Membership BenefitsThe working party of ZVEI, DALI group and its associated logo is acknowledged world-wide as the standard forlighting control and has been promoted in all market sectors from component OEM suppliers through to lightingproject designers.

    The benefits of DALI to its members can be summarised into two areas that all companies will appreciate: Technical and Marketing.

    Marketing benefitsThe DALI brand and in particular the logo is the most recognisedemblem of the group and is therefore strongly protected by thegroup. It is the logo that signifies the conformance of our membersproducts to the established standard.

    The unique selling point of DALI is the uniformity of the standard andinteroperability with a range of system components. No other stan-dard in the lighting industry is as open and future proof. In principle,a DALI lighting system can have components from many differentsuppliers and all working from the same standard.

  • 4 DALI ENLIGHT 02 – AUGUST 2013

    A financial view on DALIIn connection with dimmable control gear the DALI standard offers enormous potential energy savings comparedwith conventional lighting installations. But that's not all. In terms of repair and maintenance DALI also offersbenefits that translate into cost savings for operators. These benefits are highlighted below on the basis of acase study for an open-plan office with 50 luminaires and 10 circuits. The estimated costs are based on averagevalues and are expressed as percentages.

    Lower installation costs for changes in existing systemsThe installation costs (initial, without luminaires) of a DALI-basedsystem including programming per light point are assumed to be100%. In comparison, the installation costs (initial, without lumi-naires) per light point for a fixed output system are around 20%lower. The lower installation costs are due to the fact that less ca-bling is needed. If, however, the operator wants to change the cir-cuits then the costs per circuit in the fixed output system are fourtimes higher than those in a DALI system. If, for example, five extracircuits are to be installed then there are considerable additionalcosts involved in the fixed output system for the same number oflight points. In a DALI system, on the other hand, the cost of five re-programming operations is very low indeed.

    Lower maintenance costsBy using DALI emergency lighting systems 10 % of a lighting system is usually equipped with emergency luminaires. With regardto the case study, five emergency luminaires are needed. In a fixedoutput system a trained person performs function tests eachmonth. For the open-plan office this corresponds to an average timeof 10 minutes. In a DALI system there are no additional costs sincefunction tests are performed automatically via a touch panel or acomputer.

    Energy consumption monitoringIn a DALI system the energy consumption per luminaire can bechecked very easily and at no additional cost. Rooms with highusage of light despite the absence of people can be easily identifiedand measures taken to reduce energy consumption. In a fixed outputsystem the energy consumption per luminaire can be determinedonly imprecisely and at additional cost (manual measurement usingan ammeter). The data provides only general information, however,because there is no direct link to a particular luminaire.

    Lamp operation monitoring Similarly, it is very easy in a DALI system to ascertain the lampburning time of each luminaire. Individual maintenance strategies(group replacement or single replacement) can therefore be defineddepending on the application and lamp replacement can be made asefficient as possible. Premature lamp failures (statistical failure rateduring normal operation time: 10% of all light sources) can be easilyidentified. Premature replacement of lamps in the entire lightingsystem can therefore be avoided.

    In addition to these benefits in terms of repair and maintenance, theconsiderable energy savings compared with a fixed output installa-tion are a significant argument. In combination with dimmable bal-lasts and presence and/or daylight sensors energy savings of up to80% can be achieved. DALI, together with dimmable ballasts, offersbenefits throughout the complete lifecycle of a lighting system –from installation, to operation and maintenance.

  • 5

    DALI – the easy way to manage lightEnergy savings, lighting control and flexibility is all combined in DALI

    In an energy conscious world, building lighting management requiresa solution whereby optimum energy saving is achieved with simplelow cost installation and commissioning systems.

    DALI is the easy way to manage light and is the standard of choicefor major luminaire and control gear manufactures. DALI is an open standard that offers a common platform for lighting control systems.

    Luminaires, sensors, emergency lights and control panels from dif-ferent manufacturers can be linked to one central DALI control sys-tem using a shared protocol.

    Simple installationAnother big advantage of DALI is the simple and cheap installation,

    a 2 core 1.5mm2 (polarity free) needed to connect all DALI devices.The maximum recommended cable length is 300 m and this can extended by a using a repeater. Each line can accommodate up to16 groups per line.

    DALI control devices or separate commissioning tools perform auto-matic addressing and discovery of all DALI devices e.g. sensors,drivers and control panels. This software helps to create groups andscenes and significantly reduces the commissioning time and cost.Afterwards, the user or commissioning agent can create groups andscenes for their specific requirements.

    Using DALI creates future proof installations that are flexible, afford-able and user friendly.

    IEC 62386

    DALI Award 2014: Apply now! The working party DALI is inviting entries from all over theworld for the fifth DALI Award, a prestigious prize for out-standing DALI-based lighting projects. Participation is open tolighting design and architecture offices as well as luminaire,ballast and control equipment manufacturers.

    � Reference projects can be in private, industrial, commercialor public sector.

    � They have to be realised between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2013.

    � Criteria include energy efficiency, convenience of operationand lighting design.

    � Closing date for applications is 31 January 2014.

    Full information about the application process and the DALIAward 2014 will soon be available at: www.dali-ag.org. Finalists will receive their awards in April 2014 at the world’s largest lighting trade fair, Light + Building in Frankfurt am Main.See you in Frankfurt!

  • 6 DALI ENLIGHT 02 – AUGUST 2013

    Summary of DALI Standardisation

    New editions of existing parts of the standardDuring the last week of June 2013, the IEC 62386 DALI projectteam met in Washington, following this, the following three draftswere being edited before their submission as a CDV (CommitteeDraft for Voting):

    For parts 101 and 102, edition 2 will replace the edition 1 versionsthat were published in 2009. For part 103, this will be the first edi-tion. The main changes in parts 101 and 102 are:

    101 – System: The bus timing requirements that were previouslysplit across parts 101 and 102 are now been improved and broughttogether in part 101. Edition 2 also now includes requirements formulti-master timing, wiring, improved requirements for bus powersupplies and improved test sequences.

    102 – General Requirements – Control Gear: All non control gear requirements have been removed. In addition, test sequences areimproved.

    New parts of the standard: Control devicesCurrently, the published standard only covers requirements for con-trol gear. Standardisation of control devices will give the benefits ofinteroperability between control devices from different manufactur-ers, as well as standardised behaviour.

    This makes it easier for customers to choose the right control de-vices for their application, and gives a wider choice of products and

    manufacturers. The first part of the standard for Control Devices isnow being submitted as a CDV (timetable above):

    103 – General requirements – Control devices: This first editiongives requirements for the frame structure.

    Particular requirements for control devices are in parts 3xx, withthe first of these being drafted now:

    301 – Push buttons and binary inputs: This first edition is being submitted as a CD (Committee Draft), with a commenting period of3 months.

    302 – Rotaries and sliders: draft commencing now.

    303 – Presence detectors: draft being prepared for review by thenext project team meeting.

    304 – Light sensor: DALI member companies will be given a shortquestionnaire to determine which features they are interested instandardising.

    Other parts 3xx are currently under discussion.

    Number IEC Title Draft CD CDV FDIS Publication62386- Target

    101 System 1/2013 2/2013 6/2013 01/2014 06/2014

    102 Control Gear – General requirements 1/2013 2/2013 6/2013 01/2014 06/2014

    103 Control Devices – General requirements 1/2013 2/2013 6/2013 01/2014 06/2014

    DALI Standardization Framework (existing & outlook)

    101 (Ed.2)basic system

    103Control devices

    301Push buttons


    binary inputs

    302Rotaries and






    3xxOther devices

    102Control gear



    204LV Halogen

    209 Colour control

    202 EmergencyNEW DEVICES

    210 Sequencer







    Standardisation FrameworkThe diagram shows the existing andplanned outlook of the standard, includingparts being written now. Devices are splitinto Control Gear, sometimes called slaves,and Control Devices.

    Part 101, “System”, is common acrossboth Control Gear and Control Devices.There is a common part, 102, for ControlGear, with specific types of Control Gearcovered in parts 2xx. There is also a com-mon part, 103, for Control Devices, withspecific types of Control Devices covered in parts 3xx.

  • 7

    DALI simplicityseature & benefitsApplication Highlights

    Project: The Shard

    The Shard is Europe’s tallest building, and a Delmatic DALI systemcontrols lighting throughout front-of-house, shell & core and officeareas as well as providing DALI emergency testing and monitoringthroughout the building

    DALI is used throughout the building and the system is a perfect ex-ample of the benefit of applying different DALI strategies to differentareas of a project.

    The system uses an extensive range of Delmatic DALI products –plug-in modules in office areas with broadcast and buswire modulesin core areas – as well as DALI presence detectors, multisensors,switches, scene-set panels, and emergency monitoring devices.

    Company: Delmatic Ltd., www.delmatic.com

    Project: Statoil Headquarters

    2012 saw international energy company Statoil move their headquar-ters into a brand new office building in Fornebu, near Oslo, Norway. Thebuilding is almost 70,000m2 and houses 2,500 employees in its ninefloors and five wings.

    Vanpee Norge, with Fagerhult, provided Helvar DALI lighting control tothe entire building including over 7000 Helvar DALI components rangingfrom DIGIDIM 910 routers, sensors and panels to controllable ballasts.

    Energy efficiency was the key reason for the extensive DALI system’s installation. The system houses thousands of sensors to ensure usershave adequate lighting at all times whilst presence/absence detectorsreduce unnecessary expenditure.

    Company: Helvar Oy AB, www.helvar.com

    ImprintPublisher DALI group, ZVEI Product Division Lighting, Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

    Tel. +49 69 6302-350 E-Mail dali@zvei.orgFax +49 69 6302-400 www.dali-ag.org

    Design rfw. kommunikation, Darmstadt

    Project: Intesa Sanpaolo Office Building

    The Intesa Sanpaolo Office Building represents a major urban pro jectfor the second Italian banking group and the city of Turin: indeed, theBuilding will be the second tallest construction of the Piedmont re-gion capital, when works will be completed.

    Linea Light Group actively collaborated with the planner and the cus-tomer for the lighting system, supplying high-comfort LED pendantluminaires, Zoe: 950 lamps are installed on and controlled thanks tothe DALI protocol, offering a customized indirect light – 70% of theluminous flux goes upwards.

    This enables for a perfect illuminance control, integrating the abun-dant natural light coming in the through the structure.

    Company: Linea Light Group, www.linealight.com

  • 8 DALI ENLIGHT 02 – AUGUST 2013

    DALI simplicityseature & benefitsProduct Highlights

    Company: Crestron Electronics, www.crestron.com

    Category: Dimmable LED drivers

    Description: The new line of Crestron dimmable LED drivers provideshigh-power LED lighting with deep dimming to below 1%. Available in50W and 100W models with DALI, GLD-LED drivers offer superior,smooth dimming technology using a combination of duty-cycle andcurrent dimming.

    DALI-controlled models are available in versions that allow outputchannels to be independently controlled for multiple LED sources. Forfixtures featuring direct and indirect lighting strategies, independentoutput channel control capability in a single driver reduces the LEDdriver requirement by half.

    Company: helvar, www.helvar.com

    Category: Switching modules

    Description: Helvar introduces new DALI relay modules. The 492 isa DALI single channel Power Relay Unit allowing switching of mainsloads. Its volt-free latching high-inrush relay is rated 16A.The 493 isa DALI single channel Signaling Relay Unit offering a volt free contactsignaling interface to other building systems. Its normally-open signalrelay is rated 60V AC/DC at 0.5A max. Both modules come in asmall robust enclosure with strain relief for independent use.

    Company: Mackwell, www.mackwell.com

    Category: Emergency Luminaires

    Description: XYLUX LD5 Self Contained DALI Emergency Luminaire from Mackwell. The latest self-contained LED DALI luminaire incorpo-rating a LED module and battery pack. With its two unique lens de-signs, the XYLUX LD5 offers versatility and can be adapted to suitits location whether it is an escape route or an open area, dependentupon the light distribution output required.

    Company: BAG electronics, www.bagelectronics.com

    Category: Electronic control gear units

    Description: Consistent development of multi-lamp technology:BAG presents a new DALI ECG generation for T5 and TC-L lamps.– Best possible A1 BAT energy efficiency class– Combined DALI / Push-DIM interface– High flexibility and reduced type diversityBAG electronics, the inventor of multi-lamp technology, has consis-tently expanded its spectrum of DALI-dimmable electronic ballasts(ECGs) for T5 and TC-L lamps. The latest MLD-EVO II DIM genera-tion with a total of eight versions covers almost all typical applica-tion areas for T5 and TC-L lamps, and is available from the middle of 2013.

    To receive your regular DALI ENLIGHT copy, please register at www.dali-ag.org

    The new BAG MLD-EVO II DIM generation

    New Helvar relay module

    Self-contained DALI emergency luminaire by Mackwell

    New Crestron LED Drives

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